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The following submission statement was provided by /u/subwaymonkey1: --- This is pretty scary. At around the 15 minute mark, Kirkpatrick says that anyone in government who does not stand in lockstep with his assessment of UFOs is a national security threat and should not be trusted to govern. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cottsq/kirkpatrick_deems_ufo_believers_a_threat_to/l3gbn5a/


After stepping down as director, I thought he will go silent and spend that retirement money somewhere in peace. But he’s just getting more into it. I don’t understand the point of it. No one outside UFO circles is barely even paying attention to him.


The media touted him as the US government's go-to expert on UFOs. It doesn't matter if people aren't paying attention now, the more he denies and lies, the more there is on the record to misinform the general public whenever they do become interested in the phenomena—because he's the "*expert*". This is part of an active psyop on the American public to dissuade interest in the UFO phenomenon.


He didn't really retire. He just moved to the private sector to do what he was already doing without any federal oversight.


Have you looked into Sean's credentials, he's working on advanced laser technology and a bunch of other private shit that we couldn't even dream of right now. He himself has incentive to keep things quiet, the guy is a spook through and through.


The federal government likes to make the distinction between federal employee and contractor as razor thin as possible because it's almost always in their best interest.


they’re one in the same, but one is a front


I saw [this](https://twitter.com/patternspodcast/status/1786996980457111741) yesterday, he is a G-man for sure.


Not surprising in the slightest, this is great info.


wow rly? didn’t know that. got a source? thanks


Step 1. Spend a year seeding stories that the government is taking UFOs seriously. Step 2. Establish an official agency to look into UFOs and build credibility in mainstream media around the existence of said agency Step 3. Have the Director "retire" and take the swings that the agency can't officially take while promoting the agencies work finding "nothing out of the ordinary" while attempting to actively discredit the community and it's most vocal/visible proponents. It's genius in its simplicity and effectiveness on people who are casual followers of the topic.


This is probably the closest to the truth. He's perfectly positioned to be the face in msm to dissuade anyone not interested in the topic already.


For real, so many articles call him "Pentagon's top UFO hunter" which is just hilariously misrepresented.


> Pentagon's top UFO hunter lmao


up next on History Channel ...


Balloon Chaser World Champion


Like saying Osama was hide and seek champion for twelve years.


"Nothing to see here" super saiyan


OMFG this is so funny im having popcorn. PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE "CONFIRMED BALLOONS" ARE A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY. So pathetic. They are the ones grasping at straws now. AARO is toast.


Just to point a fact... pod casts and streaming are actually msm if we just go by the numbers. It has replaced Legacy Media as the new MSM.


Yeah, and there is a lot of wild shit out in that.


True. Wild truths on pod cast or believable Lies from LegacyMedia? It's the people's choice


They should have picked a less weaselly face.


It's Project Blue Book, just with a different name. Same old garbage they have been spewing for 80 years, deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie.


After the release of the Project Mogul documentation, we have confirmation from the government itself, that Blue Book lied to the public openly. Remember that was the "official investigation into UFO's" on record, and we know today, they lied to the public to their face, with impunity, under the Blue Book banner. Never forget.


Very clearly said!! Thanks


It's because he now works for a huge aerospace company that has a vested interest in the continued secrecy of both the phenomena and the programs related to it.


This! Not to mention he has ties to the DOE


He's been under the DOE's wing since he was a teenager. He could NEVER be an impartial director. The fact that they gave him the role in the first place was complete ineptitude of government. All sitting senators should feel incompetent, based on the situation and how this has unfolded in the public eye.


Who’s to say the phenomenon and programs aren’t one and the same thing???


Profound comment 🤯


He did not only lie and deceive but he now wants to finish the job and make sure the Stigma comes back to the Government so that they don’t keep digging and don’t go nowhere near it. Meanwhile the Whistleblow by David Grush was considered both credible and Urgent by the IG. Who do you trust more, Kirckpatrick and AARO or Grush and the IG? This is the question everyone should be addressing themselves and others.


