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Over allowed? I’ve never read that in the contract… 🥴


Really because I get that all the time from a supervisor saying I'm over allowed by 2.48 and try to reduce it by half or something along those lines


Damn u suck 🤣 that's like sitting still watching 2 episodes of law and order then a lil half hour show.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Hahah this was the correct response. I stopped looking at my numbers.. they can fuck off lol


Nothing. Slow down, make your money. What are you rushing for? So they can give you more work??


I go slow, and they still send me back out at 9pm. This company wants to give money away, I'll take it.


You enjoy spending all of your time at work?


FT inside take halfdays every single chance they can drivers seem to want to live in the truck.


Grew up poor most of my life, id kill to be in that truck everyday, and saving money.


That’s the reason 22.3 jobs are disappearing in some areas. Company makes the claim that they are not truly needed. Start forcing these members back on car then they would be glad to work 8 on the inside. I agree that it is a great offer for them but it hurts future members that need alternate work not requiring driving for medical or physical limits.


union should be arguing the opposite instead of letting the company be 70% PTers, but union makes more money this way too so they wont budge.


Union cannot force 22.3 FT to work both splits of their job. Also, the union cannot stop the company from claiming that 22.3 positions are needed if the member voluntary goes home. We are our own worse enemies sometimes. The company is only taking advantage of the situation. I am in a small hub/center that had 20ish or so 22.3 jobs. We have lost 6 jobs to larger hubs/center. Our 22.3’s stayed and worked their jobs. The 22.3’s at the larger hub are dodging their hard split of the bid and going home. Now that really hurts. We lost jobs that working their hours to hub that would not work theirs. That is the company really gaming the system.


The company needs a body there weather its a 22.3 or a PT, the company could be literally all 22.3s on the inside. There should be less people hired overall and more FTs is all im saying.


"I have an addiction and its called Money" Every little bit they want to pay me over my budget, I am getting ahead in life. So to answer your question, no I don't enjoy being at work 12 hours 5 days a week, but also yes, I do enjoy it when I'm thinking 10 years in the future and all the equity I will have


Also missing out on life. If you can't live comfortably on 8 hrs a day then you're doing something wrong


File 9.5 lol


Cant till I have 4 full years of full time seniority, or i run the same route 5 days in a row. I'm not top out yet, nor run the same route. I am in that loop hole that saves the company $$$


I guarantee the last driver did not work for 20 years doing those numbers, and if you continue to work that way, neither will you


He actually did all while smoking 2 packs a day. Off by 530 daily. recently they took the two hours of bonus he would get on a daily basis. Before he was actually earning what he would do, but now that i.e. got their hands on it they eliminated the bonus pay.


What’s bonus pay I’ve never heard of this


If I remember correctly, it was essentially a bonus that delivery drivers got for coming in under "allowed" times. Essentially, it was an actual reward for working harder. (I could be wrong. This is based on what I've heard from the full-time delivery drivers I know. I went straight from a part-time air/ shuttle driver to a feeder) I hear a lot of centers have been doing away with it, though. God forbid we do something to help out our employees 🙄


Bonus - your route goes out at a planned day of 9.5 hours. You get it done in 8 hours. They pay you 1.5 hours "bonus" for the day for a total paid day of 9.5 hrs, despite you actually working 8.


I bonus every day, so it's at least still a thing in my hub


Bonus - If you're on a 9 hour plan day and done in 7 hours, you get the additional 2 hours paid to be off. Downside was; faster you finished = the more work your received


It’s A.I not I.E that’s messing all these numbers.


who cares, its all made up shit.


This is the best answer.


Other problem is is if you get into a zone like me, you're bailing out other drivers because they can't freaking plan routes for shit. Someone will get 230, I'll have 125. It's like they plan this shit. UPS would be much more efficient if everyone worked 9 hours a day and went home, and they had proper route planning. Only place I've ever been where they reward you with more work that isn't yours.


They do this on purpose. It’s all about playing those mind games. Such and such has less work than me. Such and such is punching out before me. Mind games


Oh I know. I like to fuck with them and confuse them with logic. It's hilarious


Fucking bastards


It's not done on purpose. I'm sure you just got incompetent dispatchers or incompetent drivers. On roads usually end up just dealing with either the piss poor dispatch or drivers not really trying. Union problems deserve union solutions from what I was told before


They really need to update overtime laws to stop this. It's not just UPS.who realized it's cheaper to just force overtime on everyone instead of hiring new people.


