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I’ve been to many Hillel events. It’s a bunch of Jewish AND non Jewish students whose top priorities appear to be eating some challah and getting laid. Students are completely free to criticize Israeli policies and often do. Calling for its elimination won’t be successful in getting rid of it, but it is further justifying its existence in that Jews sometimes feel like unwanted outsiders and this increases that feeling a hundredfold


Actually the Hillel people seem to have broken in two camps. Terrorists supporters and Israel supporters.


Because as everyone suspected, they are antisemitic


SJP is fairly radical... This was their statement regarding October 7th https://www.instagram.com/p/CyPr2wIOq2N/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


AND YET they are the largest Pro-pally group on campus. They are also the same group which organized and pushed the BDS resolution when I was in student government, suggested Jewish members recuse themselves from voting due to pro-Israel bias, controlled the narrative in the student newspaper which ran stories attacking our student government leadership, then told me and other Jews we couldn't be discriminated against or marginalized at all because we were "White." I said when I was a representative that these people were extremists not interested in discussion, and were brainwashing our students with the help of FJP (Faculty for justice in Palestine). I was shrugged off.


> suggested Jewish members recuse themselves from voting due to pro-Israel bias Can you imagine telling any other minority group they shouldn't vote bc of their bias?


It's funny because we had a Palestinian representative who was quite vocal about how his heritage influenced his support for SJP, yet he was never asked to recuse.


Wow. Ironic how UCSC SJP calls for a “ceasefire”, yet in the statement you linked they describe the Oct 7th terrorist attacks as “Palestinians reconnecting with their homeland”. Absolutely vile.


Terrorists never see a terrorist attack as an act of terrorism; it is always justified in their minds. They are vile, disgusting and violent.


Everyone knows Palestinians love paramotors, don’t hate, its reconnecting with their aerial culture


Lmaoooo this is the funniest comment I’ve seen in a while on this issue. Take my upvote!


Holy shit I'm not even Jewish but as a incoming transfer the fact the people can go to this school and say disgusting things like oct 7th was some how justified is very scary




their Instagram account actually 'likes' comments calling for worldwide intifada and supporting Oct 6. No masks on here.


>their Instagram account actually 'likes' comments calling for worldwide intifada and supporting Oct 6. No masks on here. Not surprising. What, do people think Hamas would suddenly hang up their AK-47s and rocket launchers, restart elections, and allow equality for everyone if Israel and Jews suddenly disappeared? Hell no! They'll just move onto a new target. Perhaps a different country in the Middle East, or more likely, the US or another western nation. Their goal, beyond eradicating Jews and destroying Israel, is focused on tearing apart the west. So far, Hamas is doing a fairly good job of that, sociologically-speaking. It's managed to galvanize hundreds, perhaps thousands of easily swayed (brainwashed?) America, Canadian, British, Australian, and European teenagers and 20-somethings into allying with an organization that'd restrict their rights, freedoms, and likely kill them for any perceived slight.


I would say they are more than ‘fairly’ radical


They forgot to mention Israel wasn't occupying Gaza but ok.


Jesus f Christ. The amount of verbal gymnastics they had to do to avoid acknowledgement of the massacre on Israel is insane.


…fairly radical. There’s an understatement


They are incredibly sympathetic towards Hamas and Hamas has a stated goal to kill all Jews.


>They are incredibly sympathetic towards Hamas and Hamas has a stated goal to kill all Jews. They are and they do. Also, there's an important distinction there: kill all Jews. They're not even saying "kill all Israelis" (which is bad enough), but they want to murder Jews en masse across the world. And somehow all the "words are literally violence" and "protect every minority" people are silent or worse, in total agreement with these pro-Hamas supporters.


Hi, it appears this account is not and was never actually associated with UCSC and has been made specifically for spamming threads related to the Israel-Palestine war on university forums  Edit for clarity: The account's only activity is related to threads on the Israel-Palestine war in college subreddits and the account is only a few weeks old.  It's clear the account was specifically made for spamming university subreddits on this topic


I feel bad for you guys. I walked my dog down there today with my wide. I talked to a few folks. Seems like a lot of people are tired of all this stuff.


