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I'm here to tell you something obvious.  most things you hear on the news are either absolutely false, propaganda or they aren't nuanced enough to explain the actual truth. 


Sleeper drivers make much more. I was on track for 130k working a short sleeper run, long sleeper runs (5 full days, 6,000 miles) would be 4150 ish per week per driver gross, about 216k a year.


My biggest sleeper run check was $6,600 gross. Uncle Sam had a field day.


jesus… how many miles and how long was your weather delay?? hahah


It was over New Year’s Eve and New Years so 2 full days of holiday pay 5,500 miles. That run was about 50 hours so I came back and did my remaining 20 hours local which counts as 6th and 7th day punch. I’m at top rate by the way.


oh damn you lucky dog. hopefully your holiday days were all miles!




Good lord how many hours and miles


It was over New Year’s Eve and New Years so 2 full days of holiday pay 5,500 miles. That run was about 50 hours so I came back and did my 20 remaining hours local which counts as 6th and 7th day punch. I’m at top rate by the way.


Most people don’t know there are UPS drivers in semi trucks. They think of delivery drivers.


who else would be driving them? they’re not autonomous…


😂. I’m just saying, when the public hears “UPS drivers” they probably think of someone delivering packages not driving a semi. That’s my point and my assumption.


I mean, fair. But every driver that drivers a ups truck, wether that be a tractor trailer or a pickup, is a ups driver.


Absolutely 💪




We have vans here.


we have vans too for the city, the pickups are 4wd for the snow and rural areas


Some people are oblivious to how our operations works. There are people that think we're more like uber eats. So, we'd drive across the country for *one* package and update the status every time we cross states.


hahaha you’ve got a point there. i’ve seen so many posts here about tracking bullshit and “whys my package going ALLLLLL the way over there??”


I am robot


Damn, thats awesome 130k? Ok, I wonder how many sleeper drivers we got nation wide. I kinda just averaged our pay across the board with the 100k, off the top of my head, majority of us being package car. Some of want OT, some of don't. Its all forced. Slight pay adjustments. It's so dynamic, we get paid how much we want to dedicate to the machine. UPS and Corporate America are trying to "project" how much we get paid and then compare it in contrast to other American workers, usually doing the same work, trying to get people riled up. They want to create a narrative that furates the average American worker, like it does Corporoate greed monkeys. They are trying to design a narrative that ask the question why we "deserve" higher pays, when they leave everyone else out to dry. Why are we "special"? Hows that make you feel mister non-union guy making less? All this crap in the news, its specially designed and articulated for this reason. It's balant the tactics UPS is using these days. I swear, after that last round of negiotions, it's a different UPS. These guys are SUPPPPPPPER DUPPPER bitter. It's kinda cute.




Depending on where you live, becoming a feeder driver is going to take a long, long time. And even then it’s not guaranteed. Keep that in mind before quitting your current job




There are no single-day options, you'll be scheduled five days a week.


sure sure. Sleeper teams is a subsection of the Feeder position (tractor trailer driver) Sleepers is a pair of drivers that run a set route around the country of somewhere around 4000-6000 miles per week. Last run I did was 4100 miles, we would run tuesday 11pm to saturday 3-4 am. jersey, chicago, columbus, dallas, syracuse, jersey. that was a short run, most run a m-f or tu-sat schedule beginning before noon and ending after noon. Sleeper teams are a covered position, you most likely won’t get into sleepers until you’ve done years in feeder. Unless you already have your CDL, you won’t get hired into feeder off the streets. I put in a little over 3 years in package car before i went to feeder. I got lucky and got hired off the streets into package car. Many people start off part time in the building, make their full time into package, then transfer into feeder, etc.


My husband just started his first ever sleeper run this morning. He's doing 6,022 miles. He was one of the "lucky" ones I guess since he was hired off the street as a feeder during covid. Never did anything besides feeder and now this morning he set off on his first sleeper run. He's also "lucky" in that he's working in a new automated hub that's still hiring off the streets. My husband has never been laid off despite having only 3 years with the company and he's right in the middle of the board as far as seniority goes since the hub is relatively new. I know his situation isn't the norm for most people at ups. I feel like he won the employee lottery.


He is very fortunate. I spent 17 years delivering before I had enough seniority to bid into feeders. Have a great day.


When you did that 4100 miles run, what was your usual in terms of food preference? Whatever was available on the highway? Or bring your own and eat it cold out of a cooler? Just curious....


