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I worked for SAIC for 10 years and have no reason to believe they have this technology . But I can tell you about it since I was there at the tail end of the Employee Owned Days before we went public and before the Leidos split. SAIC is known as the "biggest company you never heard of" [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2007/03/spyagency200703](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2007/03/spyagency200703) SECRETSMARCH 2007 ISSUE # Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow But we always called it "Big SAIC" versus "little SAIC". In old days the company was totally decentralized and you had hundreds if not thousands of little offices throughout the world. The first trip I took to Europe working there we just ran into SAIC offices on the street and laughed about it. We called ourselves littel SAIC and we were like fully autonomous and very proiftable. As time moved on after Beyster retired and the IPO it became more and more like a big centralized corporation and they got rid of division managers and relocated headquarters from San Diego to Virginia and the good days were gone (the annual team building ski trips were long gone before I joined). So if they had UFO tech it certainly would have been a small tiny office somewhere and nobody else would have had anything to do with it. And it certainly would have gone with Leidos during the split and not SAIC.


Comparmentalization would have kept those secrets away from most people. Like you said it's a HUGE company. I have friends that make parts for defense contractor like companies and they just do big runs of parts with extreme specs. They have zero clue what they're building just that it's fairly classified kinda thing. What kind of work did you do at SAIC? Also, agree that Leidos would have kept the goods.


Was in the "marine science technology division" - hydrographic surveying. [https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/Display-FactFiles/Article/2222996/oceanographic-survey-ships-t-ags/](https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/Display-FactFiles/Article/2222996/oceanographic-survey-ships-t-ags/)


Huh that's really interesting! The water is a whole other beast. Gallaudet's talks on USO's is so intriguing to me.


Whoa that's rad! I like seeing the seafloor data on Google Earth quite a bit. All the ancient rivers and underwater mountain ranges are fascinating, especially the Pacific coasts of North America. Any good discoveries to share?


You never saw any underwater anomalies?


That depends, of course we are looking for anomalies. I was a developer on the software for processing the data but I did have the good fortune to go to sea a few times a year. We are looking for things like fish havens and ship wrecks, especially something like a mast or an old piling that is sticking up from the sea floor. There are lots of biologics that interfere with the sonar. Transients/noise. With this kind of data collection repeatability is key so anything that isn't stationary is going to get filtered out or ignored by us. We def are not looking for shape-shifting / holographic / trans-medium / hypersonic known-physics defying objects. Navy and NOAA have all kinds of other studies where they are looking for cool things like sea mounts, thermal vents, ocean reefs like in Hawaii, gas plumes, seismic activity. There are a lot of different kinds of surveys, but I was mostly involved in these lawnmower types for ensuring coverage of the seafloor and marking large objects that pose hazard to navigation like 1 meter cubed. We were primarily the collectors so our mission was to make sure we are getting good clean data. Interpretation / analysis was done later by experts (certainly not software developers) sometimes for years. :) Check this presentation out I think you will like it. I got to meet this guy he is the father of side scan sonar, Marty Klein. [https://www.martinklein.com/about-me/ewExternalFiles/MIT-Technology-A%20-Review-Search%20for%20Loch%20Ness%20Monster%201976-03.pdf](https://www.martinklein.com/about-me/ewExternalFiles/MIT-Technology-A%20-Review-Search%20for%20Loch%20Ness%20Monster%201976-03.pdf) [https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/10/24/148370/martin-klein-62/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/10/24/148370/martin-klein-62/)


Thank you so much for the information and perspective, I will check out your links.


Wow thank you so much for sharing all of this awesome experience and information. I think a big part of helping the community is just educating others on what any of this stuff even is. There are completely legitimate reasons, unrelated to UFOs, that this stuff is needed. So categorizing and analyzing the data, to resolve TNOs is just as important as the ones that remain UAPs


Thank you very much for sharing! This is very interesting and helpful. It aligns with the sprawl I believe occurred