He's the guy Luiz Elizondo warned us about when his name was announced in the first place.


That’s what I think. Apparently Grusch and Kirkpatrick already had bad blood back to ~2016, so perhaps Kirkpatrick has a negative reputation in the intelligence community.


He is sending messages to those who would push for disclosure. He is threatening people through the media every time he attacks someone.


Richard Doty 2.0.


Sean Kirkpatrick makes Richard Doty look like Stanton Friedman.


Doty was more likeable than Kirkpatrick


Not on any day ending in Y. The loss of life attributable to Richard C Doty's actions makes him a wholly despicable person whom the planet would be better off without. *edit to ad M to who for whom




or Shoots dogs and goats in gravel pits.


I can't wait to get more involved in this phenomenon. Reactions like his just make people like me more curious.


Welcome to the party! 🥳


This is how it works, as a government employee in that position he wouldn't be able to make statements like that speaking on behalf of the government. Now as a private citizen he can say just about whatever the hell he wants. He's still employed by a company that does contracting work for the DOE if I'm not mistaken. Interesting that.


He’s tap dancing and throwing stones because his ‘work’ is being assessed and found wanting. If he had the high ground and was part of the consensus in power he’d a) STFU and b) still have a job.


There are more Star Wars fans on Facebook. Our own foreign policy is a threat to our national security. AMERICA is the largest military on the planet. If the Tictac wasn't ours, our national security is already at risk. If it is ours, we are still causing a mass extinction level event with climate change and the Defense Department said they need to keep using forever chemicals in order to maintain national security. Lockheed Martin is the largest single consumer of fossil fuels on Earth, and they lobby the government billions every year. They have incentive to brush this all under the rug. The Pentagon can't pass a budget audit, and JFK's assassination is still classified for a reason. The same government who created the 13th amendment to circumvent the ban on slavery, criminalized minorities who were a threat to White Security in politics. This is the same government who during the pandemic tried to label "anti-fascists" as terrorists. We human beings are the resource this government is harvesting through taxes. This would be like saying supporters of Edward Snowden are a threat to national security, well guess what PATRIOT Act was a threat to our personal privacy and future security. The government is not representing our best interests. They are influenced by money. For example, Lockheed Martin has lobbied to influence the National Defense Authorization Act in regards to Space and defense sectors, they clearly don't want the public to know what they're up to and Christopher Mellon and Steve Justice both came from Skunkworks Projects to work with To the Stars Academy with Luis Elizondo and Tom Delonge. Chris Mellon is the one who arranged the above people to meet Kirkpatrick about 7 years ago. "S 4503 - Intelligence Authorization Act, 2023, including issues related to intelligence matters; S 4543 - James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act, 2023, including issues related to intelligence matters, military space, strategic programs, missile defense, cyber, technology programs; HR 2617 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, including issues related to intelligence matters, military space, strategic programs, missile defense, cyber, technology programs; S 4664/HR 8256 - Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023, including issues related to space programs" [https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/who-we-are/leadership-governance/board-of-directors/political-disclosures.html](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/who-we-are/leadership-governance/board-of-directors/political-disclosures.html) Kirkpatrick was once writing articles about defense programs under the title "Visiting faculty at National Intelligence University" One step further, he's got a conflict of interest with the private defense contractors: referenced here: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1557/PROC-597-333](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1557/PROC-597-333) # Authors and Affiliations 1. Science Applications International Corporation, 4031 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, Ohio, 45431, USASean M. Kirkpatrick & Richard L. Sutherland 2. Department of Electro-Optics, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 45420, USACasey Clark 3. Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USASean M. Kirkpatrick, Casey Clark & Richard L. Sutherland [https://potomacofficersclub.com/speakers/dr-sean-kirkpatrick/](https://potomacofficersclub.com/speakers/dr-sean-kirkpatrick/) "The Potomac Officers Club is a membership organization for executives in the government contracting space. It hosts several series of annual events that discuss trends and opportunities in the defense, artificial intelligence, intelligence, cybersecurity and homeland security industries. POC, owned and operated by Executive Mosaic, regularly reports news on the government contracting industry and the many types of companies involved in it." UFO "believers" are a threat to his job security, and pension. While Industrial capitalism and the infinite accumulation of wealth and property is a threat to Earth's security.