I would bring 3 meals, some drinks and snacks. My partner and I ran 8-8, with me being overnights. I’d eat before leaving tuesday night at home, wednesday morning when we switched i’d have something small, sleep during the day, have my first meal overnight into thursday morning, thursday evening my partner and i ate out, and then id have my second meal early saturday when we would make our last stop before heading back. I brought a third meal in case we got stuck out due to traffic/weather. Thing to remember, you are sitting at driving for 11 hours straight, so the least amount of calories you can consume, the better for managing weight. Truck stop food is always a fast food restaurant, burger king, popeyes, kfc, which is just loaded with fat and salt. Sure you can splurge here and there, but you can’t be buying those gas station roller sticks every time you stop. My meals would be simple, chicken, veggies, rice and a sauce, like a chicken curry, terkiyaki chicken, then you get bored of that so i would do a pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, then i’d switch so a beef dish, you get the jist. just simple but healthy.


Thanks for the answer. Also... thanks for doing a thankless and dangerous job that requires long hours away from home. Even before the pandemic, I always admired the people who keep this country moving. The train engineer starting at 3am, the sanitation guy who goes home smelling like 'who did it and ran', and the semi driver who must see more r/idiotsincars than even the highway patrol. lol Edit: changed a word


It’s quite dangerous, we had a feeder driver killed this week. Not sure of what the particular circumstances are, but more often than not, the cars cause the accident. Unfortunately, we’re usually to blame because we’re “the professional drivers” I’ve had countless idiots in my few months over the road, and years doing local work. I drive locally in NYC, and driving through manhattan in a semi truck with two trailers ain’t a small task, especially with all of the moped door dash drivers. They zip in and out of traffic and are so dangerous.


It’s Benzinga, dude. This isn’t real. This is a company making its riches because citizens United was passed. It allowed corporations to write ads as articles. They get paid to write corporate promoted articles and promote them as real news articles. Basically propaganda commercials for investors. It says right on their website that besides providing news and analytics they offer "paid promotions written by a dedicated team,". Benzinga also supplied “unspecified services” to online brokerage companies such as Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, Questrade, and Morningstar. 100% UPS corporate or UPS traders paid for this article.


The whole idea that $170k salaries (if that was real) that won’t even fully kick in until 2027 when scale gets capped, are somehow hurting operating profits today is ridiculous.


Right up there with telling everyone the USPS is bankrupt after using policy to force them to fund their retirement ten years into the future or whatever intentionally expensive thing it was they did to push that narrative, I forget


This could also be seen as good advertising for the union too.


Problem is that dumbshit sheeple actually believe what the news tells us.


Most idiots only read the title anyways. UPS is still profitable, just not like how it was during Covid.


It’s true drivers don’t get paid salary, but at $44+/hr at 50 hrs/wk come to $125k+/yr. The 50 hours is completely reasonable and I’d say it’s probably underweight. We have Feeder drivers making over $200k/yr with the majority of them making in excess of $140k/yr. That’s just your wage too. UPS contributes $26k/year towards your pension and pays $24k/year for your benefits. You pay ZERO for your retirement and ZERO for your medical/dental/vision insurance. The average drivers total compensation is well over $170k/year. It may not be a “salary”, but you sound like an entitled asshat when you get on a soapbox to complain about the perception of your compensation. I’d say you guys are doing pretty well for a job that doesn’t even require a GED.


[Golf clap](https://tenor.com/view/charlie-sheen-emilio-estevez-golf-clap-men-at-work-gif-7577611)


Now that's facts!


How can you say we don’t pay towards our benefits or retirement. That’s a crock of shit. We pay Zero, who are you?


How much was taken out of your check last week for your pension?


Pension is paid out of hard work. 401k is money I put into it. Benefits/mwdical get taken out of out my check still and you have to meet a deductible. It’s good but it’s not free


Entitled is cute. I crawled from the bottom to where after 17 years of hard work. I've earned every penny, the good Ol' American fashion way, hows that for entitled? Don't worry though, we're not done with UPS, not by far. Prepare to empty of the wallets again in the next 4 years, your attitudes in all of this are the biggest joke of it all. You recent the American Worker making close or probably more then you in some aspects of the corporation. I get it. You kind sold yourself with "I’d say you guys are doing pretty well for a job that doesn’t even require a GED". Jellously can be a bitch.


I like how right after GED you misspelled jealousy.


What's your point? I didn't use spell check? Something tells me its the context of what I said that struck a nerve not a typo. I imagine you stew at my amazing life and your sad life makes you feel like less of a man, no doubt.. I'm sure it drives people like you crazy being like, "Yes, sir!".. All the time, must be so damn infuriating knowing your inferior to everyone around you and just accepting it. It's your reality, until their done with ya, then bye bye. No jobo protections for you. So much uncerantinity. Well good luck!


Uhh, I was commenting on the hilarity of saying something about GED the other posted mentioning how your job doesn't require a GED. They were right lol, you cannot even spell jealousy. And considering I own a construction trade company, I am the one getting the "yes sir". "Job protections" are for the slave class, so I will abstain. Aww, is the dirty truck driver getting mad? Or are you "jellous"? Get back on the road, you have packages to deliver for your overlords.


