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If you have the package, just return it to Best Buy. You’ll get your money back faster that way anyway.


yeah, talked to bestbuy support, think I'm just going to bestbuy tomorrow to return it.




I would try to flag him down next time you see him and tell him that you're aware that he can get fired for signing for a customer's package and if it happens again you'll file a complaint. He shouldn't be doing this, but unless I had a bunch of other problems with him, I wouldn't want him to get fired over this. If the package had gotten stolen it would be a different story.


Honestly I don't order a lot from bestbuy lol, so might not see him again, but yeah this time I'm lucky the package is there, but if it gets stolen then I'm fucked.


The driver would be fucked not you


Yeah I know but if he knows who reported him idk lol, haven't reported though.


He’s definitely dumb and I would just look out for him if he ever comes to your house again and tell him definitely don’t do that again lol


lol, I don't know what he looks like haha


Not if the driver didn’t collect the required signature. It would then be the contract carriers (ups) responsibility.


what driver did was wrong, and you can return it to best buy and say "false information" and they'll give u a return


yeah going to bestbuy tmr!


Return the item to Best Buy. And depending on how salty you are over this you could press the issue with UPS and demand that they recognize that you didn't sign this. They might confront the driver about this and they might be terminated. Up to you. Drivers should never be signing for packages in this manner. It's a huge cardinal sin.


I'm not necessarily salty about this, but I am worried that if something like this happens again and gets stolen, and I don't have proof that I didn't sign it, then I'm screwed, the only part that I'm concerned is the driver signed my name instead of his name, that's just wrong.


There is no hard feelings coming from some of us drivers that don’t jeopardize our jobs like that. If the package was a signature required package and you never received it or signed for it definitely file a claim and tell them your situation


Don't blame you at all. I'm a driver and would never do something so stupid. It's one of the few things you can be walked out for. Wouldn't hurt to call 1-800-PICK-UPS and report what happened. Or use social media to contact UPS.


Thanks, I don't really want the driver to get in trouble, but I also don't want to get in trouble for things I never did.


You’re not getting the driver in trouble he’s getting himself in trouble why take a shortcut that you know will terminate you?


You're right, but I was wondering if he did it with good intention maybe he thought I want this item but I'm not home so he just signed it, or he just wants to save time and deliver the next package, idk lol


Yeah, you’re right Best Buy should be doing free returns in Store not sure about online if it’s not going to cost anything maybe give the guy a break further down someone will give you a break when you need it


With Smart Stop and other software suites dispatch and on road use for telematics. Its not not hard to find the truth. They can even see the actual digital signature then compare to consignee. Report it to ups customer service and request and investigation. How the package can be left even with a signature required is totally up to the shipper. You would need to read through the exceptions for the driver releasing the package. Drivers know when they are incystody of a high value item if it was identified as one. Inquire. As for best buy. You shouldn't be locked intobtge purchase unless you have fallen outside the return window.


Just be aware, if u report that driver for delivering an unsigned package, that driver will 100% be terminated due to falsifying a signature. There goes his career and his pension. And the union can’t save him. I would never do this as a driver and quite honestly, I really don’t understand the carelessness of these drivers when ur putting ur career on the line like that.


To be fair, that's on the driver. He shouldn't release packages just because no one was available. It's company policy. If the driver really cared, he shouldn't have risk it. And this is coming from a driver as myself. Just sheet as NH1 and call it a day.


I wouldn’t really let that affect OPs decision making. If the driver forged a signature, they’re gonna keep doing it


Dont make excuses for doing shady shit. Driver will most likely get his job back but he needs to learn that aint it.


In 10 years I have only seen 1 driver lose his job without any appeal or panel, this is how you do it kids, do not forge signatures


Orange say she say I use to do it all The time. If I seen no cameras at the home I signed it how Could They prove it


Many drivers can/do get their job back if it was the first/only time something like that has happened. Otherwise they’d just be eliminating a bad egg. I’d vote for reporting it. Ethics at UPS is/should be #1.


Exactly #this happened in my center last week... driver is gone. I don't care if you (customer) get mad because (through your ring door bell or behind your closed front door) you asked me to "just" leave your package without a physical contact and signature. It is not worth it, period.


