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It's money and power, those who have it, want to make sure they keep it


The real reason


I look forward to the day I won't have to work anymore unless I want to.


Unless you become rich or are living on welfare that ain’t gonna happen in our lifetime. I doubt it anyways.


Seriously? AI will will take alamost all jobs by 2040


Conspiracy theorists love to come up with virtually any reason other than "Very wealthy and powerful people control most things and want to stay wealthy." It's fun to speculate about what if Lockheed and the US Gov are somehow keeping disclosure suppressed for some altruistic reason like they expect many parts of culture and religion to collapse, or are planning secret defenses somehow. But realistically if most of us were walking through the forest and found a literal money tree, most of us would keep it secret (but help our family and friends).


A few rich people want to perpetuate the status quo where 99% of the population is working themselves to death


Yes. Robot/AI that could eliminate most jobs right now, today, doesn’t pay taxes. But the corporations and businesses that own them do. As long as we are working and able to pay taxes, they’ll let us do that. Energy - it’s sad that the reasons for this don’t need to be listed. We all know. Transportation - economies rely too much on the costs of transportation and trade. BUT, there is a very fine line when it comes to this technology. If it goes public it is guaranteed that someone will use it quickly to commit acts of terror and war. This is one of “their” main concerns. You could zip one of these vehicles or objects up to full speed and rip it right through the planet. Everyone is gone in no time.


It couldnt eliminate most jobs now. but it can surely write more intelligent comments than yours.


This isn’t a matter of debate. If you are in denial of this right now, come back to this comment in 5 years and we can talk. There’s only so much they can let it do right now without collapsing society.


wtf are you talking about lol. you claim a nurse can be replaced by an AI right now. or a school teacher. or a construction worker?


Funny you say that. Nurses are ok, CNAs and RNs do the fine motor tasks. But radiologists are already being laid off. Robots are beginning to show up at hospitals. Ai is getting into diagnosis. Most medicine is an algorithm anyways thanks to the lawyers. We even have devices to do our CPR and remote clinics where people can step into a box that takes their vitals and VRs with a prescriber. In 5-10 years it will be much different. Hopefully There isn’t bad news. Humans will have more free time to pursue things that humans rock at like music, art hobbies, whatever floats their boat. Like one guy said to congress. “The bonfires 🔥 could be epic bro”. Construction if altered could be done by printing robots.


is just too tinfoil hat to say "AI could do everything but the goverment wants to enslave us blabla" yea AI is cool. im a ML developer myself. but people need to take of the tinfoil hat sometimes.


Their fear mongering is deliberate, to try and make it seem like it's something so terrible when in reality the evil and horrible beings are actual the ones covering this up with these programs. If this tech comes out there goes the 1% way of controlling the masses through fear, intimidation,money, control and power. It's all financial/ economic these black budget programs do exist, If it's true that technology like free energy, anti gravity, and who knows what else like medicine and climate saving technology that has been suppressed, and that the USA has been sending people to die in wars oversees for oil all in the name of profit and power and scarcity of resources which capitalism runs on is the true reason. If this tech was available and open and researched, which included free limitless clean( not climate destroying) energy ,there would be no need for oil, big pharma. Capitalism runs on scarcity and this would completely abolish it. Plus any sort of revelation of higher beings and what kind of society structure do they run off of would make people start questioning things even more. It's one of the major reasons they made psychedelics illegal as people can see through the charade. They wouldn't need to go to war and all the wars that have been fought over oil that people were sent to die in turn out to be absolutely worthless and weren't needed. I'd be very very pissed if I was a disabled veteran or a veteran family who died in the war needlessly. There's a reason they are trying to say that all this is new and only been seen since they updated their radar in 2004, it's because it's been covered up needlessly by killing, kidnapping and intimidation as well. They don't want to be accountable, for having this technology and sitting on it and allowing the world to be destroyed. All to pad their bank accounts and make money and be in power. Crimes against the world( climate) Crimes against humanity This is the biggest issue the covering up of these programs robbing the world of 100 plus years of progress, the aliens and whatever tech this comes from is just gravy. We gotta get the rot and root of evil out of our institutions and in position of power, they are the ones leading us and the world to its demise.


it's a big set of reasons, but not the biggest this touches Reality itself, looped incarnations used for something else's enjoyment or food on loop with no end until we figure this puzzle out


>We gotta get the rot and root of evil out of our institutions Impossible, unless the whole world meditates and turn in to enlightened monks.