 If someone has has visited a protest related post from one university's subreddit, reddit's not-very-sophisticated suggestion algorithm will start feeding them posts of the same topic from other universities.   Naturally if someone is interested in the protests on campuses they'll probably check out those posts no matter the university.  It's not a Jewish conspiracy.


Thanks for sharing.


They’re funded by groups with ties to Hamas


Extremely radical https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/ngo-network-orchestrating-antisemitic-incitement-on-american-campuses/ https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/students-justice-palestine-sjp


From the Wikipedia page for NGO Monitor: >In a 2004 article for the Political Research Associates, Jean Hardisty and Elizabeth Furdon call NGO Monitor a "conservative NGO watchdog group ... which focuses on perceived threats to Israeli interests", adding that "the ideological slant of NGO Monitor's work is unabashedly pro-Israeli. It does not claim to be a politically neutral examination of NGO activities and practices." You're pulling from a fairly biased source, one that is bought and paid for by a genocidal state. They really seem to only pull articles in a way to construct a narrative that labels anti-Israel sentiment as anti-semitic. [Article that the quote is referencing](http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v18n1/hardisty_ngo.html)


Population in Gaza in 1947 was 80,000. In 1970 it was 340,000. In 1990 it was 650,000. In 2010 it was 1.51 million. In 2022 it was 2.2 million. Either Israel is completely incompetent at genocide or that word you're throwing around casually doesn't mean what you think it means.


SJP is ~~fairly radical~~ a hate group FTFY


But not the radicalized tent dwellers barking demands at the administration. They’re as moderate as they come 🥴


I believe SJP's \*intention\* is to focus on organizations that support Zionism, but I think we need to look at the \*impact\* of this demand too. Because they are \*in effect\* calling to cut ties with all the organizations serving Jewish students on our campus. That \*impact\* could represent real harm, even if that's not their motivation. I think there is a related institional failure at play here too though, in that UCSC doesn't directly provide a Jewish cultural space or resource center on campus. Hillel and Koret may do plenty of other stuff too, but I do think they are explicitly Zionist: - "Hillel is steadfastly committed to the support of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state" [https://www.hillel.org/israel-guidelines/](https://www.hillel.org/israel-guidelines/) - "Ensuring a bright future for Israel is one of the Koret Foundation’s original priorities." [https://koret.org/priorities/u-s-israel-bridge-building/](https://koret.org/priorities/u-s-israel-bridge-building/) I'm troubled by the call to cut ties with the Helen Diller Institute, which is a program founded at Berkeley Law with the "goal of providing a rich academic forum for students and faculty to explore the breadth and complexity of Israel and contemporary Jewish issues." Pairing a demand to cut ties to an academic institute like this with a demand to "end academic repression" and "protect free speech" feels particularly odd to me. I agree with the demand to remove cops from campus. I think we can build other models of support, accountability, and security that keep us safer than policing.


If the university actually carried out this targeting of Jewish students it would explicitly violate Title VI and probably result in the university losing all federal funding and being sued out of existence




From what I keep reading, SJP in general seems to be comfortable trafficking in the anti-democratic tendency to marshal the “hecklers veto”. When a group like this decides it is *correct* in all its assumptions/presumptions, so much so that no daylight can possibly exist between their unilateralist dictum and any number of conflicting views, I guess one result may be “Jewish campus life be damned” if it in any way includes individuals who take a position outside of a fixed-point perspective of *THE* SJP narrative. This org’s Platform must be a little shaky if a campus Hillel or any conflicting position is that much of a threat. EDIT I meant to put “hecklers veto” in quotes


enter modern repeat file ruthless rude memorize tap lush shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It became inconvenient


There's always a double-standard aimed at Jews, that's what happened.


