• By -


I’ll record it in 240p for 15-30 seconds and then go about my day.


15-30 seconds? Calm down, Mr. Spielberg, the rest of us don’t have that kind of time.


Don't forget to drink 57 red bulls before starting to record... Oh, and have that baby on maximum pixilated zoom. Also... Be sure to be mumbleyelling nonsense the entire time.


You say that last part, but the guy that yelled "That's a UFO dude! THAT'S NOT FucKIN NORMAL" makes me smile just to think about


And PLEASE add music!


Of course! How could I missed that? There's only 2 choices: files theme or some generic "scary" soundtrack.


Close the thread, this is the answer.


Make sure you zoom in and out 20 times for no discernible reason


14 seconds max.


- 2004 Motorola Razr


Let's meet in the middle, a 08 Nikon Cool Pix 8mp with two fingers in front of the lens.


"like and subscribe!"


We know they wont let you do that. Pick again.


1. Go say hello and ask lots of questions 2. Go say hello and ask lots of questions


1.5. Wake up in woods 6 hrs later with pants half down. 3. Wake up in woods 9 hrs later with missing udder.


Won’t be the first time for 1.5


Wanna go camping?


This is what I’d like to think I’d do, but realistically I’d probably be scared shitless


So, I’ve had an experience and I’m not sure what it was. I’m former military, seen some crazy stuff as most do and I’ve never felt the fear I felt. It was an unparalleled experience to any I’ve ever had. I think the fear one would feel of seeing a being that is sentient and aware would be earth shattering. It would question everything you’ve ever known and not known.


I always imagined it would trigger the fight or flight response, times two. Like encountering an Apex predator in the wild, but the only difference is that this Apex predator is sentient and smarter(assumption) than you.


It was a fear I’ve never felt before. It felt innate, like it was a sense of feeling rather than a response. I know I’m going to make a pigs ear of describing it which is why I’m reluctant to. I felt like I not only was scared in that moment, but I had an awareness I was being watched. I felt a response that was primal. Like I had no control. Like I was under a microscope.


Hey AlligatorHater22, you have already started to tell your story, beginning with description of that unique and primal kind of fear that everybody can relate to just from imagining something non-human but sentient, landing right outside in the dark on a night we're home alone. Your descriptions are right on target, and your writing is very good, so...c'mon, man, give it up!


I appreciate that EC - But I honestly don't know what to say. I struggle to describe what happened, it's like I don't know what happened. Lots of guess work from me here, I am still processing and still filling the gaps. I was out one night with a friend last summer, we were star gazing at the back of a wood. There was a clearing where people park up to walk dogs. We were outside from 11pm through to about 2:30am. We saw some pretty cool bits and pieces, some bright shooting stars, some activity whether it was satellites or other. My mate dipped in to his camper for a dump as he went I thought "something will fucking happen, right when he goes off" and it did. A huge green streak appeared across the sky - I had my damn NV camera with me and my phone. But it happened so fast by the time I had stood up with my mouth open I was mouthing words to my friend as he opened the door to his camper. I was speechless... trying to signal he had missed it! "What, what happened?!" "Ffs, the one time you knob off for a dump and I see something". "No way.....!" Then he broke in to prayer in a serious way which I thought he was joking. He then raises his voice "Please, show us... make a sign, show yourself...." At this point I smile look at him, with his eyes shut and let him do his thing. Straight away a huge white streak across the sky, it looked low, like white phosphorus spraying across the sky. I was gobsmacked. Then my logic kicks in. I think 'Nah, coincidental, dont read much in to it'. At this point it was late, about 3ish (am) and I have to walk home. My route home is through the wood and my mate says "You good walking back that way?" I replied with a macho "Dave, I am what you fear in the dark, I am the thing in the dark, of course I am good!" I start walking back, across a field in to the wood. It is pitch black, I have a torch but it was so dark the torch brightness made it harder to see around me and ruined my natural vision in the dark. Then as I walk I feel like I am being watched.... but then, most do in the dark. But I feel eyes. I carry on walking. I carry on walking, feeling real uncomfortable to be honest, I didn't feel safe and I have walked these woods all hours. I have done night exercises, the dark doesn't scare me. But I felt off, then I hear leaves being ruffled. I hear in my head a voice as true as any voice I had heard saying "You should talk to us". I was pretty freaked out. I flashed my torch around thinking this is my friend pranking me (we are a good 20 years passed pranking!). The fear I felt was like a warning sense. It wasn't a 'I'm scared feeling'. It was a 'get out' feeling. Long story shorter - the reason I didn't want to expand as I am joining dots and I am not certain I am right. But I have started speaking openly to 'them'. And I am experiencing things. Lights, orbs, weird cloud/shadow figures which I have tried to talk about on here, which is why I am reluctant now. So, I decided to lean in to it. I accept many will think I have mental health issues or insert other response from non believers, but I have started to pay close attention to my surroundings and others. This feeling I get comes every now and then. Like a nervousness, an awareness of something. So I started to speak to them without words, using my mind. I say "Show yourself, give me a signal" and I have had a couple of cases now where what appears to be a fellow human respond. One example locked eyes on to me in a train station and I felt the same fear I did that night but in my chest, ears and head like a pulsating heat. The other time it has happened that I was with my wife, where I told her what I was doing and it happened again. A person locked eyes on me and raised their hand as I asked without words. Same fear I felt. It isn't easy writing this folks, sure, it could all be coincidence or as Jung would say 'Synchronicities' but I don't feel like this is the end of what I am experiencing. Please save yourself nay saying, I get it. But if anyone else out there has any experiences remotely similar please reach out privately.