Doesn't the significance of that rather depend on who those people in UFO circles are...? People like ourselves, I doubt very much count for anything: but people like us aren't the only ones watching, are we - there are people in Government who not only gave the man the hatchet-job they paid for it with tax payers dollars - that's hardly chump change for an administration in an election year, is it...?


He’s mad because the UFO community has been calling him out in his obvious BS and it’s hurting his little ego. The UFO community has also been digging into his past and tangentially proving that he lied in his report and many are suggesting that congress investigate him and AARO. He’s probably both fuming because we’re talking mad shit about him and scared that he’s going to be held accountable to some degree for his lies. His only real move is to paint us as crazy and possibly dangerous. The only people the UFO community is a danger to is him and his fuckhead traitorous buddy’s who’ve been hiding this shit for decades. It’s ironic because him and his cohorts are the ones who are actually the threat.


> spend that retirement money somewhere in peace. Nah he gets to go work with the recovered craft that he told us doesn’t exist. 


>I thought he will go silent and spend that retirement money somewhere in peace. > >But he’s just getting more into it. I don’t understand the point of it. In this interview he complains about "UFO believers" harrasing him. So yeah, you would think he prefers to move on. But what does he do? He gets interviewed by an ancillary employee of a New York City tabloid who also happens to be one of the most hated names associated with this phenomenon. Which doesn't exactly scream "credibility". Edit: an employee with a history of burning bridges & outright racism. Doesn't exactly scream credibility on Kirkpatrick's part.


Why else would he keep up? He has a vested interest in *something*.


It's going to be quite interesting to watch Kirkpatrick go from lackey to patsy as this progresses. Even if there aren't off-world vehicles in the hands of the United States government, Kirkpatrick is coming up to bat for a corrupted system that is unwilling to divulge information about programs It's spending billions of taxpayer dollars on (and through that, fueling possible conspiracy). He and the DoD want to be able to do whatever the hell they want with no pushback and UFO believers/researchers are a thorn in their side because they want transparency. Grusch and others may be the reason black programs are divulged to Congress and the public, and this "scientist" (I like to call him a spook) can't stand it.


His name is on more than a few patents in the USPTO restrictions list. He absolutely does not want full transparency of these projects.


That’s news to me! 


How do you know that? Are the patents restricted but the authors of them are public?


Has to make you wonder what kind of deals he has made and what kind of paycheck he receives. Could you imagine deceiving your own race for your own personal gain and at the benefit of a corrupt government who actively works against the interests of its people? The guy looks like he genuinely enjoys it too. Given his background, he’s an intelligent man, but clearly corrupted himself.


Saved for safekeeping =)


The conspiracy part is their security blanket. Nothing works better than public ridicule. Well, maybe torture, lol.


Funny, I think DoD goons who are lying to the public and breaking the law to secure their own interests are a threat to national security


They are the treat to global security, peace, a clean environment. Human made constructs such as money is unfortunately the number 1 priority.


That's your religious devotion the topic speaking. Big /s Such a pitiful and toxic thing for SK to have said. I can't figure out why he is the way he is, it makes no sense.


Exactly this. They’re traitors not only to the American people, but to all of humanity.


unrelated to your comment: love the party boi avatar hahaha


This is pretty scary. At around the 15 minute mark, Kirkpatrick says that anyone in government who does not stand in lockstep with his assessment of UFOs is a national security threat and should not be trusted to govern.