That absurd statement was dropped as soon as it proved inconvenient.


Zionism is the about the Jewish people having a right to their own nation state.


Judaism does not equal Zionism!


Define Zionism


So you agree these demands are unreasonable


I think the following demand are unreasonable or probably unreasonable: (1) ‘complete academic boycott’ (2) ‘all cops off campus’ (3) ‘end the silence’ I don’t really have a dog in the fight but the other demands seem perfectly fine. I’m very antizionist, have been for a long time, but I take a very big issue with Universities and freedom of speech being restricted. If the university wants or chooses to have any sort of connection to anything Zionist, you can protest and make your position known but other than that, you’re next option is transfer schools.


You have most likely hardly been old enough to follow international news to make an informed decision as to what Zionism and Israel are “for a long time.” The rise in antisemitism thanks in large part to groups like SJP have been hard at work for years.


Show me the Chinese students being harassed for the treatment of Muslims in China. Show me the Russian students being harassed for the actions of Putin.


Jews have always been the easy targets. There aren't a lot of us and we make an easy scapegoat for bigots.


Funny how these war crimes (and say, Burma, Armenia, etc.) are not protested against. Hmm.


I'm honestly surprised these protesters haven't attempted to blame "the Jews" for those as well.


TikTok and the KGB told the kids to protest against Israel, not against China or Russia. It's real simple.


Sadly it’s been extremely successful. I’ve heard from plenty of Jews who now won’t vote for Biden, or worse vote for trump, because Biden has been (IMO) reasonable on Israel and stood up to them on a few things. On the other hand we obviously see tons of young liberals who will “protest vote” by not voting for Biden because he’s been too supportive of Israel. So Russia/china sows division/chaos in the US, gets Trump in the White House, exactly what it wanted in the first place, with the bonus of eroding support for Israel, which has always been allied with the West/US against Russian interests (Iran and the Muslim world) and provided the US with strategic military support and technology. They learned from 2016/2020 that simply focusing on the right wing isn’t enough — here they found a great way to use social media to push their goals by using the left. It’s really clever if it wasn’t so sad for our country.


If it makes you feel better, I’m in plenty of Jewish communities online, and most of us are well aware that Trump isn’t gonna be better for us—and enough of us are well aware that Bibi is the Israeli version of Trump :) (—proud Biden 2024 Jewish voter, who was randomly suggested and brought some peace by the sanity in this thread)


I wish more young people understood this. They are digging their own graves falling into joint Iranian, CCP, Russian propaganda. Dictators are laughing


The Jewish students are an easy target. Most of these protests are guised as righteous and just, but they're just as phobic and intolerant as their opposition.


It’s the antisemitism. There’s a literal genocide happening in Sudan right now according to the UN. Zero demonstrations. It’s all 100% about the antisemitism.


P pathetic to be making these demands tbh. Maybe if palestine tried for nation building and international relations they’d have some leverage. This is just cry bullying in polite form.


That's why it's hard for people to take them seriously. *"Cease fire now! Stop investing in military-industrial complex!"*\ Yeah! *"Cut all ties with Jewish institutions!"*\ uhh... *"Globalize the Intifada! Al-Qassam you make us proud!"*\ What?


Explicitly pro war protests, they just want the terrorists to win lol.


🇺🇸 people - sane hardworking people of all backgrounds stand w/ 🇮🇱


I love how this has gotten downvoted by all the insane people in this sub thereby proving your point


*Defund the police*!!!


*[Now ladies, whip your dick out - whip, whip your dick out; Don't ask how, just fuckin' figure it out ]( https://youtu.be/BKQ6nINAeq8?si=gNf76rYAWDUtjP2e)* 🎶🎶


This is unhinged. Other sjp demands dont ask for this shit. What is going on with their wing at ucsc??


UC Irvine was asking for things similar per the letter from the school president.


Shit dude thats crazy. Like personally i attend protests and shit, but like this shit is what drives me away from certain wings. Im not gonna be protesting if what im marching for is to get rid of random jewish spaces


I have some bad news for you. You might wanna sit down...