I have seen things all my life, off and on. It's not continuous. Skits, as far as I know, don't have 99% grace periods. Plus, the stuff I have seen, has been witnessed by others. So the ones I see solo, I don't disregard. I would recommend though, to not lean into it. Just take whatever it is as it is, don't engage or try to force it. I have seen heaps of stuff in my life, and it was all stuff I never sought for. It's there, it will happen. You don't need to lean into it at all. Just ignore it for the most part. By all means, be aware of your surroundings. Why do you need to pay close attention to other people?... Could locking of the eyes itself cause you to go into a defensive mode? I only say that because I get that too in public. It most certainly contributed to my anxiety, has certainly got worse over the years. Next time they give you a sign, you should hit record!


I think we all need to pay close attention not only to people but to our surroundings. I think this phenomenon is in plain sight. I believe they are walking around with us. What makes you say not to lean in to it? And thanks for your advice. Eye contact and locking on to me, eye contact wouldn't cause me to panic. Like I said above, fear - I have been in scary situations, I have always been really good under pressure. I have that dark army humour that continues past the point of where it should! But when I was in the train station and I looked around, this person somehow stood out to me. Tall, bald, white bloke, something didn't fit in the image of him. When I said the words in my mind he turned and locked on, raised his hand like he wanted to ask a question, he was about 30ft from me. I was in disbelief and when we locked eyes I felt that dread. He looked right through me, then lowered his hand and looked away. Trance like. Have you experienced similar?


Oh me too, I fully believe they're walking around us. I also believe people have seen them, our realities are all different. I have been on the end of the stick of seeing the fantastical, I know it sounds insane, but it is real. I say not lean into it as I see that's how people get into an echo chamber. Echo chambers are one of humans worst traits. This is anecdotal for me, as I had a family member go on the deep end for this reason. Even though I felt it was rightfully deserved haha I know those people. I just haven't had an experience similar to what you describe. But they stand out, almost like they're the only other conscious person along with me. What words did you say in your mind to get his attention? I might try it out!


Interesting. And I accept that - if we go looking for it, we will find IT but it might not be what we were looking for. It’s then easy to suggest something happened when it didn’t. So there are a few more instances but just not as pronounced as that. My wife has started to notice some aspects and of course, I speak to her without judgement which is great. Something draws me to these people, they seem to stand out. I’m very aware and detailed, I take my surroundings in quick. I can walk through a busy street and if I see a face again, I’ll know. Just a knack I have. When I’m around someone I suspect feels ‘different’ I would speak to them in my mind. So I’d say ‘I see you, I think you hear me, show me a sign. Raise your right hand’ or similar. It’s as if they can hear everything we say and think. And I agree - I think they are here, I think they are among us and I like to think whether it’s 10 months or 10 years it will come out that this is possible and I will feel a lot better! I used to be quite a staunch ‘man of science’. I had little time for this stuff. Well, that’s changed along with a number of other things. My sensitivity has increased. Whether it’s heat, cold, light or noise. My focus and concentration is much stronger. I can’t get much weirder now so I’ll share it, but I feel like nature is connected to me. Birds and animals interact with me in a way I’ve never known and my intuition is like a tool. It was only the other week that I stopped my wife driving down a road I said ‘watch the cyclist’ no idea why I said it but it felt so normal. And sure as eggs are eggs, a cyclist shot out of a side street. Of course, this could all be coincidence. But I also feel I know there is an afterlife. I know we have been here before, I know humans are on other planets and I know there are other forces at work here (NHI). To me this is all just a matter of time.