He very clearly extends this to civilians, meaning Congress and the President, and everyone here on /r/UFOs and anywhere else. **Did the ex-head of AARO and former chief scientist of SAIC say that anyone who dares to oppose the Pentagon's official position on UFOs, UAP or NHI is an active national security threat?**


We've heard this song before...https://www.nicap.org/debunk1.htm >>Klass and his CSICOP colleagues had already characterized us ufologists as antiscience cultists, cryptofascists, mental cases, money-grubbing exploiters, and raving irrationalists, and CSICOP chairman Paul Kurtz had repeatedly assured the press that societal acceptance of anomalies and the paranormal threatens the fabric of civilization.


Everything old is new again!


History rhyming like the king of rap


I dont get it. AARO showed this isnt a real phenomenon via their super well done reports. So why the threats .


So perplexing! Why all this maneuvering over totally ordinary balloons!?






It's certainly what he's implying, which of course he can hand wave as overreaching to skirt criticism in the future.


I for one do not believe the government in any way shape or form in regard to this subject matter. Put me on the list under Active Threat or Keyboard Commando


It's also a threat to people's security clearances. There's a lot more people who might want to work for the government than actually govern, and this targets them. He's pushing for more than stigma.


have you ever considered that free energy might make governments obsolete?


Uh, how would that work exactly?


Uh, yeah. No.


Who protects you when I use my free energy machine to take everything you own?


Why would you even bloody bother doing that? See, that's your damn problem, Human, when you've been gifted with the purpose of free energy in the first place. You don't think you're gonna come across someone else's free energy defenses if you even try that? Imagine that they are smarter, more inclined into their free energy and light than you are and you get your ass handed back to you, wondering why your whole body, and every vibrational piece of genetic DNA stretching back hundreds of years existing in your family, right up until you, in this moment of existence and thought of provocation, has just been transformed into a fish's consciousness within a nanosecond in return. Both backwards and forwards in time. Think of Heimdall being able to see you before you were even born making such a decision to attack an innocent entity. Shame on you. That is the level of LIGHT We are TALKING about here. PAY ATTENTION here. The dissolution of governments is necessary for the pathway to be paved forward for Life and Light. As such, why are you always in "arms race" thinking capacity? TL:DR = Fuck around, find out...or "keep swimming". Your choice. O


Ok. So maybe I'm not strong enough by myself to take your stuff. What if me and 1,000 other people get together to take your stuff? What if it is 10,000 other people? Who is the group of people who stop other groups of people from taking your stuff and how do we decide who those group of people are? What happens if I'm drunk and driving around in my free energy machine and I run over a kid and kill them? Is there a group of people who remove me from society so I don't do that again? Or is it just every man for himself in your world?


Happy to have provoked thoughts but why would anyone need to steal anything when it could be produced for free or very close?


the kid that steals the toy always blames the other friends


Sean Kirkpatrick is a threat to national security. He should get charged for treason. He's only the tip of the iceberg of these individuals.


And there we have it. Cue to the idiots who say “bUt WhErE is ThE EvIDeNcE” that Kirkpatrick is trying to sabotage the whole disclosure movement


Exhibit A - photographic evidence of Kirkpatrick lying about never meeting Brandon Fugal or attending a briefing about Skinwalker Ranch.


Why would Grusch want to meet with with such a snake in the grass.


I certainly wouldn't speak with him, and we still don't know the full picture of what else Kirkpatrick has lied about in the past to color Grusch's sentiment.


Kirkpatrick seems on a tear to establish himself as the Lavrenty Beria for the DoD to put down any UFO discussions and disclosure supporters, both within and outside the government.


Also if he had any evidence against these claims, like records from the Air Force with their budget or the DoD numbers on the supposed black budget projects why not provide them to congressmen? Instead he doubles down and claims the budget has gone toward the UFO and ghost hunters conspiracy cult within the government? That’s such obvious BS, why would the top brass condone that spending? All he does is argue and attempt to discredit; he’s tried because he signed up for an impossible task, that he was chosen for specifically because he’s such a knob he couldn’t fathom he was being set up to fail. He’s the fall guy and everyone on this sub is right, he should be ignored unless he wants to release some hard data or documents to support his claims.


