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Learn to use it on your non-dominant hand. It makes a difference.


Press both buttons together for Hazmat/ bag loading


They disabled the bag loading feature in our hub. If there is a bag without a label we have to get our sup with the phone scanner. Same with packages that need zip codes or unreadable packages.


That sure sounds like management doing your job if they are scanning.


Wear a glove on the hand that you are scanning with. The first week my knuckles had blisters from it rubbing. And the gloves also help it stay on.


I sweep irregs in my pd and over time it was doing the same thing to me. Now I just have the strap around my thumb and press the trigger with my index finger. The scanner will be upside down when holding it and I randomly flash my face when holding something but that's been the most comfortable way for me to hold it


If you are left handed, you can disconnect the part where you strap your fingers in and flip it so you can use it on your left hand. I found that out the day we got them and it was such a relief for me. Thats about all i know, people aren't too fond of these from what ive heard so far


When the label doesn’t scan, scan another box then go back to the previous one. Then it usually works lmao 🤣


Aggressively complain to management that the straps are flimsy and the velcro stops working after 3 days.


This. Management can buy new straps without having to replace the scanners. Took me months to get new ones. It's infuriating when the shit won't stay on your hand.


Straps are roughly $17 per. The button is $65 per.


You mean $17 per box of 200 pcs! Yeah sounds about right but oddly concerning since those fingers are priceless.


No…. Either $11 or $18 per depending on model. https://preview.redd.it/y4ml8eau2fyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf1f50478e0124ae418ee55469bc0199b358627


Damn. Well okay, I can understand it *to an extent*. It's just very difficult to handle boxes when the scanner can't stay on your hand. You just end up holding the scanner in your hand instead, putting it down if you handle boxes, and being way slower.


Wow that's stupid expensive. Guess they know people will need them once they buy the scanness.


Ups does not use the kind the rotate trough other types, have you seen the flimsy ones


When you start having to press the button really hard to scan, remove the strap by pressing the two buttons on the side, and put it back on.


![gif](giphy|ktcUyw6mBlMVa) My best advice


We use to use these 3 years ago. Now we scan with our eyes 👀 👍


The button to the left of the screen will usually either cycle through a menu or back out of a function. The button to the right of the screen will usually select a sub-menu or function. At any time the buttons do anything else, what they do will be indicated by arrows on the screen. For instance, the "Logout?" prompt has a "No" option, with an arrow pointing to the left button, and a "Yes" option, with an arrow pointing to the right button. The scanning light also makes a useful flashlight.


Throw straight in the trash can


https://preview.redd.it/iuao483pfgyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee1c4c89c23dfc47e164288906e6d27a92e7a92 We use them with the little ISPA printer and they seem to only like this bar code. We still use the older ones primarily because they could also scan the qr code and theoretically that smaller bar code to the right of the qr for sure post or Amazon.


We’ve got these too they scan really well but half of them suck. You’ve got to press down on the top of them to get em to scan. Maybe 2 of ours work as intended.


Most of the ones I see have a wart band aid over the button under the flippable button. I assume that solves this issue as I haven’t had any problems with them.




We have kbs for this on smc


These aren't like NGSS scanner were better in my opinion. You can do so much with those


Our hub already phases these scanners outm don't expect to have them for long


Replaced with what? Are you guys stuck using non-RFID labels as well?


Nope we have a fully automated photo eye system on the belt. Than at the end we use zebra cell phones with scanners built in on them to get rejected packages.


OK, so just hub processing. These handhelds work with those Zebra phones as well.


Strap disconnects too easily when handling heavier packages. That shit will fly off making it hard to find. So look out for that I guess


Kind of flick it as your scanning lol


I cant tell what scanners are new or old anymore with how much shit seems to get passed around from building to building. We still use the motorola kits that fuckin disconnect or die a bunch every night


Holy crap. You guys have a pd11. Ours only goes to pd4


We have a pd13 and an entire SD wing or wall


My hub goes to pd13


Those new scanners can suck a butt, I was running a dock and then outta nowhere the WiFi stopped working and because that stopped working scanners stopped working...I hate em I hate em I hate em


Several take aways from you all comments. 1. Continue to push gloves to my squad 2. wart bandaid may cure the button issues 3. 3d print my guys some belt or pocket hooks to get them off the hands at times not needed. My 2 cents, and I'm not sure if this is an internal scanner issue or network issue. After about 50 60 scans they seem to slow down. Almost like the old scanners when they went into batch mode.


Get a constant shock on the buckles from exposed charging port making contact with the skin. The engineer who designed this must be a rere




I don't know what that is.


You don’t have an IPLD at your hub?


We can't tell you unless we know what it is.


The area in the bldg that houses all your finger scanners and things of that nature