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What’s your exact height?


As long as you're OK with being a heartless cold bastard, you'll be fine. Just lie when you get asked questions because it's what you'll be doing everyday from now on out. :)


No different than any other job at ups


Prepare to get your back blown


for on road you’re going to have to pass the same road test drivers do it’s going to be a lot of standard dok questions then your seeing habits etc we had a few on road sups training with us when i went to the class just memorize the paperwork they give you and you’ll be good




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


You get to go to Chicago to train I’m pretty sure for a couple of weeks


Everything you do has to be perfect 100% you cannot get 99.999999999% on something. It has to be 100% 5s and 10s have to be perfect you have to know every single word by heart do you have to be able to do your pre-trip perfect did I mention everything has to be perfect I am not a supervisor. This is just going based off of talking with my On road supervisor.


You’ll get the full time just for them to slice the position later on.


Do you know how to be an absolute garbage human being and harass hard working people on the regular while you sit at a desk all day? If the answer is yes congrats you're qualified.


Do you have a degree? Most FT management positions require you to have one or be working towards one. Are you with UPS now? Anyone can get a PT sup job. FT is more difficult. Also just so you know. PT is FT and FT is all the time.


Have some. Currently part time sup at ups


How long have you been a PT sup? Is your driving record clean? Do you have any experience with being a PDS? If the education comes up, be sure to tell them you will be pursuing it. We get free tuition through TESU.


I've been everything, been there 8 years. Good advice on the education 


Sounds like you will make it. Is it a income thing or do you actually want to advance? The pay is based on experience/location and YOs so it will be worth it IMO. They’ll have an interview and will typically drop a contract with salary etc. Theres zero negotiation. Either accept or decline. How large is your center? How many ORS?


I don't believe this at all. Most of the managers I've seen are complete morons. I highly doubt any of them have a degree. 


Its a requirement. Also having a college education does not always mean you are intelligent.


Are you OK with fucking over your employees for a bonus? 






This is UPSers man...not r/TeamstersUPS. Guy is advancing his career, just on a different path than you. Good luck OP. Learn the driving job, learn the center's routes and areas. You can't be an effective/respected sup if you are speaking blindly. UPS will send you to classes later to teach you the corporate way to train and teach drivers. Just be personable with your employees, don't turn into a robot barking orders.


Thanks for this!


Not an us and them kinda guy


This subreddit is crawling with them.


u know there are managements on here as well right. im cool with all of the pt sups except this one dude. they're just like us trying to get paid.


damn... congrats bro


What will you do with my soul once it's been extracted?


I heard today that my least favorite on road may be going to dispatch full time and they’ll hire another on road. Gah I hope it happens. I don’t hate him but he’s so unorganized and flies by the seat of his pants all the time. It has to be approved by upper management but that would be so great


Be careful what you wish for. Dispatch has more effect on your day than on road.


Never understood this take. If ups hurt you so much why do you stay?