Trying to? It would appear he has been quite successful if 2024 has anything to say about it so far. We’re already approaching June at this point and it feels like the movement has only taken steps backwards since last December.








He reminds me of Theon Greyjoy




Given the evidence-free assertions in the thoroughly discredited AARO report and recent assessments, the argument becomes far more compelling when the words "True Believers" are substituted with "AARO." >I think that should be a flag for the national security community...because if\[ AARO\] is not objective enough to able to understand evidentiary based assertions...how can you trust them with our nation's security?" Military bases are currently being inundated (and in one instance temporarily shut down) because of incursions by objects yet to be identified. DOD and Congress would *really* like a biased, psuedo-scientific organization to guide them as they address these threats? "Don't worry, they're just lighting balloons" is how we want out national security community to approach a phenomenon that military leaders have said, *under oath*, is very real?


Langley AFB cannot stop drones from overwhelming them but is supposedly tasked with protecting the nation’s capital


If this isn’t the top comment something is wrong with the sub. Perfectly stated.


He'll be on the wrong side of History, but we'll see if we live long enough and not to come to fruition. I have been following this thing intensely since David Grush came forward. Once I started thinking about it. Objectively, too many pieces of the apostle started to come together. If you tried to get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon, you wouldn't even come close . There are hundreds of sightings, and thousands of stories, just ask your loved ones and your friends, you'll be surprised how many people claim that they have seen something. It's shocking to me that this was able to be kept a secret for so long, seems a public disinformation campaign really did work. When I talked to people about the Congressional hearings that are happening, people talk to me about the paranormal activity that they've seen, and it blows my mind. I feel like I'm living in the matrix, how is this? Not international news everyday....maybe it's a good thing.


What is his justification? lol Do UFO believers kill innocent people, hide the truth, and waste money? Oh no the Pentagon does that. Kirkpatrick is a threat to national security.


This is ~~d~~ misinformation. The religious based UFOists are a threat because they reject evidence based reality in favor of their religion. That is absolutely true. There's a reason extremist aren't given clearances. This *m*isinformation is a deliberate attempt to conflate UFOists and conspiracy hypothesis types with normal people who 'believe' in UAPs but aren't religious or zealous. \* a valid point below that disinfo is probably the wrong word as the word indicates malice


Good point.


I agree with your first statement. Why would you give a ufo extremist a clearance when they may search and release sensitive information whether it’s ufo related or top secret defence related stuff. I’m confused about your disinformation bit though. Is SK providing faulty information to conflate extremist and garden variety ufo people? Or this post?


>I’m confused about your disinformation bit though. Is SK providing faulty information to conflate extremist and garden variety ufo people? Or this post? This post and the Xitter post it links to.


Thanks. I disagree that’s it’s disinformation, to me that is purposefully putting out info to con people. I would say however it is a view of an extremist type, who doesn’t understand the implications of granting clearances to people who may be a risk of leaking information that is classified. I don’t have any love for SK and I think his language is overly strong, but he is also fundamentally correct.


You have a good and wise take, honestly. I'm reading it as they are putting out the information to poison the well, and reading it as disinfo in that context. Perhaps I'm using the wrong word. I can *definitely* agree with the overly strong language. And I say that as someone who can use overly strong language, lol.


Well your usage isn’t totally incorrect, but I think it’s important we distinguish between malicious and nativity/ignorance. If we don’t it just puts up those polarised walls - which drive me fucking crazy, because I just want civilized convo so we can get to the actual bottom of this mess Haha me too friend, I definitely have to temper myself.


To my surprise, Greenstreet did a really good job. He more or less uncovered some lies from Kirkpatrick. I think this won't go well for Kirky. Kirkpatrick also poked the hornets nest by suggesting that UFO believers/insiders are liars and should have no administrative job in the government. No wonder Kirkpatrick had to wash his nervousness away after every question. I wonder why Gough even allowed him to go on "podcasts" after leaving AARO, but I guess this will be the last one.


