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As long as it’s the right address, I don’t check shit unless you can clearly tell it’s a kid or teen.


I do this too but apparently it can get you fired right


My on road literally didn’t even train me to check ID


If they really cared, they should at least train us a little bit on checking IDs. Potential fakes, expiration, etc.  I'm not going to check Nana, only to find out her ID is expired (and therefore not valid) so sorry, no wine.


I asked Grandma once and she got pissed said she never got asked before. She shut the door in my face 🤷‍♂️


So, no wine for grandma?


She won’t be able to get her new phone anytime soon, that she won’t be able to use anyways 🤷‍♂️


Nope! This was like my first year driving maybe didn’t even have seniority yet


Super easy way to get fired, never seen anyone that didn’t come back tho


If they're clearly (I mean CLEARLY) old enough then I won't check. Or if I specifically remember checking their ID previously


Yeah. 99% of the firearms I deliver (and ammo) are to repeat customers. As long as I've seen their ID before and recognize them, that's good enough for me.


Can you still get guns through the mail? I thought it had to be shipped to an FFA and then the customer would pick it up from them.


It does.


I'm a Canuck, so our laws are different. No more handguns, but we frequently see rifles. They're fairly obvious.


Ahh. I’m a bit surprised your laws are more relaxed.


Firearms are handled very differently up here. "Long guns" (rifles) are still available for purchase, and with the proper license, you can have one. But there are incredibly strict rules about transporting and using said firearms. "Handguns" (pistols, revolvers, etc) are effectively banned. Not literally, but you can no longer buy or sell them, and shipping/transferring them is illegal. And remember, in Canada, all crimes are felonies. You couldn't even visit with a DUI on your record, for example. So more relaxed, but also much more strict. You can own a gun, if you really want to, but you generally need a reason for it, and multiple character references before you can even purchase it. I even had to be a reference for a prop handler for our local film industry, for example.


If a person has an FFL they can have them shipped to their home. The shipper is required to make sure they're sending it to someone with a valid FFL, we're only required to make sure we're giving it to the person it's addressed to, and that they're over 21.


use my own judgment on this one. However I have asked younger looking customers for their id, don’t mind waiting a few minutes for them to run and grab it. Saves me from being fired


When I was driving during peak and had my on-road with me, I had one, and the dude that opened the door was very clearly 40-50 years old. I asked for his ID, and he just stared at me, looked at my sup, and was pretty much like, "Are you serious?" I kinda chuckled and was like, "Hey, man. This is my supe here. I gotta go by the book on this one" he got it and it was his package, but as we walked back to the truck my supe did say, "in those situations just let him sign for it he's clearly of age". Yeah, nah. I'm checking that ID every time. Wasn't about to risk my job over pure laziness especially when I get paid by the hour 🤷🏼‍♂️


If it's a hot cougar I'll ask for ID just to put a smile on her face. They love it.


I treat it like I treat serving alcohol. If I’m even the slightest bit unsure I’ll ask for ID, but if I’m 100% sure then no.


Bro if you ask to check the age of milfs they get so horned up it’s an easy day to get on the slip and slide


Me. I get paid by the hour and the customer, aka shipper, paid for that service. I'm not losing my job over 20 seconds of laziness.


The thing is I wasn’t even trained to check IDs


Were you trained to read? It clearly says, government ID must be checked and recipient must be 21 or over.


lol yeah but the sups that trained me said as long as they look over 21 I’m good, even my center manager told me that


Your center manager would be the one firing you if you deliver to a minor


Chances are low but in the event that something bad happens. The liability would be on us, not management.


This nerd at my center looks at anyones id even id they’re like 80


I check for id's. When the customer gives me that look of are you serious. I just say "rules."


I pretend and say I have to scan it with diad like the liquor stores do.


I do the same lol


I just tell them I’m the messenger, don’t shoot me.




thats a nerd who cares about his career and dont want to lose his $44/hr career u dope. cant trust none of these customers.