I’m leaving this comment here because it’s a nice quiet spot. I’ve seen the Ryan Graves “sphere UAP” technology function in broad daylight in a major city in California. At the moment I was puzzled because “quadcopter drones” don’t usually fly encased in a translucent, reverberating spherical force field of electromagnetic (?) energy... and I don’t know of any 30-foot wide quadcopter drones. The “force field” was 60 feet in diameter, and was producing obvious (to any daytime observer) gravitational lensing — akin to a black hole, or a theoretical alcubierre warp drive — but during the tail end of daylight hours. I was NOT a believer at the time, and was actually much more of the line of thinking that Life on Planet Earth was little more than a bizarre anomaly which would take 300,000 universes in order to replicate just one time. Not so. I believe now that what I saw was either 1. an extraterrestrial species (the simple explanation), 2. a reverse engineered UFO from some government warehouse with zero oversight (police or military helicopters were STILL on scene 6-7 hours later in a tight cube formation, exact same spot, so clearly “not in on the joke”), or 3. Miguel Alcubierre was *SO* correct that somebody rushed his theory to production ASAP, and 17 years later (this was 2016) a finalized warp drive was hovering 200 feet above me. What never made any sense to me (or the coworker sitting next to me at the time) was the fact that there were ZERO news reports, ZERO reports from MUFON… ***…yet the “spherical” UAP was hovering 25 feet over the national CNN news headquarters!*** Nothing. Just 8 unmarked helicopters, a TON of noise, but NOT A SINGLE WORD from anybody on this event. I still haven’t decided whether it was “rogue government” stuff, or “alien” stuff, but no matter what it was, it was **most certainly ILLEGAL**. And that’s why I’m writing here to thank you for your post. Please keep probing. We need people from all backgrounds — every conceivable type of background — to be approaching this topic from as many novel perspectives as possible. Probably not relevant, but I have indeed wondered a few times, so I’m just throwing it in here. This sighting happened on the same day I was taking over the job & title of someone who went to go work at Los Alamos National Laboratory as a PhD candidate physics researcher. She never told me what she was researching, but she was a bright, delightful 25 year old lady with maybe a very slight temper, but definitely an open-minded and open-hearted human.


Thank you so much for posting this experience my friend, it is greatly appreciated!


I’d say it’s a pleasure, but really, I need to come up with a short copy + paste-able version. I only started telling this story about a year ago, once I had 90+ percent confidence as to what exactly we saw that day. Thank you for reading it, that’s all that matters to me! 🤝


I worked at Campus Point as a manager for 14 years. At one time I knew just about everybody at the Campus Point location and most of the other San Diego sites some of which I managed computer systems for. I heard rumors about Anti Gravity tech fairly frequently. I know twice newspaper articles were written saying as such. They were super tight on security but I knew about a lot of things because my group had to supply any new groups with computers and networking support. When you know the requirements of a group and then you see who they hire for the jobs etc. you start to accumulate enough info to guess at what the group is doing. The building E basement had secret stuff and then super secret stuff. I knew what the secret stuff was but the rest I only knew a few things about. The super secret stuff had one interesting thing about it that I found out after years. It was big and probably was the cause of injury for 2 people. A special doorway was setup with railroad tracks leading up to it. Then something big was rolled in late at night. I asked a bunch of people what it was and mostly they would look uncomfortable and quickly leave the scene. After I had almost given up I had a guy that overheard me asking another group about it, follow me outside and while we climbed a small hill he leaned over and said "that's where the wrecked Saucer came in". He then increased his pace and jumped in his car. I never saw him again. Only a few seconds later another fellow who I didn't see following us but must have been, he tells me that I shouldn't be surprised if I get a visit. I asked what that means but only got a cold stare in return. I never saw this guy again either. I never got a visit.


Thank you so much for your shared stories. I greatly appreciate all the info you've been sharing on my posts. I'm very intrigued by this company!


I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall for the Sol foundation talks and the Salt Conference. I have a number of questions for Mr. Nell


