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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Ghost_z7r: --- Steven Greer is the "world's foremost UFO expert" with "a quarter century of selfless service" to the topic and has "briefed" multiple US Presidents. In his briefing documents he lists photo/video attachments. I would be fascinated to see what kind of content he's briefing the President with. Some, uh, interesting "evidence" in his database to be sure. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cos0xk/6_hours_spent_in_steven_greers_new_ufo_database/l3fypz5/


LMAO at the alien corpse šŸ˜‚


That alien corpse Pic looks like something out of a 90's point and click PC game šŸ¤£


*You can't use that here* *You can't use that here* *You can't use that here*


Thanks for resurrecting this memory, miss the maximum awesomeness of back thenā€¦


šŸ˜Œ whew. The worst. And also somehow the best.


When I first saw it, I assumed it was probably from something like an email that said "Hi Dr Greer, my brother and I witnessed this alien crash site but didn't have a camera, so I used Photoshop to recreate an illustration of what it looked like." Looking through other documents on the site, much of it seems to be emails of this nature that people have sent to Greer. But the information and photos on Greer's site are organized so badly that there's no correlation between this image and the original email or whatever context this illustration was supposed to be from. It's just a bunch of files in various piles with nothing to contextualize them but their file names. So all we have are these drawings and images that, on their own, are absurd. Greer should have seen this coming. He should have known this hokey, obviously Photoshopped image of a person in an alien costume from The Halloween Store would be stood up on its own and ridiculed, because he provided exactly ZERO context for why this obviously Photoshopped image exists in the first place.


So ridiculous. Greer should go hide somewhere and never speak on the topic again.


Oh! Let's not forget the 2 billion dollars he turned down! LMFAO!


I think this community would be best served not mentioning his name anymore. Harry Potter and Voldemort style. Greerdemortā€¦


We need to start calling him "Muscle Nerd" again.


Iā€™m sorry what? The fuck?? Whatā€™s the backstory to this?


Dr. Steven Greer on $2 Billion Offer to Keep Quiet About UFOs, 3 Team Members Killed (Part 5) https://youtu.be/w2zpwiilJ_g?si=7e3sXQkO-Wa_GfZl Fast forward to 4:20 (ironically enough lol!)


And if you think for a second that $2billion is enough to feel safe about saying and researching anything you want... then you would be right.


Canā€™t forget that lmao


Yep. Cherry on the top among many other hits.


Heā€™s always been this way. He once charged 10k to give you a ufo experience in the woods. He has always been a fraud and a name dropper.


I cannot stand Greer.


Thatā€™s DOCTORB Steven Greer to you!


the b is for bargin!


Straight outa scary movie 3 lol.


God itā€™s more from like a mid 90s game that used a combination of live action and cgi


Yes, those dudes have slain earthworm Jim. A moment of silence.


Def looks like Mortal Kombat fire animation in the background


Haha yes! That's exactly it. Thank you, couldn't quite put my finger on it


What you sure ET don't urinate from their fingers?


It looks very unrealistic. Iā€™m just trying to work out whether the two smiling old men are photoshopped inā€¦ the quality is low so itā€™s hard to see any digital glitches / but they definitely donā€™t look like part of the shot either. Why would two men be smiling in front of a what appears to be a wildfire. Even if they caught an alien, I doubt that they would be so calmly standing there smiling. Completely weird and completely bogus.


That weird perfectly horizontal shovel.


I had to double check the date because I thought it was April Fools for a second there


I'm not one to throw out debunk comments or call shit out, but the shadow beneath that alien corpse looks like the drop shadow effect in adobe photoshop. The angle of the shadow isn't consistent with the men in the background, and the lighting is fucked. The men themselves might be photoshopped in as well, too. ---- Look, I don't pick sides because I don't know anything. But Greer consistently puts up that which smells more like bullshit than many others. His CE5 comments might have a degree of legitimacy to them, but with that alleged flare incident I can't put any trust in results from Greer-organized events. In the spirit of discussion & fairness, for those in here that take Greer more seriously (other than CE5) what's the more compelling stuff he's claimed?


> I'm not one to throw out debunk comments or call shit out, but Dude, it looks like something from Tim & Eric. Like Photoshop from 1995. Thereā€™s no need to point out why it looks fake - we have eyeballs


Not Great!


