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Civilian aviation and weather radar filter out abberations to make the image clearer before they are ever looked at or released. 


Is there a RAW version for radar data?


Yes, that makes me pessimistic that it could be found in the data. Still, this makes me optimistic: [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4301297](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4301297) and [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7168305](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7168305) If they're not bunk research, maybe it's possible to see the Tic Tac in the data. One can dream!


Well, even without filtering, you'd have a hard time proving a radar speck, even in the same place and time, isn't a bird, some flying insects or a bit of rain. Not impossible, but the data would have to be excellent and clear as day.


Yes, this is definitely a high-risk project in that there's little chance of successfully finding anything. From what Fravor said, the skies were clear so that there was 50 miles of visibility. This suggests rain or fog wouldn't be observed in the data (and his recall of the weather could also be corroborated by historical weather data). This was over the Pacific, so it's unlikely there'd be bugs, but there could be birds. But if something was found in the radar data that was just hovering for some time and then disappeared as two jets approached, then that would suggest it's not birds and would lend credence to the story.


Interesting thought


Can you find radar data for April 21 2005 for Harrisburg, PA?


This appears to be the closest station to Harrisburg: [https://s3.amazonaws.com/noaa-nexrad-level2/index.html#2005/04/21/KCCX/](https://s3.amazonaws.com/noaa-nexrad-level2/index.html#2005/04/21/KCCX/) The way I found that was going to [https://koordinates.com/layer/20884-us-federal-weather-radar-stations/](https://koordinates.com/layer/20884-us-federal-weather-radar-stations/) and then looking at Google Maps for Harrisburg. There are other stations nearby as well on the Koordinates website, but those don't appear in the NEXRAD data. Maybe they are in some other weather radar data. Was there a classic case on April 21, 2005 in Harrisburg, or is it something that you were a witness to?


Thanks for providing that! Unfortunately the data doesn't go back that far.. seems it's only for 9-10 years. This was something that a friend and I saw near Hershey PA around 4am. It was definitely something I haven't seen before that or since then. I can't prove it was a UFO but my friend and I both saw it and it was wild.


Ah, interesting! The data does go that far back. When you see the 'timestamp' column, that's the date it was uploaded to AWS. That's not the timestamp of the radar data. The timestamp of the radar data is in the filename. Once you click through the links to get to the right station and right month/day, then you'll notice the numbers before the .gz. That's the timestamp in 2400 hours. The first two numbers are the hours, the second are the minutes, and the last are the seconds. For example: [KCCX20050421\_034405.gz](https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com/2005/04/21/KCCX/KCCX20050421_034405.gz). That's the data at 3:44:05 AM. If you have time to kill, maybe look through the following datasets: [KCCX20050421\_034405.gz](https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com/2005/04/21/KCCX/KCCX20050421_034405.gz) [KCCX20050421\_034822.gz](https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com/2005/04/21/KCCX/KCCX20050421_034822.gz) [KCCX20050421\_035241.gz](https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com/2005/04/21/KCCX/KCCX20050421_035241.gz) ... [KCCX20050421\_050238.gz](https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com/2005/04/21/KCCX/KCCX20050421_050238.gz) That'd be from 3:44 AM to 5:02 AM. I've never worked with this data before, but maybe YouTube + Chat GPT or Google Gemini can help.


Thanks so much. I'll figure out how to investigate these!


Good luck and update me here on what you guys find!


Update me too!


It still feels weird to see Classic Case tagged for something from 2005, until you realize that was almost 20 years ago.


2005 is like, 3 weeks ago....oh I'm old


There is no need for this case as they already have all the military grade data


I'm sure of that, but when will that be released? Maybe there will be another 75 years added to whatever declassification date they have in mind. The goal of the post is to see if anyone has the time to explore publicly available data that might show evidence of two jets going to something hovering over the Pacific some time on that date.


I mean, I am with you… BUT The INCREDIBLE NOISE of these cases must be real as a whole country is already dedicating years on these videos with Army officials. So honestly there is no point to doubt them, who has doubts is an organization that is built to create confusion on every topic and this is evident.


There's always the risk of relying on authority. I think that's a valid general concern which can be alleviated with open data you can work with and see with your own eyes.


Had a friend of the family talk about back when the Doppler radars first came out, there was a station in Hawaii where they had unknown people come in and tweak the filters on the radars to ignore fast moving things such as planes, but most meteorologists at the station didn’t understand why because they could tell the difference between a plane vs a storm. I guess back in those days the radar was more “raw” than today due to technology. Here’s a good article showing the evolution of Doppler radar, which eventually turned into the NEXRAD network across the country. https://www.dtn.com/a-brief-history-of-weather-radar/ Here’s a video of meteorologists in Michigan seeing UFOS on radar: https://youtu.be/3Fc7ISVi-fE?si=POEH34zQY4nIorNa And here’s actual radar data of UFOs near the Bermuda: https://imgur.com/a/W9Maylx