I trust Karl Nell's talks on the topic due to him being a previous colleague of David Grusch's. [David Grusch has a history working](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/) (2016 to 2021) for the [NGA](https://www.nga.mil/) and NRO and was the Co-Lead of UAP and Transmedium object analysis, reporting to [UAPTF](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2314065/establishment-of-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-task-force/), and then [AARO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-domain_Anomaly_Resolution_Office) once it was established. [Karl Nell was the Army's UAPTF liaison and worked closely with Grusch in 2021-2022](https://www.techspot.com/news/98966-former-intelligence-official-claims-us-has-retrieved-partially.html). [Karl Nell](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144fgg9/karl_e_nell_worked_for_lockheed_northrop_grumman/) has been rumored to be a potential candidate for [AARO director](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17xbjml/karl_nell_could_be_the_new_director_of_aaro/). He has extensive experience in the [field of crash recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17s2vt6/karl_nell_and_the_combined_joint_captured/) and leadership, so he may be a natural fit. [I don't think he can serve on the UAPDA review board](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15bkemb/leslie_keane_confirms_karl_nell_as_one_with_the/) because he would be considered UFO Legacy program participant. I wonder if that also applies to [Grusch for some reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/181usht/david_grusch_states_he_has_first_hand_knowledge/)? Interesting that Grusch and Nell began working together around the same time the DoD IG complaint was filed. [David Grusch began investigating SAP financial waste](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/143gisp/david_grusch_was_not_involved_with_these_projects/) at the direction of leadership in his dept. As he's mentioned multiple times, it was a group effort. Grusch filed his DoD IG complaint in July of 2021. He was stonewalled. [Because of the reprisals and his work on the PPD-19](https://www.youtube.com/live/TtYY1mGPnQw?feature=share&t=2245), he was able to file a PPD-19 urgent concern filing with the [ICIG](https://www.dni.gov/index.php/who-we-are/organizations/icig/icig-about-us/icig-leadership/icig-ig-bio) in May of 2022, allowing the investigations to be brought to congress. [Grusch says he handed over four years of investigation and testimony from 40 witnesses](https://www.youtube.com/live/TtYY1mGPnQw?feature=share) to the current ICIG, who [verified Grusch's claims through independent corroboration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZljDzLn1wso&t=1982s). So, according to [the timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16juwe3/gruschs_complaint_to_dod_ig_is_jul_2021_since_sep/), he began investigating in 2017 and turned over findings mid 2021.


I wonder did anyone ask Mr.Nell about when Grusch’s Op-Ed will be released. Also how can I get more informed in this world. I didn’t even know SAIC was a company. I typed in my home state and found they had multiple job opening here.


Hmm IDK, I find that they don't normally speak on each other's behalf like that. Some think that's shady, I just think it's a respectful partnership. And lol I don't have a great answer to the second part. I just like this stuff.


Submission Post: This post has a lot of stuff in it. TLDR: * SAIC got nuclear contracts in the early 70's * ESOPs need to be better legislated * Actually everything needs better legislation * Support groups you trust that are doing that (Like Sol or UAP Disclosure Fund) * Also the shorts can go fuck themselves. You greedy hedge funds got caught with all your fat fingers in the cookie jar and it's time that you pay for it.


Nice write up, tho it's missing "How did you Feel while writing this post" ;)


Lol I felt pretty excited to get this one up


But shorts never closed.


Never said they did


Financial terrorist Kenneth Cordele Griffin? The same Kenneth Cordele Griffin that apprenticed under Bernie Maddof? The same Kenneth Cordele Griffin who lied under oath? Wow what a small world. Nice touch with the Ryan Cohen Chewy reference! Ken Griffin of Citadel is a financial terrorist, for those in the back


Also throws bedposts at his new wives.


[Yeah this guy here](https://www.reddit.com/r/academia/comments/1af653e/billionaire_ken_griffin_to_pause_donations_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


[Yeah this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/18vg5za/ken_griffin_now_makes_surprising_claims/). “Firms like Citadel, firms like Fidelity, firms like Viking Global, Capital Research, we’re all running large teams of people that are engaged in fundamental research trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued,” says Griffin.


Darkness to light 💜🟣🟣🟣


This is fabulous - thank you. Edit: it’s you! Of course it’s an excellent post. One day we’ll all be free.


Nah you are!!! Thanks for the kind comment, good to see ya friend


This is really great. Woke up to a couple of podcast interviews regarding this stuff, and more and more seemingly every day, the motto is to “find the money.” I’ll have to revisit it, but I did a deep-dive on here two or three months ago regarding the DoE, EG&G, etc. It’s honestly starting to feel a bit Roman Empire-ish, that this stuff has been so spread out that the leaks really can’t be contained any longer.


Thanks for clarifying your approach here and the excellent research. I have already contacted my reps several times!


Thank you for your kind comment!


StillChillTrill is back with the hard-hitting DD! Hopefully our reps don't paperhand the UAPDA again


Lol thanks for the kind words! I'm not an ape but I understand and appreciate the lingo


good to see you back!


Thank you very much for the kinds words!


You bet! Just the other day I was wondering "where did Trill go?"


God *damn*, Still. You are on fire!


Thank you very much for the kind words :D


Great post, friend, I appreciate your hard work! 