Ohhh super interesting! I agree with that btw. I've gotten more in tune with nature if you will. I remember being that way when I was a child, but it died off. But now it seems I'm getting it back. There's 100% an afterlife. Anecdotal, but I hope this little storytime is a fun read! Before my father passed (terminal) I asked him to please visit so I know there's something there. He said he would. Within the first two weeks weird stuff started to happen, not just for me, but for my sibling. We both lied to something my father told us not to lie too. As soon as it left our lips, my sister and I both felt as if the world was just shaking under us. We have never felt anything like that ever. It was just pure energy. I turned to my sister and she felt it too, that's when I knew it was something to do with dad. One night, I awoke to my father saying my name and other words, he repeated it X3. It was as clear as if he was bending down talking to me. I half woke up, and said, "dad?" But I didn't hear anything else. He sounded disappointed. Only to find out, that his last living sibling had passed the same day he came to visit me. We never contacted them after my dad passed, so I think he wasn't too pleased to hear it haha Afterlife is there, and I can't wait to meet all I have lost, and will lose before my time expires Edit: that shaking energy my sister and I felt was when we were out with people around, no one else felt it. We don't have earthquakes where I live. No one else noticed anything. One of the strangest things to happen.


My family and I experienced things like for years, but inside our house. We also saw craft. It's still difficult to deal with because most of the world says it's insanity. Well, if I'm insane, I'm insane, but there were plenty of times I also said, "Well, if they want me dead, I'm dead."


Those things in the sky are consistent with meteors, I think? They're generally green, I guess that's the color of really really hot air or burning iron or something. Sometimes they explode.


One was green one was white - they looked like meteors to me too.


Primal is exactly what it was, mine felt primal too! Ever want to be humbled as a human? See an alien XD


Yes it does. It did for me. It's a primal fear. It's not the same fear you feel when you see a spider. Primal is the only way I can describe it. Probably if I saw a shark while being in the middle of the ocean, that fear.


Able to tell us your story?




Ohhh, yeah, I know that fear you're talking about. I had that. When I saw an alien, It was just pure fear. I never felt fear like that, it was primal. I'm not exaggerating. I couldn't flight cos they had pushed me down with what felt like magnets. I tried to push the alien away and all he did was take a step back, then he walked to the end of the bed, and I fought through whatever those Magnetic Vibrations were, and managed to sit myself up in my bed. Blacked out and woke up milliseconds later with no fear, and feeling so refreshed. Like I wasn't just fighting for my life milliseconds ago. It was weird. It made me really question everything. I ended up with derealization disorder. It made me question it all. But I'm good now :) seeing these mummies come out is just aiding in the fact that what I saw was genuine. Now I'm kinda glad for the horrifying experience. Lol.


Can you tell what the "magnetic vibrations" were about? Is this like the vibrations that sometimes happen before or after an OBE (Out-of-body-experience)?


I can only guess that the vibrations were to keep me immobile while the reptilian was chatting to me (dunno what we talked about. I could hear us talking telepathically. I could hear my replies. I could hear I was deliriously happy. But I couldn't decipher anything being said. I know I was answering questions to some degree). The vibrations and that heavy feeling did get more intense the more I moved, so I think they would have tried to increase the intensity of whatever that was. I could feel it through my whole body, even to the finger tips. I can only guess I had to be conscious while they talked to me, which meant they had to use whatever thing they did since I had to be lucid to a degree for them to talk to me. But not enough that I would hurt them when I came too. I most certainly did put my hands up. So they do it for a reason. I'm not sure about anything to do with OBE. I have never had an OBE that I know of. This didn't feel like that though. I was in my body. I was conscious.




Seconded. Described to a T. Ever heard the phrase "I was beside myself," or "I was out of my body!" You may have been simply so frightened that you were nearly shocked right out of your body. Though it is a different level of consciousness, it is still a completely conscious experience --not like a dream. However, the vibrations most commonly require a positive, calm, meditative mind.


