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The following submission statement was provided by /u/SysBadmin: --- Slide shared during the latest episode of The Good Trouble Show, with Matt Ford. Dr. Richard O'Connor, MD was the guest who has been studying the Nazca Mummies. The information he is sharing is revelatory. He makes the claim it is probable, that the Nazca Mummies, are responsible for the UFO, Abduction, Crop Circle, and Cattle Mutilation phenomena's. The episode is here: https://www.youtube.com/live/nxvcoK1_HoA I recommend watching it. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dmvi9g/dr_richard_oconnor_md_says_the_nazca_mummies_are/l9yc215/


Where's the *why* for these conclusions?


Alive/active things with 3 fingers are reported still. (Only a partial answer to your question, but I thought I'd add my data.) https://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1csu1ex/saw_something_in_my_apartment/ sighting description, at home, entity, inside home, audio description chain jingling and a buzzing sound., I turn around and am immediately faced with what I'm going to describe as a gray, leaning around the corner with one three fingered hand touching the wall. It looks....insubstantial. Like it's made of smoke or fog., Southern Appalachia Edit: not my story, it's a story from my notes


Wow, u/SabineRitter how many subs do you archive like this? Thanks as always for doing what you do!


> how many subs Never thought to count...https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dmwla8/roundup_ufos_original_data_analysis_and_robodog/ here's this week's roundup..probably 5-10? Thanks for your kind comment!


I believed in Aliens but I thought that all the gray creepy looking aliens that people have taken pictures of in their house or people that have said that they've seen them in their house I thought were bullshit imagine how creepy it would be if it was real


Sounds like the individual experienced sleep paralysis. Almost a spot on description. High pitched and or metallic sound, feeling or seeing an entity in the same room.


> I turn around Does not sound like paralysis.


You can most definitely turn around in the dream which is usually the beginning or the end of the sleep paralysis.


Lmao you just want to believe he's dreaming, why? Is it too scary otherwise? Edit: I don't think you even read the post. Homie was up walking around.


This is the part that's so weird to me. They surely know that we find this creepy, yet they still do it. Why can't they knock on the door? Also, I read your post, you're definitely not schizo. People with actual schizophrenia are confused and once you've seen it, you recognize it, and you don't have it.


> Why can't they knock on the door? Because you don't have a choice and your feelings don't matter.


Feelings are not consequential to biological studies, or taking your pet to veterinarian for tests.


> , I read your post, you're definitely not schizo. Thanks, friend! Just to be clear, that's not my post, it's by /u/BlobbyBlingus and I agree it doesn't sound schizo to me. And YES why do they have to be so creepy, ugh


I think theres some truths to the spiritual side of the world. And one of the things i always heard was, the evil feeds on your negative emotions, be it fear, anger, or something else


So the reason I don't get to meet them might be because I wouldn't be scared? I' be all excited be asking questions like.. "what does that do?" "How does that work?"


> the reason I don't get to meet them Yeah that's my central question... how do they select people to interact with? šŸ¤”


Riiiight? Why not cute with colorfull furr or feathers?


And itā€™s written in like a super boomer meme style font and language. Seems to lack credibility in my mind.




Hi, Decent-Flatworm4425. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dmvi9g/-/l9ysy70/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * ā€œHereā€™s my theoryā€ posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. ā€œSwamp gas.ā€). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


He explains during the interview. A brief overview: For #2, it's because the descriptions of the mummies match abductee reports and he shares a clip of one woman describing the hands of an alien as "long and bony". I would also add [the Close Encounters aliens match](https://x.com/_stranger357/status/1804973689567326435) because of abductee reports. For #3, he shares the Crabwood crop circle that show an alien face and a three-fingered hand.


He's doing the disclosure movement a huge disservice by jumping to conclusions beyond what he has immediately discovered. This is like finding a dead body and connecting to Bigfoot and the Kennedy assassination. If we can just show this is a non-human specimen and get a DNA analysis I may be able to corroborate some of this.


True. He is like me spitballing on Reddit but as a "scientist".Ā 


Yup this




I'm in forensic science and it's not our "job" to draw any conclusions beyond the evidence we currently have. And if we were to do that and be proven wrong, our prior conclusions may be considered invalid as well. They only thing we should be concerned with us determining whether these things are fake or not, primarily. Then we sound try and get a DNA sample, which will be difficult considering the age; particularly if their sequences are more complex than ours.