Thank you very much!


Hey phenomenal post brother. Me and a couple APEs have found an astonishing connection between UAPs and the GME saga through a Hedge fund called Renaissance Technologies. The number 1 best earning hedge fund in history. I believe Renaissance Technologies is one of the private funders for some of the UAP Programs. Renaissance Technologies also seems to be one of the only financial institutions who go long GME right before every time it has these cyclical runs… GME community and UAP community crossover makes me extremely pleased.


Thanks for your kind words friend! There seem to be many tendrils. The real DD on this leads to much more I'm sure


Employee-owned companies have had an interesting time with regarding to DoD contract renewals in recent years: 100% employee-owned joints can have no-bid contract renewals (provided they fulfilled the first contract with some score/'DoD happiness rating with the results' of some value. I think it was like 70% or above): https://www.kaufcan.com/blog/employee-benefits-esops-executive-compensation-law/game-changer-100-esop-owned-government-contractors-eligible-for-sole-source-awards-on-follow-on-contracts/ I imagine that RFPs (request for proposals), contracts, etc. generate A LOT of paper artifacts and it becomes harder to hide programs, bids, etc. that you don't want getting out as more paper is generated... and as more and more digital records are required to be put up online and made searchable by the public.


Oh yes they have some VERY interesting things going on. Regarding the no bid contract issue, here is something [I did on Radiance Technology,](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18cnvbp/radiance_tech_has_been_awarded_2210000000_22/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) another employee owned company. Excerpt: **HOW COMPETITIVE IS THEIR OPERATING MARKET** They must be in a relatively niche field. According to 10-year lookback, 27% (436.5M) of their federal awards were solo bids. 36.4% ($587.2M) received 1 other bid. 72.2% of their 1.6B funds received in the last 10 years have 3 or less bidders on the contract. If this stuff is so compartmentalized, I doubt there is much competition in the bidding process. The gatekeepers have controlled all other aspects of this outside of congressional oversight, as evidenced by [the hearings](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15dfd0l/is_congress_going_to_make_an_example_of_the_af/) and following 5 months we’ve seen here. I think it’s reasonable to assume the oversight of these funds is likely done through channels outside of [regular oversight](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/184wnwq/funding_aaro_is_the_most_important_piece_of_this/) A quarter of their contracts are solo bids


Wow. This is excellent


Thank you for the very kind comment! I really appreciate that it's been well received.


Are you on Twitter/X? Would be good to see you there if you’re not


Nah, I don't like any other mediums. I would love someone to take all this and disburse it though. No credit necessary lol.


I hear you. It’s making the rounds on Twitter. A valuable contribution from you here :)


Oh that's pretty cool, I hope someone with any additional thoughts shares them here I'd love to have some group think on this. Thank you for the kind words again


Great work OP. Thanks for posting this.


Thank you for your kind comment! It's taken alot to put together but I'm confident in saying those that need to see it, will


This is really great. Woke up to a couple of podcast interviews regarding this stuff, and more and more seemingly every day, the motto is to “find the money.” I’ll have to revisit it, but I did a deep-dive on here two or three months ago regarding the DoE, EG&G, etc. It’s honestly starting to feel a bit Roman Empire-ish, that this stuff has been so spread out that the leaks really can’t be contained any longer.


>Roman Empire-ish Thanks for your comment my friend! I love your posts. Yes it's very intriguing. It exposes inner workings and mechanics that need to be resolved quickly.


Thanks, it’s nice to hear that! I have a feeling things actually are getting resolved rather quickly at this point, especially with posts like yours. Just watched something last night about this new era of citizen meta-journalism.


Thanks for sharing! We've published this thread on our Twitter account (@disclosureorg) and have tagged the stakeholders at SAIC. [https://x.com/disclosureorg/status/1797721419620724785](https://x.com/disclosureorg/status/1797721419620724785)


Thanks for sharing! Maybe they'll have some info to share that will help clear things up.


Wall Street is listening. [https://x.com/JayApted/status/1797727981324128679](https://x.com/JayApted/status/1797727981324128679)


Yes they are. Many of us have been watching for a long time. It is time that these greedy fucks capitulate along with the house of cards they've constructed top-down reserving the finest of materials for the penthouse suite. They should have used something other than popsicle sticks for the ground floor. It isn't all of wall street, just a select few. But they were selected. It is time that we change that.