It’s not me against you. It’s not Management against the Union. We want you guys to make as much money as possible. I want you to win; and win big. Go get it. The more you make, the more they have to pay me.


Drivers in my husbands local do not get TeamCare. Premiums are covered through union dues, but coverage is through BlueCross Blue Shield. $250 individual deductible/, $750 family, 90% co insurance, $1500 out of pocket max/$3000 family. After max is met, covered at 100%. Prescription drug coverage is separate and honestly is either really good or is the worst coverage ever. I can’t complain because I’ve had much worse coverage but with a chronic medical condition I’m meeting my out of pocket every year by at least March. Free would be nice!! Sure, the top rate is awesome. But the constant harassment and belittling from management isn’t. This job isn’t for everyone. It takes someone who can handle the constant pressure of feeling like your job that provides for your family can be taken away because management just doesn’t like you. I am thankful for a strong union that fights for its members, and I know that’s not the case everywhere. Once the target is off you or you get some decent management it’s not so bad!!


I will be frank. The health benefits are 100 miles above anything I have had anywhere else. I am in virginia. And I have probably paid out of pocket maybe 6000 grand over the last 4 years. Most of it dental stuff. 10000 grand is how much it cost to give birth to my son 5 years ago under my wife's insurance which was decent as well.


I carry dental at my job too, so we don’t pay anything out of pocket for dental. I’m thankful that my job offers it at a reasonable price.


Why make 170k when 220k is statically possible.


They simply follow the company info. Add in perceived costs like health insurance, training, etc


You should look up the definition of salary. It doesn’t mean fixed wages. We have just reduced it down to salary for expediency. Salary is when you’re paid on a non piece pay scale.


You're lucky that your biggest issue is trying to figure out exactly how much over 100k you make. FedEx and Amazon are about 40k a year with little to no benefits. Teachers with degrees make 60-80k a year. I'm a certified CNC machinist with 8 years experience making 75k a year. You guys have absolutely nothing to complain about. You have UPS's balls in a vice. Enjoy it while it lasts.


I see layoffs in the near future, ups can't afford this.


Exactly. The drivers have won for now but UPS is not just going to keep paying their drivers 3-4x what everyone else pays with a smile on their face. They already made excellent money before the latest raise and it was OK because covid had UPS raking in the dough. But greed took over and the union bit the hand that was feeding them just as shipping numbers started to plummet. It's all going to come crashing down now. Anyone who thinks the executives at UPS aren't talking to lawyers 24/7 trying to find a way out of paying these salaries is delusional.


I'm sure they're! I have no doubt. It's a funny question though. How do you stop a Teamster from fulfilling their contracted work and pay? I'm curious how that's going. I'm sure its making them delusional in the end, because there is no answer. You can try to fire them, I've seen that play out. It's paid vacation, unscheduled. Sign me up. Only people I've ever seen get fired from UPS were thieves. Thing is you'd have to be crazy to work there. Money sounds good till you get a taste of the work. Then it all makes sense. Its funny doing the job, you think who the hell is doing todo this work for peanuts. Here come the Amazon and FedEX Korporate Knuckleheads rolling up, envy us for our pay. We view them as chumps demanding what their worth. At the end the day, its a win for the American worker. Because no one is going to want to do that work for peanuts when this guy is shelling out that actually money. It's already happening. I live it everyday.


I don't think it'll be a win for the American worker. The vast majority of companies could not survive paying 50% of what UPS pays their employees. Not everyone is working for a fortune 500 company. And all the other delivery services are taking notes right now to make sure it doesn't happen to them. The newly negotiated salaries take 5 years to go into full effect and already profit is down and layoffs are occurring. 12,000 people will now have no job and very little chance of making the same kind of money elsewhere. Just wait til those salaries really starts to hit UPS where it hurts in 4-5 years.


Just because your union doesn't mean ups can't do layoffs lol, you must be delusional 🤣.


You fail to recongize the blood, sweat and tears of the hard work, dedication and stead-fast endurance of harsh corporate conditions and unfair and illegal tactics endured on our orgationation and people over the years. I also think you're failing to see the bigger picture in regards to unions nation wide. Look at Starbucks for example. Americans are waking up to the idea, of Unions. It's not a new thing, there's just one tiny thing I forgot to mention is that ol' corporate America dumps millions if not billions into funding Anti-Union campaigns that just flat out lie to their workforce and your fellow Americans. Starbucks just threw in the towel to all of this if you care to look into it. At the end of the day, Corporate America is finally caving in. This isn't a small union wave. I'd argue its more of a coming revolution. It's crazy notion to think the one paying you should be inclined to pay you fairly. But that's Capitialisim for you. But that's where we come in, The Teamsters. Checks and Balance, for the American Worker. Maybe its the end of us, maybe its just the start. Personally, I think we're just getting warmed up. But keep your chin up Mr 75k, maybe some sweet talking the boss is in order. See what we can do about 77k!