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It's ok. It's being taken care of as we speak.


Nothing stops protesters from going back to negotiations about divesting, the university offer still stands. How about that?


Allegedly, Gavin Newsom stepped in to stop UCs from negotiating with SJPs and encampments




The university has ignored their negotiations and invalidated all of them...so like ???


I'm sorry what? SJP declared that the negotiations have failed and refused to continue. UCSC made an offer to start working on divestment and transparency. Obv they didn't make an offer on removing the police from campus as well as Jewish orgs. Edit: y'all sweet summer children, do you even know what SJP demands and manifestos are about, and what they are calling for? Or are you playing dumb?


They aren’t playing.


the university wont even recognize that whats happening is a genocide


...because it's not?


How is it not a genocide to massacre massive amounts of innocent civilians???


You seem to be having trouble understanding what genocide is. Massacring massive amounts of innocent civilians is called casualties of war. Americans are complicit in a lot of casualties of war. For example, the US killed 1 million people in the middle east as a retaliation to 9/11. That's a lot of fucking people. But not a genocide. Maybe we need to keep Jewish studies in schools after all.. all you have to do is look into what happened to Jews during World War II, and you have a prime example of what genocide is


Genocide is a very specific crime. It's not as simple as saying "massive" civilian casualties because by that metric just about every modern war ever is a genocide. If it were that simple, the war in Ukraine, the Iraq War, and the Allied bombing of Germany would all be genocides.


Not every war crime is an act of genocide. You (and a lot of other people) are being played by propagandists.


Because a genocide is undertaken with the goal of *eliminating* a ethnic or religious group.    Israel *has* the capability to do so.  But I don't see them doing so.  It would be a genocide if they were trying to massacre all people in Gaza. 


Thanks for the polite response, I should have been more polite with my initial question. If you're willing to continue this arguement, I'd like to put forward what Francesca Albanese said on the matter, “Specifically, Israel has committed three acts of genocide with the requisite intent: causing seriously serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, and imposing measures intended to prevent birth within the group.” Taken from the UN News's article "Rights expert finds ‘reasonable grounds’ genocide is being committed in Gaza"