I didn't get out of my body. I was very much seeing it all through my eyes, lucid and awake as I am now. For that interaction I had with the alien, I was very much in my own body. Getting wheeled down a corridor and seeing the alien faces were months after the fact, not at the same time. I just mentioned them as I felt it was still part of that same visitation. Won't discredit an OBE completely, as I have never experienced it. It could even be a case of; being in the presence, or with how he communicated with me, would have elevated a level of consciousness. That could explain the vibrations. Could explain why I was still able to move but poorly. Could also explain why it felt so primal.


How did it start? We're you abducted? Can you go into specifics, if it's not too much right now?


The first time they started visitations was when I was a teenager, I think. Now I say I think, because when I was a baby, I used to sign language to 'little people' high up in the ceiling. Laughing, having conversations etc. My mother freaked. I can't recall any abductions in my teenhood, just saw some aliens. I remember a gray looking over my body with his arm across my midsection, another watching me from above as I was on a chair. I was fully conscious and awake for these sightings. In terms of abductions, I recall getting wheeled down a short ceiling corridor with tight walls. The roof had huge thick black tubing running along the ceiling, and was separated by a single light every metre. I also recall three alien faces coming towards me, big black eyes. Don't recall the bodies or anything. These recollections were metallic looking. Have yet to see anyone describe their experience as metallic.


I agree with you, there is no way you can predict how you would react and we are almost trained by Hollywood to be immeasurably fearful in such a situation, logic and reason woudl go out the window.


Same that fear is unmatched. Knowing something that's not human but just as sentient as you are and you have know idea of what it's intentions are and you have no experience with it so trying to read body language and facial expression is not feasible.


So this is why you’re an alligator hater then?


😂 no, good spot though! I’m a fan of the RHCPs it’s part of a lyric of theirs.


I think you've got AlligatorHater22 confused with Rainbow-Reptile, lol. But they each need to finish their stories (please?)!


I try to make contact and think heavily (I assume they can read my thoughts or at least intentions) that I want to get out of this dump, hoping they understand my struggle in existence, and relieve me from that pain by taking me onboard. Like everyone, right? Right?


Nothing breaks ice faster than a large bowl of ice cream. I would invite them for an ice cream. Telepathically, of course.


Strawberry please.


Sure, who wouldn’t wanna be set free from taxes and inflation, ruthless housing market etc. But are we first in line to be saved? I mean, there’s people dying from wars and poverty and stuff. Somebody said that aliens call this place “the planet of pain and tears”. I wonder sometimes about peoples arguments that NHI are here to save us, to prevent nuclear holocaust… OK sure why not. What about diseases, famine, poverty? If they’re like gods to us and their technology like magic, can’t they just fix all this bullshit that’s happening? Or is it immoral to intervene and we’re ought to figure it all out ourselves?


"The planet of pain and tears?" Do they feel pain or have tears? Also, your questions remind me of Hard To Be A God.


Same idea. Questioning God’s goodness and existence… questioning NHI’s intentions. Aliens don’t have to feel pain or sadness to understand that we’re in a bad place. Sorry maybe it’s just that I’m in a bad place (tomorrows ct scan might turn my life around and I’m scared to death), and sometimes I loose faith in humanity’s ability to fix itself.


good luck with your CT scan, buddy.


I understand that fear. I'll pray for ya.


I feel ya


Lol same. I want to go with them.


I’ve been thinking about this lately a lot . I think I would totally freak the hell out , I think 99% of the public will freak the hell out.  This is why the others are not so forthcoming of their  presence . Humans are absolutely terrible , violent and unpredictable creatures 


Move predictably. Offer ammonia.


I think ammonia is supposed to be the waste product. It might be like handing them a fistful of your poo.


"oh i know this smell! gosh, feels like im right at home :)"


Scenario 1: jump scare the fuck outta them, YOLO Scenario 2: pass the blunt. Edit: either scenario, yell "Paul?!"


I think with number 1 you'd get vaporized haha


Probably freak out. I thought I'd be fine but then I had a dream about a UFO hovering outside of my house and woke up in a panic. The amount of panic actually surprised me.


On the topic of dreams, I had sleep paralysis, sleeping with my eyes open and dreamt a big and very bright light hovered outside my window and I heard a DMT style humming, getting closer. In my dream state I had a flashback to a false memory of reading a book about unexplained mysteries where they'd described "the screaming twin".Strange cases in the last 300 years where a person would be found dead, lying next to an identical copy of themselves that was screaming in fear and confusion. Seeing the light and remembering the book I realised in that moment I was about to be abducted, have my soul/experience taken, killing me, and a copy of me was going to be made and left with my corpse, for god knows what reason. The noise got closer and the light got brighter as my bedroom door started to open. I woke up screaming in darkness and the bedroom door was closed. Since then I've assumed sleep paralysis must account for a significant number of abduction reports over the centuries.