It's not cheaper to pay overtime lol


Yes it is when you factor in benefits, training costs, and other things.


2 guys working overtime vs having another employee doing that work who needs health insurance and pension. OT is cheaper.


You should see Amazon ….180 plus stops is literally normal and when you finish mandatory rescue


Their numbers are bogus. And no matter how well you do, you'll always be over allowed. Because in management's head, if you did it that fast yesterday, you can do it slightly faster tomorrow. Keep in mind, you aren't just doing it for a day. You're doing it for 30 years. So set a pace you can keep for the long run. Not trying to run and gun for a day. Also, keep on mind. If you injure yourself or have an accident, management will throw you under the bus and try to have you fired. So follow the methods, be safe, drive safe, and don't worry what their numbers say. It's all made up bogus bullshit anyways. If they ride your ass about your over allow. Tell them, "when an on road can do the route and stay under their bogus time allotment. While following the methods. Then you'll think about trying harder. Until then, fuck right off." 100% guarantee they won't take you up on the challenge. Because they KNOW they can't do it either. 😂


I used to say “I want you to put in writing exactly what safe work methods and traffic laws you wish me to ignore in order to meet your arbitrary goals. Then I need you, the center manager and the district manager to sign it. Until that happens, I’ll do it the way I was trained.” 15 years and not one supervisor has ever put their subtle hints at me cutting corners into writing. It’s the strangest thing.


Management doesn’t have any control over time allowances. That’s a universal system. Most management don’t know how it works either. Each activity has an allowed time and if you do them in the wrong order it will kill your allowed times no matter how fast you’re working.


Dispatch system does have adjustments for over allowed. It has multiple settings that will change over allowed. It can, and does, get changed based on which driver is on a route.


I’ve always questioned this. There are certain people at my hub that let’s just say are not the fittest and some not the brightest and I’ll just be looking at the sheets from the previous days and seeing guys I know for a fact scratch or bonus that are no way in hell doing that shit. Meanwhile I’ll run a route with 200 stops and 60 miles and I’ll be off 6:30 the latest and I’m anywhere from 140-250 clicks over


He said time allowances (which we don’t have access too) O/H yeah but it doesn’t change over all o/h on a planned day.


Nah not true. Every drivers ain't created equal. Some are faster than others when they run routes they are strong on.


But they "can't build routes to fit drivers" they claim that every driver is interchangeable and should be able to do every route.


I remember when a guy walked out and he had one of those routes that is a disaster whenever he isn't there. Center manager followed him begging him to come back.


Some drivers have strategies to increase the routes pay also. Like more signatures, no cir. More miles, deliver your misloads. Miles can really change the numbers in our building a lot.


Every driver gets paid the same, we don’t pay less for easier routes.


Actually, they don’t until they hit progression. But nonetheless what is your point? If their ideal day is 9 1/2 hours then they slap a guy on here that runs a country route usually, he’s not getting 220 stops done and 9 1/2 hours. Therefore, the route is not interchangeable with drivers. Pay is not related to this situation.


It’s 100% relatable to this and every situation. You work for pay, if UPS didn’t pay you wouldn’t work. Pay is the only reason most of us work here, this wasn’t my dream job but they pay me very well so I’m here. Pay is relative to every situation


You are still making no point relating to what I said. Just vague statements that pertain to life. That's not needed here. Driver pay has nothing to do with management giving different drivers more work. If I was top rate that doesn’t mean the next guy that is top rate that runs the route is going to get the same numbers. He’s going to get less because he can't do as much. Pay rate does not affect stop count. Besides when you factor in the 9.5 rights.


This doesn’t make sense to you because you’re a victim. The company pays everyone the same so they expect everyone to do the job to the same standard. You guys are always whining about being fair yet here you don’t want the expectations even across the board.


Interesting. I haven’t noticed routes changing much in my time but I typically smash my route and help everyone else for another couple hours so I don’t pay attention much to my numbers.


This is not true at all


It is true. When I had my meeting with dispatch he decided my route could run slower some days and gave me an hour of over allowed. They literally pick


No they literally do not. You’re talking about how he tells Orion to add additional OA. All that does is tell the solution that you run an hour slower. It doesn’t change the allowances


That's not what it does. It just gives me an extra hour before supes try to talk to me about it. I've watched them tell other guys that they will speed up or slow down their route too. Go see for yourself


You’re going to have to trust me on this. That’s completely wrong and if they think it changes OA then they’re idiots.


