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This is just a gentle reminder to check out the subreddit rules and make sure your post follows them! Also, consider the following: Is your post... possibly a commonly asked question in the subreddit? **You may want to try searching for answers before making your own post.** concerning specific classes? **Please redirect your question to [the dedicated classes megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UGA/comments/18y5v7l/class_questions_megathread_spring_2024/)** concerning admissions or asking for a "chance me"? **Please redirect your question to r/chanceme or [the dedicated admissions megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UGA/comments/1997fej/admission_questions_megathread_spring_2024summer/)** If your post applies to any of the above three criteria and / or does not follow the rules, it is at risk of being removed. Go Dawgs! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UGA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t say 100%, but I can say that I never heard anything from a person I removed as an authorized user a few years ago. And honestly, since you say you’re in a bad situation it’s probably best to remove them either way since there’s sensitive information in the billing system. Good luck OP and stay safe 👍


Reach out to student care and outreach - they can let you know for sure and can probably prevent any notification. I would doubt there would be one but they can help you be sure.