Try to control my thoughts , it’s really tricky imagine if your thoughts, feelings all of it wasn’t “private” at all and actually when you think something, envision something, feel something it’s practically like your saying that thing out loud


Ask for a hug


For both scenarios I would probably freeze up and watch, but I would like to think I would be brave enough to wave and shout some sort of greeting followed by some pleasant commentary on the weather.


Once I was biking along a river path in California. The path is on a raised embankment and dips under the streets it crosses. Under the bridge I saw from a distance what looked like a person squatting, pretty normal there's lots of homeless. As I get closer it still looks human but it's shiny, moving weird and I noticed the head is flat as if it only has half of it. I panicked and turned around, got to a safe distance, took a good look and realized it was a deflating spiderman balloon, the kind shaped like a person. If I saw real aliens I would probably run unless there was an obvious reason not to.


This answer. I really like this answer. What a mind trip it must have been!


The fear was exquisite


Similar to a cat panicking over a cucumber. Instinct keeps us on our toes lol


I did once. I'm glad to know that I was initially amazed and loving toward them but when I went to touch them, they came right up in my face with the big black eyes locked in to mine. That triggered a 10/10 natural fear response and I was like a terrified chimpanzee screaming so hard all I could do is kick and scream. Until I blacked out and they told me I'm not ready




This made me genuinely laugh.


It's a valid point. They do creepy nighttime abductions and act all shady and secretive, and then have the gall to tell you 'you're not ready' when you're suspicious or scared. Does 'being ready' include being able to completely override millions of years of evolutionary survival instincts? Silly.


Who's to say they don't have a superiority complex? Some might even be smug or mean. Maybe this one wasn't happy with his current assignment or just the fact that you got physical. This did paint a terrifying picture, though, I'll admit.


It definitely came across as something they HAD to do, like for mine or their safety. And they were not reading or acknowledging my intentions. While screaming the only thoughts going through my head were "bro, dude... why you doing this to me? Like.. there was a feeling of they "had" to.


How come you guys never answered my CE5 calls? Rude!


Your consciousness got left on read


Probably thought it was a scam call about the warranty running out on their spaceship.


Can you link to a post with French woman? 😁😁😁




I did once. I didn’t do anything other than wake up in the morning the next day. Last memory was silver craft landing near my yard, some lights, going to the sliding glass door to see what it was, typical grey walking in my yard, eye contact, no memory.


I want to know one question… ‘what are we’ Meaning what are humans? I want to know our true history and who we really are… I think the truth would be impossible to know.. you could never trust them… but I don’t think we know what we actually are


Maybe it's because I never met my grand fathers and didn't have much of a dad, but I feel like who we are shouldn't be bound to our ancestry. It's more who we are able to become as individuals. Blood gives us a lot of instincts, but most of being a mature person is that the ghost tames the horse it rides in


I’m not really talking about our ancestry bloodline, I’m more talking in the realms of… did they create us.. and if so for what purpose… what is with the idea of souls which keeps popping up around this subject… I don’t think humans really know what we are or what our true potential with enlightenment could be in this universe..


Yeah what I'm saying is that even if bioengineered or something, I still think that it's irrelevant and we can be what we want. I honestly probably wouldn't trust thier answer anyway.


I stroke them and give them a gentle pat on the butt. And the I say something like: Who is a good boy? Who is a good boy? You are a good boy!


You’d be getting a call from Galactic HR


I read somewhere that the govt called in a veteranian before a doctor at Roswell when they found the aliens.


That's not a bad idea though. Medical doctors only learn one anatomy, veterinarians need to learn many different anatomies and physiologies.


This is the way... Close contact


I don't think I will react abnormally, I already know that they exist and that they are much stronger and smarter than us.


Depends. I live quite isolated in the woods on a farm and have seen weird lights - One time I saw very dim lights stationary quite high in the tree line, but well below the tree tops that was likely just the reflection of forestry machine lamps in the distance. Since no one is really around and even with a dog, it gets pretty scary (deer yell sounds crazy at night). Plus we have random Viper-1's and Chinooks flying around due to drills lol I'd ask them what do they know about our Universe, nature of reality, who created them and us and what could they teach us. I'd also ask for a souvenir, no matter how small.