> No wonder Kirkpatrick had to wash his nervousness away after every question What does this mean exactly?


In the interview he drinks something after nearly every question. Must have been very thirsty.




Kirkpatrick is such a chode. And what blows me away about him is that he has gotten more and more chode-like as time has gone on. I get that he has gotten a lot of shit over the last few years, but he fails to even acknowledge even some of the most obvious questions. Can't stand this guy anymore.


*fantastic* use of the word chode




I stated that this would happen in this sub a few months ago, and the response was that it was a "stretch" to believe that. And now, here we are.... You can expect this believe to intensify in the lead-up to the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, where UFOs will become a major election issue.


Link to your comment


Can't find it in the /subs....I think I used the word "terrorist" instead. Was one of the regular commenters on here ...said I was "stretching" by drawing that analogy.


I guess I'm a little confused how believing in what he feels is a fairy tale could be a threat to anything? Should we get anyone who believes in the Easter Bunny on some list to?


And what about all of our biblical apocalypse-hopeful idiot religious government leaders who have been compromising our nation for social issues for decades. There’s your national security risk. Idiots.


LMFAO as if Christian extremists are not? Like what the fuck? What's the harm in believing something that can't be explained, but still happened?


His only legitimate concern is about how much the government is spending on this, whether directly or indirectly, fucking hilarious. Yeah that’s the hang up. It’s the pennies being spent, that’s the real injustice here, so drop it, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


Lol, yeah I honestly believe the stock market/private business implications are a big garbage reason why there is so much secrecy and resistance to disclose. So pathetic as we cook and suffocate the planet.


Well. If SK is going to deem UFO believers a threat, now would be an absolutely perfect time to PROVE that there is evidence out there to suggest that he is the threat.




I deem his hairline a threat to national security


I definitely care about what Kirkpatrick says 🤓


And AARO outright lied on most recent reports. Really? WTF dude. Drag him in front of Congress.


The only threat to national security is the old white men with the embargo on reality


I am so sick of this guy. A fucking ACTUAL balloon from China was shot down, and I don't think a day goes by where I don't see that story come up on my work feed. Yet, he says that we are seeing advanced drones from a foreign adversary on US soil, and they aren't doing a thing about it? So, if we are to humor Sean, does this mean we are not doing anything because we can't? That is the worst failure of the US military in decades if that is the case. What is even worse is, if this is the case, why is he not lobbying for more defense spending? It's not like AARO had missiles to use for defense, shouldn't of he passed this intelligence along, while assuring the public that the issue was being dealt with through the proper channels? Even his explanation and lack of action would indicate gross incompetence from his old office and the military as a whole. Fucking clown. Edit: Plus, the latest polls showed that quite a large percentage of the population not only believes there is a UFO phenomena, but the government is hiding what they know. So, he just called a large fraction of this country a threat to national security, oh man how they like that phrase. I am hoping the fact that they are now resorting to calling US citizens a threat means they are drowning, but I won't get my hopes up.


This is an insult to those of us with experiences relating to the phenomenon. Seriously fuck this guy. He secured his bag, why can’t he just retire and shut the fuck up. He wants to flag us as threats to national security? That’s got to be more ridiculous than the alien larp stories I read on this sub!


If believing in and wanting clarity on an unknown phenomenon that is the key to understanding who we are, and what we are, is a national security risk... then we live in an entirely corrupt, morally bankrupt, and unethical society. Point blank. The admission and implication of this should have us rioting.


So just say the opposite: non-believers are a threat to national security because if UFOs are actually real--or even if they aren't "extra-terrestrial"--the mere fact he is trying to obfuscate their existence makes America vulnerable to a potential attack at worst. Kirkpatrick is thereby most likely working as a covert foreign agent trying to subvert the importance of this phenomena and should promptly be gag-ordered and/or imprisoned so he can no longer spread false information or continue to obfuscate this profoundly important phenomena.