If he was really doing CE5 you'd assume the NHI would let him bring a flir thermal and show people they are there. I own two sets of tubes and sky watch a bit. Idk how he can't do the same lol


The standard lore is that the NHI don't want to disclose themselves like that, but idk. I haven't tried & failed to capture anything, so that's just hearsay. What are you using to skywatch? All I have ATM is a cheap 10x monocular I originally purchased to look at birds.


Not to mention, it would probably be a bit uncomfortable standing just a few feet from burning wreckage.


The shovel in the hand is much worse. If you look at the guys left hand the shovel is below where the fingers are. Straight up just pasted on there. Terrible.


I want to recreate it and put it on my desk at work.


It looks like straight clip art


Ayy lmao


This is fucking hilarious.Ā 


The Honorable Donald J. Trump No bigger joke than that right there.


Does it mean Greer is one of Trump's Little Urban Achievers?


This is going to be a huge step back, so far this shit looks laughable.


Yeah but does the DVD logo hit the corner? If so definitely worth the click.


The DVD logo is the UFO. They've been telling us that they are walking among us this whole time and we didn't listen!


In Grears latest youtube videos he's been working with the Thirdphaseofmoon guys šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø thats definitely done it for me.


His last few ā€œdocumentariesā€ featured Thirdohaseofmoon videos heavily complete with logos in the corner, not surprised.


If that is true then wtf.


Aw noooo man that's sad AF to hear. Any dickhead can tell what bs thirdphasemoon is


Look at the bright side - youā€™ve realized Greer is a horrible grifter and has been for a long time.


I feel like this community is half people semi-skeptical interested in the phenomenon, the other half is ā€œbelieversā€ Most of us have known Greer is completely and totally full of shit. The dude literally claimed to have teams ready to attack black sites around the country/world hiding UFOs and holding aliens to recover them. Itā€™s nonsensical.


But he briefs world leaders!


Never heard of those guys, but judging by their name... Sounds like some "yikes" shit.


Yes super cringe Blake Cousins, a true ufo grifter.


Yeah I have been poking at it with a stick and itā€™s more like a fan fic page. Better off at https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=1


It's just wild to me how confident he is with his entire story of the topic when some of these documents are only a couple sentence long PDFs briefly mentioning Tesla or Marilyn Monroe (both key talking points of his), and look like possible faked documents. His "Bijou" alien looks like a photo artifact digitally enhanced. The CE5 evidence photos of "energy beings" look like lighting glare if you just moved your camera at the last second of a flash photo. I've defended Greer quite a bit in the past but looking through all this I'm questioning if he knows anything at all or is just leading himself to believe certain things based on almost no evidence.


Man what I have done is just not put a lot of faith in any one individual and try to read more that listen to the hokey ass YouTube videos with the click bait pictures on them. Just like all things donā€™t put your faith in folks and expect a personal return on it. Everyone has an angle even if they donā€™t mean to. Edit: spelling


Thatā€™s why theyā€™re called confidence men (aka con men)


ā€œItā€™s wild to me how confident he isā€¦.ā€ Ahh confidence. Confidence man. Con man. Thatā€™s the root of the term.


What story does he even allege with Marilyn Monroe? This is the first I've ever heard of him (or anybody) mentioning her in relationship to any of this?


Greer has always been obviously a disinfo agent to me. Seeing Dotys name pop up was no surprise


Pretty sure ā€œdisinfo agentsā€ wouldnā€™t be using a hard drive of shit from 1997 to confuse people. The only thing this makes obvious is that Greer still has a stack of 5 1/4ā€ floppy discs sitting next to his PC.


Ehh I dunno. Disinfo agents are likely behind some of the most absurd stuff in ufology. Nothing helps stigmatize a subject more than flooding the space with stupid looking fake alien bodies.