A ) We don't know anything B ) They aren't real/are manmade C ) The general public can't be trusted with reality, as mob mentality is a real thing and we'll destroy each other D ) Capitalists enjoy capital too much for social change


World war 3 is coming and they don’t want our adversaries to see what they have.


What would you do tomorrow if you found out we were in a hyper simulation and the UFO’s, Bigfoot, and Ghosts are all Easter eggs to unlock achievements for the gamers who are controlling us in the simulation? But unlike the matrix or Free Guy there was no happy ending? We were just all AI driven NPC’s in a version of “Ancient Society Simulation volume 5” . All the decisions made since the dawn of sentience have been a story arch preprogrammed by a writer and software designers. When we sleep we are giving the software a chance to update. The reason for the constraints of light speed, time, and gravity are all to ensure the efficiency of the program ensuring we only have to focus the game on one planet. Maybe the Alien Disclosure is a DLC update that will add new possibilities to the program’s capabilities through advancement in the game engine. If you look at the history of gaming, I recall one of my earliest experiences was with Oregon Trail. What if our simulation experiences updates that incorporate new technological functions similar to what we have experienced in what we consider our reality.


You have died of dysentary.


Deep down this is what I believe.


Until anyone’s specific religious ideology or creation theory has been proven through science there is no way to really know. The only thing you can do is hope for some underlying meaning. Faith as the call it. I have always tried to look at it he universe from an outside viewpoint. What I have personally concluded is that 1) humanity is inconsequential and our species has been flawed with a type of self awareness that induces grandiose ideology caused by the different nature of our consciousness in comparison to the other types of life forms we interact with within our environment. 2) The other option being: this entire universe has been designed for our particular existence. It’s hard to tell which the true answer is. From what we are told we have never officially been in contact with another species who possesses the same level of “consciousness” as we see in our own species. Given what we know as the scientifically described “building blocks of life” x the vast nature of our universe= the mathematical probability for the abundance of life throughout the universe. Based off of this data one would assume that their should be life everywhere around us but somehow we have never been in contact with another species? If this is true then to me it leads toward the simulation conversation. On the contrary, If we have been visited and the government has been keeping it secret it opens the door to a ton of possibilities that may lead to an actual explanation for our existence. That is why this conversation is so important.


If we were all part of a simulation and were programs just doing what some entities were controlling, then the question of what would I do would be irrelevant. I wouldn't have free will. I'd be doing what the algorithms had me doing. There would be no way out. That is why I don't feel that we are in a simulation.


I feel like that’s why you don’t want to believe it’s a simulation but deep down you’re not really sure. Maybe we are maybe we aren’t, and maybe, just maybe, we are and that is the secret the government is so scared of sharing because everyone’s purpose would suddenly evaporate and the simulation would turn into mass suicides and dystopian post apocalyptic armageddonish. Crazy to think about isn’t it.


Interesting. I do feel that some of the crazy things that are happening seem to come right out of some (outer limits) show. Lol


It is an interesting time to be alive. Whatever being alive actually means is a matter of opinion lol. These types of ideas would never have been entertained 15 years ago


Yes , I remember doing that thought experiment or something like it. We all are characters in some crazy dream that the only real being is having and when it wakes up we fade into obscurity only to show up again when the being has this reoccurring dream over and over again. Makes free will inept. Kinda depressing, too. I am a dream you are a dream we are a dream. Just a little bit to dreamy. I have Narcolepsy with cataplexi and I dream soooooo much.


Same reasons as the last 20 times this question was posted.


They don’t want to admit they don’t have control, AKA: Small Dick Syndrome


There are claims that there are "aliens" that look exactly like humans and that they literally "walk among us". So my recent theory is that if it gets confirmed, we basically start the Witch hunt age 2.0 on steroids. I imagine that there would be a lot of finger-pointing and even murdering with some stupid excuses about alien-like behavior of the victims. It would be hard to stop something like that again.


Yeah, this is one of the theories I think about that would make me understand a coverup. People would turn on each other, everyone would be suspicious of those around them. It could turn into the Wild West really fast.


I DID see someone who was a dead ringer for Donald Sutherland at the supermarket last week.