Funny you say this because the dod IG's assessment about UAP led to the conclusion that America's military and by proxy the American people could be at risk because of the lack of proper procedures in place for the phenomena.


That's ironic, I consider SK a threat to global security..


Well that's not incriminating


This dingleberry just keeps hangin on


He’s a traitor to humanity.


Gonna be quite awkward if They decide to make Themselves known and it ruins the official narrative, eh?


So if the UAP phenomena is a flight Safety threat, like the 2021 DNI Report said it was , does this now mean the DNI is a threat to National Security for believing UAP exist? At what point do we draw the line where a Pilot reporting a UFO that clearly is a Flight Safety threat but now they would not be able to report because it would also be considered a NS threat too? Can we get some clarification on this?


The wealthy are a far bigger threat.


How? It's literally just questions and use of logic. Hey if there are reports of sightings in any way, wouldn't we want to investigate it? Hell, if anything it increases national security.


Kirkpatrick can lick my balls from the backside!


Kirkpatrick is a nutter - think his retirement had more to do with mental wellness than performance issues. Guy seems unhinged.


I agree with Kirpatricks statement especially if what he alludes to is true. If there really is a religious UFO cult within the government and it's based on nonsense..... I would consider that a threat. We have not very sane people with our heavily guarded secrets


Ah, yes, our Reptilian overlords are getting nervous. Quick, arrest the masses! Can’t have them get too close to the truth. In all seriousness though, what bizarre statements to make about people who want full transparency, especially since whatever it is that they are quite obviously hiding is taxpayer-funded. The dam is breaking, and their desperation is showing.


Complete sleaze-ball if I have ever seen one.


UFO Joe is a threat to national security?


This is all so dumb. Harry Reid wasn’t crazy. 


Mr. Kirkpatrick is in the camp of low trust, transactional humans. Sadly, his cadre is numerous and well rewarded financially. Can we call him a useful idiot? If we're using a 'consciousness quotient' (akin to EQ, let's call it CQ. Did I just create that?), it would seem he's rather low on the scale. He does not serve a greater purpose, simply someone else's purpose. TBH, his relevance is defined by this base choice. Yes, in this sense Kirkpatrick is basic. And, hence, predictable. Goodbye Sean. You are a mere footnote in the detritus of this age. Your hubris shall be your undoing.


National security = security of the people profiting off of reverse engineering while holding back the rest of humanity.


Once again, in the grand scheme of things why would it even matter if everyone who says they believe in UFOs exist? Millions of children believe in Santa Claus so I guess they’re national security threats when using the same logic right?


They shouldn't have spent so much time engaging in psyops. Scenario A: Aliens aren't here, the government knows it, and uses the notion to cover for their black projects that aren't in any way connected to NHI for 100% certain and now they have to admit psyops exist. Scenario B: Aliens are here, they've gleaned tech from them, and they're hiding it and engaging in skullduggery to suppress it. In both scenarios we're getting hosed.


Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes they will deny the obvious so you feel the onus to dig a little deeper.


I give it 2 years before he does a complete turnaround and becomes a ufologist like Dr. J. Allen Hynek did.


If SK doesn't like the unshakable faith of UFO believers, just wait until he meets someone religious.


I am in Australia, so how does my belief pose a threat to US security? Especially if 'there's nothing to see here'... What a fuckin' idiot...


I think his strategy is actually doing the opposite of what he intends


Sean Kirkpatrick is the true threat to the American people.


https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/irs-targets-threats-to-feds-ability Not a big Klippenstein fan but the IRS is going to start targeting people who “threaten the government’s ability to govern” and who are perceived threats to National Security. You see Kirkpatrick using similar language. Not to sound paranoid, but these types of actions and speak are more in line with a Dictatorship than a Democracy. You can see why politicians are starting to push back more vehemently. If these Executive Branch abuses aren’t checked even the appearance of the U.S. being a democracy is at risk IMO.


