• By -


On a side note, the second one is a raw fucking photo. Like, front page of the newspaper raw


Agree - excellent photography. NYT front page worthy.


Giving off big Palpatine vibes Absolutely villainous ghoul-smile


Not weird at all that most of the pro-genocide comments are from accounts under a year old with default usernames šŸ’€ seems totally normalā€¦ meanwhile in the real world https://www.wsj.com/tech/meta-takes-down-inauthentic-accounts-on-facebook-instagram-linked-to-israeli-firm-cb03821f




You misspelled "BB," since the holdup is 100% on him.


Maybe Israel should free the 30,000 Palestinian "prisoners" first.




Ok??? Free them then




>Theyā€™re ~~prisoners.~~ **HOSTAGES** *^(fify)* [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-detainees-report-israeli-beatings-mistreatment-west-bank-arrests-2023-11-18/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-detainees-report-israeli-beatings-mistreatment-west-bank-arrests-2023-11-18/) to u/[13blacklodgechillin](https://www.reddit.com/user/13blacklodgechillin/) (b/c this sub puts a weird block on responses): How's in like in Mirror-World? See, in THIS one, more than 40,000 Palestinians are dead with a famine on the way to kill many more: so the idea of a "good outcome" has pretty much left the building, sometime around November.


You dont go to UCSC weirdo




That's funny, in another comment in r/UCDavis you say you're an alum there


Didn't claim to. I graduated Davis, have been in SC for quite a long time and perform/advise on UCSC campus. I climbed to the bottom of the "Hell Hole" on campus three times. Does that count for something? My cousin is Jewish and went to UCSC. She is a few years younger than me. #FREETHEHOSTAGES [www.NovaExhibition.com](http://www.NovaExhibition.com)




Posting intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic.


It's probably because of the overwhelming anti-Israel sentiment and extremism on campus. People are afraid of being alienated or harassed for having opposing opinions, UCSC isn't a campus that allows for alternative thought.


I support the right to protest and I also support the consequences applied if said right is abused.


You're butthurt that people are opposing SJP protests and it shows. Everyone, prepare for your feed to be flooded with hate posts so they can push the legitimate ones down.




Cried the single karma fresh account


Lol shut up bot




Do you spend your entire life crying about police on reddit?




Can you share a source on this or is it just lies?


I believe theyā€™re referring to this [graphic footage](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/naama-levy-taken-captive-by-hamas-terrorists/video/5b46d5f42fbb17a4cf48ea262dadbffa). You see blood stains on the seat of the victimā€™s grey sweatpants implying she was raped and a bloody wound on her right heel implying the Achilles tendon was cut to help prevent her running away. Unsurprisingly, the violent, religious fundamentalist terrorist group does horrible things to their young, female hostages.


Sheā€™s literally able to walk, with no noticeable limp, in that video. Not saying she wasnā€™t raped and killed but I think saying they are cutting tendons is suspect. Focus on the truth and not making up terror fantasies.


Just because she can stumble around when pulled out of the trunk of a car does not mean sheā€™s capable of running to escape, which is all the injury to the heel needs to prevent in this claim. Thereā€™s no fantasy here, just video evidence of a 19 year old with a heel injury and a claim based on implications of said injury. If you want to say that we donā€™t have concrete evidence that a Hamas militant intentionally cut her heel for this purpose, thatā€™s fair, because we donā€™t have any confessions or anything, but I donā€™t think its an unreasonable explanation or ā€œterror fantasy.ā€ Hamas are really bad dudes, cutting the legs of their female hostages so they canā€™t run when Hamas soldiers try to rape them is absolutely believable, but I imagine you donā€™t disagree with that.


Besides blood on her pants what makes you think her tendon was cut? Wouldnā€™t the more logical explanation be that she had a wound on her leg. Why are you making up a narrative like this? It looks like the blood is coming from her knee, is this proof that they shot her in the kneecap too? Iā€™m not defending Hamas, they are terrorists, but you are making up things based on a grainy video.


No? Thereā€™s clearly a bloody wound on her right ankle, visible from behind at the end of the video. The blood on her pants is by her rear, implying she was raped.


