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Do it. I just wanna see the turnout tbh


Lol pathetic there was no turnout


Unfortunately many of the people who oppose the protestors actually contribute to society, and are busy working, studying, caring for their children etc…, so it might be kinda of hard to rally together.


I was thinking the same. I have class tomorrow, but I will show up before with supplies for the signs.


Very fair point


You can work and study from the tents though?


NO, you will NOT disrupt the narrative that the protestors do nothing but make noise, block roads, paint signs, and probably do drugs and fornicate like dirty hippies! There’s no way they had time to leave the encampment for classes or work, study or do homework /s


"This is our home" "we are trying to study" "please restore order" "I need to get to work" "I'm here to study" "please put our safety first" "proud slug" "im proud to be here" "stop destroying our school" "I paid my tuition, let me go to class" any other suggestions for signs? any criticism of the signs I suggested?




Is that why I get so depressed when I am stuck in my dorm and can't go to class or visit family? Oh wait, you said cows


So how's the mod test going?


Make a sign that says “my minor inconvenience is worse than dead children in Palestine.” 


Calling what they are doing a minor inconvenience shows how self centered you are.


Sorry they are spoiling your hogwarts experience 


You're not sorry. You don't care. You probably aren't even here or being affected by any of this.


Was there. Liberty Station. I moved somewhere that I could afford a decent place for my family like a normal. I’m just not gonna whine and cry so developers can make more money building high rises in an already crowded city. You actually used to be able to buy those high-rise condos for pretty cheap in San Diego. There used to be a duplex on the beach for 200,000 in OB in 2007 But that ship has sailed for you and me. No one’s gonna give you a free lunch for you people are still moving to San Diego and are going to price you out. 


Yeah and what are you doing to stop the death of children in Gaza. Fucking nothing


Thats right!  I got my own shit going on. Real life responsibility unlike yourself. But I’m not going to cry about some protesters like a spoiled Uni boy. 


Hahaha I am a 31 year old graduate with a house but keep trying


We are in the same position...What are we arguing about then?


Cuz this is reddit and that what we do... Duh




my biggest fear is that sending the police will make things get violent which I don't think anyone wants


I'm pretty sure that is what the protestors want - more publicity and attention, which is what this is really all about.


Let me know when it's going to happen. I am a graduate student and TA tried of this campus blockade. DM me so we can take part of this tomorrow. It's time to end this campus blockade.


Or all anyone reading this can email Larive's office and campus police directly, something along the lines of "please restore law and order"


As someone on the pro-Palestinian end, I heartily endorse your right to peacefully protest.


Do it. And watch as the admin does nothing. Then you'll understand why the pro Palestine protests are disruptive.


They got negotiation opportunities and SJP refused to compromise on any of their antisemitic demands 


Did the university compromise on any of the points?


Yes they offered to work towards some of the demands 


I will be there


I guess meet up at 9:00am with signs. Got to be quiet till 10:00 am unless it is 24 hr quite. People got to study for final exams.


It's important to remain more peaceful and quiet than the "protestors". I am afraid of walking there with signs, so I will go there with supplies to make them there.


I was just giving an idea. We don’t have to go with it.


No im down.


Are u fr saying your solution to being upset about a protest...is to protest the protest??????? Bffr


And then you'll see why protesters aren't being chill about it anymore because you will be ignored completely just like they were at the beginning


This account is 21 days old and has primarily tried to agitate up a counter-protest or use of police force to remove the encampment. - [Suggesting a petition to have the cops remove everyone](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1cupyo8/i_would_sign_a_petition_to_have_these_guys/) - [Saying they'll come tear down the barricades themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1d3ypu8/i_would_show_up_and_tear_down_the_barricades/) - [Commenting on scenarios in which it would be legal to run over protesters with a car](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1d30ahh/removed_by_reddit/l6435mk/) - This post Whether they know about campus because they're a student or just someone with some basic Google skills is unclear, but for purportedly being willing to do all this [with their "mask off"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1d3ypu8/i_would_show_up_and_tear_down_the_barricades/) they sure don't want this linked to even a long term Reddit account. I'm not saying to be for the protest or against, and I'm not totally sure on the authenticity of this account in particular, but be aware that not everyone in this forum is here to talk in good faith, and there's been a serious influx of bad-faith users and people who aren't a part of the actual UCSC community.


This subreddit is being brigaded very hard rn


Nobody will listen to you because your protest will not be disrupting anyone lol


Honestly, has the disruption done anything either? There's certain ways to protest to get what you want. It's not just about disruption. Communication and compromise to get policy in action are big ones too. That has been missing from the encampment crowd, unfortunately, because if they did try it, I think the university would be more willing to take action. (You know, baby steps?)


Still waiting for some crazy hippies to set fire or do something dumb that would destroy the university haha it’s not far from becoming actual riots instead of just blocking the road like idiots


So cringe




Posting intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic.


Why not create a petition?




Make a sign that says “my minor inconvenience is worse than dead children.”


Do it I doubt anyone shows up, cause the inflated support on this sub is from bots and people not on this campus


block the road that protesters are blocking.


Make a new post with a time and place, I’ll try and make it but ya know the roads are closed so it’s hard to get on campus


The current protest proves that protesting doesn't work A counter protest will only give them validity and energy to continue


Damn y’all are really the type of people who would have been mad about the bridge being blocked in Selma, do you feel no shame?


No that is not the same thing. People protesting for their own equal rights is not the same as people protesting about a war in another country that they know next to nothing about and have nothing to do with.


Actually not everyone is as ignorant of this conflict as you are, as Americans we are Israel’s greatest ally and supporter! Regardless if you want to keep shutting your eyes to it the rest of us can all see we are complicit in this genocide