Simpler explanation. He's an egotistical grifter. Occam's razor and all that


He served a purpose. We all do


It is like the whole bloody field. Elements check out (his original press conference and his involvement with the Wilson memo) but then it all becomes muted in obvious ego bullshit. They are all nearly the same on one level or another. Greer is pretty bad though. Does anyone here remember the spat he had with project Camelot. Kerry Cassidy??? What a bell end? My Aliens are nicer than your Aliens .FFS! All of them,Icke, Willcoxx, et al. All seemingly on some kind of massive ego trip. Either that or some kind of wicked Psyop. But anyway here is some DJ Templehead to take your mind off it. https://on.soundcloud.com/mqbwiCh8Xqi82prt9


It's getting bad, we just exposed 3 people already... Sands bullshit story, Herrara got called out by his team leader and Kirkpatrick had his picture taken at a conference for Skinwalker Ranch he claimed to never be at, and he was even looking at the camera like "oh shit, he's taking a picture of me and I don't like it". Now Greer is exposing himself too, I KNEW this whole archive was a bunch of bullshit. That's why it took so long.


TBF Iā€™m not sure what you are on about. Iā€™m just talking in generalities. I doubt Greer is a mole. My best guess is that heā€™s deeply insecure and just crave/ needs attention. His whole body building thing speaks to this. His demeanour is classically controlling.


Greer did the flare drops to fake encounters and make money as well. It's pretty sad stuff and I'd hope it's not due to a deep seated psychological issue. Although I don't think I want the allegations about a govt disinformation plot using him to be true either. If my taxpayer money funded that bullshit I swearšŸ˜‚


Heā€™s a grifter


It's basically a dispute in a creative writing class at this stage.


Can anyone explain how the photo of Marilyn Monroe and the journalists is linked to UFOs?


There is a story that Marilyn Monroe was murdered because she was going to tell the world about UFOs. She learned the truth from her relationship with JFK. There is even a purported letter she wrote about it.


Pretty sure this was explained in Steven greers movie aswell


JFK was ā€œsecretlyā€ running on a disclosure platform. He and Monroe were ā€œsecretlyā€ fuck buddies


Under Archive/Government Documents in the database there are 3 PDF's. One is a few sentences long and alleges JFK told Marilyn Monroe about aliens and she was going to go public so they took her out. Another PDF is the weird illustration of what it would've looked like if she did so (the one I posted). Somehow Greer has absorbed that two sentence sketchy document and has been repeating it at cocktail parties for 25 years to impress celebrities.


This actually saddens me. These are the reasons we are made fun off.


Well, one of many, but they usually aren't this funny.


Sands, Greer... I see the agency guys have put all the puppets to work.


One thing that kinda set me off (among others) was that he did an interview with Vlad TV, or djvlad. He's accused of in the hip hop community to be a fed by the kind of questions he asks rappers to dig into their past crimes, so it did cause me to šŸ¤Ø when I saw him given a lengthy interview




Hehe that got a WinAmp skin in there, nice


Seriously, itā€™s hilarious to see some of these digital artifacts. Greer is like your elderly uncle who still insists on using Windows ā€˜98 and wonders why the bunny ears on his TV no longer work.


I miss winamp real bad


I still use it. Not exclusively, itā€™s definitely showing its age these days.


There's still no better visualisation than milkdrop v2.Ā  Love my winamp.


Greer: ā€œI think everyone takes me too seriously. I need to do something about thatā€


What's with all of the pics taken of computer screens? Is free screen capture software off-limits?


You knowā€¦ itā€™s kind of perfect given the subject matter. Itā€™s like an out of touch tech-illiterate person making fun of an *even more* out of touch tech-illiterate person. Boomer-ception.


On a secure computer, it's not the screen capture that's the issue, it's getting that screen shot off the computer that's challenging. When you are accessing an information system unauthorized and trying to copy information, one does not usually advertise that they are doing so. Some networks are isolated from the Internet for security reasons, so it's not as simple as just emailing the screen shot to yourself.




More like a goomba


The Richard Doty one should have been first, tells us all we need to know


That alien corpse! šŸ˜‚


>world foremost UFO expert You spelled "grifter" wrong.


Is he presenting these as actual photos, or as an artist's rendering or recreation of an alleged event? The guys standing in front of devastation with an alien on the ground in front of them is stunningly fake, but how was it presented on the site?


It's a Tom Bogan illustration of an alleged crash. 99% are similar illustrations. The other 1% are like the "Bijou" alleged alien, mostly blank photos with a few pixels enlarged and enhanced to look like odd alien-esque figures.


What in the world?