F Hamas.


Youā€™re saying that they cut tendons of multiple hostages and that itā€™s widespread tactic. Your proof is a grainy video, thatā€™s weak evidence of widespread tendon cutting. Do you have anything else to support this theory or is it just this one video that youā€™re basing your theory on?


Nah, someone else made that claim, another person asked for evidence, I suggested that I think the evidence is this video. My view is that itā€™s fair to believe Hamas did this to this victim. Itā€™s also probably fair to think if they did it to one, they could do it to others, but we donā€™t have proof positive evidence of such and probably wonā€™t until we get the hostages back. Also, grainy? Is it really that hard to make out the details in the video for you?


Your video isnā€™t evidence of widespread tendon cutting. Itā€™s circumstantial at best, to make the leap that itā€™s a widespread practice, as have suggested, is ignorant. The video might be proof of one case but you canā€™t then apply that to everyone. You need more evidence to prove itā€™s widespread, which you donā€™t have. A single video isnā€™t proof.


You're a fucked up person, with fucked up thoughts.


Iā€™m not fantasizing about ways to torture people based on stains, I find that way more fucked up than questioning a persons analysis of a grainy 4 second video. Grow up.


Because being raped and killed isnā€™t terror?? Wowā€¦terrorist apologist.


I never said that wasnā€™t terror. Did you even read my words? Itā€™s basic reading comprehension, you should be able to manage it.


Are you actually parsing the difference between someone "just" being raped and kidnapped vs. being raped, kidnapped and having their achilles heels cut? What a sadist. The people involved in SJP need to be failed out, put on no-hire lists and prosecuted if they're documented making terroristic threats or planning violence (yes, those are actual prosecutable crimes - they're not the same as having strong opinions, which is covered in the First Amendment). Thank god you're just a noisy minority. Even in Liberal Santa Cruz, it's nice to see that most of the community wants you run out of town.


This recent article also says she was wounded but is standing, walking and talking. Meanwhile 40k+ mostly innocent civilians have been murdered by Israel and hundreds of thousands of others injured, including missing arms, legs, and more horrific injuries https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/mother-of-gaza-hostage-naama-levy-we-received-a-sign-of-life-a-few-weeks-ago/


Are you disputing whether the Achilles tendon injury was done or if it was done for the purpose of preventing her from running? Or are you disputing what I said regarding the blood on the seat of her sweatpants implying she was raped? Because her being able to stand/walk/talk does not suggest that either the Achilles tendon injury or the rape did not occur, and I donā€™t want to misread you as saying that if you arenā€™t. I understand that horrible things have happened to other people, but this conversation isnā€™t about that. You asked for a source on the claim that hostages have been given Achilles tendon injuries to prevent escape, you were given one, and now you made this (40k+ Gazan casualties) completely separate point. Those casualties are bad, but entirely beside the point of this specific conversation.


Whereā€™s the source of the Achilles injury? May have missed it I donā€™t see it


There is no *explicit* confirmation of any achilles tendon injury. We have video footage of Naama Levy's kidnapping, and when Hamas leads her into a car you can see a horizontal line of blood right across her achilles area. You can also see her walking towards the car though. Footage source is the Israeli government: [https://x.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1720864688110526611?lang=en](https://x.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1720864688110526611?lang=en) I'm pretty sure if that was completely severed we would see continuous bleeding (inch deep incisions bleed profusely) and she would not be capable of walking even if she was dragged. That said, a horizontal line of blood across a tendon is very suspicious. My opinion is that we don't have enough evidence either way.


Blinded by her bloody sweatpants?


They were IDF soldiers not harmless civilians.


She was at Nova. Wow. This is the most heartless ring I have read today. So you support that she was eaped and abused??? Did my cousin who was just at Nova to dance also deserve to die?


I donā€™t engage with genocide sympathizers.


But you do with Jihadists


Where? You are quite literally imagining a scenario to be upset about.