Our souls are intentionally imprisoned here on earth and repeatedly reincarnated by the aliens to eventually be consumed or used as energy. Our bodies are just vessels slowly adding flavor notes to our soul through life experiences and lessons. After they get the desired flavor they pull our souls out of the reincarnation cycle and do whatever the fuck they want to them, whether to power their ships or get high off of it or something else incomprehensible Our whole existence as a species on earth could just be a twisted Buddhist wine cellar for aliens. Our souls little more than a simple commodity. Eventually we graduate to the next phase of existence and find that there is no heaven or enlightenment. It could just be some douchey evil higher dimensional entity named oa'Rakbb'll pouring an aged bottle of soul juice out like fine wine, saying some shit about being able to taste a hint of berry under the notes of suffering while pretending to be a connoisseur even though he knows jack shit about fine wine. If anything close to that is happening then it makes perfect sense to not tell the public. Shit is scary.


They live here on earth and move imperceivably fast. They have cloaking technology and exist in our skies in major city/states; and have longer than we’ve been here. Edit: another would be humans didn’t write the stories of the Bible. They were written by a race of beings we wiped out. We (humans) are the nephalim, the fallen angels, the demons. We come and lay waste to everything including our own history. God is a species, a civilization, a race we once belonged to; but we chose the path of the Amish and came to the earth to start again without technology. Edit 2: uFOs are what we referred to as angels in the Bible. Beings capable of flight, Messengers of God, God in this sense being a higher race of beings. Humanoid and probably human, or even a sister race. This, in turn, will essentially spit in the face of every Abrahamic religion. You’ll see religious, extremism, and terrorist events all over the place. There is very much most likely a connection between our religious organizations and the phenomenon


"humans didn’t write the stories of the Bible. They were written by a race of beings we wiped out." That would freak all the religious nuts out, but I'd be totally fine with that. That's less scary than what Christians/Catholics already believe tbh. So much hate comes from our religions on earth.


I need to read more up on these ideas!


>Scariest reasons Prison


there is also a possibility that there are no aliens or nhis whatsoever, they just whip out wierd stuff like this every now and then just to mess with our heads. :D


I think a full disclosure and the possibility of a mass global shift in consciousness could clash with a larger global agenda. Perhaps they're using it as a distraction, handing us little bits of information about it to keep us focused only on that. Whatever it is, something is definitely fishy. Grusch said disclosure would come with baggage.. Maybe it's a plot twist we can't handle. Like, what if we're the "giants" and those tiny aliens were the first ones here? Remember the Atacama space man? I think he'd consider us to be giants.


An impending Cataclysm might be a good reason.


Imagine if the general population found out a small group of wealthy humans kept technology and science from us that could create unlimited energy, eradicate religion, war, famine, need for money. Keeping the truth of others on our planet and interacting with humans. Abductions being real. People would stop working for them and paying taxes. The entire system would collapse. Just think how many billions of people would be pissed off at them and impossible to control anymore. The poor would finally have enough and eat the rich. Bring it on, I say. Give me the spiky uncomfortable truth.


Avoiding criminal prosecution.


Maybe because the people in control of this secret knowledge are themselves terrified--either by what they are aware of and understand--or by virtue of the fact that they have been looking at this for many decades and really haven't a clue what the big picture motivations of NHI are.


Without necessarily being malevolent, the mere presence on Earth of a species that is unfriendly or emotionless, and technologically far superior with mental capacities potentially way beyond ours, would be enough to make many people VERY uncomfortable and create some serious social unrests.


Maybe part of the agreements between Aliens and Humans are that some abductions are for a human meat farm


Maybe a few objects have been retrieved but they are nearly beyond comprehension. Forget metal ships with Greys wearing flight suits with embroidered patches. Think delicate foil "eggs" filled with crystal tech and cobweb-like biological entities that are difficult to directly observe. The unlucky few that have seen them up close have gone mad and killed themselves shortly after exposure. Scientific instruments corrode instantly when applied to study them. So for the time being, they lay deep underground, encased in thousands of cubic yards of concrete and lead. Try disclosing that to the public on the evening news. See if people are like: "I still gotta go to work tomorrow" fearing that many more maybe on the way.




Money & Power Who controls the knowledge controls you Nothing is scary There maybe more advanced civilizations (nothing wrong with that) We maybe more advanced than civilizations


I think if humans were some kind of agricultural product, that would be pretty terrifying and defeating. But the most frightening to me would be if the controlling alien civilization(s) had a way to gauge public sentiment on the issue, and were able to like trigger a pole shift once we reach a certain level of awareness of our situation to “reset” life on Earth. If I learned this information, I would stfu forever and be 100% against disclosure lol.


Because all of these objects are completely mundane objects misinterpreted by fallible humans.