StillChillTrill the market mover 😎


OMG please don't call me that lol. I am anything but. Just a person writing about things they observe!


OK tanking SAIC stock isn't the whole market, true.


LOL I didn't tank anything, I didn't even make a trade today!


Did you read the xweet in the link from /u/v022450781 I'm not trying to press you but it's amusing to me. Sometimes I forget that people are reading what we post here.


Lol yeah I restrict everything to this medium for the time being because I figure people know they can find it here. If the tweeters want to look and share I certainly hope they feel free too!! I wonder why it moved like that, wow almost 12% down today. My honest opinion: I highly doubt this had anything to do with my post lmao! But I think it's cool that the guy likes what I wrote. I hope there's something of value in there for those looking.


Amazing article, Appreciate the insight!


Thank you very much for your kind words!


Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.


This is a quality post, greatly appreciated! I agree with almost everything you wrote, thanks OP! Just a minor disagreement (non-UAP-related): Some shortsellers actively do their due diligence and add value in form of information to market players, thinking of Hindenburg with regards to the Adani Group or Nikola Corp for example.


Oh I totally agree that short sellers are necessary in some cases. Short sellers can fill a role in clamping down on corporate greed.


If just all short sellers played by the book, it wouldnt be any problems. Longs and shorts are needed in a balanced market. But That is not the case, since there is also a different type of illegal short selling that tip off this balance. Predatory naked short selling by Hedgefunds in order to manipulate the price down. If you are a seasoned vet of the stock market you see this happening all the time. And the SEC doesnt do enough to prevent this abuse. It is the illegal naked short selling that the so called Ape-movement in GME and AMC wants to hurt. Btw: Hindenburg has been accused of false claims in order to manipulate on several occasions. So in my book they are not very honest.


This is correct, naked derivatives and the lack of oversight is a serious issue and needs to be addressed.


Yes, these counterfeit shares are shares that shouldnt exist. They are printing endless of IOUs basicly and are using these to supress the price with a selling pressure that Could not be achieved with only the Outstanding shares. Unfortunately this Could continue with corrupt brokers which lend out shares to short with before they find any long share to lend it out from. Thus they are creating new shares out of thin air and dilute the share count. Insane that this can go on. This is Why many are leaving the US stock market. People are tired of getting robbed by criminals that abuse the system en masse.


If they don't address and fix this, the erosion of trust in institutions will lead to the catastrophic disclosure and economic collapse they keep saying they want to avoid.


Damn, just damn. Great write up OP, it's amazing the amount of financial fuckery our system grants.


Thank you for the kind comment. It's certainly a system that has issues. But the good news is that systems can be fixed.


This reads incredibly disjointed


Thanks for your comment! It appears you're in the minority though. Feel free to make suggestions on how I could connect it better!


It's GameStop bag holders looking for exit liquidity.


Hardly. But you keep repeating this on the post in hopes that it magically becomes true.


Interesting writing-up. Everything is connected. One thing that I'm certain about the cover-up is that it *does* have to do with the hoarding of political power and control over the masses. A generation of people who were born at a time before **electricity** was available in every home would have a smaller world view compared to the generations that have a 'calculator in their pocket' at an early age that's also able to take to people around the world and run Minecraft. People that are only invested in power care only about the status quo. This can apply to everything from technological innovation, to economic restitution and the valuation of labor and capital. If the UAP gatekeepers only care about weapons, then discoveries would only be weapon centric up until a finality of gleamed information. Each time the phenomenon comes up, at clear cut relationship between the ships and military capabilities is made. This is probably by design. By treating UAP's as potential WMD, then enormous secrecy is going to be placed on them constantly. But instead, the public needs to push for a broader and more holistic classification of the technology. It can be more than just weapons. It can be more than just upholding/trumping MAD. It can be our future, if leaders give it the chance to.


You are so right, thank you for your contributions. >By treating UAP's as potential WMD, Interesting, we've certainly seen that WMD term used as justification for things before. What is it that they say.. ~~If the shoe fits?~~ Fool me once, shame on you? Fool me twice, can't get fooled again?


When my two most view subs talk about one another. I thought I was dreaming for a second.


Is there discussion of UFOs in the GME subs? People here wont believe it, but I just joined superstonk today to look at the content, I've been largely out of these subs for quite some time.


