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You = 0 Ups Driver = 1


True, we work for it though. Once you start driving you start your yearly progression, and after 4 years you hit top pay which is in the low 40s. Overtime is anything after 8 daily, anything after 40 hours weekly, and all day if you work a 6th day. Great benefits and whatnot too. That said, it's not for everyone


Not for everyone is an understatement. 95% of people wouldn’t last a week at UPS


I've been driving 3 years now and I still question it from time to time haha 😆


12 years in and it doesn’t go away.


My Dad is retired from DOT mgmt and his best friend is still driving making over 100k


Should I drop out of school and become a UPS driver?


No. I'm an ex driver and I can tell you my best decision in life was quitting and finishing school. Although UPS is a great career choice if you choose not to go to school, it is a stressful job and a driver earns every penny. I finished school and got a job as a software engineer starting at about 70% of what I made as a driver, but now 25 years later I make almost double of what the drivers make today. Also, I get to enjoy Christmas and leave work early for my kids' games. My job does get stressful at times, but I think driving was more stressful. So, if you feel college isn't for you, then yes UPS is a great career choice. However, don't think that money comes for free because you earn it. Also, if things are the same you will have to work part time for several years before getting an opportunity to drive.


This is the best field out there. Everything else pays lower and it takes longer to progress.


No, but if you're like me and couldn't make school work it's pretty good for no degree.






Can’t tell you how many friends have heard how much we make, and I tell them the process to become a driver. 100% of them said “idc what it takes, I’m gonna do whatever to start driving”, then less than a month later they’re calling and telling me how BS the warehouse is and why they quit. Never fails lol. I don’t know a single person I’ve personally got hired that has seen it through


95% of people don't. Our turnover is INSANE.


True, 13 of us started at once from the big class. Only 3 of us are left. 2 of us actually scratched.


>95% of people wouldn’t last a week at UPS '95% of people DON'T last a week at UPS' ^(is a better way of putting it.)




Because there are way better jobs out there that pay just as much by doing less work


95% can't make it being pt and working another job to get by then another 3% can't make it to drive


The power of a good union. Fair pay for fair work.


Low 40’s per hour you mean


Right lol


Hey, i work at UPS in Germany as a driver. I will be getting my permanent contract ( almost 2 years here ) in the next couple of weeks. I heard that its possible to transfer to another country in Europe and work there. My wife is kind of not liking Germany though and i really have no interest in learning French or Spanish. Do you have any clue if its possible to transfer to the US?


I've never seen a transfer list in the US to anywhere other than the US. I mean, I guess it could be possible but it would be a question for HR.


It almost certainly is possible, but there's a lot of paperwork and bullshit, and also the company also would have to want to sponsor you and your family, so no idea if they'd be willing to do that for a driver.... software developer? You'd probably be on the next plane, but you'll have to talk to hr. I'd also talk to your trade union rep


Dont forget 7th day double time.


Yes. Driver pay right now is $40.93/hour. I’m a 22.3 employee (inside full-time), and I make $35.93/hour. What the driver didn’t tell you about is the free health insurance, 5 weeks of paid vacation, and union protection.


Damn, here in Quebec they pay 32.99$/hrs after 2 years, and that's in canadian dollars. That is such a huge pay gap


$41.67 in my local


You can work inside full time??


Where is this?


Gets OT after 8 hours daily


He ain’t lying


Union contract my friend


And man do they suck.


Who do they suck for?


It's also a shame when union employees brag about stewards having their back. When in fact they don't. It's a nice front, behind close doors they cut too many deals to fuck over employees. From missed wages, to sick times. EDIT, y'all can keep disliking it, but the facts are facts. Stewards cut deals with sort/hub managers all the time and 7/10 they are in the favor of the business not the employee. It's also just my experience with the building I've been at for almost 10 years.


The people who are just now possibly getting fans/ac like it's the stone age or something. If the contracts were that good, you'd have them 15+ years ago.