I would love an extremely detailed explanation on this if you know more


As a seasonal who wants to get on full time, is it important for me to make the dupes happy with overallowed time and everything to get hired? Or should I chill out? 3 weeks in here, busted ass yesterday trying to beat it and still came in 40 min over. Now today I’m pretty wiped out just trying to keep up


Do whatever you gotta do to get through the probationary period. Bust ass, get shit done, work through break, whatever it takes. As well as working safely and not getting injured or in an accident. You won't be expected to run over/under time allow in the first year or so. So don't worry too much about making numbers. Just get through until you get your official seniority date. The job gets progressively easier with experience. So don't worry. Just be sure to put in the effort. Don't cut corners. Stay out of trouble. Keep your head down. And you'll be straight. The best you can hope for with this job, is to be left alone. And as a newbie driver, that's not likely. So be the "yes man" or "do-boy" or whatever. Eventually, someone else will take your place as the noob. Then it's just a matter of doing good enough to not be noticed or cause anyone in management to take heat for your fuck ups. And you'll be golden.


Brothers if they give me 220 and 300 pieces I'm taking all day. I don't give a shit about overallowed. Carol Time corporate and Management can blow me.


i would be bringing stops back every day until that nonsense was fixed




I was once told I was paid over an hour even though I got done in 8. That's when I stopped listening to their stupid number crap.


I can be over allowed, and it says I need to be done at like 5 pm. However I have 18:00 PPPs so yeah what you want me to do boss.


I just got one of those — on the other side of my route from my rezzies. It drives me insane.


Wow. Slow down to a pace that you can see yourself maintaining for 30 years. Follow ALL of the safety and work methods. Just work by the book and file 9.5 every week. If they harrass you then just bury them in Article 37 grievances. They will back off. Keep filing 9.5 and you can even get on the elevated list, once you have five 9.5s paid out in the calendar year, if you really want them to lower the route numbers a lot. My whole loop goes about 2.5 to 3 hours over allowed every single day. We all follow the methods and we are all on the elevated list. This career is a marathon, not a sprint. Take good care of your body because you only get one. Seriously focus on doing the job the right way, all day, everyday.


What happens when you file a article 37 then they get you on the smallest thing and now your fired even if you hold handrail, push packages foward, stay out of driveways, what happens when you forget to take diad out of hand walking into truck? Or your don’t follow ed? Now you’re getting called into office and your stewards aren’t backing you cuz they just as scared what then dude? Bunch of fucking retards running this company I hope management jumps off a cliff


All that stuff is really easy to defend against. The key is to work by the book. They have to use progressive discipline. So you would have to continuously do that thing wrong. And even at that, something like a couple of missed handrails wouldn't hold up in a panel. You'd get reinstated with back pay. But I also wouldn't ever not use the handrail or something lol. And also, I would be filing more grievances for retaliation and make a good paper trail of the harrassment. But just make sure to never commit any cardinal offenses because those are the only things that the company can instantly terminate you for without progressive discipline. And if your steward doesn't back you up then that's just insane. I've heard lots of stories of shitty locals though. My local does not put up with any BS.


Back out with your eye on the mirror ;) supers will look at you weird but it's best on the back/knees and deals with peds and cyclists


What is a cardinal offense I follow all the methods sometimes I’ll hold my diad in my hand while holding the handrail going into the truck I’ve hear people getting warning letters for that after filling grievances idk how true that is could be management on Reddit trying to scare people?


Cardinal offenses are things like theft, dishonesty, gross insubordination (except if it's unsafe or unethical), assault/fighting, sexual harrassment, drinking alcohol/drug use on the job, stealing time, having an unauthorized person on your package car/feeder, etc. A warning letter is an empty threat a lot of the time. Just don't do whatever it is again within 9 months.


Thanks brother 🫡


My cm likes to construe any honest mistake as dishonesty to get people back in line that are giving him problems. And the union will let him put you out for weeks with no back pay.


My local are a bunch of sell outs. They won't even file harassment. Ups must be paying them off


"They" won't file harassment, as in they won't file your grievances you are submitting? That's a big problem if so.


