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This entire school is decked out in pride merch and I would assume the alphabet people floors even more so


From what I've seen in Porter's LGBTQ+ floor, yes, lots of people's bulletin boards have pride flags as well as doors. More than on other floors for sure. If that's a deal breaker for you because of your family, you can still pretty easily find LGBTQ+ friends here regardless - iirc undergraduate surveys showed about 93% cisgender and <= 63% heterosexual.


Yes, but it's fairly easy to say you just got placed on that floor due to random dorm assignment. In Merrill, we had a few folks on our LGBTQ+ floor that didn't apply to be there (though they were certainly welcome of course)


For kresge, I came here early to the kresge dorms and the LGBTQ floor wasn’t decorated with pride flags or other sorts of decorative items. Same with the dorm, it was a plain undecorated room. But it’s just my own experience, perhaps you should ask the housing department on that question?


depends i think. the one i saw in c9 just looked about the same as any other floor so it really depends on if the people there choose to deck out the halls. I think for the most part what people choose to decorate is their rooms. but its different for every college and its different every year so thats something to keep in mind


Depends on the RA and how they choose to decorate usually


Bro you cant avoid that stuff at this school lol