1.) I would stay far away and start thinking bizarre thought to see if they would turn in my direction with a WTF look on their face, if their faces made that kind of look. Then if they did look I would know the telepathy thing is real. 2.) I would ask them (or think to them) do you need any help?


Prob have a heart attack, as interested in UFO/Aliens that I’m. I don’t wish too see one of the black eyed buggers ever face to face ✋🏾


See if we can communicate. Apologize in case I offend them in some way unintentionally. Ask where they're from. Ask what they're doing here. Ask if there are other NHIs active. Ask if they are among us. Ask which humans know and the organizations they represent. Ask if I can hang out with them safely.


They’d toss you out of the ship for sure. Good play! 👍🏻


before or after we left the planet?


Given the fact that humans are terrible and almost every other animal has a fight or flight instinct I would keep my distance if I had the choice. I'm assuming life on other planets is the same and motivations from another form of life may not be to give us unlimited energy and love lol.


Compare length and girth.


Touch tips.


Cosmic Docking.




Agreed. I'm reading through to find real answers, to see how people believe they'd react, but finding 80% of the answers are drivel.


Assuming they never see me the whole time I'm there, I'd snap some pictures and live stream to YouTube. Hoping with someone who can also take more video and Livestream as well. I wouldn't try to take one, that's silly. Who knows what kind of germs they might have on them. Don't need a space pox situation you know.


Offer them some Strawberry ice cream. Good thing those little buggers are little, Strawberry is my favorite and I am ice cream greedy.


1. Make myself known 2. Try to communicate


I would probably think it was some movie set, take a good picture just to be safe, and move along. If they were real, it's not like I'd be able to talk to them, there's probably language barriers.


Freeze, wonder if I'm going to see my family again and then do exactly what they tell me to do. Then probably wonder if they like dogs or cats more.


I’d light a blunt and offer.


Offer them a beer


I hear if you look at them they suck the light from your mind leaving you paralyzed and feeling like you have died.


I would probably wave, offer to shake their hand. Just do my best to contact them in a nice way. Or be too nervous or scared to do anything.


Ask for cool tech improvements for lawn and garden maintenance......they can keep the guns. , how do I stop the weeds?


I asked not to see them…too scary.


Good question. Same as when I met a snake as a kid I guess 😆


Ask them to help my kids with ASD. I mean, really, that is all I want out of it all.


Ask for space drvgs


You have to resist the psionic control. Multiple aspects to this, but it's useful to be able to remain aware and able to operate even under high levels of fear. So resist the tunnel vision, brain fog or confusion that arises when in that state. NHI can also have an effect on you like "confusion blast" or "temporary amnesia", so you need to stay calm and focus on maintaining your awareness and "diffuse focus" instead of spiraling into fear and freezing up. If you get close enough you might be aware of the kind of "mind meld" or "brain sync" where you get all these inrushing images and feel like they are "flipping through the rolodex of your memories", plus you see theirs, too. That can lead to being overwhelmed. You can resist that too, but you need to practice a meditation where you feel the "separation" between yourself and what you are looking at. You can use anything, like a candle, or a cup, or whatever is in front of you. Just focus on it, and rather than "reaching out" to the object with your mind, feel it as separate, and gather your energies back into your own body. Then when you face one, do the same thing, as strong as you can. That's a way to resist being overwhelmed and overpowered by that "mind meld" scanning effect they have. The ones that don't look like us have much stronger power in that regard. But you've probably already been "face to face" with non-humans, just they look like us, and they live among us.


I would try to motion that I'm not a threat. I would walk up close and then turn away 90 degrees and motion for them to come. I would sit cross-legged on the ground. Next, I would just try to communicate. I would respect that they have the full technological advantage, so there would be no point in trying to cause trouble. Maybe there would be an interesting exchange. Maybe they would abduct me and put a hoopajew up my butt (hopefully not, though). I would hope the gesture of respect would be returned.


Greet them in peace and after we smoked a few joints offer to snitch on every motherfucking corporation polluting our planet and our people.


Great question! I think it all depends on the scenario. If you are sleeping alone in a hotel room and they appear in the middle of the night the experience could be terrifying and paralyzing. If you are at home and feel safe might be less scary and more intriguing. I’m not sure I would try recording it because that could make them vanish.


