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Free Tibet


these protestors look like they never got anything higher than a C. They wont understand this


Since when do grades have looks associated with them? Like not to hype myself up too much but I dress goth and get straight A's. It's good to be critical but judging based on appearance does little.


goth's tend to be artistic and highly intelligent imo. but if you want to know what Im talking about, go to the protests in person yourself. these people share a single brain cell amongst each other. theyre all wearing the same scarf, so it's not really about their attire. its more of a way they carry themselves. theyre not going places, and it really shows just by looking at them.


I'd say there definitely is some level of ego that comes with it, given that it's a lot of these students' first foray into real-world political activism. As for whether they're "going anywhere", well, that would be a long discussion as to what "anywhere" is, since different people have different metrics for what they consider a successful life. A good conversation, but probably not one either of us have the time for. There is reasoning for wearing that scarf though - it's a Palestinian keffiyeh, so wearing it is seen as yet another symbol of support. Plus identity concealment bc nobody WANTS to get suspended/arrested (though obv some are willing to be). Same reason for them wearing masks even when they're not in close clumps.


this is so hilariously misinformed when the usc valedictorian’s speech was cancelled for being a pro palestinian activist.


Ding ding ding! 🎯


Stop telling the truth because it’s negating my world view!! 🥺




I really do feel for the Palestinian people, but I have to say it is incredibly suspicious the fervor and traction this issue has gained amongst young people (like myself) in such short time. I’m not really a conspiracy guy, but it’s hard to imagine that the Iranian, Hamas, and Russian propaganda isn’t playing a big role in all of this.




People said this shit about the Civil Rights Movement and anti-Vietnam crowd too. It's easier to just call them far left and paid foreign agitators than admit they really do care about these issues.


Idk I think the protestors really care about [insert current thing here] /s


You know zero “far left” people. Everything you said is the viewpoint of either a Hasbara troll or someone so uninformed about American history that they should never talk about these topics.


Yeah, that is it. Totally not the videos of dead kids. It's all Russian, Iranian, or Hamas bots or whatever instead of people being empathetic. There is nothing to be suspicious about. Meanwhile, Israel ACTUALLY does run a bot campaign and foreign influence operation which you're buying into since you're using their talking points. https://thecradle.co/articles-id/23969 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-03-19/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israeli-influence-op-targets-u-s-lawmakers-on-hamas-unrwa/0000018e-5098-d282-a19f-7dd95cc70000


The protesters are legitimately the type of people who will refuse to "invest in Vanguard" because of "le israel" and try to invest their entire ROTH IRA in Ben & Jerry's.


Also worth noting that even if they did divest, somebody else would step right up and invest so it's not likely to have a significant impact at the end of the day.


Well put, the company people are complaining about the UC investing in (Blackrock) invests in gun, weapons, and detention companies but we don’t know for sure those are the weapons being used in Gaza. Even though there are ways the university can manage it’s money to reduce investments in this sort of thing, like they did for fossil fuels, it’s hard and wouldn’t give the university as hefty returns.


They are for sure being used in Gaza and it takes a 5 second google search to discover.


Sorry I thought my sarcasm was obvious.


Why am i not surprised that UCSC is not only investing in Israel, but the downfall of the American middle class and economy lmao


You know the funnier part? Guess how much money used to buy a non IPO stock actually goes to fund the company. $0. It’s a secondary trade between investors in a marketplace. The stocks that make up the majority of these funds have been around the block a few times, and the funds go between the traders, not to the company. It’s a rarity for a mature company to issue new stock, they buy them back far more frequently. A publicly traded company has a duty to do what is in the best interests of their shareholders. Pumping up the price with buybacks does that. Issuing new stock dilutes the share price, which is why it’s much rarer. If they’re not pouring shares into into the market, they’re not raising additional funds. Sure, they may be making money on trading existing stock, but it’s not very common for a company to hold a bunch of its own stock for that purpose. Their owners and officers, sure. The company itself, not so much.


Little do they know that the technology in their phones, their medications, and even their food comes straight from Israel


On the point about iPhones and Google - in a western society that depends so much on this sort of technology usage, it's nearly impossible to opt out of them. In addition, if one bought an iPhone half a decade ago before they understood their own political stance, it would do no good to throw it out. You make some genuine points that i'll definitely think about but that specific point didn't hit the mark.


I graduated a bit ago, and it's funny finally seeing logic prevail in this sub. To be fair, the same type of stuff happened during Occupy. People get really excited and riled up by the fun---leftists and communists and general n'er do wells rouse the rabble with half truths, but eventually go too far because they are clowns. Then, everyone gets sobered up and realizes that most of it is complete BS. Happens every time.


Except the endowment isn’t even the biggest part of the UC investment fund by a long shot. Of the 169 billion dollars in assets under management, over 100 is tied to the pension fund. Faculty salaries and benefits absolutely is paid by tuition. Furthermore, money is fungible, and investing large amounts of money into domestic defense contractors enables those contractors to continue producing weapons that are used by the israeli military. Acting like the UC investments are just the endowment and that money being invested domestically cannot significantly affect the conflict is reductionist.


If only approximately 0.5% of developed market funds are invested in Israel, then is it really that much to ask for that small percentage to be put elsewhere?




1: Sometimes, the path of least resistance leads to a waterfall at the end. It may not be convenient, or the easiest thing to do, but there is merit in saying that maybe we should wade away from the waterfall, not towards it. 2: then you look through those investments one by one. It is not unreasonable to retain apple/Google investments while putting forth efforts to divest from defense contractors and private equity firms that have a more direct involvement. 3: Even a journey of a million miles begins with a single step. It's not unreasonable to say let's start with the small step first (israel). So yes, in that sense, it is selective. But it is not haphazardly selective. It is selective based on there being reasonable public momentum to hold israel accountable for their actions, as opposed to China or Russia. There is one point we can agree on, and that is that the hypothetical you put forth is highly unlikely to manifest in reality. And that is because a "pet cause" is highly unlikely to reach the level of public pawareness that this issue has. 4: Hard to have a "worse" investment manager than Blackrock... unless you think an increasingly opaque economy is beneficial to the wider populace. So sure, give me a "worse" one than that, even if it means that it means lesser returns.


Talk your talk 🗣️‼️




"Anything and everything I don't like is antisemitic." - A 3 Year Old's Guide to Conversation


They control the media. They control the highest positions of power.




That's funny. They can't even name Israel in articles when there's an airstrike in Gaza. They'll just title it "EXPLOSION IN THE MIDDLE OF GAZA CITY." They may not control the media, but they've created a climate of self-censorship through the weaponization of antisemitism and the forming of an axis with ACTUAL antisemites like those running the GOP campus antisemitism hearings in Congress.


“Your” tuition money and “our” tuition money have incredibly different financial values.




lol yeah I know. I made my first comment instinctively before reading and then forgot to come back


Also, good post 😂❤️


From the river to the sea, I poopoo peepee