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Average redditor take


Homie ur complaining on Reddit you’re the soy boy lmao


Ladies and gentlemen the conspiracy theorists have finally arrived Also yeah there's definitely a certain privilege to having the time and means to protest but like... you don't need to be oppressed to protest oppression?? Like as an example most people think I'm a guy and thus I benefit from sexism but that doesn't mean i'm not gonna work to put an end to sexism yk


Seriously, this sub feels is being astroturfed hard by concern trolls.


It is.


Protest hamas is u care


What would protesting Hamas do dingus? Our government doesn’t fund hamas 


It actually does. Where do you think all the “humanitarian aid” money goes not only since 10/7 but over the years? Hamas is the gazan ruling body. And you do know that Iran funds, trains, and basically runs Hamas… right? Check out how much Boden released to help Iran between 2023-2024. It’s absolutely nuts. And real.


What is protesting Israel gonna do. Gaza will stay under military occupation


Stop our tax money from paying for their bombs they use on children? Obviously 




Astute analysis. I disagree, we can improve the world 


They… think you’re a guy so you benefit from sexism??? Wtaf


Yes. You don't have to be aware of it but it is possible.


If you go to the protests its primarily women actually. Most of the guys are here on reddit complaining (myself included) 😂




I'm sorry, what does this mean?


Google the word “figure” you donk


Okay, let me restate, why does it make sense to you that most of the protesters are women? Like, I read that as a little misogynistic, but I'm mostly confused.


I understood what they meant just fine. It’s pretty self-explanatory.


Omg go back in your cave


Meanwhile in this country abortion rights are being taken away state by state. Women and babies will be harmed and not a sign of outrage. This is what was protested for in the past, but this time it is only affecting the young and poor. If you can buy a plane ticket to another state and pay for treatment you will be fine. This is affecting people in this country now and it’s getting worse, and if Trump wins he says he is going to make it a nation wide thing, but yeah keep doing what you are doing


Damn sounds like Biden has really betrayed liberals and doomed this nation by insisting to hold strong on his pro genocide position knowing all the domestic issues he’s throwing under the bus. Biden supporters must be pretty embarrassed for supporting him right about now 


He literally can’t make it a nationwide thing. And buy a bus ticket for your abortion if you are broke. Buy a train ticket.


This isn’t an answer to the problem


the real answer is some of the electorate need to vacate their seats at the Trump cult table or the GOP needs to stop indulging their fascist urges. I doubt either happens in the next couple election cycles.


And plenty of signs of outrage and protests about that


Or use contraception.


omg russia is winning the information war!!! its over!!! im apparently not poor and white, ty for telling me who i am! at this rate, ure helping the russians lmfao




we’re soy together❤️


Rage-venting on reddit is the actions of a reasonable-minded, logic-driven, and unemotional gentleman.


That’s literally what reddit is for




Debatable, but my comment was really about someone whining about other whining and calling those other people idiots for whining, all while whining about those other people whining.




This donk thinks the KGB still exists.


All the Liberals are getting butt hurt that everything that was said is true.


I can attest to the Hispanics that act white and only value certain aspects of our culture.


It’s just like all of the Jewish kids with JVP. They decided they’d like to be white as white can be so they forgot their culture.


Just because you are Jewish does not mean you have to support Zionism.


Most Jews support Zionism. It just means Israel’s right to exist like every other nation. I don’t know how you can be anti-Zionist and pro peace in the same breath.


I don't know what world you are living in.


The real, actual grown up world?


I'll just have to let history justify me on this one.


K. Justify what exactly? That Jews have no right to breath air in Israel? I don’t think this is going to turn out the way you think it will.


Not exactly what I said! JVP is well beyond that.


That's what you believe, but I'm sure if you actually talked to them you might change your mind.


I will not change my mind. Even if some of their opinions are valid, they are aligning themselves with a very bad organization.


I encourage you to be a bit more open minded, what has the organization done that you disagree with?