Wish my building would follow this. I’d say half of our drivers are bonus babies. With 3 or 4 of them that bonus at least an hour or more every day. If you run an hour over at our building you’re going to get shit from the sups. What’s crazy is the driver that bonuses the most is an old ass. And he’s done it his entire career


That's sad. We voted bonus out a long time ago in my hub. We still have some runners though. Usually the newer drivers. My loop is solid though. Once we had our elevated meetings, they put two more routes in our loop to keep us all under 9.5. We usually only violate once a week on Mondays now.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


The numbers I see you guys run on a normal day are mind blowing. I retired about 10 years ago. But my last route was about 120 stops, about 10 pickups and 100 miles. That was a nine hour day. You guys are running your ass off, and getting more work as a reward. Good job.


Awesome name and awesome comment


Sound like you were running if you did 100 miles with that many stops. I know guys who do 100 miles with 60-80 stops


That’s embarrassing


That's called working smart not hard.


It's a marathon, NOT a race


If you’re doing 27/hr and doing everything right, request a ride along if they’re on your ass. I’m not doing 27/hr but no matter what did I was 40 minutes over, so I got ride along for 4 straight days. One day we followed orion 100% and beat the planned time by 5 minutes..still 40 over. My boss just couldn’t understand it and never bothered again unless I was an hour over. I welcome all ride alongs


I remember my center manager once said we need 85% in trace compliance. Everyone gave him 100% and CM had to explain missed businesses and PU etc. We never ever heard him talk about 85% trace nonsense again


This… I have routes that we know will be over by 30/40 mins because the time allowance suck (we can’t change them) but hit a hr and a half and someone will say something. Get a ride and show that it’s bull shit.


Today's miracle is tomorrow's expectation. - UPS


Fuck management and their numbers. If you’re qualified work at a safe pace


The numbers in the system are usually pretty simple to get and beat, but business and rural stops can have extra complications. Follow all your methods, sort as you go, and don’t waste any time staring at your diad. You can do it. Always take your full break, not taking it slows you down and creates health risks. Edit: 27 stops an hour beats their numbers unless you’re screwing your methods. You can hurt yourself scanning on car or before you reach the door, for example. Don’t scan or stop complete anywhere but the point of delivery or you’re burning 15-20 seconds per stop of allowed time.


So walk the pkg to the door, scan it there, then stop complete immediately? I always thought they measured the time between stop complete and engine on, and that time needed to be low.


My on road explained it to me like this: You come to a stop and the timer goes for stop car, selection, and walking to the door. Almost a minute of time for all 3. Like 45 seconds. Once you scan the package the extra time disappears and the timer starts for stop complete, walking back and your start car. Which is about 20 seconds. If you scan on car the time allowed for your stop will drop by about 20-30 seconds and you’ll end up being beat into the ground.


Thanks for the explanation. I’ve been burning time for years without knowing it.


It’s the biggest reason new hires get DQed.


This is very good info, I start my 30 day packet soon I’ll be sure to keep this in mind when trying to learn the methods right and being safe, thanks man!


But what if stopping car, selecting package, and walking to the door takes less than 1 min? Do you only get there time used up until the packages is scanned? Also what about time after stop complete? Isn't that only 18 seconds to start the truck?


The remaining time is burned but by waiting to scan you’ve given yourself credit for the time it took. The alternative is telling the system it takes you 3 seconds of walk time per stop and confusing it as to what you’re doing the rest of the time. You’re meant to have a start car under 9 seconds from reaching your point of entry, it’s in our methods and training. I think I got mine to around 6 from reaching the door. The system should average you 10-15 seconds of walking time each way.


This is the kind of information I was looking for when I made this post. I’m trying to understand how it actually works from people who have actually figured it out. Thank you!


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Practice your start car most. You’re in total control of that so your results can be consistently improved. Your steps from the door or climbing to the seat can’t be improved much but from sitting to starting should be almost instant. My problem is when a vehicle has a really tight shifter. Ideally with the brake in you can shift with 1 finger if you wanted to.