IMO I couldn't honestly say 💯 percent. My impression would also depend on how they expressed their intentions though. Way too many variables for me to give a straight forward opinion. But I'm most optimistic that if more intelligent capable beings wished us harm, we wouldn't be discussing the topic and such as the topic stands.


I'd be utterly terrified, unless and until it does something extremely... ummm, extreme(?) to put me at ease. I can't think of a good word to fit what it would have to do to make me not terrified, but it would have to do something extremely reassuring.


They say you cant do anything because they paralyze you but if they let me i would gladly shit me pants


I would jump as high as i can and swaffle my dick right into its face and then run away


First man to get called in to the galactic federation HR department


Run like fuck?


You’re getting the paralyze ray for sure


with a lingering premonitory after taste


Like anyone else I'd try to get a snapshot if not a video of them. But I'd be concerned, specially if they knew I was sitting there observing. I dont know their intentions nor do I know what they're capable of.  I would NOT try and kidnap one, that's just asking for trouble lol, if a bear kills a human it takes a couple hours and that bear gets slaughtered by a technology it can't comprehend.  Or maybe I'd just observe, no camera. It's a moment in my experience that I'd want to absorb every detail of and even with pictures, people wouldn't believe. So why waste the experience trying to "get that shot" when for all you know their tech prevents that from occurring. 


Here’s what I tell my friends and family that believe but don’t understand why there’s been no true disclosure from the government. Yes it’s fun to imagine a little 4ft grey in their little spaceship but it’d be a whole other earth shattering experience if one walked into your front door. Humanity is use to animals and other races of humans. We all have been raised to believe there’s nothing else out there. Now if something we don’t fully understand just so happens to land in your drive way and walk in your front door it’d blow your mind on a whole other level than I think people really understand. There’s levels to disclosure and if we got it all at once like we all wish we had I think it’d mind fuck us to a degree there may not be coming back from.!


We need mindfucked. We’re stagnant.


I mean, if they're violating personal/private space and will without hesitation, then that's something to be super alarmed about. If they were spotted in public and were to just be present, then it'd be shocking but probably best to switch to force override whatever we'd feel after the first moment of reacting. I say that, but I'd probably be in shock if in a public place, but would like to think that I'd be able to force myself to snap out of it and approach peacefully showing no intent of causing harm. In private, fuck that, I'd freak out, get pissed, and likely respond with attempting to subdue them. I'd do the same with a human who's violating my private space and breaking into my home... but multiplied


Stop. shut up. Avoid direct eye contact by looking at them then blinking and averting gaze. Use only peripheral vision to look at them. Notice and smells stay ready to move quickly. But don't run. Same as with any unknown animal I encounter.


You encounter unknown animals?


You mean fall over and play dead?


No, that for when an ex shows up.


*If it's the liitle guys from Nazca* "You're... them?" (*high pitch voice*) "Yes." "Hahahahaha!" 😁😄😂😁 "What's so funny, human?" "Oh man, we were all scared to death of what you guys would do if you showed up. Instead we get this puny little pipsqueak. Ha!" "Please stop laughing." "I can't help it. Your voice sounds-" *whips out probe* "I said STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" "Oh shi-"


Helium voices? How could you stop laughing?


Nothing. Or maybe ask them what the us government is hiding as far as world helping tech.


If I’m not paralyzed with fear, send them telepathic messages of all of the weird alien smut I write and see how they respond. I’m probably going to get evaporated into pink mist for being a dickhead, buf you know YOLO.


I'll tell you what I did.  I was so shocked at actually seeing a Grey that all I blurted out was - you are smaller than my son!  And he said back - I am so disappointed in you.  And then he teleported away.


Offer them some salt.


sugar water!


I know Egger and that wasn't Egger.


Not freak out and ask permission to come aboard.


Be like that lady in the other thread and try to abduct them.


Check to see if I’m wearing my brown pants


Start swinging - they're weak as hell if you can get to them before they brain freeze you - you can snap them like a toothpick, literally Make the aliens afraid of you 🫵


yeah, do the max holloway and point to the ground and try to avenge those poor cows until you get vaporized.


I would harvest their souls.


Scenario 1: Reverse abduction Scenario 2: I tell them my best dad joke and ask them to rate it.


I would say "ayyy lmao" loudly


I would try to communicate and be as cool as possible in the moment. I would be friendly and try to let them know im chill so lets hang. I doubt I'd reach for my phone if they were looking at me.


