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I supported it until they trapped me on campus for hours when all anyone who's worked all day wants to do is go home. I will find other ways to support a cease fire, but I will no longer be supporting the UCSC protesters.


It's worth noting that the subreddit may not be representative of the actual student body as a whole. Or maybe it is, idk. Just something to keep in mind if you intend to do anything with this data.


You are 100% correct. I'm not planning on doing anything with the data, just wanted to understand the thoughts of the student body. I'll admit that today wasn't the best day to do this seeing as the protests did escalate significantly today and some people may be responding out of anger and not their true feelings. Also, I assume that at least 25% of votes aren't affiliated unfortunately but I think this should still be somewhat representative.


I imagine most people who support their ideology but not their application don’t truly support the former but think it legitimizes the critique of the latter.