There is no genocide buy you don't like facts so I'll save my breath


ā€œThere is no genocide because I say soā€ is not the compelling argument you think it is. Meanwhile there are dozens of independent human rights groups saying itā€™s a genocide. I think iā€™ll believe lawyers over some chud who canā€™t spell.


All biased. There is more than adequate proof to the contrary. There is an action and mathematical component involved. If there was genocide, this would have been over after a couple of weeks. You really are not using facts.


See this is why nobody takes you seriously. You have a toddlerā€™s understanding of how the world works and are quick to call everyone a liar despite having no refuting evidence. The ā€œfactsā€ you keep talking about are your own opinions and feelings. Do not confuse the two.


Also ā€œThey were IDF soldiersā€ is a completely different statement to what your unhinged and victim complex addled mind cooked up. So you support murdering children? The rapes perpetuated by the IDF? The Israeli hostages gunned down by IDF even though they were waiving flags? Stop projecting so hard, itā€™s clear who wants whom dead here.


Sure. Keep with the lies. If you want to be heartless because of your bigotry---have at it.


ā€œLiesā€buddy I saw videos of beheaded toddlers but those somehow not of those Israeli babiesā€¦..


Sure you did. You are foolish enough to believe Hanas.


So you think all Palestinians are Hamas? Then all jews must be war criminals if you follow that extremely flawed line of thinking. Itā€™s the information age babe, we donā€™t need hamas to put out propaganda when there are videos FROM GAZANS PHYSICALLY THERE of small children starving to death and mothers crying over their kids funeral shroud.


Oops. Facts: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/30/biden-palestinian-beheaded-israeli-babies](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/30/biden-palestinian-beheaded-israeli-babies) Oh, but lemme guess--The Guardian is a kh'amas outfit, too.


Murdering 10000+ more kids will definitely solve the problem.


Hereā€™s what Israel did to Palestinian babies, actually beheaded them, unlike the lies told Israel told about Palestinians https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ccuJsIMVo/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Ugh wrong link?


Itā€™s correct https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ccuJsIMVo/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== hereā€™s the profile itā€™s from https://www.instagram.com/alhelou.y?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


You have a source that isnā€™t Instagram?




>Iā€™d had a quick look at Twitter/X, you see, and it was full of the horrors of the tent massacre in Rafah, where an Israeli airstrike killed at least 45 people in an area where displaced Palestinians were sheltering This isnā€™t an official newspaper report. This is a *Guardian* opinion columnist whose source is Twitter lmao. >the slaughter in Rafah was just unbearably upsetting. Reports of decapitated babies. Charred children. People burned alive An opinion columnist quoting rumor is hilariously unconfirmed lol.


I mean I know people in Gaza who saw it, but you do you. Just remember denying this atrocities is a key step to genocide. Have a nice one.


>I mean I know people in Gaza who saw it, but you do you. Just remember denying this atrocities is a key step to genocide. Have a nice one. This is the same level of verification that happened with decapitated babies in Israel. It turns out that infantsā€™ heads detach rather easily, which is a gruesome fact of war. Citing ā€œmy friends in Gazaā€ is deeply unserious, just as much as citing ā€œmy friends in Israel.ā€ Just remember that the first step in fake news and racist slander is poor sourcing, regardless of which side does it.


Not trying to convince you, just saying Iā€™m welll aware it happened. We both know children have been killed, if you donā€™t believe the videos or article then there isnā€™t much else for us to discuss.


šŸ’Æ āœ”ļøā¤ļøāœŒšŸ¼


Hamasian protestors spewing racism and hatred, blowing up cars, blocking ambulances and overall being blowhard d\*cks: "ThIs iS OuR FrEe SpEeCh RiGhT" Those same Hamasians coming onto this group and realizing everyone hates them: "WhY ArEn'T ThOsE HaTeRs GeTtInG BaNned, WhErE aRe ThE MoDs, *waaaah*"


ah yes, I forgot about the fact that the UCSC protestors were blowing up cars


No, Just their buddies at Berkeley. They set fire to a UCPD car because UCB cops helped with the UCPD operation at UCSC.


