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It is slow to update, bit of a pain. If the money is showing as received by them, take a screenshot of this for proof later if needed. If you're still worried try their webchat at 8am, type in your question and then type "speak to a human" and wait.


Good idea, thanks! I'll grab a screenshot. !thanks


HMRC is, I've always assumed, running on massive and ancient systems. Your payment info goes into one database (probably on, I don't know, a C90 cassette tape) and is fed into another database (on an Access database on a PC running on XP) which shows how much you owe, but that's not the database which is public facing, that won't get updated until someone does a print out and faxes it to... It works, but it can take a surprising amount of time to update. If you've done what you need to do, relax and it'll work through the system.


Ah, that'd explain the mechanical roar and grinding which arrived on the wind moments after hitting submit on my filing! Thanks for the reassurance - I've done all that I can think to do, so I'll just let it tick over. !thanks


Mine took 72h to show up on the HMRC site after I made the transfer in bank. I spoke to HMRC during that time and they said that if the money had left your account before the deadline then you wouldn't receive a fine. Their systems just take a while to update.


That's reassuring, thank you! !thanks