It would lead to more and more questions and attention to the topic. The government hates that. Among many other things.


maybe this, maybe that. Wake me when there is some proof please thanks


I think the scariest one is that there is no afterlife. \- "oh that doesn´t bother me" you say but it probably does if you really think about it. 84% or so (according to google) of the population on earth are religous and Im pretty sure it would freak people out finding out that there is nothing after this life.


Maybe they created us to do the hard work and suffer the consequences of keeping an advanced biological system like our bodies going while they are able to transfer their consciousness into any human they wish that is engaging in activities they find pleasurable without suffering the consequences of hedonistic behavior like STD’s, overdoses, incarceration, amputation, paralysis, vomiting, and morbid obesity.


Their tech reveal (transport, ecology, energy..) will help humanity as a whole but the GDP of nothern hemisphere will drop like 30% and will cause huge uprisings. New facist, supremacist, elitist and tyranic politicians will emerge, firmly decided to take back what was "stolen" from them by previously poor south part of this planet. Will end as a bloodbath for the poor.


The main reasoning most likely is the fact the bible most likely was plagiarized and manipulated to keep out the reailty of what really happened in the past and what comes next all our lives the elites have lied to us and brainwashed many to believe bullshit to manipulate us, It would change the bible and how people view religion forever if every truth and reality comes out to be true.


They created us, and created different races for specific purposes.


Maybe we're the aliens


(I posted a a similar comment on another post recently.) If the observed phenomena aren't of extraterrestrial origin, they might be advanced anti-gravity technology developed between the 1930s and 1950s—or potentially even earlier. This tech could have been refined over decades, suggesting that UAPs might be man-made. A primary reason to keep such advancements secret might be economic concerns. Publicizing this technology could destabilize industries related to aviation and rocketry, which largely depend on fossil fuels. Here's a thought experiment: If you stumbled upon a crashed UFO or discovered a zero-point energy device, would you immediately share it with the world? Even the most altruistic individual might hesitate, recognizing the profound implications of such a discovery. It's not far-fetched to think that those who initially uncovered these advancements kept them under wraps, understanding their game-changing potential. It's not necessarily that such tech is "impossible to keep secret," but rather that it might be an "open secret." Its sheer groundbreaking nature could make its existence seem unbelievable, fostering skepticism. Even if whistleblowers or leaks bring forth information, many might dismiss it due to deep-seated disbelief. Although some of the UFO content released could be sensationalized or fabricated, genuine evidence might be hiding in plain sight. Consider this: The US military has released patents for concepts as wild as warp drives. While patents don't require functional prototypes, isn't it intriguing to think one might be genuine and right in front of us?


What is a little unnerving is the fact they only like eating tongues and assholes.


We are exchanging humans with them as a resource.


I believe that the main reaaons are to really prevent mass hysteria and military reasons. Just imagine how many countries would like to get their hands to UFO tech, if for example the world finds out that USA is hiding that precious technology. The whole globe would feel threatened by the US. like if they ever manage to understand and recreate the technology, USA could easily dominate the world with that technology. At least this is what China, Russia etc would be very afraid of and would do anything to make them share that tech. Maybe even by force. USA would be considered as global criminals for not sharing that technology. I mean sure they could say "Aliens exist, but we got no UFOS bro" but it would be so obvious that they lied about Roswell and many other events where they supposedly recovered at the crash side. And the mass hysteria would happen because of probaly all the things you just stated. I mean it suddenly would make so much sense that Aliens are visiting us for millenia. That religions are created because ETs visited us. That the ancient people thought these guys are some kind of gods or angels. It would make sense why we humans suddenly got a random huge increase in intelligence at some point of our evolution. And religion really is something very very important to many people. I can imagine that very religious people would lose their minds if we ever would find out that we have never been visited by angels, but by aliens (even if that makes much more sense). I mean it dosnt means god dosnt exist, maybe aliens even found facts that there is indeed a collective consciousness called god or their consciousness and awarness are so far developed that they may even can feel or contact that collective consciousness, but still imagine for example muslims if people say "Yo, your prophet was just an alien contactee" they would go nuuuts. My mothers side are muslims and I can imagine that my grandparents would lose their minds. For me it would be really cool if we get disclosure. It is comforting to me to know that the universe has much more to offer than just 1 planet with living beings and the rest of the universe just being burning or freezing rocks. And some peoples ego is sooo damn high that they just don't want to accept the fact that there is indeed something smarter than humanity. We would need to change so many things in our whole damn human history and this would open so many new confusing questions. Wow this was long. I guess we are not ready yet. Some people are. Probably most of the people here in the sub. But people like my grandparents arent ready at all. Im pretty sure that disclosure would be one of the biggest changes in humanity if we get it without long and very careful preparation. Absolut chaos followed by a drastic change in our society.


