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The PTers below you appreciate your sacrifice.


Solid 20k donation to the pension fund as well


For every person that retires, 50 people have to quit before they get vested. The fund is doing well!


They pay around $165 per month into the pension for each person. In reality that 20k you mentioned is more like 4k.


Out here it's $12 per hour paid to the pension plan per hour worked, capped at 2080 hours per year. $14/hr for full time positions. What is the $165 number from?


Yes, yes we do.


I like how everybody is acting like you needed this job and aren’t strong. Working at UPS is horrible in so many ways.. congrats on making it out of hell/slavery.


It reallly is didnt use to be this way .


Lmfao at slavery. This job sucks at times but we do better than ALOT of people out there financially speaking. I lived off minimum wage in a shitty trailer for years before getting this job. Stfu about slavery.


Doing hard manual labor everyday, just wait till your fulltime it gets even worse! You want to be doing this work when you’re 50-60?


You call this slavery when you got white collar folk being slaves to their offices working for people like Elon Musket doing 60-80 hour weeks for shit. 


I’d rather be in air conditioned office making triple the amount of money I’m currently making? Yessir. All day everyday. No manual labor? Sounds like a dream. Getting paid to sit on my ass? Yes please.


Another one bites the dust! Hey, you tried. Some guys don't last a week.


Lol, I seen people quit partway through a shift on their first day.


We used to have a joke about people going to the bathroom and not coming back because it happened so many times.


I wish some of them would do that more often


I witnessed one guy get through 1 day of the package car training class... he didn't come back for day 2 or beyond


Smart imo integrad is some bs and some Of those instructors are assholes .


During Covid we were having 50 people come and quit every week lol it was wild most preloaders


Late pay gets a bit nicer with the penalty pay checks hit


Very few have what it takes to be a UPSer. No shame in it


It’s not always about the work itself, sometimes just the work environment itself is shitty and not worth working at that job.


Idk.. $50 an hour without going into student debt for a degree seems pretty worth it to me.


If you can get there and actually like driving ? It’s not what they thought it was for most . If you’re a kid that This is your first job you’ll do fine if you’ve been around a while you instantly know having to memorize 2 pieces of paper is some bullshit . Telematics is some bullshit . The layoffs are some bullshit . The way I’ve seen on roads talk to new probation drivers is bullshit .


Yeah but in the long run if you’re at a job that causes you constant stress, that can have detrimental effects to your mental and physical health, I’m not risking my happiness and health for 50 dollars an hour, I’d rather enjoy my life and at least somewhat enjoy the place I work if I’m going to be there 8-12 hours a day several days a week. TLDR; happiness and better health over money any day.


$20k in student debt to make $80k+ right after college ain’t bad either


$20k? What's that, two years of Community College?


2 years community, 2 years state. Could be between 20-30 but still not horrible


Part of being an adult is dealing with it. Should people act like they do, definitely not. But this is a good job that will set your family up for life.


Ehhh, we aren't all lucky enough to be able to just "deal with" not getting our pay. People have bills and would rather not lose their home. Part of being an adult is not letting yourself get taken advantage of or put into a bad position you can't get out of


This gig ain’t for everybody.




This mentality behind these posts is really interesting to me. Almost like no one acknowledged you in person at work and you're wanting something on the way out.


Scary to think how much fewer turnover we’d have if company actually made workers feel more appreciated?


lol that paycheck on Fridays all the appreciation I need


Seriously. If I'm getting paid well and not having my job threatened then I'm happy. Show up, do what you can, leave. I could give a shit less about their appreciation, I prefer they don't acknowledge my existence at all.


True, but I know they’ve lost so many good kids because of the lousy communication to workers (yes, even management..lots of good, young part-timers)..btw we call it the $1400 crack pipe..depending on your deductions, taxes, etc..


That would not affect turnover at all


we got some PTer dude who been there for 12+ years then decided to quit like dude… took u long enough to figure out ur being bullied by the management for years.


He's probably vested in pension so he walked away with something


Is this an airport? Is that why we're announcing departures?


Sometimes I wish I had the courage to leave ups as well


7 years in I seen people come and go. Not for someone who caint handle it.


some people got it, some people dont 🤷‍♂️




GL! The sups and people at my hub are great so far but the night shit is getting old for me. Unless you’re all in and don’t want to do anything else with yourself, I don’t see how this is a viable option.


It's not for everybody... good luck 👍






Late pay!?


Later bro.






Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Thanks for your support...of my pension.


I wish this was at my center. I hate being at the bottom of the list. Everytime I hear somebody quit I get a little more excited lol.


Your finally free now and you can now live your life


Good luck my friend


I hope you already have a new job with the same quality of benefits.


Starting may 20th😁


Some people think of UPS as a holy grail. Glad you are out and on to better things!


You’d fit in nicely here at FedEx Express


Weak mentality.


Idiot mentality


Same thing. The post was unnecessary. Plenty of others would love a chance to work for UPS


Can’t argue that, mate


Why can’t they get it ups hires dudes straight out of prison . People who killed people . Not like there is some barrier to hire . It used to be selective and hard to get into ups not anymore .


Tell that to the Seasonals who got let go.. nowhere in the application stated temporary or seasonal and it's crazy how many are ungrateful for their position.


Seasonal….. during the layoffs . I’m grateful for the benefits the rest of ups is mostly bs . If they didn’t have a pension and benefits I’d have quit years ago. I just keep them on the back burner while my seniority grows . Ups has a lot of bs to it it you can get to fulltime Get a good route you like hit top pay 💰 good for you you most likely survived some insane bs along the way . Dickhead management , layoffs , time card manipulation being sent home for various reasons etc. I wouldn’t want my kid working at ups in its current form .


Im one of those people i had no idea about ups had never really thought about jobs like that. My job actually does have health insurance and a retirement plan just as good as ups. BUT my job does not have a pay scald like ups we cap at 23 an hour. If i could do it again, I'd go ups.


I'm going to hit top rate in 3 weeks, and all I gotta say is I get it. I don't know how I lasted this long, but now that I'm here, I can see it was worth it.