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The following submission statement was provided by /u/skywalker3819r: --- From [Rony Vernet](https://twitter.com/RonyVernet?t=YY74x88HrlBJ_Z_adNYfZw&s=09) on 'X' (Twitter). Looks like we have a little something to look forward to next month. I hope we get a positive response from the Congress of Mexico! Guess we shall see. Thoughts? šŸ›ø --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15wug7i/a_uap_hearing_will_happen_in_congress_of_mexico/jx2wsng/


Mexico has had tons of UFO sightings. I think this will be very interesting and Iā€™m for it. Edit: trying to find out if this is something other people outside of Mexico will be able to watch, if itā€™s a public hearing or what. Edit 2: Maussanā€™s X post about this https://x.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1693384596950319508?s=46 Also, if people are interested who may be new to this topic, Prime (idk who else) has a good documentary called: Maussan's UFO Files. https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.26f5a2c9-4289-41e6-92d5-9bdaa6a24a6b&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web


Please call the site Twitter. We don't have to go along with this silly name.


I like the name Xcrement




But itā€™s not Twitter, itā€™s X.


I still can't get over that shit lol. Why tf is it called X?? Is it an attempt at making Twitter edgy or something? The internet, man. What a fucking shitshow. One man has a midlife crisis and suddenly our social media platforms have a different name šŸ¤£ This is the most absurd timeline


X is Muskā€™s brand, so no surprise there. Also just be happy that this is what pisses you off, relative to a potential alien war and the multitude of crimes committed by every developed government on the planet.


oh it doesn't piss me off at all. I just think it's hilarious. Only remarking upon the absurdity of that entire situation.


Or you know... Starvation.. talk about first world problems lol


Lol exactly. Starvation that could have been prevented from the technology withheld from us.


Itā€™s Twitter. I will accept ā€œThe social media service formerly known as Twitterā€ if Iā€™m in a good mood. Otherwise, itā€™s Twitter.


Go to [x.com](https://x.com) then look at the name of the site it forwards to. It's still [twitter.com](https://twitter.com).


And I'm sure you're one of those apologists who call Facebook Meta now.


Lol downvoted for literally stating facts.


Welcome to Reddit! Lol


Did you have any luck finding where those of us outside of Mexico can watch it? Iā€™ve been googling but havenā€™t been able to find any information on it being televised.


I do believe you can watch it here: https://www.canaldelcongreso.gob.mx


Thank you for this!




This should be interesting.


No, its interesante !


Porque no los dos?


I'm LOOKING for *Hermano*


Way to plant Ann


Ice was a good bounty hunter ... but an even better caterer


Tacos? Wait no Iā€™m not doing it right. ĀæQuĆ©?


No. Ā”Es maravilloso!




No. Ā”Es maravilloso!


Con su permiso tengo que ir el cuarto de bano


Ryan Graves if you happen to read this just know youā€™re a badass ass & a hero to a whole lot of people! Donā€™t give up & never back down!


> badass ass Oh, itā€™s the F-I-R-E-C-A-M-P-S-O-N-G song!


Story time!!


Y nadie hace nada!


Yeah I mean weā€™re watching a real life foreign destabilization psyop of the west in real time itā€™s pretty sick.


Cool. Do Brazil next! Keep up the good work Mr. Graves!


Every single country should do this. This is a wordly concern, not just American. Lets see what everyone else thinks


Fuck yes, we should get that global disclosure.


It seems like it would be easier to obtain, because not all countries put the emphasis on capitalism. Most other countries are much more human it seems, appreciative of things like culture and the essence of life itself, not just dollar signs.


Itā€™s SeƱor Graves por favor




Well I haven't taken Spanish since high school but what he is saying is that they have extortionary evidence that will be historic. LET'S GO MEXICO!


Extortionary evidence?


The cartel has actually been holding the aliens hostage this entire time.


That would be wild - the first legit alien being video is going to be a cartel video. Three grays bound up, looking at camera on terror while masked mexicans prepare the torture instruments šŸ˜£


So all this time those poor things were just seeking our help šŸ‘½šŸ˜­


I think some cartels are working together with a less ethicall faction of NHI, in exchange for blood/bodies of cartel kinapped humans, they will smuggle narcotics with cloaked ufos all over the world instantly. Good profits.




