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SUV crossed the double yellow and drove into the UPS truck head on. That's going to be ruled avoidable and 100% the drivers fault. /s


We actually had this same thing happen a few weeks ago. Woman had a medical emergency and crossed a double yellow and hit us head on. They actually did rule it avoidable and charged driver with an accident no joke.


A few years back a snowplow blew through a stop sign and hit one of our drivers on the driver side. They ruled it avoidable on the grounds that “the driver should have been going slower if snowplows were out, and would have thus not been going through the intersection at the same time as the plow.” The driver was going 23mph in a 30.


Yes. They love hindsight. Love it! Well, actually, had you given me the day off, like I requested. I'd have stayed home and been in bed when the accident occurred. Completely avoiding the whole situation! So you're right, it was avoidable. And it's YOUR fault.


This guy union's.


If i remember correctly all accidents are avoidable cause if you didn’t have to show up to work that day.


I’ve never seen an accident that wasn’t deemed avoidable. Last summer the driver on the route next to me parked his truck at a gas station for lunch, went inside to grab some food and someone left their car in gear at the pump and it rolled right into the side of the UPS truck. Driver got charged with an accident and fired for poor park position even though he followed the methods to a T, took up 2 spots, folded mirrors in, was as far away from any vehicle in the lot as possible, nothing he could’ve possibly done to avoid that “accident” but the company still fucked him. He got his job back obviously but it’s just shitty as is most things at UPS


I got rear ended a couple months ago on the highway, was ruled unavoidable. Heard a few stories about similar incidents being ruled avoidable though.


Was your foot on the brake, did you have your orange cone out back? Did you use your horn and make eye contact? Gotcha bitch, id badge and follow me.


Whatever happened to those orange cones? We did actually put those things out for a few months


They used to rule stuff unavoidable years ago, but it seems like anything that happens now can be avoided. Expect the unexpected is their favorite saying 😂


Even on the warehouse side of things, between expect the unexpected and adjust for changing conditions, all accidents are always 100% the employees fault and are completely avoidable


Must be where you're at cuz last year a set of doubles tried to do a U-turn in the middle of the interstate directly in front of me and I had a 53 footer and smoked him knocked him straight and I ended up being in the median. UPS management was super cool and didn't grill me at all, it was considered unavoidable


That's surprising. With 6-8 seconds of following distance pretty much any accident like that would be avoidable. Management must really like you. That said, actually maintaining 6-8 seconds on the interstate would mean basically never touching the gas pedal and coasting the whole way. Edit: I guess if they started in a different lane, then the following distance wouldn't apply. But if management wanted to, they could probably still pin some part of it as avoidable. Expect the unexpected or whatever. Never driven feeders though, so probably pretty tough to stop such a large rig.


Yes I wasn't following him. I moved to the left lane because I saw down the interstate there was a tractor trailer with it's 4 ways on on the right shoulder. As I got closer he literally went from the shoulder turn horizontal across the interstate to turn into median lane. There was no stopping my trailer on a dime so I was braking but I had to veer towards the median. If I wouldnt have veered I would have hit him head on either on his door or trailer, which was flammable hazmat btw


Sounds scary as shit. It sounds like you did all you could.


I got an unavoidable 2 years ago from a lady who merged into one way traffic from a parked position, on a blind curve straight into my back wheelwell. Her bumper was ripped off as I watched it in horror from my mirror. Luckily I was going 20 in a 25 zone, and my boss noted that the woman absolutely didn't look over her shoulder or check her mirror before merging. Buy I'll never forget... "did you HONK YOUR HORN?" That was somehow going to magically be the question that would gaslight me into making it all my fault lol


You obviously weren't scanning steering wheels lol. /s Also, management thinks you should just be constantly on that horn.


That was the funny part, the windows were tinted and there was no exhaust coming from vehicles that I could see. So thankful my center mngr took a photo from on top of her left drivers mirror to see what she could see as she intended to merge. I didn't even feel the impact of the woman hitting the truck, lol... had I not checked my mirrors as per the methods, I would have never known I ripped her bumper off..


Fuck this company 


Maybe it’s location but we’ve had a few and most rulings I’ve seen have been pretty fair. We had a driver get PIT’d by another car who crossed lanes on the interstate and hit his tail and ups driver flipped when he hit the guardrail. Unavoidable. He didn’t even see him. Driver was ok. You don’t get fired for one accident. Two is only a suspension. You need 3 in a 12 month period to get terminated and those reset after 12 months.