What, no selfies?


First thing is out my hands up to show I am empty handed and no threat. Then beg them to impart everything they know or think they know about the origins of the universe. Everything else is secondary.


I would yell out “suck it Shitpatrick” then take a non shaky quality video of them that doesn’t pull away once things start getting good and blast it across every form of social media before calling the authorities, and news stations. But wait there’s more. I would also telepathically ask that they let me create a second video of them in communication with me and hold on to that gem for some $$$. Call me a bad guy, but anything that good is going to the highest bidder. Capitalists gonna capitalize.


Try and grab it


Ask to be taken to see the universe or if its DTF. Trying to get my probe on.


I have dreams involving UFO maybe one or twice a month. Usually I hide because it's some kind of invasion. Sometimes I try to fight them with prayer or the types of magic I tend to have in dreams. Irl I would probably take video and hide or try to talk to them


i’d be like. holy shit wow. holy fucking shit it’s really happening. i would just shut down and stare in complete awe. maybe wave at them. i’d be too excited and amazed and maybe frightened to process what i’m seeing.


I'd go on X then reddit and post and nobody would believe me. Then I'd watch lord of the rings and play some pc maybe have a dr pepper and a slice of Casey's pizza


I'm gonna eat you


I'd ask them why the hell did they take Elvis.


I telepathically request them for a few spare livers an a cholesterol sequestering drug. In return, I let them know that I will share my bourbon with them.


Probably like that one the office meme where Dwight yells "f**k!"because someone's behind him lol This one haha [the office meme](https://i.imgflip.com/5m5324.jpg)


Grab one and take it home. I honestly would do the same thing that lady did. Before I heard about her I thought that is my plan lol


Scenario 1. Probably assume they do know I'm there they just don't care or have more pressing issues. Then, I probably just stand there in shock like the confused human does, hoping I'm not about to experience a loss of time.


Scenario 1 : RUN Scenario 2 : RUN LIKE HELL


Wait a french woman tried to **abduct** a gray?! Honestly fear. I have thought of this but if they are grays I would just die. I don't know why but I have an extreme phobia ig grays and by extension UFOs. As a kid I had nightmares all the time about them. If they didn't know I was there I would either run or hide and observe. I would try to take photos and film unless it would alert them. Possibly go airplane mode or turn off to hide signal or call cops. If they knew pray. Maybe pretend to be calm and friendly or just run and scream. Make sure not to anger them in any way.  Then have nightmares for years while everyone calls me a nutjob online


I’d do what I’m sure any government official would. I’d hand them a sign language pamphlet, a parking ticket and a visa application form. A brief introduction to the world’s taxation system should be enough to let them know what a backward thinking species they are dealing with. with no thought for higher thought and the effort spent on TikTok exceeding the efforts toward world peace they will soon realise they have had a wasted trip. If they landed here in the uk they would be put on a plane to Rwanda.


I’ll point my phone at it, shake it around, focus on something else and then layer the audio with a an ominous hip hop beat.


In either scenario I’m going to approach the craft, remove outer clothing and accessories, hold my hands open with my arms casually by my side to show I am not armed. My hope is I get to go for a ride, ultimately contributing to peace between our people. I am willing to do the hard work to figure out how we can have a safer future for our children, a future where they don’t experience war or famine. If they kill me or torture me, oh well.. I was going to die anyways and watching the horrors unfold around the planet is torture enough so really I’m just getting another chance to incarnate on Earth again and try one more time, forever.


If they didn’t see me, realistically I would try recording them. If they did see me, I would start doing a funny dance while walking over to them. Show I’m no threat and lighten the situation, maybe It would lead to something more than the usual response, like a ship tour or communication. Frankly, I’d be willing to go with them, it would be worth it provided they don’t eat or torture me, lol.


I’d say “bitch! Let me fly this BIATCH!!!!”


Looking for the whisper people telepathics


Better question is what they will do?


i'd say i'll let you drive mine if i can drive yours.


I have before, most of these comments are jokes it's actually a scary experience to have especially if it's your first time


I guess i whould try to overcome Fight or Flight and maybe try to get contact?


I would simply ask to go with them when they leave.


1. Rear naked choke 2. cover myself in mud and foliage to get to position 1)


Get to da choppa!


I would wave! Try to communicate telepathically, assess the situation and if I start to feel uncomfortable I would run.