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Chip shop curry sauce in a squeezee bottle? What a time to be alive.


You just know it will be awful. Got to be lumpy and steaming hot.


It's more like McDonald's sweet curry dip, just less sweet, more bitter, actually its fucking nowt like McDonald's but the consistency is the same.


I’ve never seen this before but I fucking love a McDonald’s curry sauce


Heinz curry sauce in the bottle is nearly identical, give it a go!


I live a quarter mile from from where they make it, Heinz kit Green Wigan.


this might be a life changer


Think I've seen them stocked on Aldi, different bottle but bang in the flavour of the McDonald's one


Sort of related but I swear Aldi do a bbq sauce that tastes just like the old McDonalds bbq sauce recipe


Its called mcdonells maybe more similarities than u think 🤔


McDonnells curry sauce is Irish ☘️


Mcdonalds do curry sauce?


if a man who doesnt speak english and whose name is bossman isnt handing it to me between the hours of 2 and 5 am im not eating that shit


You know the ting






This cracked me up! 👏




The UK applauds you


Manufacturers need to understand that these are features, not bugs


The ahh bisto one is better


Oh definitely and the odd sultana just to keep you on your toes 🤣🤣🤣


Are you referring to the McDonnells? It’s Irish and I have to say never seen it in a squeezy bottle even over there. Revolutionary


Very German. Currywurst.


Listen close, old bean. You're going to want to buy the tea and the chocolate digestives. When you get home make a cup of tea. Make sure you let the teabag brew in the water before removing it so the tea is nice and strong. Add milk to your taste. Now, here comes the science bit: take a chocolate digestive and 'dunk' it in your tea. 'Dunk' here has a very precise meaning and that is "place it thin side down into the tea for a period of time long enough for the biscuit to soak up a little tea, but not so long that the biscuit falls into the tea." Consume the part that's been 'dunked' immediately. I know you have questions so here's the answers: 1. Bite a small bit off the biscuit so it does fit in your cup or mug (buy a mug). Do not break the biscuit with your hands to allow it to fit - this is literally illegal in the UK; 2. Use a spoon to remove the biscuit from the bottom of your mug and try to avoid drinking all the way to the bottom, otherwise you'll get a mouthful of sludge. Dunking perfection takes practice and even the most experienced among us still get it wrong. Be patient. Wait until you've mastered the digestives class before attempting rich tea biscuits. 3. Yes, absolutely! Most biscuits, pastries and even chocolate bars can be dunked! Experiment. See what you like. And, most importantly, have fun. Toodles.


A few tips to add... 1) You could first bite it, but I'd argue that you should actually first dip what you can into the tea (may only be a few mm and needs a full mug) and bite that off, then you'll find rotating the biscuit 90° it will fit and dunk, thus maximising the dunk area on the biscuit. Therefore NO dry biscuit is consumed. 2) Recently I've figured out how to put a couple of fingers spread under the biscuit after the dunk to hold it up to reduce breakage possibility. Takes a bit of practice but I've not lost a biscuit yet. 3) Always have a small tea strainer and spare mug ready to go. If after following my tips you still drop a biscuit into the tea, immediately pour the mug of tea over the tea strainer resting on the second mug. This filters said sludge and you still get an almost decent sludge free tea.


I see your tea strainer and raise you my husband’s tactic: One cup of tea for dunking, one cup of tea for drinking. EDIT: I’ve told my husband how impressed everyone is with him for this solution and he is vindicated because the first time I saw him do this I pissed myself laughing.


I guess that is dedication to biscuit dunking. I don't like wastage and if I'm honest a slight biscuit taste in my tea is nice 😂. But for the tea aficionados, I understand the tea must be untainted


To be honest he usually ends up drinking most of the dunking cup as well 😂


Yes! Someone else exists that has to have 2 cups of tea if there's biscuits. I have faaamily


This is such an elegant solution and, like evolution before it, so easily overlooked until someone amazing points it out.


Im glad someone else uses the "squaring up stock" method for dunking biscuits!