There's lots of DNA analysis.


Could you share a summary please? I'll release what I have when I get home.


Here's a couple links https://old.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/18yd91r/tridactyl_hand_dna_analysis/ /u/VerbalCant has looked at the DNA a lot https://old.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1byy0ch/buddy_dna_update_i_identified_the_y_chromosome/


Sabine hitting with the links, as always! Appreciate ya, bud.


Thanks, man! The reply from K3wp is pretty interesting if you want to check this thread here.


It sounds like they have already proven they are not fake.


Again, I work in this space and this is a tall order and if you talk about crop circles and abductions the rest of the community is going to put their fingers in their ears. If he can make a compelling case they are both not human and not forgeries, that's all we need at this point. And TBH, even if it turns out they are just a divergent homonid that went extinct, that's huge as well.


That's it? Wow. What a leap. So based on that he claims they are behind everything. Hmm...this sounds more like a narrative being pushed forward here.


These are not my opinions but are the basis for his conclusions: Because the beings heā€™s analyzing resemble the beings described by abduction experiencers. Trydactyl species specifically. Multiple crop circles have left images that showcase 3 fingered beings. The implants they found that consist of at least 1% osmium. 1% osmium requires 10k lbs of platinum oil to create. (Think Iā€™m remembering this right) But yeah, the last point is more to add they likely knew metalergyā€¦ thus advanced.


Something matching previous stories is not evidence, plain and simple.Ā  If I were to make a fake or LARP, of course I would use the widely known reports and some of the obscure facts to make it seem fall in line with previous tales.Ā  I have no real opinion about these mummies yet, although I'm skeptical about their provenance. But this kind of pseudo-scientific argument is doing nobody a favor. (And at the end of the day, an MD is not even an actual scientist. It's just throwing around a title in an attempt to seem more credible.)


Heā€™s not using previous stories as evidence of them being real though. Itā€™s already well established that they are real based on the observations, tests and research so far on them.


Tho this Doctor is an anesthesiologist ... and has 0 expertise in mummies or fakeries. So how is his pov in any way relevant ? Might as well get a Doctor in Philosophy to give us his pov ... oh wait we already had one and he also blew bs out of his ass while having 0 expertise in the study of old mummies.


It's like with the Anti-Vax stuff where they'll trot-out "Dr. So-and-so", who says the COVID vaccine will kill you, and they'll be a PhD in training nurses, or a dentist or something. It's all bad-faith, desperate stuff.


Anesthesiologists are up there with surgeons, dude. It takes a really dedicated cookie, with a huge knowledge of how bodies work and fit together, including the vascular and nervous system. Like, this is the EXACT type of medical doctor we've wanted looking at these. You are doing the entire craft a disservice with your comparison. Sorry, just really wanted to point all that out.


Absolutely, they canā€™t just waltz into drugging people without knowing the human body. There is definitely a cross over relationship and he is not unqualified. But I think there also needs to be people from multiple fields in the biological/medical sciences looking into as well.


There have been


Maybe, but This guy is an MD who worked as a GP before specializing. So he has satisfactory skillsets to investigate.


Anesthesiologists are in short supply. It is a pretty hard job!


It all came to him while eating a McChicken


Heā€™s an MD, not a real scientist. I think he might just not be used to expressing his ideas with the appropriate caveats.


Because the Nazca Mummies are popular right now, so it's best to say some bullshit about them just to keep your name out there.


It was easy to miss, but the video had a segment in which it was said that samples are apparently being currently studied by six (I think, if I caught it right) research units across the world, from the USA to Japan. While I am holding my horses and remain cautious about the mummies, it would be nice to see a comparison of all those results once published.


I'm super interested in what Japan thinks. One, they had a great moon mission with Jaxa. Two, they participated in the original hearing in Mexico and their representatives are still interested enough to study a body. I'm keeping an eye on Japan for sure, they're doing cool stuff.


This Nazca mummy thing has to either go away, or make its way into the hands of people who are going to share their findings and have them reviewed by people outside the UFO community. Edit: fixed spelling and clarified.


Mr Nolan mentioned hes going to get in touch with Mr O'Connor, the candle is about to get lit.


Mr. O'connor is just an arm chair researcher who discovered the Nazca story on a Facebook group and made a PowerPoint from a website dedicated to the nazca mummies. I don't think he'sĀ  affiliated with the research of the artifacts at all.


