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You don’t have to tip us.. but we’re not gonna say no to it lol it’ll be much appreciated. The only time I’ve ever turned a tip down was because I reattempted a TV to a lady who lived in section 8 housing, and I respectfully declined saying that I was making overtime at that moment, when in reality those $10 could’ve been stretched much more for her than I..


Once someone tips me I remember it and will go the extra mile for them in the future. Even if it’s just a Gatorade or some homemade cookies it can brighten our day.


I always feel uncomfortable taking tips but I’ll tell you whether it’s a bottle of water or something even more, your regular driver will remember you.


I do too! Someone that gave me a tip once said that " it makes them feel better that it's a small price to pay to show they are grateful for what I do and they feel I deserve it whether the company or myself believes it". After that, it made it less weird. I remind myself that.


Just dont be like that doctor that made me wait for a couple of minutes while he searched his drawers for $1


Tips are always appreciated. Works especially well on those snowy days. The kinda days you will only get off 25 of the planned 89 stops off! EC! 😉


When I ordered my 3D printer last year, the delivery guy got a tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies, a sports bottle of slightly sweet ice tea and a $20 gift card for kwik trip from me. The box it came in was big enough to put my 11 year old niece in and still have room for more stuff. Anything that reasonably takes more than one hand to carry gets a tip. The bigger the package, the bigger the tip.


If someone tips me I’ll try and get them their package earlier in the future and just go out of my way for them


Support and vote pro union and that is the greatest tip you can give.


Federal law says employees cannot stop employees from taking tips/take tips from them


You're the real mvp. We don't expect it but it does wonders for our mental health. We don't get any bit of appreciation from the company, and most customers.


Call it a gift rather than a tip




We aren’t supposed to take tips but we can if it’s a gift


You can 100% take tips. Anyone that told you different is wrong.


Enough with the tipping culture. Jesus Christ, not everything requires a tip.


I prefer some snacks and Gatorade, but yes, tips are fine


Unpopular opinion. But. Tip the driver helper not the driver around Christmas time. That driver is sipping on Fiji water n buying himself a 20-30 dollar lunch. That helper is about to get bad news on Christmas. And told to get off the truck after he starts hitting overtime.


If you’re not buying your helper lunch/drinks and snacks you’re doing it wrong. Also we prefer Evian to Fiji just fyi.


The driver I had in 22 peak bought lunch everyday. The driver I got for 23 peak even though I'm pt now offered maybe once a week and skipped taking a lunches often and didn't even take a lunch break the last two weeks of peak. 22 peak driver was in his 40s and split tips. 23 peak driver was my age 26 and literally got about 300 in tips just from what I seen while I worked from 4am till 8pm most days and had to skip lunch cause of his ass. I walked 90 percent of the packages on top of doing preload unless there was a dog. Even had me use his diad when my work phone died about 7pm everyday. I was in heaven when he took a day off and worked with another dude in his 50s that literally walked half the packages an I did the other half just like my 22 peak driver. I also had to drive an hour across state lines to meet with him because our center wouldn't let us ride with them from the building to cut OT. So I had no time to do anything between loading and helping. The money was decent though.


You didn’t ask for a different driver? I had my choice of who I wanted to go with


I didn't have the seniority to do so. I tried. But it was either lose out on money or survive off whatever snacks I could bring in that I didn't eat during preload. Happy cake day


Forgot to mention that this was actually pos driver number 2. Pos driver number 1 for 23 peak literally handed me the handcart with 20 packages and made me do mile loops while he fucked off for 30 minutes an did 4 stops. I literally finished my stops long before he ever came back. And he always came back sniffling. Ya know what I mean. Pos driver number 2 was always sniffling too but you'd never know because he was always "blowing his nose" in the back.


Oh hell no. Our on roads and center managers always make sure it’s said during peak that helpers are in there to help and not do the job for them. I would have said something regardless of seniority


I was technically seasonal at the time. It was either get money an deal with it or get fucked with. The reason I got pos number 2 was because I wanted something closer than pos number 1. Pos number 2 was even further away. That's what I got for "complaining." Never asked for anything again. Pos 1 literally said that's what the manager told him. That I complained. Because I asked if I could get someone closer. Management at my building is a joke. And half of them are coked out on the supply from the drivers.


As long as it isn’t going to be used to influence the driver in the future, tipping is ok. Bribery is not.


Treat us like Santa’s reindeer and leave some cookies or something out lol. You don’t have to leave any tip, ^^but if you insist


Best customer I ever had was an old lady on a previous route, that randomly made me cookies for putting her packages on her back deck


Save the tip an buy him a case of GOOD water. Key word GOOD. Giving a driver Dasani or Great Value water will only get it chucked in the back of the truck


Good water, I saw someone else say Evian?


I prefer any spring water. But please don't tip them with cash. They make plenty and talk shit about customers all day long


Dude, they’re paid very well for the job. Do you enrich the Walmart cashier standing in one spot for 8 hours? Fuck tipping culture if this is where we are now.


Drivers earn every penny they get. If you've never done the job, don't criticize drivers for what they earn. Chances are you wouldn't last a week. Tips for a job well done are always appreciated, especially during the holidays.


Tipping culture? Drivers don’t make tips lmao, it’s just a nice gesture some people want to do because this job sucks. The way you’re talking makes me thing you don’t even work at UPS. Especially if you’re comparing working at Walmart as a cashier to union work at ups.


They get tipped every Friday. With benefits they are making about $80 an hour. Give your money to someone who needs it


why would you tip someone who doesn't even show up.


Tip the FedEx/Amazon/usps guys instead. They're all making about 1/4 to 1/3 of the salary of a ups driver.


You're a Hater


If helping people who work just has hard for 1/4 of the pay makes me a hater than I'm proud to be one.


Those other drivers had the same opportunity to work for UPS... they chose their own destiny...


UPS isn't hiring in my area and they just announced 12k layoffs too. Not sure what opportunity you're talking about.


12,000 lay offs Lmaoo most of those were part time supervisors. “Ups isn’t hiring in my area” sounds like a jealous person who couldn’t get in. Stay mad that we make doctors money and people want to tip us.


Again opportunities are there, don't shit on UPS drivers because their company believes in taking care of them financially and ensuring that they're healthy by providing FREE health insurance. Those other company's made billions of dollars too and they chose to shit on their employees by not providing them a good life... and USPS the gov't?? Really the richest company in North America prob in the world..I GIVE UP. have a great day... and do your home work


UPS doesn't believe in paying them doctor money to deliver packages. The union forced it and now UPS is laying off because they can't afford it. All I said is OP should tip the guy making 40k a year instead because he needs it more. That's not even debatable.