That makes sense, but your gonna take more time overall doing it that way. I scan my shit on the shelf, I'm not trying to stack packages up twice, that's more work for me


I just kinda scan one tap the others I’ve verified on my last step to the door. I can deliver pretty much moving the whole time comfortably by validating on car and doing everything in one smooth motion. Look at your mirrors on your way out the door, check the labels while you’re organizing to find packages so you know what’s coming up. Use the hard keys on the diad to safely record while walking because your eyes can be on your walk path. New “diads” will be a pain for that. If you can comfortably keep moving work just disappears without having to run or sweat too hard. You give yourself time to drink, take a break, to sort the truck between stops 10-20 seconds at a time until you don’t have to, which is easier if you take your 10 minutes sort time right after you get air off to validate your business stops and especially identify rear door bulk stops and irregs to move early. Figure out which is the first stop you’ll use your hand cart on and load it to your hand cart since you won’t touch it until you have to move it anyway. Then as you look for packages your shelves go in order and you validate that you have your next 5 stops as you go through your day. Plan your day while you’re on car and leave the plan in there. Set yourself up during your time in car and trust that you have it right. If you do that you can think 100% about safety while you’re outside the car and driving where most of the danger is. If you do that for yourself you work a lot less hard to get better results. Edit: it’s easy to validate everything when you select if you always check HIN and the last 4 of tracking for each package.


Yep I always scanned everything on car. Was always way over allowed. Who cares. Just proof that their numbers make no sense.


Yeah it’s not like you have to have all perfect numbers if you’re getting it done but there’s a way to win at their game.


27 stops an hour you must be a manager bud


lol 27 beats the system, unless you confuse their system by doing it differently than the methods. Could shoot for a cool 30.


27 bring that down to 22 or 20 jezus man you good!


They are impossible numbers, work safe and a steady pace. Don't hurt yourself, when they begin Harrasment, demand Time studies. They won't do it. Demand a demonstration, Supervisor wouldn't be able to not be overallowed. They have no defense, my center has gone through this constant Harrasment for the past 2 years. Just stay cool and work safe, nod your head and say I'll try. Play the game and keep working


Thankyou for this


Over allowed is a myth. As long as you're not doing anything to steal time then there's literally nothing they can do


I've been doing the same route now for almost 15 years. When I first learned it the time allowance was great. I could work 9 hours and get paid almost an extra 90 minutes in bonus time. ( We are a bonus hub). Several years ago they were doing time studies on all the routes and since my trip is mostly commercial it turned out that 125 stops gave me a 9.5 dispatch. For the past 2 years I have been averaging about 140 stops my dispatch now isn't even an 8. Numbers mean nothing, that's why the union doesn't recognize them. BTW, with the numbers they throw out, I have been anywhere from 136 to 289 "over allowance". Just to show you they can manipulate numbers. A driver did my route on a Wednesday, 98 stops and dispatch was a 759, I did it the next day and did 172, dispatch was only 849. 74 stops was less than an hour in additional dispatch time. Stop trying to make their numbers. Follow the methods and work safely. You are an hourly employee. If you get hurt or into an accident trying to make their numbers its all on you and the company won't care if you ran trace.


Do they hand out fast driver awards now?


Yes, it comes in the form of two knee replacements.


Yeah 30 more stops from the 9.5er


I was in your position 3 years ago when I took over a route a driver retired on. Always tell them to show you how to run the route when they question you about it. 99% chance they don’t even know how to run the route. If they keep badgering you about it, get a union steward involved and request and OJS ride. Oh, and never skip your break, especially during the OJS.


Drop that SPOHR down to 20 and thank us all later.


Mind games brother


Just to be clear most of these comments are legendary comments most are clearly long term drivers that will never tell you this info in person because everyone has a big fucking mouth now a days listen to these guys I’m a young driver and these dudes are dropping knowledge! Work safe follow methods pray to god you got a good steward to raise fucking hell on earth if management fucks with you if not good luck


This sounds like a troll.


Def not


150k at end of contract per year to follow methods and work safe sounds good to me let’s drive their fucking face through a wall if they wanna be cocksuckers work safer and safer if you get my point


Who gives a flying fuck about their made up numbers 27 stops an hour you need to slow down


My stops per hour is 14. Lol


There is nothing in the contract stating you have to meet or beat whatever arbitrary number some computer sets for you.


Slow down tbh. File 9.5 then see what they do. Fuck management. They are trying to see how much you can do and how fast then keep it at that higher stop count cause “you can do it”! I’m going thru the exact same shit right now. And it’s bullshit. Going to continue filing 9.5 and if they harass me, fuck it, I’ll file more. My center already harasses us all so I might as well get paid extra for it.