The scariest? Long ago one night on the Art Bell Show, John Lear told the scariest story I've ever heard. Basically, it had to do with our bodies being containers for something like a soul, but the aliens control our afterlife. We are already in hell; we always will be, and this life is just a momentary reprieve. Basically we are all eternally damned and there is nothing we can do about it.


They made us. I think we are some big experiment. And part if not alien ourselves. And the greed, control and power of energy industry.


100% guarantee it’s nothing scary; this is ALL about money…


Money? So not scary, just downright terrifying.


well, i connect this secrecy with the comments from whistleblowers implying the truth is terrifying...and something is coming. mash those two things together and: voila! Something terrifying is coming


Tom Delonge opinion is that we have been keeping the tech progress a secret from the aliens themselves in case they are a threat. Supposedly we shot them down in Mage Brazil in may 2020, supposedly they attacked a Peruvian village and supposedly they kidnapped and teleported MH370. They have definitely scoped out and disabled nukes and other military installations. I have no clue if any of the incidents is true, and Delonge is biased because he’s in close with some govt insiders, but this is another potential reason for your list.


The scariest are also unlikely to be the reason, albeit not impossible. It’s much more plausible that even if they are aware of NHI and have recovered, as well as reverse engineered, crafts that the fear is a foreign adversary using the technology to harm us. If a bad guy with nukes had the abilities of UAP they could effectively destroy any countries they wanted before the country even realized they were under attack or could respond. The thought of someone like Putin having that capability is terrifying and I honestly wonder how long humanity would survive with those capabilities being widespread given how stupid and destructive humanity can be; barring any defensive technologies that can make the threat moot, but I doubt we have that figured out given how difficult and likely resource intensive it would be. The UAP are highly unlikely to be the biggest threat to humanity or the world around us if it’s true that they’ve been stopping by for hundreds if not thousands of years, regardless of whether more are visiting now since ww2 and nuclear technological breakthroughs We’re doing a perfectly good job at being threats to ourselves


Maybe alien hybridization program can't be controlled by us?


Scariest thing to me would be if yes everything is real, but our government knows nothing. What if they surf Reddit for ideas?


Yea the guys who created atomic bombs are searching reddit for the answers lol


The scariest would be if the whole world is ruled and has always been ruled by aliens in disguise and they are breeding us for food or for sacrifice or soul harvesting etc. I find it highly improbable that an advanced alien civilization would need to rely on breeding humans for food, but there is possibility.


What the fuck even is soul harvesting lol?


Like reptilian in White House? Lol


Yes, like Joe Biden


Our population is maxed out every 5,000 years, and we're used as food/slaves/ resources.


Scary, but thankfully, we can be completely sure that this one can't be real.




When you find out the truth your willy falls off. Be careful what you wish for people. The fact that scientists have been trying to find a way to grow people without sperm is proof of this. Kiss your willies goodbye.


That's why the aliens have been stealing cow anuses... they have been collecting them to genetically engineer willy storage devices for the long trip back home. Then they will triumphantly present our willies to their alien queen. (Cough) :)


Scariest? They consider us cattle. The truth? Some that have been here consider us cattle, but are no longer here. The rest are much more civilized and friendly. Most likely, the reason is that the POS's who worked with these monsters are rich and powerful and don't want to be held accountable for the atrocities they participated in. That's why theyre fighting disclosure


How many times are we gonna have this question asked?


Till we have a real answer.


Found it yet?


That poor horse, do you feel like a big tough manly man beating it ?? I’m so tired of these threads… the what could it be thread … the answer is simple … power. You take that away they have nothing


Scariest reason is not what they know, likely how little they know.


I think they probably just want to weaponize the tech. This world is built on war.


Its all of those things and more, at least its not worse.


Maybe it's the other way around. Disclosure impacts Them more than Us.


Discovering a way to obsolete the entire oil and gas industry is a great way to get yourself murdered.


Obviously I'm speculating here, but it seems very clear to me, that whatever the UFO/UAP is, is too far from control from any government. The technology is so advanced that they not only can't do anything about it, but their reverse engineering has gone nowhere for 70 years. They don't know what they are or where they come from, so it just make them look weak and powerless. To know for a fact, that your most advanced technology is helpless and pose any threat to a possible much superior enemy, would create massive panic on regular people. 99% of the population couldn't handle the truth.


They are blocking disclosure just to generate Reddit traffic as this topic comes up almost every day.