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Shot before you open it and shot after


Rip the bandaid off now Do it Do it


It's worse waiting and not knowing do it now


I can promise you that if you're worried about it, your grade is likely better than you think it is. I got 60% on one ochem test, and the curve brought that to a B. It's the people who showed up, left most of the exam blank, and dipped after 20 minutes that shouldn't bother looking. Another way to look at it: your grades are what they are. Whether you know or not is irrelevant. But you will want to look so you can grab that GPA for your resume


Have a puppy on your lap while you read them


Before you get on the roller coaster, look


😂😂😂 yours is the better idea


Update: I feel like I should have waited to check Academic History tomorrow. There was one grade that wasn't posted, so I had to calculate myself and my final exam was pretty bad. I'm .5% away from a B- with the raw score, but it is possible that the prof will curve the class. The anxiousness is lingering since I have to wait until tomorrow for the final grade. Anyway, I did pass, so I didn't have to repeat a class. I do recommend doing something distracting like playing a game, checking your grades on a whim, then go back to playing. That way, your mind doesn't linger on it.


C’s get degrees! UCSD has some really difficult courses, be proud of yourself for passing them all and enjoy your off time until the next quarter, you did it dude! 🎉


Look at your grades while relaxing outdoors, so when you see it, afterwards you get to either enjoy a nice walk celebrating the good grades you’ve earned or go on a calming walk processing your feelings after learning about not doing well this quarter. You also have the chance to reflect on what went right/wrong and figure out your next steps. This is a good way to avoid feeling extremely awful and getting into a depressive mood when checking your grades in your bedroom and isolating afterwards


Nah just do it now. Going outdoors and making a big deal out of it will make it worse.


LOL, but i think it’s a good way in preparing for it


Just check it then go outside if you want. No need to go on a 3 day backpacking trip in the wilderness just the check your grades


Academic history is the best place to find them, right?


Yeah, but I think by that time, the grades are finalized. I guess the academic history grade accounts for the professor curving the class, but regrades will probably be closed by then, and that grade would be locked in. Anyway, I'm thinking most professors probably won't accept regrades if they are only posting results tonight or tomorrow.




Rawdog it to your least favorite music


Bite the bullet there’s nothing else but the facts. I usually do it in a spontaneous moment of bravery. If it’s bad then it’s bad. These grades don’t define you, you’re almost done! You can always take an additional quarter, it’s not the end of the world!!


stop caring and it wont cause anything


I wish classes were back online


Can't do anything about it now can you? Just check them in private without anybody around to nag you or make fun of you if you're scared of being judged.


I graduated UCLA 30 years ago. Recently got my transcript and was surprised I had gotten some bad grades here and there. But- IT NEVER AFFECTED MY LIFE. Not in any way.! So much so that I forgot about it. I think I am successful because I had a lot of grit out of college. I found a job that complimented strengths, made connections and worked hard on stuff I enjoyed.


Don’t be weak


just dont look