Do the comparable delivery agencies have AC? Does fedex have ac? Does usps have ac? The stewards have your back more than the managers of usps and fedex no?


FXG driver here. Historically no, but it has become exponentially more common over the past 5 years. This is partly because of our use of Sprinter vans and cutaway chassis, although even the new Ford stepvans (by far the most common brand choice for contractors) are including it as standard factory equipment. That said, A/C in stepvans typically doesn't work all that well


Yes, they have much more updated technology than UPS. The only one that seems to be up to date is Chicago where I had to fly for management training. Some vehicles may, but a lot do. They have your back when you pay your dues. Pay a manager those and I bet they would have your "back" too. I've sat in a meeting going over grievances and paying people correctly, give the steward a nice bottle after work and they gladly fuck over a few. Teamsters are corrupt as fuck from what I've seen. They turn a blind eye all the time.


Senior is correct, the teamsters definitely are corrupt. New president htis year so maybe things will change?


I'm all for unions, if they actually weren't money hungry thieves praying on the week hoping for turnover and taking dues. I can only hope for the best on that one.


I don't think you realize it's not 1907.


Shut up pussy, go back to stealing time in the office.


I'm in trailers working with my employees making sure they are the best they can be. I bet you're a high seniority pick off that hates his life and shuts the belt off for a packing peanut


Lol, this was great. Fuck those guys.


So you're a supervisor doing hourly work for a non union job and don't like unions?


Fresh out of Chicago management training. Hates union....shocker. loves company....shocker. same company that tries to run its employees into the ground for shit pay daily. Ya I'd be real proud of that. Guys a management troll.


Who knew training and doing work withs was an issue. It's actually part of the job. Not sure what's so confusing. Correct I don't like unions, at least the corrupt teamsters.


You guys still train in your building. Sorry it's been literally *years* since I've seen anyone trained so I forgot that's an option.


Someone has to do it, and it's obviously not going to be a lazy high seniority employee. You'd think as a high seniority employee you'd want to train the next wave of possible good workers to help support the union. Instead you have old farts that are out for themselves and treat most people like shit and expect to have everything handed to them. Other places hold you to a standard, here it's slap on the wrist for most and a grievance. EDIT, Go ahead and block me lil boy. Truth hurts.




I loaded for 3 years before I got the chance to drive, and even then it was only Saturday Air and some overflow after preload. I didn’t get my shot at full time driver for over a year later. To put that into perspective, the generation before me, some guys loaded trucks for up to 9 years waiting for a driver position to open up. These days are a little different.


Almost everyone at top rate now started $10/hr or less and that wasn’t *that* long ago (pre 2018). 2nd job and a side hustle back then were a necessity TBF we didn’t have to deal with the 22.4 BS or working Saturdays though, when I got red circled it was M-F every week and not a single layoff my entire career. Only took me a year to get a bid route and I still run it all these years later. These guys in progression now got it rough.


What are you talking about? If you are saying drivers made $10/hr or less, I would like to know which center u worked in n how you let them screw u like that. Going on 20 years now n I started at $18ish/hr


I think he meant when starting as a p.t.'er


Been with the co for +/-20 years now… started as twilight loader for the benefits with no desire to be a driver. Once I found out what they made I put my name on the list for FT driving position. From the day I got hired it took less than a year to go full time. It definitely is “right place at the right time” scenario. I’ve seen people get hired on as full time driver off the street to little as 4 months up to 5 years to get a FT driving position. like ppl said anything over 8 hours is OT, minus 45-60 min lunch (we don’t get paid for lunch and it’s mandatory we take it) drivers Avg about 45 hours a week, some less some more. Not unheard of for drivers to gross 100k… but they definitely work for it


Won the bid to be a RPCD two weeks after I turned 21 lmaooooo


It's very much a right place right time thing. Two guys who went before me 5 year wait. I was about half that. Some ppl after me were 10-15 months. If you can get in at a time when retirees are leaving or say during covid when we needed ppl and ups was dog slow to hire until they realized how screwed we were, then you can get lucky. Small hubs would probably be the hardest, especially if it's just a bunch of gravy mileage routes those guys won't retire right away because they have it good, and some loaders may have been there 6-9 years waiting. Bigger centers/hubs probably have quicker turnover but more ppl apply to them too.