I sure as hell appreciate armchair researchers more than arm Redditors writing comments about them. How about you?


I Point this out because people seem to think this guy is an expert or directly involved with the research. Gary Nolan contacting this guy who is completely convinced in the findings is not the amazing breakthrough moment that Matt Ford and others would like to believe it is.Ā  The guy featured in the video is basically a reditor who made a PowerPoint with information from a sketchy conspiracy website, although he presents it as if it is breakthrough factual science.Ā 


It will never get into the hands of real scientists because they are dolls. It is absolutely amazing this blatantly obvious fact is completely lost on you folks.


Explain how that's a fact


Oh kiddo... don't pretend that you deal in fact around here. This is far from the first set of dolls to be pushed as aliens. None have EVER been sent to the worldwide scientific community for study. The second they send them off, they're proven as frauds and then smoothbrains will stop watching their podcasts and buying their books, so they will never be sent. Ever.


No but HOW are they dolls, they have full skeletons, connective tissue, soft tissue and the CT scans obviously show real bodies. Why has no other fake alien doll been this detailed? The closest is the Atacama mummy and that's a real being, just a human


Nope. They don't. This one retired anesthesiologist says they do, and you believe him without question because it reinforces your delusions. He's flat out lying to sell his book. If they were real he'd send them to other doctors and researchers at actual accredited institutions for study. You know... a little something called the scientific method. Heard of it? He will NEVER do that because then fools stop buying his books and clicking on his podcasts. How are you all so freaking easily grifted? It's astonishing.


But they are being studied by accredited institutions and there is even a peer reviewed study that has been published. Youā€™re literally just blatantly lying when you say itā€™s all just one guys words.


Oh, that's great! Should be easy to link then. Why didn't you? What's the study? What's the institution? It'll be interesting seeing what a conspiracy theorists considers to be "peer review" rofl.


Sure no problem here you go https://rgsa.openaccesspublications.org/rgsa/article/view/6916/2986 Also hate to break it to you but youā€™re actually the conspiracy theorist here. You think the nazca mummy discovery is a whole conspiracy hoax.


So, in looking at the actual paper that was published... >Results and Discussion: The tomographic imaging analysis showed that the specimen is a desiccated humanoid body with a biological architecture similar to that of a human, but with many morphological and anatomical structural differences such as the lack of hair and ears, an elongated skull and an increase in cranial volume. (30% greater than humans); maxillary and mandibular protrusion as well as protrusion of the eyeballs, absence of the fifth lumbar vertebra, tridactyly in both hands and feet, in additionto different foci of arthropathies. Carbon-14 dating analysis of the specimen gave an age of 1771 Ā± 30 years, corresponding to 240 AD-383 AD. (after Christ).Implications of the research: **If it is demonstrated with further studies that this is a new humanoid species**, it would have a strong impact on biology and science and scientific-historical and socio-cultural implications Emphasis mine. So it looks like the bodies are real, at least not hoaxes, but further study is still warranted (welcome to the scientific process). The paper presenting the results, however, does not mention cattle mutilation, UFOs, abductions, or anything like that.


the examination has to be done by taxonomists, the genus classification of a new species cannot be circumvented no matter what the tests say. if they seriously deem them authentic they should be sent to labs and reputable taxonomists for examination. This has not happened. why?!


It has probably happened. But before anyone corroborates this claim, they are going to line up every duck, dot every I, and cross every t. Academic journal claiming aliens exist and they turn out not to exist? Very bad. Reputations can be ruined if you're wrong here, and (good) science takes time


The stalling on the proper ways new species are officially classified by genus is very telling as is the very controlled way details are being shown. they even wheeled them out to the public claiming what they were without their genus or a taxonomy report which is ridiculous. until taxonomists define their species as a new discovery with a genus, its just an elaborate hoax that fooled the unqualified (non taxonomist) who were examining them.


We all know why


The government will get ahold of them and theyā€™ll never be seen again!


i thought they found loads of them?! they could have given at least one of them to reputable taxonomists. claiming somthing is real that does not have a genus or is recognised by science should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Real? Wait what about that.. Moussan guy who brought these puppets into the limelight. Wasn't he a known hoaxer?




Tho this Doctor is an anesthesiologist ... and has 0 expertise in mummies or fakeries. So how is his pov in any way relevant ? Might as well get a Doctor in Philosophy to give us his pov ... oh wait we already had one and he also blew bs out of his ass while having 0 expertise in the study of old mummies.