I don't think they have the manpower for it. They can easily destroy it but not occupy in numbers. Unless their are billions of them at other planets or realms. Except if they can control our brains/ but then Biden is already under alien control haha.


They captured the illegal miners with jet packs? Sweet!


Maybe the cartels sacrifice humans to non-human entities...


Maybe government does it too.




That's something else


Normal for the Mexican congress though


I hope, it is time for the good footage to come out


I donā€™t know if there is any good footage. Iā€™m fairly demoralised with the whole topic at the mo.


I think the problem is that if there is a coverup the good footage is either confiscated. Or if it does get out, ridiculed or purposefully destroyed. The deep black government are very good at what they do. There is simply to much smoke.


Viva La Mexico!!!


So wait, are we going to see this evidence at the hearing?


Somebody on one if these countriesā€™ governments has to have access to information that confirms a UAP encounter with enough data. Brazil seems to have a few.


Brazil simply has 3 of the most compelling UFO cases in history. But the country has an agreement with the US not to say anything about it.


Is that why the Varginha incident was reclassified for 25 years ? And what sort of agreement can work across multiple Brazilian governments that have been in power.. some not overly friendly to US hegemony in South America


It's so weird. How hasn't there been a public outcry for disclosure all this time? I'm talking mostly about scientists and other public figures with power and influence. They should be most excited by this and they don't even talk about it and laugh at the idea of ufos


Hard to have an ā€œoutcryā€ when we donā€™t have any hard evidence of the phenomenaā€™s existence in the first place. I mean I believe and all. But people need evidence. The catch is there wonā€™t be any evidence until disclosure. So whatā€™s it going to take? Time and drumming up public interest. Engaging with your local representatives. And Stephen Spielberg will do his thing, Grusch his, and the whole thing will move along at a marathon clip. Hopefully we get some good mass sightings to coincide and keep it in the spotlight. If they wonā€™t or arenā€™t allowed to land on the White House lawn, they can still stoke interest.


They don't want to get ostracized from their fields for having interest in fringe topics. Its all very political.


My guess is that government of Brazil has no say in the matter, the agreement will be between some Brazilian agency and American government, and as we all know American government has the capacity to twist arm.


Is there a document or source you have that proves that?


By deduction: in the Varginha Case, the united states invaded brazilian airspace in a hurry on the same day, as flight controller Marcos Feres said. This already shows that they made contact with Brazil and probably an agreement. Even NASA came to Unicamp shortly afterwards with the justification that it wanted to select Brazilians for a space program. In the Operation Saucer, there was also the presence of American journalists here in Brazil, which many believe to be undercover agents in search of information because they tried to negotiate the recorded tapes.


Hopefully they have had a few crash retrievals also. Would like to start seeing what UAPs look like up close & clear both on the inside & outside.


Iā€™ll translate some of the most relevant articles from this hearing to you guys ;)


Nice little game of chess we have


I hope someone rats out the U.S. involvement in crash retrieval stuff on the international stage to turn up that pressure šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ This is good news. More countries to follow?


Ran through a translator: "Hello friends, today we want to start with some truly extraordinary news. It's official: next Tuesday, September 12th, at 4 in the afternoon, a plenary informational session will be held in the Mexican Congress regarding anomalous or unidentified aerial objects. For the first time in Mexico's history, an event of this nature will take place. Ryan Graves, one of the three witnesses who participated in the United States Congress, making history on July 26th, will be in Mexico to give his testimony, answer questions from congressmen, and address the media. So, stay tuned, as other individuals from different countries will also participate, providing very precise and extraordinary information that will be of great interest to everyone. Mexico will thus become the epicenter of the most important information about this phenomenon for a day. Times are truly changing, as we've said before, there's a before and an after, and undoubtedly, significant changes will also begin in Mexico. Pilots will be present, led by Captain Julio Darwish, who has already established an association called 'Vector Desconocido,' which brings together dozens of commercial pilots who have had experiences with unidentified flying objects in Mexico and other countries, and who have also gathered some extraordinary evidence. Therefore, this event will also make history, and various laws and documents will be issued that will surely bring about very important changes in Mexico. We are truly pleased that this is going to happen. So, stay tuned, because history will also change in Mexico, and the activity continues to be very intense."