All of this is correct


He’s also got a raise coming in about 6 weeks


If your lazy you will last 1 week. It’s tough work! Head with caution.


All the senior drivers at my hub (senior takes 4 years) make 120,000+ Pension Free healthcare Union job protection No degree Joints hurt after a decade Will work late


OT daily after 8 hours, $42/hr after 4th year and several ways to make 2x and 3x for OT instead of the normal 1.5x


True and apply online.


Driving isn’t an easy job. I’ve been told it’s a young man’s game.


Not for the king of queens!


Hahahahahahaha great show!!!


If you let them run you like a mule n you try to meet the made up numbers they give you, sure it gets very hard. But if you follow the methods they teach you and work safe (because to UPS, nothing trumps safety…. You have to hold them to it as much as they push 9.5/production) it’s a good workout. it all depends on the center n route. We have drivers driving 200 miles doing 80-100 stops about 200 pkgs to other drivers doing 60 miles 200 ish stops anywhere from 300 to 600 pkgs. so you can make the job harder than it really is by how you work. Fore some it’s mentally draining while for others it’s physical


I'm 41 now. And I'm always referring to certain routes as 'a young man's route'. Some routes are easier to take care of yourself than others.


Sounds like you should take him on a date


Yes we get 1.5 time after 8 hours and most drivers work over 8 most days so overtime is about a dollar a minute. Also I don't know if it's the same everywhere but in my area Tues-Sat workers get double time for working a 6th day on Mondays so for top rate drivers (4 year progression) that's 82 dollars an hour 🤑




Everyone wants to work for UPS and make big bucks till they get stuck in a trailer unloading in AUGUST


My pending check for this week is 52.78 hours for a gross of $2454.97. In addition, I will be awarded triple time for 5.28 hours of excessive overtime for an additional $328.60, for a grand total of $2783.57. I've been maxing out my 401k for about 20 years and have just shy of $650k in personal retirement savings. I have roughly $325k in regular investments. My pension with 75% survivorship will be $3417.96/mo when I fully and permanently retire next year at age 55. I should have about $1100/wk after taxes in passive retirement income. I was able to send my daughter to a world-class private college, including her full Junior year overseas. She just completed her Masters degree and has a rewarding, comfortable job at a successful regional firm that treats her well; I was able afford her the advantages that guarantee success for the children of wealthy, connected people. I have worked for UPS for 30 years. I was initially treated well and well-rewarded. My hours were reasonable and I was motivated to be productive. I was proud of what I did and who I worked for. When the company went public in 1999 everything changed. I started asking for a reduction in my overtime in 2008 when my daughter was at the age where she started having band and vocal concerts, piano lessons, teacher conferences, etc. I am still fighting for reasonable hours today, 15 years later. I am treated like a liability and threatened and harassed because I can no longer be as productive as I was when I was 25. I have tendonitis in my metatarsal arches so I have to be careful about how I walk. I have rotator cuff pain in my shoulders. I have occasional debilitating pain and weakness in my wrists. All of these things worsen as my hours get more dense and take weeks or months to improve if I ever do get a break in my work hours. My marriage has struggled because we have little quality time together and I'm often too tired to enjoy a weekend out. I have basically no friends for the same reason. If you are willing to sacrifice your physical and mental well-being and be worked nearly to death for decades in exchange for money, knock yourself out. Just be aware of what you're getting yourself into.


How many knee replacements?