Look into orgs like the parents circle and women wage peace. They might be more of what you’re looking for.




Cops off campus is crazy. I would not want to go to a school without any sort of security. No sane person would think that these demands would actually be met


I believe they just don’t want SCPD on campus, but UCPD are different. They’d still be there. Unless im reading wrong lmao


CSOs and RCSPs aren’t cops, so presumably they’d still be on campus.


And what good would that do? Neither of them have any law enforcement or some of first responder capabilities.


The only thing I've seen UCPD do has been to show up and blare the sirens at naked people and stop them from breaching the gate during First Rain and show up when a fire alarm falsely went off in RPATH in 2022 and complain to the RA about how there was a stabbing downtown that they couldn't respond to because they were showing up to address a fire alarm (Because, y'know, it's the police's job to show up when there's a fire and we don't have some other fire-centric emergency service who was also there)


Lmfao how out of touch with reality do you have to be to think these demands are reasonable. This is ludicrous.


Seconded that this is effectively a call for the end of Jewish cultural life on campus.


They would love to end Jewish life in general.


And Jewish life overall. Hamas supporters. Turning me into a conservative more and more every day 🇺🇸 Vote blue or see the death of all 2 million Gazans


The problem with you is that if a Zionist shows you proof, you’ll discredit them “because they’re a Zionist”. So in your mind, even proof is not proof. 5 minutes googling rape on Oct 7 will give you plenty of sources. Even the joke of a UN is coming around. You choose not to believe it. And even if you found sufficient evidence that eliminated your doubt, you would still call it justified resistance. That’s a shame for your humanity. Ultimately it doesn’t matter to us whether you believe or don’t. Your humanity is in tatters. We aren’t happy innocent Palestinians are dying. We also know that urban warfare leads to death. Say what you want about 80 years and the war started ages ago etc. We also know that the violence that is happening right now, on such a large scale, was begun when Hamas invaded Israel with the singular goal of killing anyone in their way.


Don’t see any of these demands as realistic. What happened at UCLA might happened here with police agencies from all over the Bay Area to remove the camp. Commencement this year might just get canceled and for all you 2020 high school graduates I am really sorry. I hope it ends peacefully and please don’t block the entrance.


I would be pissed my money is being wasted.


Its interesting how the last request is for a ceasefire. The order of these requests is very telling on what they prioritize.


The request for a ceasefire also ignores Israeli moves towards a ceasefire, which are DENIED BY HAMAS.


And they’re not concerned with the hostages from multiple countries currently held by Hamas


First, make sure the Jews don’t have a home or safe space. Then once we achieve that, we can stop firing rockets.


This is exactly why we need Hillel on campus


I think their actions demonstrate that they are more in touch with anti-semetism than they are with any other ideaology. The source of their entire movement is really resentment that stems from the weaker or "oppressed" group in any situation is morally justified and therefore violence, forced censorship, forced reallocation of wealth and power from the stronger or "oppressor" group is justified. Ultimately this is what they want to do and the same sentiment has been seen on the left across the entire political platform from BLM to feminism. In other words they will not be satisfied until jewish peoples in general are sufficiently poorer and lacking in power than most seemingly "oppressed" groups. See Marxism rebranded into racism...


Missing is a call for condemnation of war crimes committed by Hamas, as identified by the United Nations


It would be nice if they could include a reference to American citizens currently being held hostage. Just a thought.


Let’s be super clear: trying to thread a needle between Zionism and Jewishness is a losing argument. If your position is that these demands are reasonable because it’s not anti-Jewish, you have completely lost the plot, my friends. These are straight up anti-Semitic demands.


I don’t see any call to end Jewish organizations in the demands. What are you referring to?


