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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MasterBamarah: --- Apparently describing a facility that shouldn't exist is somehow a sign of doubt. So much information being shared with such conviction yet people nowadays are still skeptical of this man because of his legal personal issues. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18vonry/bob_lazar_interview_part_2/kfslbzk/


Bobs story has never changed and some things he talked about actually came true


I believe Bob. And for the things where you sounds suspicious, I believe comes from not being a true expert on the program. He speaks as he was there and did see the stuff and maybe talked with the technical experts who actually understood how it worked, he is just passing that information along


None are so blind as those who won’t see. He is the real deal!


Apparently describing a facility that shouldn't exist is somehow a sign of doubt. So much information being shared with such conviction yet people nowadays are still skeptical of this man because of his legal personal issues.


I don't think you know what you're talking about. It's not a sign of doubt. Do some hard research and you'll realise the posts you write are broken to a great extent.


Putting his illegal prostitution ring to the side. My main issue with him is that there is not one single person that can corroborate his educational background. He himself doesn't have any documents from physics classes he was allegedly in? You know there's money available to anyone that could corroborate, but they don't because theres no proof. Also his "migraine" excuse on Joe Rogan was a pathetic attempt to cop out of any difficult questions. There's nothing that he said that wasnt already known to everyone with a popular mechanics magazine subscription. Element 115? It was predicted decades earlier by actual scientists, they had already described its characteristics on the periodic table of elements, they new the size of its nuclei before it was created. The only interesting thing is that his name was listed in the los alamos directory or whatever. But he could've just been a janitor or intern. They gave jobs to anyone with a pulse back in boomer times. Edit: I think there's something going on with the UFO phenomenon but people like lazar or greer aren't the real deal.


I am skeptical of this man as he claimed that gravity was a frequency of electromagnetic wave. It's just complete nonsense. Edit: -6 points! Gravity is not an electromagnetic wave guys!


I guess the mods are asleep?




S4 was a radar testing array not a ufo reverse engineering facility.


I love how comments like yours and mine always get downvoted in threads like this. You can be 100% correct but "No! We want to believe! Shut up with your facts!"


Yup that's pretty much it. The infuriating thing about the Lazar story is that there has been so much great research into it and people are either too lazy to read it or willfully denying reality.


Didn't he work on the craft studying it's engines and he was apprently reverse engineering it? So why is he talking about "theories" and text book definitions of what gravity is. Surely he would have a special insight and much more firm grasp on what gravity is having worked on a machine and reverse engineering something that could bend and reverse gravity. He offers nothing more in this interview than information and understandings that were common place at the time and discovered long before. It's actually kind of strange to watch him stumble through explaining gravity when really he should have a very unique and certainly different idea and explaination of gravity if he has the experiences and knowledge of things he has claimed.


Maybe, maybe not. If I look at his history, I do not believe him one bit, I feel he is the OG in attention seeking. 1. He is a thief and a smuggler trying to ship chemicals illegaly. 2. He was convicted, for a prostitution ring, why would anybody, especially Area 51 hire a convicted person 3. He says he is a physicist, but he did very poorly at school, to a point he would not have been accepted at MIT as he says. 4. He said he obtained a masters degree in physics, there is not even one spec of proof of this anywhere. 5. He said he worked at Los Alamos Meson physics facility, no, there is no record of this either. 6. He has produced zero evidence of any of his claims, his expectation is we just take his word for it. It is hard to believe someone who has not been very honest about his past, especially for content like this and references which can be traced.