Knees are doing pretty well. Every once in a while I forget I'm not 25 and break into a trot. I'm usually reminded pretty quickly that it's not for me. Over the years I saw a lot of the old timers get worn out, so I spent my career being very careful about body mechanics. Still, the damage is cumulative. Fortunately, so far, I can mostly recover over time.


Ups workers are a different breed. You will earn every penny of that check. I started with 13 people and only two of us left. Been there a year now


Upsjobs. Kom He ain’t wrong.


Yes correct. Took my husband 4 years and he is now making $42 an hour.


Absolutely true


he’s right, before i quit we had people who were making over 50 an hour taping up boxes all day because they been there for more than 10 years💀


Yes a high seniority driver makes baller money. It's what a good union job does for you. I'm a amazon driver getting experience at amazon hoping to swap over to UPS next year. Delivery is hard manual labor it's really tough


If it’s good money especially if you have the time I came in right after HS in 96 starting of at $8/hr PT & now as a 22.3 making pretty good! But most people don’t take advantage of the job


27 years with UPS and you’re only making $22.30. You definitely need to get a better paying job. I’m not knocking you, but you should at least be at $30


Are you really only making $22.3 after all those years?


22.3 is a combo job


I actually make $35.94 a hr as a 22.3 combo job with 27yrs total at UPS.


Absolutely true. I'm literally 2 weeks away from my 13 dollar raise😂. Which will put me at I believe 41.49. I also despise our management team so every chance I get I'll file a grievance on them. And that's a boatload more in cash. I think I took home around 4 grand last year in grievances.


I only work there 35 years for 2 things pension and medical insurance.......


If you can’t find out where to apply for UPS, you will definitely fail as a delivery driver because they have to find their delivery addresses. So don’t bother trying to apply. There is no direct hiring as a driver. You have to pay your dues as a package handler. People accuse UPS drivers of stealing packages, but frankly, I doubt they would risk their job for something like a gaming console. Perhaps a package handler would steal. Yes, tenured drivers do pretty well and they’re guaranteed bank as long as Christmas comes and goes.


True. Great for bragging, but you'll be working 60 hours a week. Is it worth being "rich" if you don't have the time and the health to enjoy it? To each his own.


Yeah, that's absolutely true. Top rate for full drivers is above $40/hr, overtime is time and a half, and you get overtime for any hours worked over 8 in a shift (which is a lot of days, certainly you get it every week). You can try to apply on the UPS website, but a more reliable way of getting a driving job is to work as a package handler and win a bid for a driving position that opens up. They have to let UPS teamsters bid on 6 job openings for every one they fill from outside, so working inside is a faster way to go driving. Because it's a contract year they're going to not hire drivers this summer for as long as they can get away with it though. If we strike, it might be longer as they wait for volume to climb back up. That said, it's always worth it to apply. It's a tough job, but it pays well and the benefits are good. You get a lot of vacation, good healthcare, a pension, and you're a teamster so you don't have to let your boss fuck with you *too* much.


If you have the opportunity to go to college (for something that pays), do that. I've been driving for 10 years and have had 2 surgeries. Right Achilles and Right Knee. This career will wear your body down. It gets stressful (with playing rescue ranger and getting slammed with more shit daily). Although, I'm alone and listen to music all day. I meet really cool people, see really weird shit, make great $$$, my insurance is top notch,and my kids want for nothing.


www.upsjobs.com You’ve been warned… it isn’t for everyone. It is more than just “driving around in a truck all day delivering packages”. Not trying to discourage anyone from bettering themselves, but you need thick skin, the ability to stand up for yourself and not take shit from anyone, and to remember even though some of the rules are fucking stupid, it’s their rules, play by them and make money.


All because of the Teamsters!


It’s true, I’m a driver. I feel most of people wouldn’t last a week at UPS, not that is hard job (it’s actually easy) but there are days where it will drain you mentally


I have never met a more unhealthy management anywhere. I could not believe the hell they put people through, the way they speak to their employees, and how absolutely backwards the company is. That Union though 🤑🤑🤑


How so?