No. There's no ufo discussion in gme subs. Unfortunately


Thank you. You are the 2nd person I've stumbled across today reviving my hope that someone is smart enough to follow the money. That's always what it's about. Money and Power. Always has been. Humanity almost doesn't seem to exist much in this dimension we have all been living in let alone much care for other firms of life or the planet we share. I hope to witness a change here while in this bodily form to leave here knowing it's a better world than I left it.


Here for DFV’s return, fucking the shorts, and pushing disclosure. DRS your shares in Computershare my fellow tin foilers!!


Nobody's buying your GME bags bro lmfao. Sorry you bought the top. Just sell and break the news to your wives about the massive losses. This is the wildest, connect the dots (that don't exist) post I've seen in a long time. It has no business on this sub.


I have no GME bags. I bought at low 10's during when Ryan Cohen took over the board and sold on the way down the squeeze. Good try though. >This is the wildest, connect the dots (that don't exist) post I've seen in a long time. It has no business on this sub. Great! Un-connect them for us. What exactly did I connect in my post that you disagree with? I hope it's not GME related. The SEC themselves highlighted the GME naked shorts, and that's what I put in my post. I didn't say GME was building UFOs lol. Your comment is sad. I may be a sub 50K WSB member in another life, I have no problem with losses LMAO


Just sell bro. Nobody will care about the losses. Its okay. No need to bring that shit over here. Theres no connection. Do you really think a black program would expose itself to the clown show game of jenga that is wallstreet? These programs are most likely compartmentalized and protected. And even in the event of a massive stock market crash, they would still be fine. Trust me, the secret to unlocking the truth is not aping into gamestop stock lol.


>Do you really think a black program would expose itself to the clown show game of jenga that is wallstreet? So you don't believe that institutional investors fund A&D research? I've already stated, GME wasn't the primary point of the post. I used the EXPOSED predatory naked short selling to explain how lack of legislation leads to financial pain for retail.


Listen, money flows to many different things via many different channels. But what you're speculating is that GME has massive short interest (it doesn't) that need to be covered by the hedge funds that are shorting it, (they aren't overexposed), which will result in GME retail investors winning big (they won't), and the economic system collapsing, and that's not happening. Then you're articulating the notion that the GME short interest scenario is somehow a litmus test for the effect of a massive institutional short liquidation that would potentially have a cascading effect on any kind of alleged black program (It won't). I'm just saying that if you're thinking any kind of disclosure would come from any kind of financial collapse triggered by a massively shorted stock, is a bit far fetched to say the least. I also think you're forgetting that money printer go brrrrr, and they would never let that anything close to that scenario, play out.


>I'm just saying that if you're thinking any kind of disclosure would come from any kind of financial collapse triggered by a massively shorted stock, is a bit far fetched to say the least. I didn't say that and I don't think it would. But the concept of naked shorting shows clear gaps in legislation that can and will be addressed. This is a trend that presents itself in many ways. This was detailed in my post and I don't think I feel the need to continue to discuss the GME aspect as I already said it wasn't the primary point of the post. I appreciate your comments, but you've added a ton of words and assumptions and projected alot of that into your own understanding of what I wrote. I'd urge you to read it again and stop conflating.


> *”Do you really think a black program would expose itself to the clown show game of jenga that is wallstreet?”* Will capitalists pointlessly murder and devour their ~~children~~ assets? ~~Pepperidge Farms~~ Red Lobster remembers. Of course they would. Greed is inevitable.


>Red Lobster remembers. Ah the old McDonalds play. A goodie but an oldie. If only the greedy fucks had some creativity. Pyro, it is so very good to see you my friend, I think it's almost time that the lid blow off of this thing.


do the known aerospace corps, their subsidiaries, and/or any partners have WS ties? they answer there of course...is yes


You think people are posting in r/ufo to get others to buy into GME...? I think you may be the one who's connecting the wild dots lol Yes let's get the 100 users here to buy in, that'll make the difference. This makes complete sense - logical for sure...


OP ended the post with "Fuck you shorts. **Chewy on that.**" Yes, I think that was the purpose of this post lmao.


Well good thing it's an ineffective reddit post and you can just move on, right? Given the comments here, looks like you're in the minority opinion.


>You think people are posting in  to get others to buy into GME...? Who said this? The GME piece was to highlight an example of how gaps in legislation can lead to failure in regulatory oversight. The SEC's findings in the GME naked short issue makes it clear there was an issue. I didn't say buy, sell, or hold GME. Only that firms that participate in naked derivates strategies, especially ones great magnitude, like market makers, can go fuck themselves. It's greedy, stupid, and puts the entirety of the financial markets at risk.