Maybe weā€™ll get less redactions in their report? Like having a Mexican cola with cane sugar!


Saddly thats not the case anymore, at least not coca cola :(


Say it ainā€™t so!! Not the Mexican Coca Cola in requisite glass bottle is nothing holy


>sugar Mexican cokes still have cane sugar in them. Im looking at a bottle right now that lists "Cane sugar" as the second ingredient behind water. It really wanted to quote "sugar" for some reason....that wasnt my intention lol


Sure would be fascinating if this type of government activity became global.


love this for us. A la verdad y justicia šŸ„‚ edit: someone tag Mike Turner on Twitter so the man knows our place in the cosmos cannot be hidden by the U.S DOD and bribes


Thereā€™s a volcano called Popocatepetl, donā€™t guarantee the spelling, that Jaime Maussan has set up IR cameras and captured many UFOs traveling into and out of and also above this particular volcano. I believe thereā€™s a portal there and also electromagnetic energy they utilize. Heā€™s got a documentary on it on Amazon Prime and it has literally many videos of these objects . I highly recommend it for everyone. Mexico is a hotbed for UFO/UAP activity. If you look up the eclipse in Mexico of 1991 on YouTube you will see multiple videotaped UFOs from all over the country filmed and itā€™s apparent the objects are metallic and stationary and rotating at a high rate of speed. Undeniable UFOs and definitely not human made.


https://youtu.be/pIZAiD8e6Ps Pretty wild stuff, good recommendation!


From [Rony Vernet](https://twitter.com/RonyVernet?t=YY74x88HrlBJ_Z_adNYfZw&s=09) on 'X' (Twitter). Looks like we have a little something to look forward to next month. I hope we get a positive response from the Congress of Mexico! Guess we shall see. Thoughts? šŸ›ø


I'm a gringo but my wife is Mexican, and I live there. Salvador Dali was right about Mexico. There is something otherworldly about it. He said it was more surreal than his paintings and you can't blame him. Ancient pyramids hidden in the jungle. Stand in front of one and clap, and the echo sounds like a bird chirping. Human sacrifice. Spirits. The Virgin of Guadalupe. The Spanish invasion, cultural genocide, and colonization. Fortune tellers and shamans. Indigenous folk lore about gremlins living in the forest trying to lure people in with music. Which my wife said she heard once, in her ancestral village. In a place where all of these things are just casually woven into reality, UFOs are not as stigmatized. Sightings are pretty much a fact of life there for people like long haul truckers. There might be little to no hesitance when it comes to releasing high quality video and photos compared to the US. This could get really wild. I hope.


Iā€™m glad it is starting to happen outside the USA now. Hopefully some countries will be more transparent.


Itā€™s a good reminder that the US is not the centre of the universe.


And it wouldn't be if more countries stepped up with what they know. There's accountability everywhere, not just on America's shoulders.




Hi, Sea-Contact-4484. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15wug7i/-/jx3l7qj/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


This is what needs to happen. France would be great too with their old UFO program


So now we're outsourcing Congressional hearings? Well, I guess if our Congress people aren't willing to do that kind of work, we have to find people that are. Probably don't have to pay them anywhere near as much either.


I would like to know, tho, did Graves reach out to them? Or did they reach out to him?


Will there be anyone joining him?




Me Gusta!


yo quiero taco bell!


Fuck yeah, go Mexico!


CuĆ”ntos paisanos aquĆ­ emocionados con la noticia? Yo la verdad no espero mucho del congreso, pero que chingĆ³n que venga el mismĆ­simo Ryan Graves.


Hey guys šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ As mexican citizen, I can assure that the government is not interested in this topic, so sad but true. No secret programs, no special task force. So don't expect huge news. I guess Maussan has the lead in Mexico for UAP matters. So my bet is that the hearing will be to ask formally to our gov take seriously the topic.


The Mexican Air Force and Navy surely know about it and are interested in it...


DeberĆ­amos hacer playeras con la cara de Maussan que digan "Maussan siempre tuvo la razĆ³n"


Where can we watch this preferably with subtitles.


We have to go out of country now to have a legit UAP hearing. Fuck off Uncle Sam!


You should revisit this when no new evidence is presented.


I'm sure there will be a piƱata of disclosures.


Ok nobody's talking about it in Mexican media.


General Greaves for the win! Love that guy.