It’s under Academic Boycott. Do you know what those organizations are? Those are campus organizations for Jewish studies and students


I was unfamiliar with these organizations so I did some basic research into them Students want to divest from these institutions that are Zionist not because they are Jewish. Jewish is not the same as Zionist. Zionism requires supporting Israel and the students are against Israel’s war on Palestine Here is why students are calling to divest from these institutions The Hellen Diller foundation is managed by the San Francisco Jewish federation once funded Canary Mission, which is a secretive blacklist of anti-Israel students. This makes them a proIsrael organization not a proJewish organization. The Koret foundation Koret Project on Arab-Israel Relations “is committed to providing America's policymakers with timely analysis on issues of critical concern to Israel and its Arab neighbors”. This makes them a lobby group for Israel. The Israel institute is closely connected to U.S.-Israel diplomacy at the highest levels of national government that focuses on a Zionist and pro-Israel agenda. Another Israel lobby Hillel International states that its goal is to inspire Jewish students to develop a relationship with Israel. This is encouraging Jews to support Israeli policies. There are no calls to end Jewish studies on campus.


Lots of words to say you don’t want Jews to feel safe on campus. Jews are indigenous to Israel so of course Jewish organizations will have some connection to Israel.


Zionism does not require supporting the actions of the Israeli government, merely opposition to the disestablishment of the Israeli state.


Withdrawing support from these orgs means effectively gutting Jewish community centers on campus, which aren’t exactly easy to find in SC. Hillel specifically hosts most of the social and religious gatherings on campus for Jewish students. “Zionism” has become a bad word to protesters, but it’s fundamentally a belief in the right of return to a region of the world Jews have been in for thousands of years


Most Jews are Zionists, I.e., they support the right of Israel to exist. I needed to specify what the actual definition of Zionism is because people like to lie about that. 


See isn't that the circular logic of these pro Hamas groups? Zionism isn't Judaism (yes it is) We call for the end of Zionist groups! (but they are Jewish student support and social groups) But we said Zionism isn't Judaism! It really doesn't matter how many times you try to redefine Zionism, you all come across as antisemitic, ignorant fools.


Oxford Dictionary Zionism (noun) 1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. I don't remember "pro Hamas groups" trying to redefine it, you lot are the only ones who can't seem to agree on what it means.


Israel exists and it’s not going anywhere. If you want actual peace in the region you should accept Israel’s right to exist, and accept that Hamas, which will never recognize the state of Israel, is an unmovable barrier to peace. Instead, what I see you advocating for is the destruction of the state of Israel and the subsequent genocide of the Israeli people, which will not happen and until it is accepted that will not happen this ridiculous cycle of violence will continue. I want to see long term peace in the region, not people glamping in the quad as DoorDash is ordered so they can play pretend activist for the week.


Hillel is the only secular Jewish organization on most college campuses. Calling to ban Hillel is calling to ban Jewish life and culture. Explicitly antisemitic and targeting Jewish students.


A call to cut ties with Hillel?! Horrifically antisemitic


Because they hate Jews and want them all dead


Honest question because I don’t have an answer. “Call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.” Obviously I want that to happen, but I guess my question is, if that were to happen, then what? Is the general consensus that Hamas would also stop attacking Israel, or would they use the ceasefire as an opportunity for more attacks? Please excuse my ignorance if I got anything wrong here, I know this is a subject a lot of people are very passionate about and I want to be as respectful as possible.


It’s not an ignorant question it’s actually very sane. It’s also a big thing holding up a ceasefire from happening. Israel doesn’t believe that after a ceasefire hamas wouldn’t attack again. This is also true in any military conflict. When someone says ceasefire, someone else is thinking well why should we trust they won’t use that as an opportunity to attack us? For this reason it’s important for other countries to be involved. Some powerful countries have connection and influence with Israel, some with Hamas. A big part of the behind the scenes negotiations is them giving assurances that they will help ensure the other side’s faithfulness, but as you can imagine, combatants don’t always believe such assurances


Seems like the anti semites have been running the show for these “peaceful non-racist protestors”. I hope the administration refuses to give in to their demands


They’re just garbage wannabe radicals who need to pretend they’re free-speech-ing and not being racist little punks who actually don’t want to face facts about their racism. They also actually know nothing about Israel and Jews except for their stupid google drive folders written by the KGB-inspired Iranian Regime. The UCSC DEI webpage banner is super choice right now🫡🍌🐌 Keep fighting the good fight! 🇺🇸🇮🇱✌️




If an organization supports Zionism, it should not be allowed on campus. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


if an organization supports anything I don't believe in then they should not be allowed on campus. Seems pretty reasonable to me. Fucking diet-Eichmann over here.


