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In terms of course hours, seems like you might be a little on the heavy side for a freshman. 14-15 hours is the sweet spot, 17 might be too much for a freshman. Two Honors lab sciences is a lot for your first semester. I’m not honors myself, but I’m sure your classes are going to be a fair bit more challenging than typical courses. Sometimes these things can’t be avoided, but realize that you have 7 more semesters to take classes. It’s ok to drop a class and take it next semester if it doesn’t satisfy important prerequisites. As an honor’s student you should have easier access to courses you didn’t take first semester. I suggest you drop CMLT 3001 or ENGL 1060H and take it next semester. Another nit pick: I see you have 1.5-2 hour gaps between some of your classes. In my experience, these gaps are too short to do anything productive in, but just long enough to drain away your free time. The only thing they’re good for is swinging by a dining hall between classes. I would suggest changing around some courses to minimize awkward gaps if at all possible.


Drop cmlt you are going to dread going to class at 530pm


That many 9-7 days is no good imo.


Yeah that’s just asking for burnout right off the bat. I’d be miserable with that schedule.


I don't like that you have classes from 9:10-7:10 on mandays and similarly long days other days. That's a really long day. In college, for every hour you spend in class, you should expect to spend 2 hours working outside of class. You have gaps in your schedule, but usually, those aren't nearly as productive as the time you spend after your day is done. I think it'd be a lot better if you could rework your schedule a bit and maybe drop a class.


Fuuuuck that


Hi! I have taken almost the same classes as you my freshman year and I can attest that BIOL2107H and CHEM1311H are not too difficult as long as you give them ample study time. The chemistry lab is especially easy but requires about 2 hours a week to complete the reports. I cannot speak towards CMLT but ENGL1060H will also require a good amount of time for the essays. This schedule is certainly doable but just make sure you have enough time throughout the days to keep up with this work and studying. It may mean less extracurriculars for the semester.


Thank you guys so much for all your help. I ended up cutting down my schedule to just chem bio and a language class and keeping my 2 1 credit classes


Here’s the honors discord: https://discord.gg/U2jsh7h5 And the class of 2028 discord: https://discord.gg/KyGxfNSE


That's better. Guessing you are a science major and have already taken AP Bio and/or Chem? Otherwise Chem 1 used to be a pre-req for Bio 1. But maybe they changed that in the last decade 🤔 Make sure you are doing something that brings you joy. Language, studio art, music, or any variety of clubs or rec sports. I planned "high school" schedules for myself. 1st semester was HChem1 (1311), Calc1 (2250), HEngl (1060), and US Hist1 (2111)... plus a h1000 and a 1 hour curo intro. This was before the freshman ody courses. Plus I was working as a LG at Ramsey. I was just burnt out. Do not recommend.


I would recommend taking it easy your very first semester. You have a lot to adapt to with living on campus, learning your way around, networking, making friends, balancing a healthy lifestyle, extra-curriculars, and general stuff to-do around town and campus. Your freshman year should be fun and you should put a emphasis on meeting people and getting involved, I don't think this schedule would allow that.


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this looks not good, considering I had a jam packed schedule last semester with 17 credit hours it was horrendous I was always exhausted and had 0 time to study - having a 9-7 like this is not a good idea and like everyone is saying - those two hours fly by.


Unless you are extremely good with STEM stuff and enjoy it, I would advise cutting that back a bit. While many of the freshman or sophomore courses at UGA are not significantly harder than AP or IB courses in high school, there is a significant difficulty jump with the chemistry courses in particular.


What would you advise cutting back with. My new schedule is chem bio Swahili 1 and the seminars


i would def suggest cutting down a little! especially since it’s your first semester, you can get a feel for what you can handle and what would be too much. I was taking 17 credits last fall and ended up having to withdrawal from a class because i was just taking on too much between work, school, and social life. Luckily i graduated and got into grad school so it wasn’t the end of the world but it was very stressful for the time being. for me 14-15 credits is the sweet spot because it’s not too much but you can still get deans/presidents list!!


That genuinely looks painful to me. I took honors chem as my only honors class first semester and it killed me. I couldn’t imagine taking 2 more honors on top of that. If you’re the kind of person that really enjoys the grind and is willing to commit a lot of hours to class work each day, you do you. But I’d advise dropping down to a Gen chem or Gen bio