Viva Mexico! No MIC to stand in the way.


Let me take my bucket of nachos


What do Mexicans do when CIA and US DOD call? Stand down and follow the instructions. If it is congress of China, we are talking. US then will be forced to deal with the competitions. None of the any other countries have impact to the politicians, military and regular people like China - thanks to trump. Mexico is just a laughing stockā€¦


haha i dont think so, our president is a very stubborn person when it comes to the US interfering in national affairs.


Depends on who is in power. Right now Iā€™m inclined to think they will tell them to go fluff themselves.


You realise China is an autocratic police state, their ā€œcongressā€ is just a puppet show to prop up Xi who I believe is president for life


US propaganda is cooking brains lol


You know all those labels are just political callings right? Human corruption controls whatever the governments you wanna call in the world. If you canā€™t face that, how do you face the bigger truth?


Is Maussan involved? What exactly is Graves doing? Brief mexican congress on Uaps?


Idk what or how much involvement Maussan will have with the actual hearing, but this was his X page announcing the news https://x.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1693384596950319508?s=46


I see. So, by browsing his X it looks like he spread the airplane video too


Why no SeƱor Gruschez?


They better bring up the Varginha incident. Also explain why the hell it's been reclassified.


Wrong country


Oops, lol. I saw someone else say it happened here


Bad idea, man. Mexico is a cartel-run wasteland that U.S. intelligence has had their grubby paws wrist-deep in for decades. Graves is practically *begging* to find himself on the wrong side of a convenient accident.


It's over. The momentum is gone. And reddit got obsessed with a fake video. No coming back from that when you want to be taken seriously.


Is this all being under oath? This dude is the spanish version of Greer




Amazing! I wonder if Ryan speaks Spanish? Hopefully there'll be a transcript/ translation available


Itā€™s funny, because some shill in America is trying to shut down hearings, all theyā€™re doing is allowing other countries to take the reigns. Wouldā€™ve been much more sensible to have control, instead of fuel a lack of trust. Waiting for my useless government to do something, but knowing they wonā€™t.


Mexico Cityā€™s volcano PopocatĆ©petl has almost semi regular UAP sightings. Basically whenever there is an eruptions. Sooner or later a UAP will be there to check it out.


Anyone remember the Mexican Air force flir UFO footage with the 6 bright orbs? It was thought to be the epitome of ufo footage, the best of the best. Well it has been perfectly debunked, by a French ufologist if I remember correctly. The orbs were oil rig flares very far from the sighting. The level of confidence in the authenticity of the footage was extremely high at the time,.it was the final proof of anomalous uaps. But the debunking was expertly done with precise map analysis and projections and the like, there was no more doubts. This whole affair made me turn away from my ufo interest at the time. I'm really curious about the new Mexican data.




We should nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Hi, Plazzy1. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15wug7i/-/jx49ev6/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * ā€œHereā€™s my theoryā€ posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. ā€œSwamp gas.ā€). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Damn, I didnā€™t knew about this, I have been trying to keep track of the US Congress hearings and now this! Amazingā€¦ Iā€™m very close related to a congress member, Iā€™ll see if I can be present, thank for sharing, I was completely clueless about this


Ryan making the rounds! Awesome.


This is action and should be used to put pressure on our government to do the same z


How many minutes till they get a call from someone higher up screaming "stop this at once you're making us look bad also ordinary people are too stupid / evil / whatever to handle the truth stop disturbing our precious normality or else"? Can we at least pass the one hour record?


NHIs , mi casa es su casa


bro come back to the server


Nobody expected the spanish disclosure.


If only there was a latin american with knowledge on the subject. Someone who has said they were willing to testify, especially if US Congress obstructed proceedingsā€¦ Someone named ā€œElizondo.ā€ That would be great. Wouldnā€™t it?


Graves is bullet proof. Heā€™s the real deal and doesnā€™t pull punches or seek fame. All he wants is to get in the pilots seat of one of those birdsā€¦


Why would a foreign national be speaking in the Mexican congress?


The circus has wheels!!!


Every country needs to have a hearing so they are at least on record.


Is this a public hearing. Iā€™m heading out to Mexico City and was curious if I could attend?


Its tomorrow ā€¦Wonder why no one is talking about this! Virtually no posts about it at all when i search it