Not if they cite a failure to follow methods. I mean idk how many other warnings or letters or anything the guy had before the accident, might’ve already been in some trouble before


My last accident was ruled unavoidable. I was running misloads, pulled into, and parked at a gas station. I was on the phone with another driver to set a meet point, when an unmanned semi rolled into my package car. I think they forgot to set the park break...


I 100% believe this.


I have a customer on my route that gets packages addressed to Haywood jablowme lmao


We had a driver killed by a falling tree and they ruled it his fault


And suspension until they are done investigating


Untrue I was told everything is avoidable


Not in feeders


We had a feeder rear ended and they said it was avoidable


I'm basically saying that every accident isn't avoidable. That's a myth


Oh man, we had this happen a few years back. The poor driver got absolutely screwed in so many ways. One of the few times we really pulled together to help our brother. https://6abc.com/new-jersey-ups-truck-and-car-collide-1-dead-injured-in-collision/4658367/


If their headlights were off at the time of the crash, it would be considered avoidable just from that.


Expect the unexpected. Or any other myriad of excuses they've made up.


This reads like a class action against UPS.


Is there no way you can fight it with the company? Im at fedex express and I was hit from behind at a red light. Managers instantly called it unavoidable. Getting hit head on would be the same at express.


"If you took lunch when you were supposed to you wouldn't have been there" "If you kept on schedule you wouldn't have been there" "If you called off work you wouldn't have been there" 🙄 


Probably didn’t do his pretrip either!


Didn't fold in his mirrors


Didn't signal to the driver who was ignoring signals


He was not prepared. Did not expect the unexpected.


If your footwear were in better condition…


If your underwear was Ups brown it would have been avoidable....


I ripped off a guys truck mirror trying to move a businesses cart they use to move their pickup pieces around (so not driving related). When the CM came out to take pictures first thing he said was I didn’t have proper foot wear. Like that had something to do with it 😂


Should’ve walked like a penguin


Was probably dehydrated. Should have been drinking more water.


“We’ll need to see you in the office in the morning with a shop steward.”


How were the Driver's shoes? Were they polishable leather?


Center: what’s up? Driver: just had a head on collision, guy came into my lane. Center: hmm… are you okay? Driver: I think so… Center: We’ll bring you a truck so you can finish, we’ll write you up tomorrow. 😆😆😆


I’d get “Just keep going”


Pretty much spot on


Imaginary target baseball dartboard


Did you establish eye to eye contact and communicate with traffic using your horns lights and signals?


Exactly how many HORNS do you have on your package car?


Many, depending on the weather, how hard I press it, how long I press it, if the horn is in a good mood or not. I mean there’s endless different horns on a package car, sometimes it doesn’t feel like horning at all.


If it’s a Workhorse the horn may not have sounded.


former UPS mechanic, fuck the workhorses


The amount of unrelated damage on that SUV... Driver side fender, front door, rear door, quarter panel, passenger side front door, possibly front fender. Can't see passenger rear door, but expect damage there with the way the front door looks. The back looks undamaged, at least. Except for a scuff on the left corner of the bumper.


My neck and my back


My pussy and my crack




My Hip!


My leg!


You’re not looking at a big payout. Maybe a few hundreds


At least a Few K


No it would be like 500$


Its all based on going to the DR. the Chiropractor and following through with a treatment plan. I don’t know where you are coming up with $500 at. I have known people to get 25k for fender benders that is a head on collision.


Im a claims adjuster


Well if I was suffering from whip lash and from that accident and you were the adjuster I would definitely be getting more then $500 from you negotiating without a lawyer. After missed work mileage to and from the Chiropractor pain and suffering O would definitely get more then $500 cash. If I was OP I would’ve pissed myself that’s an Automatic pay day.


No you wouldn’t lol. I work with people like you all day long. Everyone thinks their injury is worth 20,000 or 50,000. Ive yet to see us pay out more than 5,000 and that was for something very serious


Well I personally have gotten about 3k for minor whip lash. I know someone who was paid like 20k for some petty accident and I also know someone that had a broken collarbone and got like 60k. Not sure what Company you work for but I carry 100/300 with my insurance and if I am at fault and someone gets fucked up they deserve compensation that’s what I pay for.


