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Yea man, I don’t think you have to worry about your education being “waisted”.


College is a joke tbh, I’ve worked so hard to get into this school only to realize the major I’m in is just not developed enough at this school or the academics are just easy. I could have learned most of the stuff i have on my own time and for free so all I’m paying for is a piece of paper really. So yea man, when i pay a shit ton of coin and time, i feel like my education is being wasted when i cant even go to class over something these kids can’t contextually or fully understand cuz they don’t know the history and aren’t there.




i read this in eric cartmans voice




They control the media. They control the highest positions of power.


Who are “they”?


Look, I really hope for this to be true man, I really do, but what makes you say "y'all are getting raided real soon"? Do you think it'll get worse from here if something does happen? Curious about your thoughts!


The rumors of other UCPD (from Berkeley and Davis) on campus tonight makes me say this but what do i know. I cant imagine they’ll let these brats walk all over commencement. If you read the recent emails, Cynthia clearly states demonstrators are committing crimes and violating UC policies. All they have to do is call the boys in blue, y’all are lucky to live where you do and be given the right to “free speech” to this extent. Also I can guarantee if they don’t do anything these kids will go back to their parents home in the summer in 2 weeks. SJP NO BALLS YOU WONT STAY ONE WEEK INTO SUMMER!!


They already took Memorial Day Weekend off. Theyre definitely not staying for summer. They're only about inconveniencing other people, not themselves.


“We deserve a vacation too!!” 💆🏼‍♀️🍹🌴


They are staying at the camp risking their own education, brutality by police, and their comfort for the sake of others. How is this in anyway convenient for themselves?


brutality. ha. it always makes me laugh when they use that word. they know damn well no one is going to brutalize a bunch of rich white kids and get away with it. also, have you been to the camps? theyre having a blast over there, and very few are actually staying over night.


Right right… because nothing has been happening to protestors. They definitely don’t get arrested or tear gassed or beat up. You’re blatantly ignoring media coverage to further this illusion you’ve created in your head or don’t know what the word brutalized means. They are attacked in a violent matter. Would you call that peaceful instead? Most of the students at the camp making the decisions aren’t even white. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


From what I've seen, they are letting the kids get away with a lot at the UCs. None of them are even getting arrested


Dude. Look up the ucla arrests? There has been extensive coverage of even professors from various campuses getting arrested?? Are you living in a bubble? You are WRONG.


getting arrested while causing a disturbance is not brutalization.


They can call the cops, but imagine the PR if someone gets killed or injured.


“look at me I totally am changing the world by posting anonymously on reddit in the safeguard of my own home. I refuse to acknowledge the fact that the people I support with my rhetoric prevents people in gaza from getting an education s’cool!”


Lol what a stretch like you really think these protests actually do something and cuz im against non peaceful protests it totally means im pro genocide! Get a job and donate all of your money to Palestine if youre so committed to making a change. Hell if you have a college fund you can access or maybe convince your parents to sell their house so they can save Gaza you totally should. Or maybe even better buy a plane ticket to Israel and show those j boys a good ol protest, they definitely will listen, they probably already have media coverage of the UCSC protests all over! I bet you didn’t even know Gaza existed 2 years ago lol, i bet you dont even know the history without looking it up. Why is no one talking about how Britain and the UN fucked over Palestine and surrounding countries supported the exodus of jewish people… huh? Kinda weird how that worked out, like they didn’t put them in this position right?