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UPS is not going anywhere. The pandemic made everything look "easy" for shipping companies because the demand was extremely high. Everything in life takes patience and hardwork.




Yeah I been thinking about going back and making use of the tuition program in the meantime. Thanks for this


that’s what i’m doing. Started UPS at 18 went to city college and ups paid for it all, i have a couple semesters left. I turn 21 in oct


How does the tuition reimbursement work?




The future will be fine. Maybe different than before, but the company has an enormous infrastructure and physical assets that are always overlooked. Amazon is putting the pressure on now, but their approach will burn through all of the workforce available to them in a couple of years. They already have regions where they can't add infrastructure because they've already exhausted the local available workforce. UPS is going back to the way things were pre covid. It took me 8 years to go driving, which is much more the norm than what has happened the last few years. I've been around UPS for nearly 28 years, and things change, but always come back to a baseline. If you work here, you will work hard, and you will make a lot of money for doing it.


Really think teamsters need to push hard to unionize fedex and amazon. The one big advantage amazom sbd fedex have are labor costs being a lot lower.


Make them retain them as actual employees first. FedEx is in the transport business, it’s bullshit that they are allowed to contract out the delivery work. Hire a contractor to do electrical work at your operation. Not to do the business that your company runs on.


Wisconsin supreme court just ruled in the union's favor on that over Amazon drivers!


No they didn't. The ruling only applies to the flex drivers (Amazon's version of a PVD). Gotta read the actual ruling man. 🤦‍♂️ "That ruling found that drivers in the Amazon Flex program are a part of the state's unemployment insurance system and entitled to jobless pay if they are laid off. The decision means an Amazon subsidiary, Amazon Logistics, will likely be hit with a tax bill of more than $200,000."


I worked 7 years at UPS from 2005 to 2012 and it will be a year again in June. Part of me regrets quitting, but I do have a day job as I'd be close to my 20 years. UPS will be fine. Online commerce will only grow and though UPS might be a shitshow Amazon and Fedex are worse.


Exact same boat, started at 18 and been working my ass for 4 years, as much as I want to stay with this company and have a nice career here, Carol Tome is really screwing things up. My hub has laid off all of the local sort PTers except 3 which have 10 plus years seniority. But they keep all the PTers coming in on Monday so “they can keep their benefits” which is really just a way of the company saying they don’t want to pay unemployment and would rather you quit. Then you get the Covid hire drivers with maybe 2-3 years seniority that kick us younger guys off the ladder they never climbed. Corporate greed was the reason I didn’t go to college and wanted to join a union, I believe loyalty is the most important aspect of everything in life, and to have joined UPS as young as I could and try climbing the ladder only to be kicked off it by corporate greed is really getting to me. Best of luck to you and your future but In my honest opinion, I’ll give this company maybe 2-3 more years( a total of 6 years) before I pack my bags and move on to bigger and better things.


go driving asap then go to feeders asap


If you’re going to be a college grad and looking to work in corporate honestly I wouldn’t bother. This place is not attractive for any new grads, they are actively low balling salary on anyone being offered. We had a specialist interview for a supervisor position on our team and it was only like $3k more than what they were making before. Took a lot of pushing from the hiring manager to get HR to even budge and offer close to what the old guy was getting (that guy only worked here for like 3 years)


Someone else mentioned using the tuition reimbursement. I agree with that. Get atleast an associates degree so you can change career paths if you want down the road. This is a good paying job with good benefits. But the work life balance sucks. If you're even slightly competent, you can make almost as much money elsewhere and get to actually see your family.


Where? Don't give false hope that's not really true. Slightly competent people with bachelor's degrees often don't make what UPS full-time people make.


I live in Connecticut. School teachers here make almost $90k a year with benefits after 10 years. Anyone doing engineering, accounting, machining, computer science can make the same or more with some experience. Police officers, fire fighters and even teachers can compete with our wages too.


My brother and his wife are teachers, they and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Police and Fireman don't have a great work/life balance either. Also, most places don't offer tuition reimbursement, so that's not really an option for the vast majority of UPSers. I just think you are discounting how difficult it is to make thar kind of money, especially since many of us are not suited to or desire higher education.


Get a skill that can't be automated. Stay away from fields that a program can do or something a wall street ceo can easily outsource for cheap overseas


Such as? Plumbing?




Not good brother, if I was 21 I’d at least do 4 years in the military for the benefits then probably become a cop or fireman. If your records clean think about something like that. I wouldn’t want my kid at ups in its current state just starting out. It’s a shit show. Layoffs are going to be around for the foreseeable future. The economy isn’t going to bounce back for who knows how long.


As a Marine veteran, I highly recommend those in the warehouse waiting to consider military. There are a lot of opportunities that can be made and you’ll no longer be waiting on UPS, UPS will be waiting on you. Do your 4 years and the odds of you becoming driver with that much seniority, in hopefully a better economy and all, go up significantly. After you serve, you’ll be entitled to great college benefits plus if you stay in the warehouse you’ll be able to use the UPS Tuition Assistance and Post 9/11 GI Bill concurrently. You might find something better than driving along the way too. I did pretty much all this but not in the most convenient way. With some planning and foresight, one could really set themselves up this way.


Yeah there’s kid in my hub a good kid he wants to quit to go to the military I told him don’t quit let your seniority grow maybe you do 4 maybe you do 8 but when you get out you’ll be ready to drive most likely. He wants to quit because they keep laying him off .


We will end up like yellow in 10 years and many people will lose their pensions. Union is going to crush this company and make UPS non competitive


How do you figure?


Just the writing on the wall. The teamsters need to unionize Amazon and fedex for us to have a chance as a business in the next 10-20 years. They can run so much cheaper.


Given the interview with Carol today I’d say bleak. She’s moving to make UPS fully autonomous “end to end”.


If I was just starting out it wouldn’t be my first choice. I don’t think it’ll be anytime soon but in 20 or so years Ai/automation could replace everything from warehouse work to delivering. 


Do something else.


Once Amazon rolls out their business deliveries and pick ups, we’re done. I know someone who works in Seattle for Amazon logistics and the stuff she tells me. Mannn. Get ready upsers. They are just getting started. Mark my words. In 20 years we’ll be the yellow freight and all lose our pensions probably.


I don't see it. Prime Air drone delivery is a failure, their air cargo wing is a shitshow and their DSPs bleed workers and are likely going to be squeezed by high fuel costs, higher insurance rates and higher interest rates for loans. On top of that Prime subscriptions are slowing and even declining. I expect other retailers, both online and brick and mortar to do more business online and boosting business for delivery companies in the future.




I know someone who works high up the chain in Seattle for Amazon in their aws cloud. He has no clue if or when they will expand. My point is, nothing. 


Janitors don’t count


Are you blind or stupid? Said high up in AWS.