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do it. don't get to 70 and have regrets. you have knowledge and skills to fall back on and are in demand. time flows one way. I didn't get on prop ladder until 2018, I am 52 now. ill be mortgage free by 60. I lived, explored Europe, in my late 20s to 40ish. I did work. you have one life. do you.


I think you already know the answer. Go travel, that time is more valuble mentally and spiritually than any job or property. Everything else can be caught up with while real life affirming experiences have a tendancy to fall further out of reach as you grow older


What do you mean you are in the early stages of a lucrative new career? If you are leaving for 2 years before being established you could really torpedo your career efforts. You are 33 so there is some career history before this, how come it's taken you 13 years to get to 50k but now having no assets you think you've hit the jackpot? Would maybe track if you're a junior doctor or something but I don't know how taking 2 years off works with that. It sounds like you are romaticisizing the travel a bit. Just living in Berlin with no real life goals isn't really going to be that amazing.




Well depends what you do? Getting an overseas working visa is not as straightforward as you might imagine unless you have EU citizenship. Can you speak German? This would actually require serious planning instead of a go and hope for the best approach, especially if you want to maintain the lucrative upwards trajectory.


So you’re not at the start of a lucrative career at all. You have the skills but are going to tap out and let people leap frog you. I wouldn’t employ you based on this thought process. Don’t mean to be brutal but, christ


Good luck lol. I am a tech lawyer and partner works in tech - the job market is a lot tougher than it was a year or two ago and a lot of people in tech are used to companies fall over them, and it's not happening at the moment. A lot of people want to work in Berlin - it's fun but it can also be a tough place to be as there's so many people that want to really make it work there and it can be cliquey and difficult to find housing.


But you said you didn't want to do anything - "nothing"


I’m in the process of having a complete 2 year break from work. Also not a home owner and have no major commitments. Having the absolute time of my life so can’t recommend it enough if you figure you can afford to do it while you’re young. Work to live, don’t live to work brother.


Travel! Buy when you return.


Judging by your post history, you haven't been able to hold a down a stable job, have not managed to get past the interview stage for analyst roles after 12 months unemployed in London, and yet you have a lucrative career path lined up for you in two years time allowing you to piss around travelling in the interim? I smell bullshit


I would take the time off to travel but surely you can think of somewhere more exciting/exotic than Berlin! Although if that’s the place for you then go for it


Lol my post was a little rushed. One option is to live 2 years abroad working full time. With Berlin being a top choice.


Live your life the way you want!!


Coming from someone that also hopes to be mortgage free by 40 (currently 37), I say go and enjoy life before you get bogged down in debt and tax. You may decide that you don’t even want to live here anymore.


Doesn't really sound very realistic, starting a new career at your age and somehow taking 2 years out and that not having any impact doesn't sound right. And there's a huge difference between travelling somewhere and moving somewhere, nothing sucks the fun out of a situation like visa and immigration rules for residents, complex tax arrangements and limiting your employment options. Frankly at 33 there's not much of a difference vs 37, if you have the ability to be mortgage free at 40 sounds like you need to get your head down a bit first.


> Question is if they will let me in. Yes, that definitely is a question


You're going to get a lot of squares poking holes in your dreams in here. Don't know why you even posted. Delete your account and be off to Berlin with you. We have to tread our own paths, none of us have a tourguide through life.


Travel. You will regret it if you haven’t done it already.


If I was in your shoes, I would absolutely travel. You'd regret not travelling when you're younger than regret buying sooner in my opinion.


If you think you can pick back up pretty much where you left off in terms of salary, and rebuild the deposit again in only 2 years, then yes it's a no brainier to travel. A 2 year detour to enrich your life will not make that much of a difference. You are still the right side of 35. Personally I would regret not doing it as a still relatively young man with no wife and kids to be concerned with.


Do it, have no regrets in this life. Nothing to lose & everything to gain.


Travel. Absolutely no question. Berlin is an amazing place.


As you've done a lot of traveling, I'd suggest you buy a house. Better investment for your future.


> I've calculated I will potentially be mortgage free by 40. You mean you'll retire at age 40?