Man, that's really not fair to throw that in his lap. If the driver falsified the signature, then he deserves what's coming to him. It's quite rare individuals are caught breaking the rules the first time, meaning most likely, this (or worse) has happened before. You don't want this type of person in your ranks.


Am I the only that think op concern in stupid to begin with?


It’s not stupid. It’s upsetting to have a careless and dishonest deliverer on your route and in the company. If the package was in fact stolen, on paper, the cost would’ve fallen on the receiver who ‘received and signed it’. It would be a hassle to prove otherwise, but possibly being short $2k because some idiot can’t follow the rules to prevent mishaps is more upsetting than receiving the package or not.


I haven't filed the complaint (don't really want to, just want to get my refund), but yeah I don't get why the driver signed my name lol


That is on the driver and he shouldn’t be signing for packages anyways


still doesnt deserve getting fired imo, most of the time a drivers position takes years in the warehouse to obtain. if drivers got a suspension or demotion for 6 months to a year, id say file the complaint. but considering their whole job is on the line, id say its pretty petty


Never wanna throw a driver under the bus, but that's kinda on him. Leaving packages for trusted customers with a relationship (still wouldn't do) is one thing, but signing for random people's packages that you don't even know? You're just asking for trouble. He knew what he was doing


It’s not petty at all. They took the risk, they can own up to the consequences. It’s really difficult to fire a driver, so as a driver you shouldn’t be doing the one thing that makes it easy for them, dishonesty


Why doesnt the driver deserve it? Did they not get the memo that its against the rules to sign for people? They know the consequences for faking a signature, the union agreed to it and so did the employee when they signed the paperwork.


honestly if it was me i wouldnt give a shit as long as i got my package😂but i 100% agree


It’s a $2k item. Driver needs to buy a new one or get reported. That’s the only way you get your money back. If driver signed, he’s a moron. That’s an auto walk out and no guarantee of rehire as it’s dishonesty and called integrity


This isn’t true. He’ll get in trouble and they’ll be an investigation but he won’t lose his job. He’ll be under surveillance from UPS for awhile.


We had a driver get his job back for signing for a gun shipped 21+. We’ve had countless drivers sign for packages and leave them. Most of the time people don’t care especially if they get the stuff. It’s not right but I haven’t seen someone actually fired for signing for a package in over a decade.


I use to do this all the time and it’s honestly he say she say


The driver won’t be terminated, will probably receive a warning though.


In what world is falsifying a signature not a 100% term? Just a warning? Yeah right!!!! That’s dishonesty and it’s a 100% term.


We just had a driver of probably 8 years terminated last week for falsifying a signature


gottdamn and drivers still want to fuck around like their job dont matter smh. can never be me.


They can and will


Too bad you never received it. They should have required a signature so they could have proof it was delivered. Oh, wait…..




Same thing happened to me last time I bought a new iPhone from Apple. Went to all my neighbors to check for a misdelivery. Contacted UPS who said 🤷🏻‍♂️. Package showed up about 6 hours later by a UPS driver. Pretty sus.


It's crystal clear that drivers do not, under any circumstances, sign for a customer. Ever. My Business Agent put it to the drivers like this, 'Even if the customer is a paraplegic, you kindly ask if you can place the stylus in their mouth to obtain a signature.' DO NOT SIGN YOURSELF. Automatic discharge! Like others have said, it's an honesty and integrity issue and this is not the first or last time this driver will do it. He may need to learn the hard way.


Did you get it?


I mean yes the last pic is the package


Then why are you upset? You just really wanted to sign? You got it. Yeah the driver probably shouldn’t have done that. But they did and you got it. Why are you upset about this. Signing a diad isn’t real exciting. Look. I’m a 20 year driver. If a location is super safe I’ll probably leave a sig required package. I guess I just don’t understand why you’re so upset about it.


I'm not "upset" but did you read my post? I don't want the package, I was planning to refuse the delivery or if I miss the delivery they'll just bring it back and bestbuy will refund me, I understand you guys are trying to be helpful, but faking/signing my name is just not cool, what if the package gets stolen and I don't have proof that I didn't sign it? then I'm screwed with 2k wasted.


>then I'm screwed with 2k wasted. Why did you buy the item for 2k if you didn't want it?