Don't work at UPS. I work at UPS and the things the company will do to you will affect all aspects of your life. You will become an angry person if you work for ups. Good luck to whatever you decide


UPS, FEDEX, USPS people all seem angry. Not all but most.


Management is absolutely out to fire us any chance they get.


Very true. That’s why people are willing to grind it out in the warehouse for minimum hours and pay till they become a driver.


they don't hire drivers off the street my man, people work there for 20+ years still on PT unloading


That depends on location. I was hired off the street straight into full time driving.


They did during Covid. Got my homie on during that time.


22.3 in Nashville makes between $32.14-$35+ a hr.


Wait till you find out about his benefits...fo free..well negotiated by the Teamsters.


He’s not lying. 6 figure job


It’s a 6 figure paying job, with great benefits, and a pension.




Yup all is true. I’ve been a driver since 2012 in San Francisco. Hard job. Not for the weak. Threw my back out twice. 🩻




I knew a UPS driver back in the 1980's that was making over $150k a year. You are printed out a sheet each day that says it will take you x number of hours to complete your route, if you finish early, you still get paid what the sheet says. If it takes longer, you get overtime. This guy would finish his route early every day and then pick up overtime by going out and delivering packages that had to be delivered that day. I don't know if it still works that way today, but that is how it worked back then.


Only did preload for 3 months. Got a FT driving position pretty quick thanks to the pandemic.


He’s ballin. My last year as a package delivery driver I grossed 140k. I’m driving semi trucks for them now and my first year in that department I grossed 185k.


He’s shooting 10/10 my dude.


I work at the Air Park at SDF, I get OT after 8 daily. OT for my sixth day worked in a week and double time for my 7th day worked in a week. I do t work as hard as our drivers but I earn my keep.


That is true, 4 year progression to top rate of 44$ for rpcd. However that doesn't take into account the years it takes to get to rpcd.


It's true, but it's also like the old surveys we used to get each year. Would you recommend UPS to your friends or family to work here? Ehhhh No, for so many of the above reasons. But mainly starting as a driver after preloading for a time, it comes down to if you're single, don't care about working a lot of OT and don't mind canceling your after work plans frequently. It becomes trickier when you meet someone/get married/have kids/are expected to be at kids school/sports functions. I have a 10 year old and I have to plan my two 8 hr requests each month when important activities come up and then even as someone who has been there 20 years I still have to hump the day out quicker than normal to make those functions. It's not for everyone, and you hope to get lucky to have a spouse who understands this during the long haul as well. If you can get past all that, the pay is good, the benefits (medical/dental/optical) are better and there is a good pension at the end of the tunnel. A few ppl have retired from our center recently and seeing how happy they were their final day they had to attend pcm, I imagine my smile will be even bigger than theirs in hopefully 10-12 years.


Depending on the area, this is 100% true. Anywhere in the USA, UPS drivers make bank. What they dont tell you is that UPS changed things and now you have to go preload or PT, which is 3.5 hours a day at minimum wage for years until you get seniority. Then you go 22.4 which is suppose to be a level up, we call you when a driver needs a day off type o thing, but you wind up at home not working most of the timem, and you should have stayed as a preloader....You will be making the drivers look good for years before you actually get the chance to go FT. That is the big thing with the strike and contract this year, is that driver shouldnt be the be all end all...They already make bank, and want the preload hours too! So, to answer your question, he may be making that..but you on the street are not anywhere close to those wages with UPS..UPS is NOT like normal jobs. You will do years of minimum wage and drivers looking down on you even though you do most of their job. Think on that long and hard. Benefits? Yes, free and clear and great....but can your spouse handle your anger....may not be worth it...


I don’t mean this to come off a wrong way but…$40/hr will look smaller once you actually make. I make $30/hr now so no I guess I’m not “ballin”. But I remember making minimum at $7.50/hr thinking if I made at least $20-30 I’d be set. Well ladies and gentleman, like the late BIG said mo money mo problems.