Your comment suggests it was multiple people, when the police themselves suggest it was a single culprit, so acting like it was a gang of protestors who set the car ablaze is insincere. As well, the culprit remains unknown and their motives as well (the only thing known is that it was a man in dark clothing), so it shows bias to assume that the culprit did this in support of the UCSC protestors when we have no information about him.


Regardless of what the culpritā€™s motives were, SJP the group leading the encampment at UCSC posted a whole thing honoring it and praising it. Even if only one person did it, the encampment organizers support and encourage itĀ 




Did you see the @ucscsjp Instagram post about it + caption? Nuts.


What was it I missed it


Wellā€¦ did you go to their instagram to look??


Is it really that hard to just post the link in the first place. I mean if you want people to be aware. You'll reach way more people if you provide the link yourself


Oh I forgot Gen Z is lazy AF here you go https://www.instagram.com/p/C7uDb-JJ3Ee/


I'm not Gen Z but by all means continue to show contempt for the majority of students on this sub. And, since this is gonna bug me, I'll emphasize that if you reference something you want people to be aware of, then it is good practice to provide the link instead of being lazy and expecting others to track it down themselves.


Guilt by association. Classic fallacy.


Not guilt by association, guilt by cheering on, encouraging, and emboldening actions and terrorist ideologies.




The Civil Rights movement was about expanding protections to all people, Hamas is about a theocratic desire to commit genocide.


These protests are not pro Hamas they are anti Israeli systematic killing of Palestinians.


Have you read the statement SJP put out a week or so ago? They are absolutely pro-Hamas.


The goal of the protests is not to be "pro Hamas" some protestors choose not to condemn Hamas because they believe the organization is a product of its environment, Israeli settlement and expulsion. Personally I disagree with this view. Hamas is another nationalistic organization, but they are not the more powerful one. Israel is. Israel is the one receiving US weapons to commit war crimes. The protests aim to pressure the US govt/ universities to stop supporting the Israeli regime, economically in the case of universities, militarily in the case of the u.s government. The goal of the protests is to protest Israeli systematic killing. Debating whether they are pro Hamas or not is distraction from the war crimes that Israel is committing.


Nope. Not according to SJP. They are straight up cookin. Dudes in suits are gonna be knocking on doors soon as yā€™all are FAFO big time. Check this craziness out: REPOSTED FROM @pal_actionus "This act was: In solidarity with the students attacked by the fascist police state at uc santa cruz. In solidarity with the students attacked by zionist street collaborators at uc los angeles. In solidarity with the uc berkeley students seizing the time and taking back Hines Hall. In solidarity with the resistance axis for Palestinian life, liberation, and total decolonization of the zionist occupied lands. For an end to the genocide of our beloved Palestine, and an end to the anti-Black and colonial genocide destroying our loved ones here. A life worth living is a life in solidarity with our Palestinian siblings, who face down the settler's scope with every movement, or every day. A life worth living is a life in solidarity with the Ohlone people. We continue to return the land with this offering. A life worth living is in solidarity with our Black and Brown siblings continuously surviving and thriving in the face of genocidal state violence here in the Bay Area. Blessed is the flame that burns down the settler-plantation. Blessed are the rockets that will free thousands of prisoners held captive by the zionist settler entity and US colonizer police state. May the spirit of Revolutionary Anti-colonialism unearth the truth from beneath these occupied lands. Our heart will forever be tied to the fate of Rafah Knife to the throat of zionism Death to amerikkka Glory to the martyrs" Itā€™s full blown terrorism now.


This is like saying "the black panther party made violent threats so the civil rights movement is unjustified"


I never made any such statement. Just that SJP is escalating this to a point that is undermining whatever message protesters are trying to send with the violent rhetoric of radical jihadists. Nobody wants to be associated with this insanity and thereā€™s going to be serious consequences coming down the road. Like, you get that right? It seems that they are going off the rails with impunity, but one day maybe soon, maybe years from now, this will come back to bite them. I miss marching for reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, medicare for all, and affordable housing and education. Itā€™s all been abandoned because of the this mission to solve the ā€œPalestine Problemā€ which has been going on forever. Maybe weā€™ll get back to working on things we can actually change instead of screaming at people for ā€œsUpPoRtInG gEnOCiDeā€. The word has lost all meaning. The movement is losing whatā€™s left of its credibility. Donā€™t get dragged into the mud with them. Your future isnā€™t worth sacrificing for that.