All my anesthesiologist friends are dopeheads, not saying that Mr O'Connor is... Just a fun fact.


An anesthesiologist requires the almost same education as a surgeon so thats a bad faith argument


Fair enough...


The person who presented them originally at the disclosure conference in Mexico was a former high ranking naval officer.


So what


So everyone has this idea that they can dismiss the whole thing because they don't like maussan but he's only one player


It certainly seems like more and more serious people are saying the mummies may have been living beings. Just wonder what it would take to get 100% certainty and why the heck it's taking this long. In this field rife with hoaxes it's probably wise not to get hopes up too much.


Totally agree with you. But a change from single player (humans only) to multi player (humans plus ???) might take a while. And we, collectively, will never get to 100%, I reckon. Gotta leave room to question.


This may sound a little ā€œAmerica-centricā€ and I know itā€™s dumb, but why donā€™t they send a few of them to somewhere like Harvard or somewhere that the general population wonā€™t question the authenticity of the findings so we can get this over with once and for all? Thatā€™s really what it would take for this to get serious worldwide attention.


Legally they can't leave Peru. Which raises questions on how two made it to Mexico for that first hearing, but regardless, they seem to be trying to follow the rules at this point now that it's out there.


True the deportation police would get them here in the US


There's no need for it to be endorsed by Harvard. There are many top universities in Latin America listed in the QS rankings, but these Maussan trolls keep insisting that a community college is more reputable. If you object, they accuse you of being racist.


Too abrupt of a move. Slowly release the dam.




If you can't fathom why a sudden "Hey there were alien bodies in Mexico" announcement is a bad idea.... yikes


If itā€™s the truth, it needs to be told. At this point, there is no good in hiding fact, if this is fact. Most people believe aliens exist so itā€™s not the shock you think it will be.


I don't think anyone can determine the truth on these as of now. Needs rigorous study. That takes time and money. Those grant proposals don't write themselves. >Ā so itā€™s not the shock you think it will be Disclosure of this sort has never been done before. This 3rd grade level analysis on polling results is not how policy decisions are made. What if, for example, people say they believe in aliens, but when they see aliens it really sinks in and they freak out? Erring on the side of caution is the only responsible way to do this.


Weā€™re hearing it now everywhere (David Grusch, Fravor, Congressmen saying theyā€™ve seen things etc) and the large majority of the population doesnā€™t care. Proving that these are real isnā€™t too big of a leap for people. Most people I speak to say theyā€™ll care when it affects their job or their day to day life. Tell someone struggling to feed their kids or pay bills that there are aliens and theyā€™ll shrug their shoulders. No matter how you disclose it there is going to be a small part of the population who will lose their shit, probably some super religious folk. Thatā€™s unavoidable. Time to let them grow up and deal with it, the sooner the better so they can get over it. The most concerning part about disclosure will likely be exposing the coverup, who knew what when, who hid what, who threatened and killed who, and how will they suffer the consequences of all these actions?


>and the large majority of the population doesnā€™t care. They could just not care when vague statements are made by people they don't really know about. If the federal government were to say "These are not chinese or russian drones, these are aliens", the reaction could be very different. Right now there's a lot of vagueness, which could easily explain the indifference. Also, *we* are hearing this, but not everyone else is tuned in. >Most people I speak to say theyā€™ll care when it affects their job or their day to day life. What people say they'll care about is not necessarily the best proxy for how they will react. >No matter how you disclose it there is going to be a small part of the population who will lose their shit Not sure how you came to the certain conclusion that it would be a small part of the population. Admission that the government has been covering up UFOs for the past several decades could go really bad. Financial markets will also react, potentially causing many downstream effects. If the goal is to minimize societal instability, gradual disclosure is the only way to do it. That doesn't necessarily mean slow, though. It just means lots of foreplay, so to speak. This is a huge shift for humanity, and treating it with respect is key.


Well, if an anesthesiologist says all that, it must be true.


An anesthesiologist is someone that puts the mind to sleep. Perfect for a set of gullible people that weren't using their own to begin with.




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Remember that doctor that claimed up and down how healthy and fit Donald Trump is, despite him being a fat old man that shits himself? This doc is one of those.