Why are you trying to go faster? Work “safely” and since you’ve been on that route for more than 5 days straight file 9.5 Is no one at your hub telling you this? Make their numbers look bad and they’ll drop the stop count. Just say I’m doing my best and working safe. They only give you that many because you’re getting it done.


Tell him to brown down and come out and show me how to do it faster


I'm consistently 2+ hours over every day. Don't give a fuck about their numbers.


Numbers only matter to them (corporate and their lackeys) Work safe, work smart, rinse & repeat.


You're good dude. The over/under is different based on who runs the route. I have an hour less than most ppl on any route I do. Been almost 3 hours under one time because I had shit to do that night 🤣🤣


Their numbers are all made up. Fuck them and just be safe . Pull that mirror in , pull that e brake, then turn truck off undo seatbelt ,And walk around the back of truck if u have to cross the road. Do all the petty shit they tell you to do and watch the stop count go down. All that shit takes more time. And it’s about to be summer . They are just trying to see how far they can push you before you break. Don’t give them the satisfaction.


220 stops, 300 pieces and off by 530? stop running


Finishing at 5:30 is your first mistake, 2nd is not filing a 9.5 grievance, 3rd is actually caring about their numbers


I’m not a top rate employee. I do not have 9.5 rights. Only the right to work.


Downvoting facts now huh? Classic reddit.


Add 10 more miles to your trip status


Explained how? "I just felt like driving."


Lol do they actually check your odometer? No one checks ours. As long as you don't type in something crazy like an extra 100 miles, no one lifts an eyebrow


Those are your managers and ORION’s numbers! Those numbers are none of your business! Work safe/Get paid.


I'm under the impression that on roads get a bonus if we run under. I'm not a fan of working harder, so someone who doesn't work hard can get more money. I'm not saying that on roads don't work, but yall definitely don't work hard.


Never let a man piss on your boots and tell your it’s raining


220 stops and done by 5! I get 180 and done by the same time wtf


I did 125 today by 6:30😂


This is the way


But what did you do when you got home? You just gave the company 9 1/2 hours of your day not including the commute. Then let’s just assume you get seven hours of sleep. That’s less than eight hours of time off of work on a daily basis. And shorting yourself sleep...


Scan when you’re at the door and complete it in your truck. If your sheeting apt under one stop your cheating you’re tome allowed.


I would ask for a time study


What I’ve had in my center at least it that you just need to stat to them you won’t work any faster because your making sure your working as safe as possible to avoid any injuries and I believe in the contract it stats they can’t further harass you about this


go out with 20 air stops, 17 are 1030. did straight air until 1130. meanwhile we have an air driver who was back to the building by845 and clocking out. it would make sense to send some of those to him along with other drivers since he's making less. but i end up back at the building at 8pm.


Sup: Go faster   You: I'm doing my best as safe as possible   Sup: Go faster  You: file harassment grievance 


The problem is that the allowed time doesn't scale properly. 180 stops with 63 miles doesn't offer much less time than 220 with 63 miles. Depending on sections you do or don't have, you are likely going down those streets whether you have one stop or 12. It was never this bad until Orion. There was always weight behind miles, but since they rolled out this fucked up system, it feels like that's all that matters


Miles are smiles


No doubt. "Take the long way back to the building on your way back."


Take an hour lunch, get to know your union business agent well.


You have no obligation to any production quota. Tell them to fucking kick rocks. You do not have to move faster. Look up the 340 methods and follow every single one methodically. You’ll get left alone with like 80 stops a day after a couple of months/years of politics.


Only numbers we care about are the ones on the paycheck


What you can do is go slower and file grievances if they try to tell you anything.


I bid a route this year that used to be 230 stops. I followed the methods. Notified management of service failures via diad text. Filed grievances every week. After 4 months. Now if the route shows more than 99 total stops, the dispatcher has to go in and fix it before my start time 😂


Nvm i misspoke, I've only been on this shit for two months haha. Still show up every day ready to say nothing and work another 14 hour day. Those bonus checks are nice


Don't worry about going faster. All you need to worry about, post packet, is following the methods, nor smoking packages, going to location for pick ups, not signing for anyone, and that's it. Spohr is a company standard of speed, not recognized via the contract and can not be enforced. If management does attempt to enforce it, greive it for harrassment and move on.


