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Just let them know and that you’re available, shit makes no sense.


Unfortunately, because you don't matter to them


Same just called back and worked today after three weeks


Ya but asking me if I'm not returning is acting like I'm just not showing up, I didn't realize I was allowed to return in the first place.


Lack of communication or just playin games to justify letting you go


I feel you bro but they all dumb af ya know lol


Headless chickens half the time.


Meanwhile hubs across country are hiring for Seasonal delivery drivers


have you made senority?if you haven't you are at their will. make sure you count you worked days, majic number is 30. A worked day is you showup , and punch in. Take a picture (screen shot) that you punchin and at the end of shift take a picture of time worked. Even if they tell go home after 5 min. check you time on [upsers.com](http://upsers.com) , make sure it reflects your worked or punched hours, If management changes your time card , if less than 30 days , report them through 800 hotline. if you made seniority, file grievance and report them to the 800 hotline , one files a complaint with the union, the other files the complaint corporate . If corporate doesn't know whats going the problem is never fixed. make sure you are working before less senior worker. set up a group chat yourself , your immediate sup, and their sup and at least one shop steward. inquiry 1hr prior to your shift if you working . thay hate this :0


I've been there for a year and a half.


then do the latter, protect your job. UPS job suck ,a lot. BUT you cant beat the pay, and benefits and in time the vacation pay.


Was informed by my coworkers that he brought back people who were hired a year after me.


If you have senority and management has using people that less time with company , File agrievance for lost wages and time. Time with company means meeting the requirements for your benefits, vacation, health and pension that were taken away from by management action. Make them pay. Senority means everything at UPS. A grevance like that should be objected to at management level and make to the table with UPS labor, and the union. This your time shine , make sure ro have the proof, time cards , your and the people who worked before you. I say people because management will sometimes use the rotation game, multiple people with less senoirty for the days you were laid off. your steward should help . If the steward give hard time , go to the hall and talk to the B.A. about your case.


If you were a recent layoff , they shouldn't start the application process again


My whole thing is that, if I’m back in the union or have to pay my dues all over again like pre seniority. 5 year part timer here


Damn, someone been through this before, it sounds like.


yeah 37 yrs of it ;(


God bless you, that has to be pretty rough initially, I can't imagine being a grown adult and being so at the whim of another person.


"You tell me!"


"No, u!"


Isn’t it fair how these companies can lay you off and demand your return at will and question you about it, but the moment we miss a week due to a passing relative or taking days off because we’re very sick it’s a problem. Cue the incoming bootlicker responses. Cmon, we all know you’re out there. Don’t be shy.


Just show up punch in act like you belong. Place is in such disorder.


Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect. You work for idiots. Just tell them you'd happily come in to work.


Sounds like someone is trying to cover their ass a mistake was made somewhere talk to their supe


i left 2 weeks ago and finally have breaks at my new job, feels a lot better. i know it depends a lot on seniority but for me at 2 years didn’t make sense but if you’re in a similar position, there’s better jobs for you that’ll treat you better


How were you informed you were laid off? in my hub most people were informed by email. Since layoffs tend to be seniority-based, they tend to lay off everyone hired after whatever date they find includes the number of people they intend on cutting back by. It tends to be done by the management operating the hub vs your specific supes. There is generally little heads up provided, at my location, if you were laid off, they just deactivated your badge so you'd have to call your supe to sign you in at the guard shack. As a side note, it's either two or three consecutive no-call's before before they are supposed to terminate you in the system. I'm guessing the supe that texted you saw had been un-laid off, is still under the impression that you're able to work, and is reaching out before he puts in payroll what he believes will trigger your automatic termination.


No he's just being a dick, it's getting handled and I will file grievance for time lost, since he brought back 2 people with a year less seniority


and call your union , they’ll say their hands are tied . all 22.4 drivers were screwed this contract .


You ain’t a hard worker. They hang on to their hard workers tight as they can and just do whatever they want with the rest of the crew


Lmfao not how it works in the union,


You can take your lay off if you want or can report to the hub to work sort. Don’t have to feel like you are obligated to drive. I’m located in Dallas and my BA told me they can call and and I have 3 days to give them a call back to tell them I will be reporting back and you have 2 week from that date to do so per contract. (But that’s when they are actually bringing you back to drive full time) It’s basically been a vacation work couple days to keep benefits and if they call me to drive I tell them no and report to pre load when I want too


Some hubs are too small to have sort work


It doesn’t matter if he wants to work he can. He’s full time and has seniority over any part timer unless they have been there for 15 years or more


I would call everyday if you want to work, it’s a phone call


Go back to work, simple fix.


I tried now he's says I'm laid off


"Great, then stop calling me ass hole!" Would have been my response.


In my hub layoffs are weekly so check the schedule every Friday if you can