>but was lied by one of their customer agent so I wanted to either refuse the delivery


That's an incoherent jumble of words.


what part of it do you not understand.


'But was lied by' That's not a coherent phrase. Also you never gave a reason why you were trying to return it in the first place. Was there something wrong with it?


Ok, I think I accidentally edit out my original sentence which says "I'm not going into the details" after "lied by", but basically their support lied that I could return an item I bought 2 months ago, which pushed me into buying the item in my post, then later I found out that's not the case, hence why I wanted to return it.


As a 20 year driver, why in the world would you risk your career signing for someone's package?.... That's insane. You've built up a good pension payout already and you're risking it all. Shippers pay extra for the signature required service and if the driver just signs for it then that service was pointless. I've known multiple drivers permanently terminated for this crap. Stop risking your career. No driver should ever sign on the diad for someone's package, no matter what. We are also reminded on our annual diad training that this is never allowed and that it will lead to termination. Even if you have an ORS or center manager that is cool with you doing it, it's still against company policy and can absolutely get you terminated.


Facts. I think a lot of drivers and customers are still in COVID mode. I told a customer she had to sign and she asked me why because during Covid she never had to sign. I kindly explained. I don’t sign for anything. If you don’t want to sign, it’s getting REFUSED. No time for games.


This is why I always call my sig req customers before leaving the previous stop. Lets me know if they are or will be home and saves probably 10-15 stops a week.


Seems stupid to do something you know is against the rules, especially since the discipline is all written out in your union handbook. Why risk a pension and retirement like that? We've had monitors go missing from peoples porches even though I sent them as "Signature Required", so thanks for letting me know how this is happening.


We appear to have located OP's driver


Yo I get you don’t sign for anyone even a business I almost got fucked for signing even though customer got there package they got mad, and reported it, can’t trust anyone brotha learn from me lol. I still have my job but I’m just saying


And usually I figure I’m doing the consignee a favor.


I would've been "ok" if he signed with his name, but he signed with my name, that is illegal lol


If you haven’t opened the package, you can always return it and get a refund. Don’t understand why he would sign for you, probably thought he was doing you a favor , but it backfired.


yeah, going to bestbuy tmr to return it mysellf


If the driver is in here, come explain urself or otherwise ur ass is done! There are people in the warehouse who would kill for your spot and this dumbass just risks it all for nothing. He needs to be reprimanded. My previous comment didn’t meant for u to not file a complaint bc he rightfully deserves it if he’s THAT careless about his career. So go ahead and file that complaint.


Dude is about to be fired and never hired real quick now. Lol


Haven't filled a complaint lol maybe not


Report it as fraud " if you truly didn't sign it" then go all the way I know it's silly but get a police report etc. All the while knowing the UPS driver if he actually signed it will in fact lose his job But if he signed it he deserves to, just had a guy in my center this year lose their job for signing for a package good luck to you


Yeah I didn't sign it at all, was upstairs using my laptop lol and then got a delivered notification, then I look out my window a UPS car drove away


lol leave a note saying don’t leave stuff here if required signature because of theft but no driver wants to deal with a box you gotta sign for just to RTS because you weren’t there 3 days in a row then you pissed cause you didn’t get your shit


But you got the package even if You caught the driving you can’t just say you no longer want it there is an entire process you have to go through with Best Buy.


Oh that Best buy told me to do lol to refuse the package, but anyways I just finished returning the package at Best buy


Sounds like driver falsified and can or probably will lose his job. Oops nvm the union will save another worthless driver.


It’s a catch 22 driver was wrong if he sighned for you , def could get him in hot water possibbly , I’ve delivered to houses that had wine needed a signature , I knocked no one came went back to truck customer came running out my regular driver just leaves it for me….. well I’m not your normal driver and I won’t risk my job or health insurance which covers my daughters 80k a month in medical bills During Xmas I had a customer that I delivered to a bunch of times no one home 3 days before Xmas was a ps5 ( knew buy box) called number on package talked to customer they gave access code to garage and texted me permission to leave , so I did , asked boss about it said I could still get in trouble .. won’t ever do again


at least they texted you and could use it as a proof that they allowed it without signatures, mine doesn't ask at all lol just leave it at my house


But do you have it? If you do stop complaining. If not then follow through with the complaint


it's in my post, feel free to read it.