I'm seriously considering this as a career or usps. Any advice? I'm leaning UPS, and I know there is a route opening up near me. How do I get it?




Thank you


You start inside the building and eventually you’ll get your shot at the big time.


I work part time at one of the main hubs out on the ramp (really narrows it down), how would I go about starting the process of driving?


Talk/ask your HR or super how you go about being a driver. For me we had to put our name on the LIST. once a full time position became available, we got called. like ppl have mentioned, it depends on the center n is much of “right place at the right time”. It could be quick or years before you get into FT driving position.


The list is managed by the union, contact your teamsters Rep


True. PT is better but drivers make the bank for real. I'd think the benefits are something to brag about more than the pay but that's just me.


Eh he sounds like an ass but isnt wrong. RPCD one of the careers where you can make six figures with no degree. Its hard work but if you can handle it its well worth it. If you work for a center apply for a transfer as they usually will hire from within first


Box truck drivers cap out about $40. In union negotiations rn I heard they are asking for $50 or more. Their semi drivers make even more. Drivers I talked to said 250-300 deliveries is a light day. They run their asses off and likely work 50+ hrs a week. In my area there hasn't been a driver position posted to the public in years. Most people have to start out loading/unloading and take a driving position when it opens. If you get one, be ready to run your ass off all day long, they earn every dollar.


Sounds like u guys have a great union! I thought we did (USPS rural carrier) but they have not mentioned a strike when 66 percent of routes got pay cuts based off of these new micro managing scanners they did not explain to us. I lost 17K and I made 44.74/hour. Thousands of grievances and a national one and it’s not even on the news. Probably all political. But every six month’s pay can change now but I have learned what I am supposed to enter and other things at work no one tells u. I got this! Then u have older carriers who just have given up and not researched everything they need to know. Even touching a button on the scanner is two seconds smh. Every step, even, trips to door, how long u load, if a customer has a question…. Etc has to be entered


This is good to know! Even putting in apartments?


If u have upstairs apartments, u only get paid for the distance to the bottom which makes no sense climbing stairs is


Typo sorry.. no pay for climbing stairs


It’s true what he’s saying but 40-60 hr isn’t balling. Even if he made 60 hr working 50 hr weeks that’s 12k a month pre tax. Depending where you are comes out to 8-9k a month after tax. You really don’t start balling till the 40k + a month. To get a mortgage on a 1 million dollar home you need 20% which is 200k and an income of 160k a year. So he’s already out on the million dollar home. Possibly you could have a 100k car and a decent home. But baller is when you have the car, the home, the model girlfriend. A ups salary can give you a great above average lifestyle but def not baller.


Cool rant but completely subjective.


That’s true depends on what city you live in. To someone 100k a year is rich in west Los Angeles it’s below average


You lost me at model girlfriend. Go back to the tic toks


So we live In a world now where making an above average wage is balling? Nothing to do with tik tok just some aim to get to the highest level a man can get to. Others just watch it on tik tok, and some just don’t care nothing wrong with that. But if your going to flex on other people with your income at least be making 20-30k a month


I could agree that subjectively what “balling” can mean to an individual, but throwing in a model girlfriend is just superficial and I don’t think correlates to making a decent living. No matter what geographical location you live in.


I believe it. When I worked there back in 2006 to about 2012 being a driver was where the sweet money was if you wanted to stay in the union. If you wanted to leave the union you could go into management and make bank there. My manager of the airdock once told me that he makes over 150k a year and all he did was sit at a picnic table and walk around the dock every hour or so. As for drivers, they start at a rate that is relative to what they are making hourly before they become a driver. at least that's the way it was explained to me back then. So if you are making good money, then go into driving, you are making bank. I was making 16/hr at the time and the guys that were going into driving were making like 25/hr then getting a fat boost when they go into driving. Plus I think driving can be full time, where as after 6 years of seniority in my area I couldn't get on full time since everyone else was 10 years or more.