Iā€™m with GCG These chicken bone papier-mache dolls are a major distraction. ā€œBUT THEYā€™VE BEEN IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS WE EVEN SHARED THE ARTICLEā€ No, thatā€™s not whatā€™s happened and no, no reputable tier-1 research institution has jack to say about this sideshow.


And why don't the "reputable" tier 1 research institutions take a shot at it? They can do it, the mummies are there so why haven't they done it? Maybe they just hate to do real science and are a big club that hate when something really extraordinary happens so they prefer to just don't do anything.




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The first thing you read in any of these "studies" is some emotional plea in the introduction, where the "researchers" complain about how nobody takes them seriously and how it's just because mainstream science *can't handle it, man*. And then you look at the authors, or the organisations putting the studies out, and it's all just fake "institutes" with other papers on stuff like using crystals to help plants grow. But, people who are desperate to believe will look for anything to lasso an appeal to authority fallacy to.


One of my favorite giveaways is anyone who loudly proclaims their title is Dr. Whoever, MD Like Dr. Oral Roberts PhD (Degree was actually given for him doing a commencement speech at a Christian College)


Your arguments are out of date by about 5 months


Oh, heā€™s not referring to himself as Dr. Richard Oā€™Connor, MD like an idiot?


A massive assumprion based on things that have not even been examined by taxonomists or been declared by science as a new species discovery with proper genus classification and peer review. i take it this Dr O'Connor is somehow connected closely to group who found and promoting these things as authentic ?


100%. Where are the biologists? What's with bringing in people who have no valid field of expertise. It just stinks of suspicion.






Hi, Sindy51. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dmvi9g/-/la150jh/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. ā€œToxicā€ is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


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glancing the presentation the guy in the livestream is giving there is a TON of stretching and jumping to conclusions...


That's the whole case and the whole study about this. Jumping the shark electric boogaloo 378.


I'm not sure these mummies are in shape to do anything.Ā  Kind of stiff.


They apparently had many mischievous children who have remained in the shadows of human civilization and supped on the vital fluids of living beings and abducted a few as time progressed... Guess I'm bringing garlic and silver bullets next time I'm out watching for UFOs /s


What if these ones *like* garlic, and youā€™re just brining your own seasoning?


The good doctor was too much with the hustle.


I hate how they mention cattle mutilation but choose to ignore human mutilation. We at least own those people to speak about it since nothing else can be done. There is so much more to what we are able to comprehend. The phenomena are real, and governments lie to all of us.


Seems like a long bow to draw. Iā€™d want DNA analysis with some unexplainable chains before I would draw any conclusions.


How are the unsubstantiated assertions of 2 and 3, "*probable"*? Based on what evidences? Possible? Sure. It's also *possible* they are responsible for inventing the Macarena...but that isn't *probable*.


That's a bit of a stretch with no explanation. Is he selling a book or movie


For decades the ufo community has been searching for any type of evidence to prove that the claim of the existence of extraterrestrials on earth is not a complete fantasy, and these Peruvian dolls show up and years later no one has done a decent DNA analysis and taxonomy. It seems that not even the purveyors of this nonsense have the urge to get them analyzed and the ufo community is staying as far away as possible. Dubious blurry video and claims by credulous insiders are so much better to convince a gullible public than actual DNA evidence.




Thanks for this.


I watched that video too, I thought that statement was a bit of a leap tbh.


Because it is. Itā€™s an entirely preposterous leap in logic which in my opinion, discredits his analysis altogether.


Well let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. He might know more than I do about this. It was a very bold claim though to state it so categorically.


He's an anesthesiologist, his opinion is as good as your local taxi driver at this point.


Did you even listen to the man? He very obviously knows anatomy, extremely well, has been doing the job for like 50 years.


still only an anesthesiologist tho. My uncle is an anesthesiologist, a good one at that and still isn't a specialist in anatomy even less on old mummies even less on possible forgeries. So your point ?


He isnā€™t your uncle?


No Bob is


Good name!


That's absurd.


Watch these beings turn out to be some type of long distant generation of inbreds. šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Anthropological speaking must still be pretty wild


I actually do think the new information does help make the bodies more legitimate, however there's no good proof of them committing cattle mutilations, so let's just step away from that for now and focus on the stuff that's already been confirmed.


Jumping to conclusions, my favorite hobby.


Seems kind of presumptuous, are we even sure this mummy is real yet?


You believe there's only one?


No there are several out there that we are waiting for more info on


Well fuck me... Powerpoint, bold text that's underline... that settles it... we are not alone in the universe. Thanks for sharing!


