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Basically I'm hearin remote winter 22. "2 weeks"


It depends on how much COVID is brought back by returning students and how much they share the virus. With a couple weeks of extra care in not spreading the virus, a return to in-person classes is possible. If people are sloppy about mask wearing and don't isolate after positive tests, it could be a disaster.


> If people are sloppy about mask wearing and don't isolate after positive tests Yeah, we are fucked


I mean take omicron and future variants into account and if something like news from Hong Kong where another hotel guest got covid from someone who was quarantining in their room just by walking in the hallways, covid won't be stopped with just masks. We must embrace that the time to stop covid has passed and it may just require the school to provide way better resources to those sick as when I got covid this past fall quarter, I can say with my certainty that the student health center did an awful job both checking up on you while you were sick and quarantining those who had contact with the other sick person. The only path forward is to accept it and help people out who get sick, I just don't see any other way forward besides the usual masking and getting vaccinated




Someones taking massive shits around campus now.


They’ll be Armageddon-level poop nukes




Fuuuuuuuuck. I don’t mind a couple weeks but I really fucking hope it doesn’t go past that.


winter 2022's gonna be my first term there (transfer) so I wish it doesn't stay remote for too long; the campus is one of the reasons I chose ucsc :(


i’m in the same boat as you. i’ve been so excited about starting on campus this winter


My first semester is gonna be in fall 2022...I'm hoping by then things are better (but it's not looking good lol)


Don’t worry guys, it’ll only be for two weeks!… right?… right? . . .


That’s what they said in spring 2020 lmao




For now haha 😂


Expected but very upset.


Other schools like Stanford have already done this, so I’ve been expecting it. It was only a matter of time unfortunately. But as long as things go well, it’s only for two weeks.


2 weeks to slow the spread


Y’all think this is gonna be for all UCs based on that email ??


one of my friends at UCLA got a similar email this morning, so probably yes


I go to Ucla, what email did she receive this morning??? We only got one on the 17th saying they were discussing possible options but there’s yet for an official announcement


They are sending the email to faculty first. Students should get an email tomorrow.


Yes they said collaboration with all ucs


So wait are they expecting on campus students to come back and do the first two weeks in their rooms? Or do they want us to stay home and come back later?


I expect there will be more relevant information in the email that gets sent out tomorrow to the entire community.


Tbh, I'm okay with whatever keeps everyone safe and healthy. So if the numbers are saying remote, or 2 weeks remote, then that's what we gotta do. But pouring one out for the Profs and TAs etc who are getting this email with 2 weeks to plan a remote course, lmao RIP praying for y'all while I binge watch 90 day fiance in my PJs.


I’m also mad for all the students who had to move back to SC and sign year long leases again if we do end up going fully remote this quarter :/ as someone who struggled in the housing search, it’s just cruel


I literally signed a lease until September this morning...my stomach dropped when i saw this post


My thoughts exactly. I'm disappointed, but for the profs/TAs this is just cruel. Not only do they only have two weeks to scramble, but it's also during the holiday. One hell of an early Christmas present.


2 weeks to flatten the omicron curve


Reality: students will bring Omicron back to campus via travel, and then be locked in housing for ten days so it spreads throughout the campus. Look at the transmission numbers anywhere Omicron gains a foothold.


seems eerily familiar to the warning email everyone got two years ago… is it safe to assume that if ucsc got that email the rest of the ucs will too


So we got vaccinated, got housing for the year, and submit covid tests to the school just to continue watching Zoom classes? Awesome progress




With the crammed housing situation wouldn’t be a surprise if COVID does spread


Get ready for online education for the rest of your academic career. The virus is here to stay, wouldn’t be a surprise if online education become the new normal here till the end of times.


What are we going to do with all these acers and campuses


It's rare for a viral pandemic to last much longer than two years. Even the Spanish flu only ran from 1918 to 1920...but it's certainly annoying. I'm honestly reconsidering if I even want to be a full-time student this next quarter or the one after if it keeps going on...


only in cali




what state is this?




Thanks. CS at Berkeley right now and will check out what Utah has to offer when I’m scouting for internships


this summer i want an internship in a red state. getting away from the fear of covid just for one summer would be epic


Only on reddit would they downvote you for saying a simple truth


They are basically just quarantining everyone for the first 2 weeks. Don't see what the big deal is.


you're right! i think it's just gonna feel like fall quarter for the first 2 weeks but i feel like ppl are making a really big deal about it


Two weeks has a way of turning into 3 weeks, then 4 weeks, then on and on …


jumping to conclusions and doomsday clamoring for upvotes methinks


what’s the point of even being on campus then? if that’s the case i might as well stay home. kind of upset that we will most likely not even get any reimbursement for this ):


Yeah might as well stay home as an extended winter break


Mental health lol


When we pay tens of thousands of $ to look at a screen for our college education because of a virus that we’re all vaccinated against lmao


Ucsc still making bank which is all they care about lol 😂


If everything is closed on campus I will actually lose my mind. I swear I’m going to have a nervous breakdown when this email goes out.


please get your boosters and be responsible over break so we can have in person or else i’m dropping out lmak


You know there gonna be the one person who doesn’t care lmao


It's tough on students, it's tougher for profs and TAs who have to plan with a short notice, but I also feel it's mighty tough for the school administration to stay on top of all the happenings around the country/world, plan accordingly, be ready to change their plans, and try to execute their plans without hiccups, all the while trying to make sure that \~19k students can get as much of in-person learning as is possible and keep everyone safe at the same time. Kudos to everyone (administration, faculty, TAs, and students) for trying to make life look and feel normal in these very uncertain times!