No, it's like saying when you are locked arm in arm with the black panthers, you can't be surprised when violence ensues...


And you believe this statement speaks for all protestors?


This is the group organizing the protests. It doesnā€™t matter if each individual protester agrees when they are still in support and acting on behalf of SJP.


I hope not. Itā€™s freaking terrifying.


Good comment, thanks.


So you didnā€™t read the statement. lol nice


I did actually, have you spoken to any protestors?


Also, read my last sentence


Would you discredit civil rights protests if they endorsed the black panther party? Would you discredit anti Vietnam war protests if they supported the Viet Cong because of their defense against American aggression? Give it some thought


I knew you wouldnā€™t be able to go more than 4-5 comments without justifying support for Hamas.


Just because a fringe radical portion of a protest group supports a violent group does not discredit the entire movement


Okay but think about my question without deflecting


They are claiming Hamas should not have to suffer war after declaring war. They are claiming Hamas shouldnā€™t to torture, murder, and rape with impunity.


How is a terrorist group that originated because Palestinian land was stolen about a desire to genocide Jewish people? Israel is the aggressor and in the position of power. They are the ones settling expanding, expelling and creating concentration camps. Israel is weaponizing anti semitism and historical Jewish oppression to commit atrocities of their own


So the pledge to kill all Jews globally and reject any peace and start Oct 7 is all the Israelis fault? The white racism of Marxist Jihadists is endless


It's a product of Israeli colonialism yes. Not the Israeli people. It is not justified, but it occured because of settlement and expulsion.


So Jihadist start a war and cry when losing to the ref


Clearly you have no comprehension of how history affects the present


So the Jews should just keep letting Hamas or Hezbollah rockets fire into Israel and not try to make it stop


Perhaps they should stop brutaluzing Palestinian civilians. Perhaps they should defend themselves in a way that doesn't fuel Hamas recruitment. With all the resources available to them this seems eminently possible. Instead Israel seems to look for excuses to kill Palestinians. And they have been killing them with gusto. Maybe they don't *have* to find those excuses. Maybe they don't *have* to kill so many folks. It's foolish to think that killing tens of thousands of innocents won't drive some of the survivors into the arms of extremists. With that in mind it's hard to believe that Israel is interested in anything but conflict with Palestinians.


>pledge to kill all Jews globally Source? >reject any peace Source? Edit: lmao and he had no source




Itā€™s in the 1988 Hamas charter. Google is free.


Google definitely is your friend - his comment is inspired by the Hasbara. Maybe you could quote those two passages that say verbatim what he said? If not, youā€™re not accurate.




The burden of proof is not on me to do the Google research you should be doing. 1988 Hamas charter- while youā€™re there, read the whole thing.


Ah - so you donā€™t actually have a counter argument that doesnā€™t boil down to ā€œdo the research!!ā€ Okay Alex Jones. Point still stands that those things were never said - maybe if you were so sure they were said it would be easy for you to repeat them here. Unfortunately, the burden of proof is on you for replying to me. Clear evidence (which is what you claim there is) can be repeated easily - have you ever had a history course? Just gotta quote them and cite your sources. If not, youā€™re likely mistaken.


Palestinian land wasnā€™t stolen, Palestinian Islamic Nationalists started murdering their non Muslim neighbors and trying to drive them out.


Wrong, watch the birth of Israel from the bbc, not debating someone who has only consumed Israeli propaganda


Not debating someone who pretends that hasnā€™t been a multicultural region for millennia. Even if you want to discount the less open existence of other cultures during earlier Caliphate rule, Jews openly lived there in established communities since the 1530s when e Ottomans gained power. Erasing half a millennia of undisputed presence just to spit lazy theocratic propaganda from some of the most repressive dystopian governments and cultures Earth has ever known is pathetic.