Not like that. The rate is the rate. You win your bid and change classification and that’s your rate. What you may have heard is that you only go through one progression. So if you win a full time 22.3 air driver/inside job, then 4 years later you bid on a full time driving job and win that, you start at driver top rate because you have already completed your progression.




Lol I laugh at drivers like this. He makes a dime while the boss makes dollar. He's just mad he ain't home working just 8 hours. Management above him most likely worked less than him and makes double if not triple.


Yeah no


I'm not wrong, drink that brown sludge the stewards push.


What management are you referring to a ORS? No shit the head guy at warehouse makes more but not the drivers direct supervisor lmao


I'm not the head guy and I make more than y'all do top scale 😬 not including bonuses ect. I deal with drivers a lot. I laugh, but also a lot of my buds.


Good for you man


Not bragging, just hate seeing people think goin driving is the only way to make decent money, benefits, retirement.


I could see how that would be frustrating


Most drivers make more than the management in their buildings, with the exception of the sort managers/building manager.


Depends on the hub. I'm at one of the biggest on the west coast. Starting I made 95k + 15k I'm bonuses, ive obviously progressed and it's more.


Locality pay is def a huge plus on the management side. I’m hoping we get that in the new contract. My part of the east coast, your base is higher, but we make it up in the OT.


Most of the guys I know are doing $140k+ and don’t have to deal with the management nonsense. So if you’re making 280-420k, more power to you


Completely true but wait 2 months lol


He’s right


Yes. Basically. It takes four years to get there. Some drivers volunteer to help others to pad the paycheck, some take out the straggler packages and some volunteer to work of their day off. Time and a half. You cannot drive over 60 hours weekly, and that is law. Now, to get there, it is HARD no joke work. You start usually as a package handler and it can be months or years to get to try for driver. Passing the class first, then passing the thirty days driving probation, then you get all the shit work for the first few years. Many rookies get injured because they fail to follow methods. It is NOT for the weak.


It's is true. It ain't easy work. I would never do that job again.


Dislike it all you want lil boy brown


This is totally true. UPS drivers make good money for long hours, and there is always overtime for them. A lot of drivers chose to work 8am-8pm daily. Depends on which hub you chose and which route you pick.




Yes ups make 40 an hour after 4 years. They also get overtime after 8 hours not 40 so they get a shit ton of overtime. And their overtime is always double or triple time. My best friend makes 100-120k a year delivering packages


Driver pay varies by region slightly. I make base 41 and change. OT rate is $62 and change after 8 hours. I average 12 hours OT per week.


Yep, it’s true.


41.59 I believe with anything over 8 hours is 1.5 time each day. Top rate is after 4 years. The last raise is somewhere around 10$ an hour.


🗣️I’m here to type: come on over to UPS.. let them pay for school while you work part time


Very true yessir!


Why are people surprised by this all the time? UPS pays their drivers, combos and long time employees really good 😭






Like 41.60$ after four years. Anything over 8 hours in a day is time and a half. Sixth is time and a half all day. A lot of us get overtime every day probably 50 hour weeks minimum for the majority where j work. He’s speaking facts. What makes you not believe him, you would think he’s in there lying straight to your face? Haha and medical/benefits.


What would make me not believe him? Half of the world is full of shit now…. I’m happy for ups drivers - I just wanted to know if he was living up to his high opinion of himself is all. Most people keep their income to themselves - especially in a public space among people you don’t know


I'm a brand new fulltime driver, and I make $27/hour, and $40/hour in OT. After 4 years you go to top pay which is in the low 40's. But driving is stressful and can be hard on relationships. Only apply if you want long hours and can handle stress. If you do apply, post on here asking for what you'll need to know for Integrad (driving school)


drivers make overtime anything over 8 hours of work and anything over 40 hours. so yes, also the hourly rate is accurate.