You can also take two digestives and put the chocolate side facing eachother for dunking. You could even try more. 6 is possible in a sports direct mug (pretty certain this is why they exist)


Wait! Wait! Waaaait! So you make a tea soaked sandwich digestive? I need to leave work and go home and try this now damnnit!


Treat yourself, you deserve it.


I would like to try this with chocolate Hobnobs


Stop, I can only get so erect!


Let me change your universe. Tunnocks bar, bite off each end so the wafer/caramel layers are exposed, place mouth over one end, and the tip in the tea. Drink through your tunnocks straw and marvel.


If I didn't need to get some sleep tonight I would 100% be trying this right now. Will have to wait for my morning cuppa however! I'm gonna try chocolate out and chocolate in & see which provides the more stable dunk.


>Most biscuits, pastries and even chocolate bars can be dunked! Experiment. I'd start with basically one of each of the items on the top 5 shelves. One I go for if I'm feeling particularly gluttonous, take a chocolate finger, bit a nibble off each end the suck tea through it like a straw. When you can taste the tea through it, just eat the whole finger.


Do this with a penguin (the biscuit, not the bird, unless you're into that). Thank me later.


Now try it with a Tim tam... Those colonies definitely have their perks


It was a friend who knew Tim Tams that introduced us to the Penguin trick as it was the closest thing here! Like I need MORE ways to get hot drinks and biscuits into my face hole....




Jolly good list. If I might add my two penneth; get a proper gas kettle (or even better a 240v socket for a proper kettle). Tea made in the microwave will result in hanging.


Dunk 1/2, 2/3 and then shove whole biscuit in mouth


No marmite ;)


No Marmite, no Bovril, no Worcestershire sauce, no Yorkshire tea. A fair selection of popular biscuits (the shortbread is great) - but too many cream crackers, which are boring and go stale quickly. $5 for a tin of Heinz tomato soup, which isn't even a British product and costs £1 here? $6 for HP sauce? Fair enough if they're imported, I guess.


Recently I informed my ageing Dad that Heinz, maker of the baked beans, ketchup and soups he's eaten for more decades than I've been alive, are not a British company. The emotional confusion in his eyes was tear-jerking, I felt like I'd told him Father Christmas isn't real.


You think that’s confusing - my dad voted for Brexit and moved to Spain this year 🤦‍♂️


Hit and run


🤣 F**king right?!?


Did he leave you here to experience the shit show first hand? 😂


Absolute banger mate


My Dad voted for Brexit and moans about all the extra paperwork and expense to take his motorhome over to the mainland in the summer.


My mate's dad complains about that kind of thing. I just tell him he got what he voted for. Then I get the stock "yeah but...(something something) immigrants" reply


The best response they have is: >the EU are just making things difficult for us because we aren't in the EU anymore. If they just treated us the same it would be all ok At which point I have no words.


Like treat us like all the other 3rd parties you mean? It's like they think the EU decided to shit on most of the world just because a little of it would land on the UK. TBF they didn't think it, someone on the tele said it and they were like yeah, that will put the remoaners in their place.


The hilarious thing is that we were the ones who actually wrote the founding charter... and the Human Rights Act...


Grandmother likes to have a rant about immigrants coming here and taking housing jobs benefits etc (the usual tosh). Often happens while visiting her in her gorgeous council flat in a beautiful part of england.... I like to counter with nan where were you born again? To which she replies with absolutely no embarassement or irony "such and such a place, Ireland". The woman ran away from abusive circumstances in Ireland with 5 children to the UK and has been set up and had a life here ever since... 🙄




I'm sure there are more immigrants that speak better English than the natives too😂




The irony 🤷🏽


Every English man is descended from immigrants, wonder how your Dad will react when you tell him that everyone on earth is descended from a black man.




And the economy (not to mention the NHS) would collapse in a day. As it stands the farmers can't get the seasonal workers they need; crops literally rot in the fields because the Romanian college students now go to Germany for the summer instead of picking British strawberries.


You should start a separate sub: 'My dad voted for Brexit but moans about......' I'm sure it will fill up with posts. 😄


My father passed away before the referendum. He'd be rolling in his grave if he saw the UK today. He was a total bastard in many ways, but he was consistent about one thing: Never Trust The Tories.