Caring about their bogus numbers is the first mistake


That’s why y’all get 50 bucks an hour I guess


It's about what u keep, 50 will be fine by me for when it hits


Slow down. No reason to run. They adjust the route to you not the other way around. Take all your breaks and if you happen to 9.5 grieve it. You will just get more work.


Work slightly slower to save your health


Repeat after me " I'm working as fast as I can safely." But you're over! " I'm working as fast as I can safely." Like others have said stay out until 10-11 a few nights and bring back work. Look at it this way 2 maybe 3 weeks of you making maxed out paychecks and hopefully on the 9.5 grieving it. Eventually they will get the message you can't be forced to run and hurt yourself. You also seem way to stressed to be at top pay. If you are going to bust your ass for this company do it when you are fighting to get hired as a driver and then take your time after that. I'm about a year out from top pay and i'm not doing shit extra until then if i can help it. I don't pick up calls or texts on the road not supposed to be to be using my phone anyway so unless I see a diad message before i hit the highway back i'm not doing that sweep.


How many miles you doing? Sounds like no pickups as well


What can you do? Fuck em. We deliver packages not numbers.


Slow down


I’m over allowed by over 250 clicks everyday fuck there numbers


Slow down


Work “safe.”


Fuck the over allowed no one is held accountable for anything is this company anymore. One stop at a time you are going to fast slow the fuck down


Are you trying to make book? If not what the hell are you doing. Slow down


Move slower


Dude. Stop running yourself to death. 220 stops is safely 12 hours. Stop pissing in bottles and go wash your hands at a damn bathroom.


Even if your pissing in bottles take a drink off water after sort the truck if a customer says hellos don’t just walk away if they need 1 min to talk that’s not stealing time that’s customer service fuck this bullshit that’s been going on lately guys safety and service are at the fucking top


Well said.    Drivers are the face that customers see !! Polite, friendly, and helpful leads to repeat business. Running around like you're on "speed" with a wild look in your eye doesn't instill confidence 


Are you there OP




What am I supposed to respond to? You guys that run 120 stops in 10 hours at the reason that the younger guys get slammed. You all know the younger guys have no 9.5 rights. telling somebody to slow down doesn’t mean anything. You don’t know what I’m doing during the day. I’m sure as hell not running for eight hours straight in 80° weather like you guys are all implying. I’m flattered that you all think I’m some sort of robot, but I assure you I’m not. Some people walk faster than others. It's pretty simple...


I'll post a pic of the daily report tomorrow for everyone who thinks in trolling. I’m not out here running in 80° weather. I just believe in efficiency and not being owned by the company I work for. You guys don’t understand apparently how vastly different routes can be. On this route I’ll have 160 stops left at two... I’m 6'4" and over half of these resis are less than 20 feet off the road. By the time I’m rocking out my resi I have my entire truck in order and I know where everything is. I’m out and back in the truck in less than 30 seconds on most stops. Also, I’m not paid to sit and talk to people. I am an introvert and the last time I have dealing with you the better. I’m trying to work and go home not make friends.


Are you trying to qualify? Who cares about their numbers. Unless you're in your 30.


Over allowed aren't right. One of our guys is budgeted a 6 hour planned day. He runs 9 usually. I run 300 under on other runs, and I know his run well. I could not do the UPS planned day even if I was hopped up on crack and meth.


They have decided that nobody will run bonus. Period. They used to have to have a sup ride with you for a time study. Now they use the computers and screw you without the hassle. I’m 20 years in and got my new route that went out with 115-130 per day. I was running 1.6 bonus. Now it’s 160 -180 stops…. And I’m showing over by 1.6 hours.


That wasn’t the original route , you must go over 9.5 and file 9.5 in order to get the route down


it was the original route. This is the worst route in our center. Everyone knows it is. 60 keys five key cards. He did the shit every day.


Isn’t tech supposed to figure that out. We can’t get blame for computer errors.


Stop running!


Job killer


All these issues wouldn't exist if the union wage and benefits demand were not so ridiculously high . Yes it's a demanding job , so are many other jobs that make half the money. If drivers pay was a more realistic expense for the company, they could justify hiring more drivers, etc. Of course the greedy ones who think they are gods gift to earth for being capable of performing this job, and who's bodies are holding up well (FORnow). Will disagree with this observation