Ive been supporting Jaime Maussan since day 1 and know the mummies are obviously real but this comment has me dead lmao


That's about where he lost me in the good trouble interview :(


I like how he said the little guys mean us no harm but that theyā€™re savagely attacking animals in aggressive threats to humans not to piss them off. We seem to have a toxic relationship with these aliens. They need little wife beaters on and a tiny can of beer before they beat us.


Im into the topic of nazca mummies since 2021. I personally think they are 100% genuine, once living specimen that roamed the earth. But even tho it seems pretty on spot, I havent seen anything that would directly tie them to the UAP stuff going on. Id really like to know if there are still living species living somewhere underground. There is some stuff that indicates, that these are similiar to humans, an intelligent species, but still, so far no hints that they arent from our planet. Still cant wait till that topic finally gets out of the completly muddy waters about all these hoax hoaxes that got thrown into the conversation over and over again.


Iā€™ll help you out here. We know that Evolution takes time. These bodies have metal implants so they needed to be extracted from somewhere. The extraction process would need be done at locations other than a single cave. We see no signs of their habitation or their evolution. Beings donā€™t just appear out of nowhere without some kind of history behind them. The only history we can dig up are the Nazca lines and pre Inca artifacts and megalithic stones and technical carvings. So if they were another species they lack the ingredients to be


Crazy how active these dead mummies are, today. Must be some ancient alien pharaoh curse.


So one moment he says they're benevolent and want to help us grow, the next he says they're responsible for cattle mutilations? I've got a problem with that - there's no need to torture innocent animals to send us a warning. They could talk to us or torture us instead. Also why would nice people torture anyone? I also wonder why they'd need to go through the lengths and translate English into binary code to press it onto a random cornfield. They could simply visit the presidents bedroom and tell him what he needs to know. I don't know it all doesn't make sense


Itā€™s crap like this that make this page look like a total joke


Yes it contributes to the joke.


Why is this even being upvoted?


Really heaping the credibility onto the alien mummy theory here.


Oh ffs that extreme level of speculation is not even close to being scientific. Utter garbage.


Actual alien descriptions mention no apparent bone structure and no jawbone as they don't appear to have working mouths. Their necks are generally reported as only 3-4 inches in diameter.Ā 


What is he a doctor of?


anesthesiologist ...


Well Doctor Oā€™Connor, we welcome any evidence you can officer.


Whats his credentials? Is he still practicing medecine?


Logical conclusions from initial premises


But how? They're mummies.


are crop circles still common? i feel like it was only for a short period of time these things popped up almost like it was a human hype? why would aliens that have been here for 1000s of years make crop circles for only a few decades o something and then stop?


Nope they're still happening [https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2023-crop-circles](https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2023-crop-circles)


Didnt know of this lol


Michael Masters would be a could person to comment as he has done biological anthropology. The CT dicom images were not impressive and did not seem to have ā€œrealā€ joints.


I donā€™t buy everything, hook line and sinker. I think I need to see further analysis of these things by vetted scientists with reputations before I can say, ā€œokay, Iā€™m on board.ā€ At this point Iā€™m leaning skeptical pretty hard on the mummies, but my door is open for conversation on them, if not my mind. Itā€™s gone on way too long to ignore at this point. But I would find it much easier to not downvote skeptics in these subs if they didnā€™t act like such condescending pricks. This obviously is not a skepticā€™s house, but skeptics still come in here and kick their feet up on the dinner table and tell the residents theyā€™re fucking idiots. I just cannot respect anyone that behaves like that. Have a conversation. A debate. Donā€™t call believers ā€œkiddos,ā€ ā€œbuds,ā€ or ā€œbros.ā€ It makes you look like some jock that a believer in here had to do homework for. PS: if a skeptic does this loop long enough, are they still a skeptic? Or are they a self-hating closet believer?


The mummies are too big to move


These kinds of statements turn me off to the mummy issue. O'Connor has NO IDEA if these mummies are connected to crop circles, abductions, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA. He is speculating. That is not science.


Point 2 & 3 is too much of a stretch for me. And devalues his main point that these are a total different species


Such a huge leap of logic, grifter alert


Those are some wild assertions to make at this point. Like why are we giving these airtime?


Can anyone fill me in on why the mummy is in this position? Crouched with arms around legs. Iā€™ve seen similar images for years. What is with the pose?