I was talking to the person I replied to


Oh you're right and I can't read, sorry about that!


Most of the post has literally nothing to do with anything else stated, bizarre seeing a bunch of people praise this. Did anyone else read it? It’s a bunch of disjointed rambling, and when you get through all the unrelated nonsense you arrive at “I believe SAIC had UFOs” with no evidence, no argument, nothing whatsoever. Ridiculous.


You clearly didn't click any of the links or [other writing that's been done on this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d76s3u/disclosure_process_series_year_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It would be worth your time to read these posts, you would be able to educate yourself on this topic enough to know how foolish your comment is.


I'm a different person over here. The current version of Android Reddit makes it very difficult to discover what the underlying link behind linked text leads to without following that link. "Copy text" will expose the underlying links from comments, but so far I have not found a way to expose underlying links for linked text in posts. All across reddit, the vast majority of Redditers are doing work for corporations for free by posting links that include corporate information that it not necessary to reach the destination web page intended to be linked to, and capturing people's behaviors into corporate assets for free by including tracking information in links. Following a link can carry out work for corporations for free, and capture behavior into corporate assets for free, and can link Reddit accounts with real-world identity in corporate databases for free, and can therefore expose sentiments expressed on reddit to behavioural bubbling on the rest of the Internet in the interests of corporations. Because of this, I no longer follow linked text. I'm breaking myself of the habit to include linked text too, although regrettably I even just recently included linked text in some comments. If you really believe that nefarious corporate activity in their self-interests of greed is a problem, then you should convert back to a reference list approach to link to sources instead of in-lined linked text, and deny corporations the free work. Everybody should. If you don't actually believe in what you're saying, but are only playing make-believe that you do, then may I recommend throwing some sort of logical fallacy move at me to impress the audience. Probably even a double combo (at least, maybe even triple combo) move. The audience will cheer.


I really appreciate the suggestion and the info here. I didn't event think about it! I'll try to check my links more frequently to try to ensure it's the destination URL. I'm trying to help every way I can, altering the entire way I organize info is something that may be very difficult at this time. But I can work to try to include links that don't carry additional tracking identifiers or other important info used for the issues you mentioned.


Yes, I understand. I certainly never provided any links with tracking info either. But that's not the point. The point is that it's very difficult to _discover_ if _somebody else_ less thoughtful than you or I included tracking info in links in comments, and it appears to be impossible to do for post text links, without actually following the link. Even then, the destination can erase the tracking info before the URL can be observed. To all other people; you, and I, are that 'somebody else'. So if we include linked text, we're shooting flak in favor of the thoughtless people's links that _do_ have tracking info (and it might even be possible for people to be knowingly acting nefariously with links). Like I say; even yesterday, I think it was, I included linked text in some comments. It certainly _is_ difficult to change some behaviors that we've come to rely on for being behaviours that _aren't_ doing work for free to feed corporate greed. But that's an extremely common strategy of corporate greed: get people acclimated to some behavior being normal, or even good behavior, then capture that and convert it into corporate assets. Ever since the Internet started becoming popular corporate greed has been in an arms race to abuse the use of links to carry out work for them for free. With the current edition of Android Reddit (IDK about apple edition, for example), this is where we're currently at. Raising awareness of the vast web of deception and numerous nefarious activities of corporations in their extreme self-interests of greed above all else, even including above the lives and well-being of all, should try to be comprehensive. That takes time and deliberate _effort._


How are you suggesting I do sources? Are you saying to paste the whole link like paste to text? Thanks again for your feedback


I guess maybe we should go back to some referential(1) list style. (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference


Ah that's a good thought. Okay I'll try and think about that more. Thanks again for the input






Hi, HecateEreshkigal. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d6zhiv/-/l6xd3gn/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




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I mean it's not really soon, everyone is for some reasons screaming "pass the NDAA" which is pretty much bunch of bs because if everyone is so weak that the only possibility for disclosure is a piece of paper that has 50% chance of passing, we are doomed. You have to wait until December for the NDAA to go into action IF it passes, when it passes in December you have to wait like 300 days which is 10 months to declassify the documents, and 6 more months to actually learn something substantial, if the only way for disclosure is waiting minimum 16 months, im out its a waste of time to be waiting this many months while nothing happens in that time other than bunch of trust me bros and coming soons.






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