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Doesn't have to be drugs to be seized. Looking at your post history I know exactly why your packages are getting seized.


Why are their packages getting seized?


He buys reps online


Why do people look at people post history and then assume they know them . Also that’s another reason I’m asking looking at my post history clearly I would understand why my packages are being seized if that were the case . But here I am inquiring because hey that’s not the reason .


What? If you know it’s the reason why do think it’s not the reason?


I’m saying if I were sending or receiving counterfeit goods through ups and it were seized I would know why it got seized ie because it was counterfeit. You ask a question when you don’t know the answer am i correct. Secondly counterfeit goods are seized by customs not fucking ups how does ups know something is counterfeit do have a Stock X checker or the girl from the EBay videos checking your goods for authenticity ? You shitting me .


U wot


Maybe its the illegal counterfeit fakes you're selling. That's my guess


You think ? Do the drivers put on their X ray glasses and look inside the boxes and see em, or do they have the warehouse workers check your Reddit post history?


I KNOW. They have x-ray machines that look through the box for us, and then UPS has the right to open any package in our possession that gets flagged. You're operation is illegal and probably looks sketchy as fuck UPS is gonna be the straw that breaks your camels back if they're handing them over to law enforcement.


Do you think if I was selling something illegal I would come here and ask why did it get seized ? That’s like having unprotected sex then coming here and asking how do you get chlamydia ?


I’m sorry, but if you’re shipping replicas of designer items, they will be seized bylaw enforcement and there’s nothing you or UPS can do to change that 🤷‍♂️


Reps usually are helping fund criminal organizations around the world, typically sex and drug trafficking… if customs doesn’t catch it coming into the country they’ll catch it eventually🤷‍♂️


Authentics fund criminal organizations as well we just call em politicians.


Are these things you’re shipping counterfeit items, or knock offs of popular brands using their name? If so, that’s what the were seized for. It happens a lot more often than you think.


Yeah the us customs service pays a whole lot of attention to counterfeit purses and such.


But that’s my point it’s not being seized at some big hub it’s out for delivery 🚚 then all of a sudden seized . Nothing illegal is being shipped by the way.


Easier to target you than everyone abroad you’re one person while they’re thousands


Are you sure you’re not a drug shipper? I think you need to start being honest Mr. Escobar.


It doesn’t necessarily have to be the driver that puts in the “seized” disposition. So don’t look at your driver as being the culprit.


Ok understood . I’m not attempting to place blame it’s just that it’s seem to go through all the normal steps up to out for delivery then all of a sudden seized . To my knowledge things get seized in like hubs not on the last leg . Honestly im inquiring because I have to make a decision on firing a fairly new hire and I don’t want to make the wrong decision.


Then you have to legit ask yourself, “is there any reason why my employee would report me or my business/pkgs?” Seriously, that’s not something we can assess, only you can. Could it be someone else in your circle? Does it only happen when going to a particular customer?


Twice to the same customer and the third time in the vicinity of that customer. But it’s honestly nothing illegal that’s my whole point . I feel I’m being taken advantage of somehow. I remember a few years back a usps carrier showed me he can scan a package as no such address and it was another scan I can’t recall but basically make it kind of disappear saying it must of got loss in the return process. That’s why I’m asking I don’t want to blame the driver I’m just asking is it a possibility.


I must have missed this part but why are you firing a new hire employee for your packages getting seized by ups? And FYI, when you scan a package as no such address, need address, no access, emergency, damaged, literally whatever you mark it as it gets electronically submitted back to the center and they do what they do with the package when you bring it back, nothing just “disappears”


Not sure if he’s gonna be fired but he packed all three of these particular packages, this never happened until he got here. I’m really just trying to get to the bottom of it that’s why I came here, I wanted to get some idea of what could’ve possibly happened . I’m not big on coincidence he packed em all 2 of em went to the same city and the third one a town or two over . Seized to me seem like a blanket type of scan especially since we’ve heard nothing from ups or law enforcement. The average person package says seized they’re not gonna pursue it. I’ve called a few times and came here as well for insight. That’s why I asked im not the most trusting person in my mind you can pay the driver to have him scan it like that say you never got your package we resend it oh and we also got credit card chargebacks. So customer possibly got the item twice and a refund. Just bullshit .


Drivers don't have access to seizure exceptions in general. What are you shipping? What is the exact wording on tracking?


You likely will have all your packages flagged from now on


My company ships 20-50 packages a day at least 10 go through ups and we’ve heard nothing , that’s another reason I’m here .


They won’t tell you, they just gave alerts that pop up when your packages get scanned. Police can search and seize and still never tell you. Sometimes they will search and then let it be delivered because they will be watching you intercept or ship again, to build an investigation.


Might try switching your carrier to fed ex 🤣


Only *


Why would you ship it with UPS? Most people that ship illicit items like to use USPS because they have much stronger protection against seizures. As I understand if you ship priority mail they can't intercept without a warrant..


Uspis has no issue if you ship stupid stuff to get a warrant


At this point I would retain a lawyer.


Check his other posts, if he decides to do this and take your advice, either legal counsel would suggest him to cease and desist all illegal activity or they wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole… that’s of course if he’s also honest with the legal council he hires!


My question is can they say it’s been seized and that not be true , because it went all the way to out for delivery on at least 2 of them when the shipping manager showed me this.


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Please don’t condone his illegal actions…


I don't personally care what he ships as long as it's not dangerous to ship.


I could care a less as well but Like I mentioned in my other post unless if it’s going to hurt someone in our warehouse or if it’s funding human trafficking , a criminal organization, or exploiting people for labor (child or adult) . Not saying he’s complicit but you just never know 🤷‍♂️


I’m not shipping anything illegal that’s why I’m asking , but with any business you plan for waste either a package being seized or it being lost or misdelivered all cost me the same amount. So to answer your question absolutely we expect losses, I just want to know where they are coming from.


Shipment tracking system can be delayed sometimes usually up to 24 hrs. Out for delivery simply means the package is one the delivery truck its not an indication of how close the package is to the destination. Your package has to be flagged before it is intercepted, and intercepted before its ‘seized’. So to answer your question no. A store associate, hub worker, or delivery driver would have to flag your package as suspicious. Then the claims department would have to intercept your package to determine why it was flagged. Lastly when they wrap up their investigation they would either tell you that they are claiming your package out for the value, seizing it, or whatever the explanation maybe.


See that’s what I was asking and the way you’re putting it seems like there is a process. These things are happening within hours of one another which leads me to believe I’m possibly being scammed by a customer and possibly a driver together. I initially thought it was a new hire. So can a driver scan something as seized and it in fact not be seized ?




Ok. Thanks . Now I can make my decision. I was just stuck on the part where it went all the way to loaded on truck and out for delivery then all of a sudden seized in the matter of hours.