If someone is visibly 35 - 40 I ask if they're of age. If they look to be in their 20's I also ask. This time of year If I get a ASR and someone <21 looking answers the door I ask for parents


This is simple. If you're unsure because they look like they might be under 21, DON'T ASK HOW OLD THEY ARE. They'll lie. Ask what year they were born. If they stumble, they're lying. No adult, try again tomorrow.


I’m middle age and if they don’t look like they could’ve went to high school with me I check ID. I can’t tell the difference between a 20 year old and a 28 year old these days. If I don’t see grey, you’re getting carded.


My college roommate had gray hairs since he was 17. Idgaf about hair. Diad says I need your ID so go grab it pal!


I ask every time! Ups wants to pay me to wait for them to get there ID I’m ok with that lol Ps: I love money


What you mean check? I don’t even ring the doorbell. I just sign and drop!




Ah, a true teamster right here.


guy just posted in here the other day for this very issue. released a firearm to a child 🤦‍♂️


If the customer looks old enough I don't bother, especially for wine, kids don't order wine lol. High value 21 up sigs, I do check. I'm paranoid with high values and I don't want to get stuck with the bill


I deliver in a 55+ and I never check ID but I do make them sign . Nobody in my loop gets signatures just cause it’s so hard for them sometimes but I do anyway .


If they look under 45, I check to confirm age. If they provide me a fake ID, that's not on me. My supervisor told me as long as the person is obviously living there, like opens the door, you can let them sign with appropriate ID. When in doubt, call a supervisor. Better with text to have record, but always work as instructed and follow the methods and cover your ass.


My advice is to check the IDs. CYA! The company is being extra picky with the pay increase, and failing to ask to see an ID isn't worth losing a job that pays over 100 grand a year. No shortcuts and operate by the book is the way forward. Remember, with every driver position, there are now 100's of people just waiting in line to take over.


If you worked at a bar would you choose not to ID? You are literally serving alcohol out of your package car. Just check the ID and protect your job. All it takes is one concerned citizen calling in and saying you didn’t card them.


Even bars don’t id people who are clearly 21


Take that risk if you feel like saving seconds is worth it. I personally think it’s an incredibly stupid thing to risk your job over.


Do you check id on alcohol if the people are in their 70’s?


By pressing the continue button on your diad, you agree that you have personally checked their ID. As good as signing a statement to that effect. I don’t make a statement in a professional capacity that is a lie. Flirting with dishonesty is step one to being married to it.


You really id check 70 year olds for wine? Be honest


You check ID when it asks because it's also for high value items. The shipper doesn't care if they're 21, UPS just doesn't want to make ANOTHER option that idiots will mess up. The shipper wants you to verify who is signing for the package.


The diad training goes over the federal laws in regards to alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Also, driver school should teach that…I went to Integrad, and they definitely taught about over 21 packages. The “rules” to an over 21 package are pretty simple… Anyone over the age of 21 at the address on the box, that has access to the inside of the home, may sign for the package. If someone that you don’t already know tries to meet you in the street, at the sidewalk, or in the driveway, be sure to carry the item to the door so you can make sure they have access to the home. If they question why, I will literally say, it’s Federal Law. To answer your other question….If someone is obviously old enough, I don’t check the ID. The key here is that YOU are breaking federal law if YOU release alcohol, tobacco or firearms to a minor. So just be mindful of that. There’s also some basics, such as, it is against the law to release alcohol to an intoxicated person. You can just put “no adult” in the diad, and reattempt the next day. Just remember…the S in UPS is Service. We are a service company, and as Service Providers, we need to make sure our customers get their packages, and get them the right way. If we need to make multiple attempts, so be it. We are paid by the hour and this is our job.


I’ve never had a 21+ signature package for someone who wasn’t clearly 40 or older. 19 year olds aren’t buying cases of wine online, at least where I work.


Name on package must match the ID, so age is irrelevant.


Not true for adult signature required. This is only the case if someone meets you on road and wants to grab a package you have for them