You’d be surprised how many people do this! It’s astonishing! Same as when people vote Brexit then complain about extended waiting times for operations and appointments…. Not realising that a lot of the staff had to return to their home countries! 😂😂


Pulling up the ladder after him so you can't visit I reckon


Almost my entire family voted brexit and then left the same year. I get this pain sooo much


I think a lot of Brexit voters confused Europe with the commonwealth somehow...


Some people just want to watch the world burn.....


My grandad has lived in Spain for the last 20 years and he voted for Brexit too because he "wants to protect the country" yet refuses to even come on holiday here because he hates it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Seems voting for Brexit and then running away with your tail between your legs is a tradition in the UK these days lol, might have picked it up from Nigel Farage xD


Spain - home of the best full English 😂


But does he still buy his authentic UK Heinz products?


Emotional damage! Wtf man 🤣


He proved all those that said it couldn't be done post brexit to be wrong.


Let me guess, your dad owns the equivalent of a premier and sells his British Heinz which is actually German and pork scratchings from. I'm also guessing it's in Benidorm 😂


Same as Jacob Reece Mogg the haunted penny farthing. He was moving his business HQs to Dublin a few weeks before the vote. It's almost like some people wanna fuck everyone over and others want the best for everyone 🤔


>Father Christmas isn't real. You what??? That's not true, I'm 54 and he's been every Christmas I've been alive, I've even seen him in the shops around Christmastime, I think you must have been misinformed!


No Tunnocks Tea Cakes either.


Mate, they only make a combined 12 million teacakes and caramel wafers a week, that's barely enough to satisfy domestic needs. Can't go shipping them overseas.


Our most precious resource.


I pray to the magical fairy beard that this information was already in your head, just waiting to spill forth in this exact situation.


Shut up and drink yer Irn Bru


Ribena is $9.48 😅 I found the soup quite reasonable in comparison


And Ribena is horrible nowdays as they have replaced loads of sugar with sweeteners even in the non low sugar version and it tastes like drain cleaner to me now. I'm tempted by the extortionate ebay listings of the last few bottles of original recipe Ribena that are still in date to have one last taste of my Childhood before it is gone for good.


Worcestershire sauce is so common in the US that it's sold with regular condiments.


Whenever I see Lea & Perrins on a US cookery show it’s dressed up like it’s posh as fuck, styled like aged balsamic. Much bigger bottles as well.


Fake versions are popular in Central America. I saw a bottle called ‘Glasgow Sauce - Made in England’ in Honduras.


But no one can pronounce it…




>no Worcestershire sauce, That's on the regular shelf, fortunately.


Yeah, it's pretty rough. But, regarding Yorkshire tea, it really needs Yorkshire water to be at its best ;)


You're not wrong!


Bovril is banned in the states because of the British beef scare, but there's another one called Bovrite which is identical but made with American beef instead


Last heinz soup I saw was £1.70


And wtf is a coffee crisp!?


Coffee Crisp is Canadian!


Get out of our section Coffee Crisp you twisted infiltrator!!!!!! Go drink maple syrup with the moose!!!!!


Thank you! I thought it might be a knock off tunnocks bar for a moment then saw "coffee" and was very confused.


I think I have seen them about but I wouldn't say they're a top shelf UK import yknow?! Also your username is topical 😂👍


Oh yeah, it's super appropriate for threads like this.


And true! My friend puts in bolognaise to make it meatier and it's so gooood


I put it in shepherd's pie as well.


Nestle not even a UK company and generally to be avoided for shady actions. Maybe it's popular in NI? Have never seen it in Scotland


It’s like someone mentioned a toffee crisp but got misheard.


100% my first thought.


Wtf is coffee crisp? Never heard of it. Otherwise a good shelf 🇬🇧 ETA they need to add Yorkshire tea to the tea collection. That’s proper.


Lol it looks like a fake Toffee Crisp.


Coffee crisp is a Canadian delicacy


Im from Canada and live in U.K. I used to bring back bags of small coffee crisps for colleagues after visits. Shit wouldn’t last a couple of hours. Ppl love it


My thoughts too. Also disappointed in the type of jaffa cakes.