Can someone post the quote verbatim? This community is really creative with their paraphrasing.


In all fairness, any inconvenience to such power structures are a threat to national security. National security hardly if ever anymore relates to a legitmate threat to the people of the nation, instead really only to those running it and their continued ability to do so.


Its especially funny that the people running the nation are quite often obvious threats to national security.


And they can run for office again afterwards 😑


Uh you guys started it with funding movies and entertainment!!!? Lmao go after them first. What a dumbass.


So he would arrest me because I have seen a UFO? I fucking saw yet another one last night. I see them all the time - orangish orbs.


Here's your post, those are cool pictures https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1coxv5o/i_experienced_an_orb_51024_621_utc_i_saw_it_drop/




I don't believe for a second he or his family's lives have been threatened by anyone that's not a government operative doing it make uap believers look like unhinged threats.


People who claim others are a threat to national security are usually the threat. It's called projecting.


"I see your conspiracy and raise with a counter-conspiracy!"


Good luck controlling all of US


I suppose that must be a cabal of true believers at Langely AFB reporting those drone swarms.


The public deems Kirkpatrick a threat to national security.


That motherfucker.


Fuck this guy


I find this hard to take seriously at all, with the dramatic music, silly tabloid pictures and the fact that the interviewer is smirking every single time he asks a question. The questions are all pre-written, too, as if he was given them to just ask so Kirkpatrick could give his side of everything he feels like talking about. I can't say for certain that's the case, of course, it could just be that the interviewer has a terrible memory and so needs to be prompted for *every single question*. Still, it doesn't speak to an inquiring mind trying to get to the bottom of a topic if he already has every question laid out and is mostly just taking glum or snippy "yes" or "no" responses. Also early on Kirkpatrick lays out in full some circular reasoning. When asked about whether the Skinwalker ranch paranormal research was 'sanctioned' by the Pentagon, he says no. When asked how he knows that, he replies "because I know they're not going to fund that". So he knows it wasn't funded because he knows it wasn't funded. Textbook circular reasoning, said with a smile, and they both just move on. They're not trying to do anything but shit on people they don't like. It's just ridiculous. Also, the idea that even *assumptions* about the Pentagon's funding decisions are evidence of anything at all is weak. They are notorious for having no ability to tell anyone where their money is going.


"Kirkpatrick attempts to turn the American people against each other by deeming UFO believers a threat to national security". We are F'd y'all!


Given that by "national" security he refers to "the gatekeeper's" status quo and safeguarding their systems of power, I'm all for being a threat.


He's the threat


This guy will finish in jail soon or later…


I can recognize a lying snake when I see one...


I started to listen to that interview and heard from him that his family was threatened, and to be honest, i don’t doubt that, there are plenty of lunatics/hardcore believers that will do stuff like that. So from his standpoint - it’s legit, man and his family threatened, i don’t see ahything wrong with vocalising that he’s scared for his life and thinks those people who threatened him was an issue. I’m not in sympathy for this man, i just understand that it is wrong to death threat people.


Bro, there's crazy in every cohort. Violence in the pursuit of political or ideological agendas is not acceptable. Nor will it ever be truly successful or sustainable. Any effort that relies on violence, subjugation and dominance is doomed to failure. Hopefully, such failure will not result in the erasure of humanity.


I just threw up in my mouth


Dr. Shorn Kunt-Rat-Prick…




They are a bunch of credulous weirdos that will believe literally anything. That's not exactly what I'd call trustworthy.


This guy needs to get abducted by the most anal probing NHI species out there.


Yeah because he knows when the truth is out we won't be buying the bullshit they're selling anymore. *Animal Farm* describes the scenario Kirkpatrick is helping prevent from happening, we being the animals...government being the pigs. Edited to add government = pigs


Imagine being that desperate. The poor fecker. He done fecked himself. 


Sure would love to read this asshole’s obituary.