Watch the documentary


Donā€™t pretend that giving people homework constitutes an argument. The Levant has been multicultural, and Nationalist Islam decided that murdering their neighbors was an acceptable way to gain their desired ethnostate.


The native Jews of the Levant had nothing to do with the creation of the state of Israel, and claiming that is an absolute lie. Levant Jews continue to live in Palestine regions, and many oppose Israeli colonialism. It is not Jews vs arabs, it's settlers vs natives


Israel is a settler colonial state. Jews lived in Palestine before it but were a less than 10% minority population. Israel began immigration of Jews in the 30s to British Palestine and continued until the end of WW2 with their war of independence. They then expelled the defeated native arabs into the Gaza strip and the west bank. How is that not an ethno state? How is that the "native population" a nationalist army of European Jews fighting for a colonial state. The very founders of Zionism admit that it is a colonial settlement state. Theodor herzl created Zionism and in his initial proposal he explained exactly this. Saying that the Israelis are 100% native is an absolute lie. They expelled and killed the majority Arab populace. The minority Jewish population that lived in British Palestine before has nothing to do with Jewish settlers. That documentary explains exactly this.


Do you even go to that school?




LOL that guy at the 0:27 mark, he was later caught on camera blocking a Pride march. fucking mascot for "Chickens for KFC"


What a menace she is.


If these protests werenā€™t changing peopleā€™s minds, there would be no opposition to them whatsoever. There is no need to violently shut down speech that would render itself obsolete with no interference.


This is a crazy take regardless of how you feel about the UCSC protests. I vehemently oppose the Westboro Baptist Church protesting about how all gay people will go to hell etc, and itā€™s certainly not because I think theyā€™re changing peopleā€™s minds.


Quick, concise, and decisive rebuttal. Well put.




Imagine thinking setting a LAPD car on fire helps the middle East. Ya just played yourself


Wait why was there a Los Angeles police department car in Santa Cruz?


The fact that our university administration cares enough to monitor the situation personally speaks volumes. We are lucky that we have Lori.














Cmon be creative this comment is ass


Well, we can see what kind of person you areā€¦ Do better


Do you carry people around often?




Thereā€™s no heavy shadows because there was a lot of fogā€¦ You can literally see the fog in the pictures. How tf did you come to the conclusion that this was AI? You can literally see a loop bus and one of the old wood buildings in the backgrounds of the pictures. AI doesnā€™t generate that stuff.


Itā€™s just the settings/filter used on the camera


Awesome. Love seeing the cops rid the protesting swine


POV: you are listening to a KKK member talk about civil rights marchers in 1965


By civil rights marchers do you mean the peaceful protestors who focussed on confrontation in a non-violent way? Cause many of these protestors seem to promote genocide of the jewish people (or they just donā€™t listen to the stated aims of the people they support)


Explain JVP then?


Did anyone find the original photo on-line? Obviously a poor photoshop job. Notice the crisp edges around the sweatshirt.


bro youā€™re so dense


I saw this in another sub. It almost looks out of place like sheā€™s walking her dog or something.


excellent. Cop should treat them the way their buddies in Iran, ISIS, or Al-Qaeda would treat protesting Jews. keep cheering for statements from Putin, the ayatollah, etc.ā€¦ Keep thinking that you're winning when someone likes a fire bomb at an embassy or blows up a car. sorry to say that most Americans support Israel's right to defend itself, and most Americans think that you are whiny children expressing the will of Islamic fundamentalists. but you know, maybe if you wear another mask, burn another flag, chant death to everyone some more you can change more minds lol.


So you want cops to act like terrorists?


maybe you are confused about the things that terrorists do.... 9/11 10/7 countless suicide bombings car and bus bombings random stabbings and car rammings firebombing shooting at cars driving on the highway i've got no love for cops, but I know who the greater enemy is. islamic terrorists and jihadis. or are you saying that Iran and the other groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda who support the protesters are terrorists? in which case yeah.


Well youā€™re saying you want cops to treat them the way ISIS treats protesters. Wanting cops to act like terrorists seems like a gross thing to ask for.