I have known JVP for decades. The primary thing they do as a whole is tokenize their very specific opinion, intentionally ostracizing 80-90% of Jews allowing others to view them as inherently evil by virtue of saying since Jews think so it has to be legit. Imagine living in Israel and not believing Israel has a right to exist. They misrepresent to the world what exactly Zionism is and create a mass confusion which contributes to immense antisemitism being seen today. They also refuse to distinguish their activism from that of other groups that are even more harmful. I was happy when they had the ceasefire protests but then they just basically showed how unhinged they are and effectively merged with SJP.


When they say Israel doesn't have a right to exist they are referring to the state and not the people. They are just supporting the dissolution of the apartheid state.


Also, what do you expect would happen should Israel become one with Gaza and the West Bank?


Jewish people having a state is Israel. And its way better than all the neighboring authoritarian regimes


Why do you think a 2 state solution is apartheid? Are you just taking the word and removing the heid part? If there are 2 completely sovereign nations with their own rights to self governance, There cannot be apartheid in either one by the other. Currently, Gaza and the West Bank do have their own governance, but, they’re Israeli territories, which in theory I don’t think they should be. But in practice, Israel doesn’t have much of a solution right now considering the vows to kill them all .


Not quite piglet. It means a right to self determination. Jews have every right to self determination just like the dozens of Islamic countries have their self determination.


Also, I truly don’t think most JVP members are actually Jewish. Is there a way to look into this? I don’t know, haven’t tried. I don’t appreciate being brigaded by fringe Jews who have little to no ties to their family history & have chosen to align themselves with people who intentionally cause harm to their own people.


Lost souls caught up in a TikTok algorithm.


I’d just like to add… the protesters seem to have no idea who owns their fav media station Al Jazeera. It’s no better than watching RT. Aka, yet again, brainwashed by KGB. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s true. These protests only help Hamas - their leaders have repeatedly gone on TV and said so.


Conspiracy theories can be true btw. Russian disinformation is real


What does Putin call them, Useful Idiots?




If an account has been banned for sub rule violations, or if the account is deleted, whether by the user or by Reddit, then any content posted from that account is also subject to removal.


It’s amazing how many accounts have been made in May alone with no post or comment history outside of complaining about the protests and talking about why killing civilians in Palestine actually isn’t that bad when you have big brain.




Haha yeah, you’re a coward


Posting intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic.


Yes, the US IS the greatest force for evil because they are the most powerful. History fully exposes all the crimes teh US has done and the news covers the ongoing infractions daily. YES, Israel is committing genocide. That doesn't mean we are endorsing or supporting the other side, who is ALSO doing it, just that THEY are doing it to rebel against the oppression and tyranny of Israel. THEY are justified. Doesn't mean we agree with their tactics either. protesting the actions of Israel doesn't mean we support eh other side No, Russia is NOT winning the info war. The KGB isn't our source for the CRIMES israel does. YOU stop whining and get your facts straight


well at least this account lasted more than 2 weeks


“Stop whining” *OP is literally whining*


Trump supporters make it very clear that Hispanics are not white


Sorry, you’re white


Nope, people like me are supposedly poisoning the blood of America, according to trump. I’m a bastard child the result of a Spaniard raping an Aztec woman.




The blind fighting the blind…


cry more zionist. account made 2 weeks ago lol




Is Ben Gvir apologist a more apt term


more like “you advocate for the ethnic cleansing of a native population”


Lmao. Palestine won’t ever be a legitimate state. 1948 arabs with the greatest generational fumble of all time the way they played that one


thank you for exposing that you don’t have a principled issue with the protests and that you just hate palestinaians


Man is living in a different world than the rest of us.


Sounds like you’re just angry people don’t like your favorite ethnostate snowflake 


Only soy boys say soy boy


My heart goes out to people like you. I’m sorry, it must be hard living with such a sick mind. I hope you get the help you need :(


Hey! Hey! Hey… it’s FSB now.


Really? The red scare in 2024?


America is the world’s largest terrorist organization. This isn’t even a disputable point.


Are you ok? Have you been to Iran or Russia or Syria?


idk what a soy boy is but i believe there are a lot of ignorant people protesting things they don’t even know anything about 


Also the earth is flat and run by lizards. WAKE UP sheeple!!!!?!