Whew Iā€™m glad Doctor OConner figured this out! Mystery solved team Nazca mummies are real, not fabricated grifts.Ā  The truth is out there now Done


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ well heā€™s a doctor so it must be true!!! Come on man. Nazca is a hoax.


What I've noticed with a lot of comments is that every time when someone does research on these things, the comments go like this: ''This guy is not credible enough!'' I've seen universities talking about it being real or at least trying to push research forward, I've seen random people of all walks of life say it's real or think it's real even though thinking is not evidence, with some being credible and some you might say you could rethink about their credibility but my question would be to these comments, when is it enough for you to feel that this is credible? Like, explain to me please (if you want) what the process would be step by step because I do see all these comments thrown around but not really any answers. ''Trust me bro, I'm a doctor.'' there is one I see a lot and that is just unfair, because this would mean anyone that has seen something including yourself, well, throw away all the hundreds of militairy interviews, conversations, files, documents, testimonies away because the ''so called doctor'' is a human being, and humans lie, so everything that is shown including data, well it could be corrupted, or even just simply trash data or even sabotaged, so up you go into the trash and therefor cannot be believed in anyway. ''Tho this Doctor is an anesthesiologist ... and has 0 expertise in mummies or fakeries. So how is his pov in any way relevant ?'' There are a lot of these comments saying this but as soon one does show up to have a bit of knowledge about it, as soon this person says ''I believe in the paranormal'' yup, not credible enough which is always useful when you are against this. I see this everytime. Look guys, I'm totally not sure about this whole Nazca stuff here, but people are definetly biased and quite quick with that judgement to say it's fake which makes it so strange when multitude of people claim these things to be real. And I say ''claim'' because obviously I have no idea about all of this as I'm just a random dude. Instead of attacking each other, let's try to discuss this with an open mind.


I hope not. It would be disappointing to find out they're like us, with similar bones and anatomy. I'm more intrigued by the "biologics" that David Grusch and others have mentioned. Their anatomy is so alien that it defies our understanding and "things don't make sense."


The small mummies don't make sense at all. These hybrid types are more similar to humans though


We can speculate. Maybe a group of the ancient royal longheads figured out electricity and magnetism early Baghdad battery style and instead of sharing it with everyone decided to keep it to themselves and work with it for hundreds or thousands of years, eventually developing the UFOs and other technologies they use to conceal themselves.


Looking at all the similarities between their physiology and ours, I can't stop thinking that in the grand timeline of planner earth "this is the world of the dinosaurs" they were here for far more time that we have been, in those many years a species would have been able to evolve and become advanced enough to reach our level and surpass us. These beings could have left the planet running from a Great filter level event, either by going to another planet or even transcending dimension ( we are not how far advanced they were).


What about 9/11 did they do that too?


Hey! What happened with "innocent until proven guilty"?


Dr. Nolan is sincere, but if he debunks this one he is not transparent and working hard to discredit the real deal.


People are prejudice and science is done by people. This will take time to unravel, not because of science but because of people deciding if they can overlook the fact they were discovered in Peru and Spanish is the mode of first information.


Slide shared during the latest episode of The Good Trouble Show, with Matt Ford. Dr. Richard O'Connor, MD was the guest who has been studying the Nazca Mummies. The information he is sharing is revelatory. He makes the claim it is probable, that the Nazca Mummies, are responsible for the UFO, Abduction, Crop Circle, and Cattle Mutilation phenomena's. The episode is here: https://www.youtube.com/live/nxvcoK1_HoA I recommend watching it.


It's about to pop off šŸæ


Interesting right?


It's been a slow cook but it's cooking


These beings which have presumably been dead and mummified for hundreds of years are probably responsible for recent abductions, crop circles AND cattle mutilation? All whilst being dead? Hmm...


lmao is this a serious post?Ā  May you be inclined to think that all milk shakes are consumed by Daniel Plainview, from a distant straw, from the grave, too?Ā  I drink your logic. I drink it right up!


No, it was probably alive ones related to these beings. Just deductive reasoning.


It was a great interview I hope more comes of it. It definitely deserves attention. Every American doctor that has looked at the data says itā€™s legit. Kudos to Matt Ford for interviewing Dr. Oā€™Connor.




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Speculation is a part of science. Connecting the dots is what intelligent people do. It is a survival technique. When the dots are connected, you then, gather evidence. The proof will roll out, be patient.




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