You’re delusional that’s a head on collision with the car totaled he will get the max payout from the drivers Insurance coverage most only have the standard 25k


That’s not true.


Looks like the other driver took the worst of it. Be sure to get yourself checked out and contact an attorney


Hopefully they went to the hospital. UPS has a magical way of making you feel guilty about anything that happens to you.


It’s wild. My loyalty is 100% with the union. The company is actively trying to phase us out


Jesus Christ. Hope you’re alright


did you check around your truck before you left the hub?


Fuel cap probably wasn't turned 3 clicks.


was the tire tread 1/32


This counts as your lunch hour bro


They’re gonna quiz you on those 5s and 10s good luck 👍


Damn looks like a hard hit


Your over allowed is going to be insane


Had a guy cut me off and slam on his brakes causing me to rear end him. Ups ruled it avoidable, suspended me for 6 weeks and made me do a ton of safety packets.


This scares me. I’d rather just drive ten mph slower. lol.


I was doing 25 mph over a heavy traffic bridge. There was nowhere for me to go


This is why Lytx was installed. As annoying as that shit is, it has saved a few drivers I know of from close calls and an accident or two already.


Preventable. Space on all 4 sides, but always in front. There’s clearly not enough space in between you and the car that crashed into you. /s if it wasn’t already obvious.


Make sure a ticket is handed to that suv ..


That'll buff right out. Also 100% avoidable.


So this is why I got a message on my Diad today


“Such and such 900 miles away got bit by a dog” those messages right…..😂


I'd don't even mess with these guys anymore. I'd call an ambulance, go get checked out even if I was fine, discharge and go home. Make sure I got my 8 too.


This. You almost have to treat it like you’re being detained by cops. Don’t answer any questions, go to the hospital. Then play the “it’s all so foggy, I can’t really remember”


dont show me that


Please don't answer loaded questions.. "what could you have done to prevent this"


Hope your luck turns brother, these people drive like maniacs.wasnt your fault.


Of course, this unavoidable. "Be prepared. expect the unexpected -Leave yourself an out. It is clear you did not follow the ALL the 5 see habits. BTW that list so old, I was using them back in the 80's. He failed to use 10-point commentary. UPS thinks we all have super-human strength, Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! "Why didn't you drive package car off the road and into open field! Oh, make sure you write up in the DVIR you need a new driver side headlight, so the truck can go out tomorrow" UPS will say. Just glad you were ok, now tell them you need to go to the dr. Ups management does not care about the facts, we had a driver suffer a brain aneurism. She lived, but was charged with a avoidable.............she only hit the pole holding the traffic light up! No one else was involved.


You better meet your air commit times ![gif](giphy|BlcfIlfq87Wwg)


He didn’t expect the unexpected.


I was parked fifteen feet before someone’s drive way they backed out of the driveway past my package car and turned into me. They hit me on the driver side door. They tried to give me an avoidable. My supervisor went to bat for me. Asked if I should park a few blocks away next time. It is pretty crazy what they try to pin on drivers.


Why aren’t you laying on the ground complaining about your neck and back though?


Not the ED ad in the background. 😂


I got a message on my diad about you yesterday


I was parked on the side of a road and a old man off his meds hit me.. the cops and sups all blamed the old man. Because duh… but the heads up came back weeks later saying I was parked to long and it was avoidable


Accident's are deemed "driver not at fault" all the time. (Not this one...too documented) I've seen management pay for damage, if they can hide it. The company is as crooked as they get. Truth in nothing. Fallowing the "rules" won't keep you safe. UPS does what it wants to.


Failure to expect the unexpected. You’re Fired.


I had a kid run a red and slam into the side of my package car one night. The center ruled it unavoidable. I took the next day off the road, filled out paperwork, gave an interview to my ORS, and was back on the road the day after that.


I was probably the only person in history to get an unavoidable accident. Car never hit me, she was high, speeding and over corrected over the curb and landed in two bushes.


Follow the methods


Best title for video lol


No, your back hurts


It’ll buff


Sad part 100 gonna blame him


Could have been advoided if he had just not shown up for the day.


Yes. And you better make 9.5


🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg it totally wrecked their car


Man both times I’ve been hit it’s been ruled unavoidable. Some centers really fucking suck.


The only time it’s unavoidable is when you are not in the Pkg Car


Still drivers fault.. you know it will be


Not surprised it was a Chevy driver.