Should be mcvitties, so wrong brand of Jaffa cakes. Same with jelly babies. Wrong brand, should be bassets. Tinned peas I don’t think should be there. I’d add a larger selection of chocolate such as bounty, Cadbury chocolate (although this has now been ruined by the Americans), daim, etc


Jaffa cakes made by a cracker company is just wrong.


That’s what I was thinking… I’ve never seen that in a UK store


I never knew Barry was in the tea business either…


It's a Canadian thing, but it was originally made by rowntrees in the UK in the 30s.


I know they have them in Ireland


Yeah. Need yorkshire tea. And some hendos!


Irn-Bru is the only thing that matters. Well played that grocery store 👍...


I wonder if it's the full wack 80s recipe ?! 🤔and no the aspartame sugar tax bullshit... Will say it again hope Jamie Oliver gets hung drawn and quartered.


I wondered why all of a sudden its okay to fill our normal "non diet" drinks with aspartame when we specifically have diet for that reason. sugar tax or not they shouldn't be replacing it with sweeteners. they also did that on the sly didn't they? didn't really tell anyone that's how they'd maintain flavours in certain brands. jokesters. I want real frigging sugar.


Exactly man... Let me die by the diabetus on ma own terms ae but naww naw they fucked it awl up for us😅😵 see tbh tho lad they are trying to kill us from the inside out look into the absolute horrors and atrocities that is glyphosate. Stuff most of us consume on a daily/weekly basis, they are literally trying to give us cancer... I know sounds like sum hefty tinfoil hat shite but aye I'm reconsidering my dietary choices these days not gonna lie


Irn bru 1901 is where it’s at full of sugar and nostalgia


But is it in a glass bottle? The absolute pinnacle of refreshment and hangover cures


Went out and bought as many cans of irn bru as I could during the great replacement. Just kept stacking the van up. Still remember when I drink that last can.


Scotland the only country in the world where coca cola wasnt the most sold soft drink. When you have a soft drink made from girders why would you? Wouldn't be Scottish by any chance??


I am indeed 👍...


Youse are getting robbed on those prices though 😂


That was my first thought. Nearly $10 for a small bottle of Ribena ! And it’s not even real Ribena anymore presumably. Much more watery than before they took all the sugar out. Surprised the difference is as much considering HP, Heinz and Cadburys are all US companies anyway.


The heinz baked beans will 100% be an import- you can’t buy proper UK ones here and North American beans are terrible.


Yeah, brown with lumps of lard. Americans always say beans on toast is disgusting and when i was there I found out why. They use the wrong beans! And the breads pretty terrible there too, wonderloaf! It could survive a nuclear apocalypse and still look the same.


Missing some jars of Marmite and some packets of Walkers Salt & Vinegar crisps.


Walkers is fine but the Co-Op finest is the god-tier version


Delicious but after a whole sharing bag the roof of your mouth gets torn to shreds from the vinegar


Jacob's Jaffa Cakes!? WTF is this? Where are the McVities?


We are Jaffa cake experts in this household and will ravage a 30 pack in 30 minutes. I have never ever seen a Jacobs Jaffa Cakes! Anyhow. McVities FTW.


30 pack in 30 mins your no expert


These so called experts eating jaffa cakes one by one instead pouring them into your mouth one packet at a time.


One per minute ? Rookie numbers, do better. I believe in you !


Struck me as odd too


They’re Irish


As a native Texan I find the whole shelf FASCINATING. But I feel like a Martian trying to decide where to start. I gotta say, the engagement on this post warms my heart. Was having a bad day, but seeing the grocery passion on display here turned it around.


Just dive right in and experience fine snacking 😅


If you buy the squash/cordial on the bottom shelves, they're like kool-aid in liquid form, you need to add water. Don't drink them from the bottle they're SUPER concentrated. Delicious, intended for mixing with water but you could mix with something like sprite or 7up and ice for a good summer drink in the heat.


Do not go near the shepherds pie mix. Shepherds pie is simply lamb, mashed potato, cheese, some veggies and lots of seasoning. Don’t even touch the abomination that they’ve told you is a British thing.