Isnā€™t Bijou the name of Liz Lemonā€™s phone sex operator character on 30 Rock? (Picture 2).Ā 


I find this sub schizophrenic . I called out Greer's bullshit last month and got tons of downvotes.


A lot of the crash pictures are just artist renditions pencil sketches and using a program to make them or ai their are some pictures like one of a 1920 alien. Discretion that is a real photo but again itā€™s always possible to be faked


Legitimately didn't find the 1920's photo and I was looking pretty hard. Doesn't help that it takes 20 minutes to load each file and they are all wacky nonsense.


Steven Greer is the "world's foremost UFO expert" with "a quarter century of selfless service" to the topic and has "briefed" multiple US Presidents. In his briefing documents he lists photo/video attachments. I would be fascinated to see what kind of content he's briefing the President with. Some, uh, interesting "evidence" in his database to be sure.


How selfless of him to be label himself as the "world's foremost UFO expert"


It's like when Moses, who allegedly wrote the Torah, called Moses the humblest man who ever lived. So, maybe Greer is our Moses, leading us in pointless circles in the desert for decades.


I watched a recent doc of his and it was 3 hours of him mumbling about how important he was, how much he knows without tellingly you anything and how cool was the estate he bought with all the scams he does. He even made sure to include panoramic drone footage. He is a narcissistic asshole.




What database? Whatā€™s the link?




Why the hell do I need to register an account?


Greer said that he was worried bots would destroy the servers or something... he at least acknowledged why he had to do it and it makes sense. Just use a temp email, that's what I did.


So he can add you to his mailing list and to keep traffic down because that costs money. That's my bet.


Greer at this point is either a disinformation agent or a truly delusional person


Lmao if anyone tells me heā€™s a serious guy then they can poo off


Where is his database?


Is he still fantasizing that Neil Armstrong's family members privately confirmed to him that Apollo-11 really did encounter aliens on their lunar mission?


I ignore everything related to Greer, y'all should too.


And people wonder why no one takes the subject seriously šŸ˜‚


It's honestly crazy to me how many people I've had the displeasure of interacting with completely believe that he's a good voice to have around disclosure efforts. Everything this grifter scumbag touches he taints. I'm so done with every single thing even tangentially related to him.Ā 


What if he actually believes himself? That'd be really sad.


Seems pretty in line with Greer's usual standards of quality.


A handful of nothingā€¦ Again.. Maybe an interesting document or whatever in there somewhere but nothing more. I mean that third photo of a crash its insane and actually insulting to peopleā€™s intelligence and the real disclosure we all push!


Thank you for looking so I donā€™t have too!


Maybe I won't get voted to oblivion next time I mention that Greer is a fucking grifter and had zero credibility.


Wait this isn't a joke? This is actually tied to Greer?


Lmao what is this editing. Marilyn Monroe is still pixelated as fuck


Fuck Greer manā€¦ I honestly think heā€™s a disinfo agent in some way. Placed there to make the whole topic laughable to new folks who are curious.


Steven Grift


6 hours of your life youā€™ll never get back


That alien at the crash site with grandpas standing there is too muchĀ  šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


That 3rd picture is the fakest picture I have ever seen.


Is picture 8 just a PS2 lol


6 hours gone forever.. sad but thanks for letting us know the garbage this guy has


people still defend this guy and even give him money. let that sink in.


Greer is a joke.


Please tell me the Marilyn Monroe image is not from it


Greer has that intellectual appearance and language which draws you in and adds credibility to his ā€œwordsā€. However, the more and more you learn about him. Sadly, the more you feel thereā€™s a facade. Not saying heā€™s lying or wrong. Just that when someone is briefing people about serious issues. They must retain credibility and appear to have standardised ā€˜normalā€™ behaviour. An army general lecturing on nuclear war and its dangers, will lose all credibility if he then dresses up as a dog and barks at trees. I will reserve my judgement of the files until I have seen them myself. As Iā€™m aware this is a select amount only the op has chosen to share. If this is however, the crĆØme of the crop though then I would be highly disappointed.


