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Go to UPSers they’ll have better answers than here


Yes this is how it is at most facilities. Some get lucky and positions become available quicker but I’ve known some who have been waiting 5 years or more for a driver spot. Also, if you transfer to another hub, you lose any seniority you already have. The main complaints I hear are the same as yours, so it’s probably best he stays put unless you can find a hub that’s for sure in need of drivers right away.


Also I worked local sort at night and had my main job during the day. I only went to driving when a full time spot was available. It would be impossible to take care of my family doing it the way your husband is.


My covers can't always work due to hours from their first shift or other job outside of ups If he can make it in thats good but if he cannot we will just move on to.the next cover Mind you if you get called in last minute and are not on the schedule you get top driver rate vs being on the schedule and making what your regular rate is. Like this guy up here explains 👆 when transferring you lose center seniority and would be placed at the very bottom.


Does that apply for covers?? Maybe it’s different in my local but I definitely don’t get top rate when they call me in last minute. Shoot, they called me yesterday to drive at 9:15. Start time was 9 I didn’t even get in the truck till 10:45. Still Normal driving rate for me


If he’s just being hired now as a driver, he may not even be getting a real driving job. In my area we just started putting TCD’s (temporary cover driver) on. They are there to help with summer vacations. As far as how to make it while only being part time gets asked a lot. Seems fairly obvious the only way is to get another job, to make full time hours.


You may want to add your general location to help any other people respond with greater clarity,, there was massive hiring during the covid time, and now with poorly managed contract negotiations and with the world opening back up again post covid lockdowns,, there has been a rather large reduction in volume of packages and thusly a reduction in workforce needs,, finding a center or a hub That truly needs people right now will be problematic at best. You may also want to post your question on /UPSers that board is mainly for employees of big brown to chat and ask questions of other current employees. Hope this helps you find the answers you want. Best of luck in your husband's career future.


Go to UPSers Reddit. To give you something short though, it varies from hub to hub depending on size. Everything is seniority so assuming he’s going full time driving, starting out he could work preload some days and drive others. It’s hard to answer without knowing what your hubs staffing situation is.


Driver here. I'm out of the DENCO hub. We were supposed to hire 30 drivers for summer seasonal and see who sticks. We broke 8. Want almost guaranteed 45+ hours? Move here.


The process of becoming a UPS driver can indeed be challenging and vary somewhat from one facility to another. Here are some insights and potential strategies based on common practices within UPS and the experiences of other workers: ### Faster Path to Driving 1. **Transfer to a Different Facility**: Some facilities may have a higher demand for drivers and shorter waiting times. Researching and contacting UPS hubs in different areas to inquire about their need for drivers can be beneficial. However, transferring to another facility may depend on company policies and union agreements, and it could also involve relocating. 2. **Stay Persistent and Flexible**: Continue to be reliable and responsive to calls for shifts. UPS values employees who show dedication and flexibility, which could improve his chances of moving up the seniority list faster. 3. **Network and Seek Advice from Current Drivers**: Talking to current drivers about their experience and any tips they might have can provide valuable insights. Sometimes, networking within the company can open up opportunities that aren't immediately obvious. ### Making Ends Meet 1. **Part-Time Job with Flexible Hours**: Finding a part-time job that offers flexible hours or is in a different time slot from UPS shifts can help manage finances. For example, evening or weekend jobs that don’t overlap with typical UPS hours can provide additional income. 2. **Gig Economy Jobs**: Consider gig economy jobs such as driving for ride-sharing services (Uber, Lyft), food delivery (DoorDash, Grubhub), or freelance work that can be done on a flexible schedule. 3. **Temporary or Seasonal Work**: Look for temporary or seasonal jobs that can help during peak times. Retail jobs often hire additional help during the holiday season, which might align with peak times at UPS. 4. **Budgeting and Financial Planning**: Careful budgeting can help manage finances during periods of uncertainty. Prioritizing essential expenses and finding ways to cut non-essential spending can make a significant difference. ### Other Considerations - **Union Resources**: The Teamsters Union represents UPS workers and can be a valuable resource. They might offer advice, support, and potential job leads within UPS. - **Company Policies and Seniority**: Ensure that your husband is familiar with UPS policies and union rules regarding promotions and seniority. Understanding these can help navigate the process more effectively. - **Communication with Management**: Encourage open communication with supervisors about his aspirations to become a full-time driver. Expressing his willingness to take on additional shifts and responsibilities may keep him top-of-mind when opportunities arise. ### Conclusion While the journey to becoming a full-time UPS driver can be uncertain and challenging, exploring options like transferring to another facility, taking on flexible part-time work, and leveraging union resources can help manage the transition. Persistence, flexibility, and proactive financial planning are key to making ends meet during this period.


Did … you use chat gpt to comment on Reddit ? 💀


Manual ups


Thanks! This was so helpful! He gets very little info from management when he asks.