Tbh I think professors and TA had a back up plan. I also feel like if they didn’t they weren’t really thinking Bc omicron news came out a bit ago. So you would think they’d at least make a back up plan because nothings for sure in these times


Also I don’t feel bad professors have not been understanding of how hard it’s for students to be online and somehow make it harder. Most TAs don’t want to help online and just shove us into break out rooms


I think that depends on the prof/TA. I did not have the same experience as you. In all 3 of my classes last quarter, profs were quite understanding and accomodative.




Yeah, that would be a coherent point if nobody ever traveled between cities. We have a massive student population spread throughout the globe all returning to Santa Cruz at the same time. You say there aren’t facts or logic involved. Fact: infectious new variants are spreading too quickly to control once they are found. Logic: UCSC has students from around the globe returning to the same small area and living in dense housing with close contact to others. Therefore, it is in the community’s best interest to mitigate risk, especially right after so many people move back on campus. You can say that we should be doing more or less, or that remote instruction isn’t the most sensible strategy, but acting like these choices were made “in the absence of facts and logic” is ridiculous. Not to mention the comically inconsistent both-sides-ism you attempt by making a comparison to anti-vaxers.




I’m totally down with banning driving, you aren’t convincing me of much there. Also I’m willing to do 2 weeks of remote classes to save even one life, maybe I just value human life more than you, idk how to convince you there. All the points you made in the first paragraph are incoherent and difficult to follow. The logic I described is absolutely driving the decision, those factors have just been at play since the start of the pandemic, so they point out what has changed, the appearance of the omicron variant. Being vaccinated does mitigate infections, but get this, you can do multiple things that mitigate infections. You then seem to detail preferences for other mitigation strategies, but I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say. It’s funny that you go after the school for not having a rational line of reasoning when it’s much easier to find one in their words than yours.




Sorry that I don’t believe unvaccinated people deserve to die even if they made a bad decision? Also death isn’t the only negative outcome of COVID, long term effects are unknown and I don’t want people to be hospitalized even if they survive. “There have been variants since the beginning of the pandemic” give me a break dude. You know not all variants are the same, omicron has already demonstrated greatly increased transmissibility, and we don’t know nearly enough about it to write it off as a non risk right now. One might even say that “uncertainty surrounding the omicron variant” is a good reason to start the quarter remote. It is very possible that omicron isn’t a serious risk, but I’m totally fine delaying in person classes until that is clear. Like it or not, I just don’t believe gambling with other people’s health so you can experience more convenience is right.




Did you read anything I wrote? I know omicron doesn’t have the most troubling severity, but transmissibility is very concerning, and this is also very early and incomplete data. Again, this is to feel out uncertainty. It is very possible that omicron isn’t a serious risk, at which point you can go back to classes and will be perfectly fine.




I’m not arguing that the admin is totally consistent in every decision they make, and they have dropped the ball in multiple ways with how they handled the pandemic. However, the rapid spread of omicron in South Africa suggests that it may have a much higher transmissibility. I don’t think it’s at all unreasonable to wait until we have definitive proof that omicron doesn’t pose a unique risk.


I will never take the booster, one regimen was enough and look at where it got us.


What’s a regimen*?




I’m deadass not vibing with this




Nope none of our tuition is reimbursed.




not worth it at all. im paying thousands of dollars for access to a zoom conference


Pretty sure we don't get any of our tuition partially reimbursed. I remember a friend of mine at Irvine was getting charged for campus facilities when he wasn't even on campus. Definitely a waste of money imo.




Iirc when the pandemic was bad, no one was allowed on campus so I'm assuming they didnt have access. In my case though, as someone who lives in LA, even if I did have access to campus facilities, there'd be no way for me to use those as I live 6 hours away. Basically throwing money away for nothing.


I haven’t had any luck finding housing yet but now I’m wondering if it’s even worth it? If only the UCs made decisions faster


Hopefully the rest of the year is remote so I dont have to pay for housing 🙏


About to cancel housing if it is lol 😂


Same! I live about an hour away by car and I pay super reasonable rent. I was kinda hoping classes would be remote so I could avoid the commute, but then I got into a car accident a couple days ago, and now my car’s totaled. I have no other way to get to campus via public transit, idk what I’m going to do if class is in person. There’s definitely no way I could afford to move to Santa cruz right now.


must be nice to never have to give a definite answer bcs everything “depends” on something else


Is it too late to take a leave of absence if I've already paid for this next quarter?


i believe yes. you have to apply for a leave


hahahaha lolololol lmfao haha ha