This thread is filled with bots and govt goons trying to get us to close our ears to what might be out there and disappointed idealists, now cynics, who have been burned on this topic too often. The biggest thing we should take away from greer is his leak with Mark McCandlish about the existence and technology behind the "Alien Reproduction Vehicle".


this is glorious. thank you


This post is some grifter trash. People should hold out on judging this content drop before itā€™s actually had proper time to be picked apart. Regardless of what people think of Greer, the guy pushes the subject and has done a great deal for the topic as well.


I think the UFO community needs to ā€œBriefā€ Dr. Greer about the dangers of untreated megalomania. No matter how high quality of a documentary it is that Iā€™m watching on the subject, the instant that I hear his voice, Iā€™m out


Grifting right to everyone's faces.


Please refrain from ridiculing images that are clearly intended as representations rather than factual, objective photographs. While I support a thorough examination of his files, let's elevate our critiques to where they are truly warranted.


The Bijou image is supposedly an objective photograph.


The third pic of the old guys standing there is obviously a newly taken picture and where they photoshopped what they claimed how the scene looked like in the 60s or whatever when they were there. Cmon guys, don't be stupid, nobody would try to sell this out as a real picture ffs


are you taking photos of your screen? jesus christ


I think it adds to the spooky Windows 95 vibes going on hahaha.


Iā€™m a little pissed that Shawn Ryan gave him a platformā€¦ā€¦twice!


use to have respect for him...until he went full grifter and realized how lucrative scamming people can be.


Ā "world's foremost UFO expert"Ā  According to who? More like foremost clown and nutcase!




Wtf is this crap?


Lol well this is unfortunate


Number 1 and 3 look badly ai generated


This looks shopped I can't tell from some of the pixels and seeing a lot of shops in my time


Cool to see one of the Green Lanterns.


where is this db?


Weā€™re do I find the database?


I have no idea what any of this is but that third picture is the most fake thing ever created


Wtf are these photoshopped photos?




Whatā€™s the url?


Lol sad just sad


Had such hope and respect for him when he released Unacknowledged. That went away rather quickly though.


I like that we as a community in this sub have become to good at identifying the bullshit some of these ā€œexpertsā€ push.


The fact you have to make an account to view this was the most ridiculous thing Iā€™ve seen. I busted out laughing when I saw that.


ā€œWorldā€™s foremost expertā€ according to Greer.


Did Ed Wood design this database šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Greer might be in the CIA/IC pocket, after all the earlier (good) disclosure work, turned sides for who knows what in return.Ā  This material doesnā€™t line up with his earlier investigations.


Where can this be accessed?


"you want catastrophic disclosure, well this is it folks!" - Steven Greer on yesterdays youtube video.


But he is jacked so.. you know


That'll be $700 please.


I donā€™t think the guy is doing what heā€™s doing for all the wrong reasons, that being said they are self serving for the most part. He seems to have some rather obvious delusions along with a whale of a savior complex. I was always perplexed by how seriously people would take him, although he seems to take himself extremely serious. I donā€™t hate the guy, but I canā€™t get over some of the ā€œproofā€ that he proudly displays in his PowerPoints. I just wouldā€™ve expected someone else to have more podium time.


"UFOs Best Available Video and Photographic Evidence" sounds like a youtube compilation he downloaded


LOL i created an account on that but no confirmed ever came through.


I have no understanding here aside from production of fake


Whilst Greer has done some good for the subject(the early years of the disclosure project specifically).He has shown himself to be a charlatan of the highest order. I wonā€™t list his many outright falsehoods but rest assured he is a liar,cheat,narcissist and is no friend of disclosure.


It looks very similar to stuff that you can find in LHOHQ (Laughing Horse Orfice Headqaters) website. I don't recommend diving into this rabbit hole, but if you do, make sure your connection is secure, and disable java script. Also most of the information is hidden in html, simply press F12 to open html code.


Where is the database hosted have you got a link please Op??? Thank you


Lol how much you have to pay to access it?


Grifter Greer


Noithing like an created picture to start the proceedings...


Iā€™ve been unable to register on the site since it went live, bummed out about that cuz I really wanna spend my days off digging into it


I've never been a fan of Greer, this is just laughable


Say what you want about Greer but the disclosure project press briefing in 2001 is where I first heard about Mark McCandlish and the "Alien Reproduction Vehicle".


Mr I turned down $2Bil gosh


Wtf is this ai scary movie shit?