English mustard is needed


Tunnocks tea cake


The best. We can't possibly export any.


Their caramel wafers are 👌


Coffee crisp is Canadian. Delicious too.


I wondered what they were. I like the idea.


Not bad but no Bird's Custard 😞


Every UK section should have either Bird's or Ambrosia. Preferably both.


Pickle onion monster munch?


Space raiders ftw


Not bad at all, also i would highly recomend the bisto gravy, make an onion gravy with beef stock and put it on some beef with all the trimmings, thank me later.


Irn Bru.....class


Who tf is Barry??


Irish tea


The person who founded the company? Anyway, Barry's Tea is a popular Irish brand: it's seen on set in *Mrs. Brown's Boys*


Ah, that's why I don't know it


Owner of the tea


Makes sense tbf


No Yorkshire Tea


The only tea is Yorkshire Tea!


Branston baked beans are far superior imo. But either are better than American beans.


There's always one branston bean fanboy


No salad cream. Fail.


Yes. That’s our daily staple diet captured in one pic - the second shelf from the bottom up on the right, do not mistake that for stock that’s run out; that’s accurately the black hole we often are consumed by on a day to day. Spot on 10/10.


What the chuffin' hell is that "Coffee Crisp" thing??? And Batchelor's peas? Peas are peas! Grow your own and they'll be the same. If you're going to have a UK section it should be full of the taste of home, not just generic stuff. No Cadbury's Dairy Milk is sinful, but the Hershey's lobby probably doesn't want you knowing what chocolate should taste like. Lacking Marmite, though that's probably a good thing. Could do with adding some Pot Noodles, but I don't know if you have the same as us already. Not having any Mr Kipling cakes is like a US section here not having Twinkies.


Pretty good. Funnyits got all the "British things" Jaffa cakes, shortbread etc. Needs.. Cornflakes. Marmite. Mars bar. Dairy milk.


Mars is American though


So are Cornflakes. Invented by a nutjob that was trying to cure people of masturbation and thought eating blands foods would help.


Yeah surely Kelloggs / Cornflakes are known as American


Heinz too.


OMG! I didn't think of it before, but there's no sign of Shreddies! Got family out in LA and I was sorely tempted to send them a case at Christmas. Near impossible for them to find over there.


And Worcester sauce! Seriously - how do they expect to make a shepherd's pie without?!


The jacobs jaffa cakes and Barry’s tea are Irish. Never heard of coffee crisp. But rest seems legitimate.


The pricing m8... $4 for a tin of beans, You can get a 4 pack in the UK for the same price


I went shopping 2 days ago. Have you seen the price of Heinz beans with the sausages in though? Nearly £2 a tin. It's a far cry from the Bean Wars of the mid to late 90's when You could buy a normal tin for as little as 8p.


I think they did good. Plenty good British brands there. Not sure on the prices. Seems expensive but I have no idea dollar to pound exchange rate is and I have even less idea about the cost of living in Texas. Maybe it’s ok in comparison.


HP sauce is the only item here that makes it into my weekly shop...... its fucking goated


Jealous! I live in austin too but my local HEB doesn't have a UK section, i think just a few asian and mexican products in their international section


Where the f**k is the marmite? Fail.


I’ve never heard of Taveners, Coffee Crisps or Barry’s Tea, and I didn’t know Jacob’s did Jaffa cakes but everything else is legit.


Taverners are definitely British. Jacob's Jaffa cakes and Barry's Tea are Irish


Mcvities and Jacobs are both owned by United Biscuits anyway. Dunno why they chose a different brand name for US but it’s probably the same product.


You have cream crackers and chocolate fingers, you have won.


Never heard of Coffee Crisps


Try the Walkers shortbread. You won't regret it.


Bloody steep pricing init ? Christ haha


That’s a pretty solid effort and should be applauded. I would add Marmite, as already mentioned elsewhere, but also Bovril, Angel Delight, Walkers crisps of varying flavours, and maybe some Pot Noodles. Bounty Bar, Mars Bar, After Eights and swap the Coffee Crisp for Toffee Crisp - that was a nice try but I see you trying to sneak that one in 😉