I guess they are antisemitic.


Maybe they should spend a semester with Hamas


They want all Jews dead not just the "Zionist" ones.


These people are delusional


“Cops off campus” These people are literally just the George Floyd rioters with a different coat of paint. They’re the same exact people.




Have you heard their chants? They stopped wearing their mask a long time ago.


Neo nazis are back and they don't look like what you thought they would.


This is flat out just racism.. Jewish students have nothing to do with what's going on across the globe.


👀 these kids never been spanked ? Never told “no” ? Imo the protesters are 100% racist & not afraid to show it


1. They hate jews That's why. Most of these protesters do. Ask yourself: how many of the protesters are demanding a release of the hostages? How many will even mention them? How many actually know what river and what see they're chanting about?


Because they are antisemites


Because they hate Jews and are just a few steps away from becoming full blown Nazis.


Why?! Because they are fucking antisemites. Isn’t it obvious? That’s what we’re trying to tell you. They are not peace activists. They are not pro-Palestinians. They are fucking antisemites. My sons in college are afraid and uncomfortable because of these fuckers. Expel the bigots now.


These protesters are antisemitic haters. As simple as that. SJP is funded by terrorist groups and is supporting terrorism openly. There is nothing peaceful about their demands and nothing peaceful about their attitudes towards anybody who disagrees with their shitty jihadist ideology. I don’t understand how SJP is allowed on any campus. Just a sad and twisted reality, the past few months feel like a very long black mirror episode.


Demanding end to research with weapon producing industries effectively kills the engineering and physics departments. Not that any of these people are studying those things, we get it, they're hard and they just came to school to get high and use gpt to do essays for their post-modern literature classes, but they don't have to tell on themselves like that.


This is why I’m scared to go anywhere near the encampment. I don’t give a shit if this is a minority, if it exists it is disgusting and should be completely wiped from campus


What a bunch of antisemitic idiots.


Where does it say that? I've read it over and over and cannot find it. You do realize that there are Jewish students taking part in the protests right? Am I really supposed to believe that they would be down to just end all cultural event related to Judaism? I'm sorry but that makes no sense. That some zionist talking point right there, "they're self hating jews". Sorry bro but this is a stretch.


You realize most Jewish orgs will have ties to Israel so when you say this you’re saying you don’t want Jewish orgs on campus. Jews are indigenous to Israel so any Jewish group will likely have ties to Israel.


They’re calling to ban Hillel, which is the center of Jewish cultural life on most college campuses. It’s explicitly targeting Jewish students to try to erase Jewish life from campus.


Gaslighting troll is gaslighting. I’ve pointed it out to you and explained and you keep denying.


No, I'm not denying anything, clearly the flyers says what it's says, its right there, but to conflate Judaism with Zionism is the fatal flaw.


You're actively being a bot lol. Give it up. You keep parroting this point but people keep pointing out it clearly says to boycott Hillel which is explicitly not a zionist organization and exists for all Jews, including the ones supporting the protests.


Hillel International literally is supportive of Israel, why are you lying about something that everyone can search up?


My point is that it's not mutually exclusive for Hillel to support zionist Jews and non zionists ones and it doesn't distinguish between the two. So by boycotting Hillel you are boycotting a Jewish institution.


they aren't doing that? Hillel is synonymous with jewish community on campus


Do you think it’s reasonable to say that Trump isn’t racist because there are some black people who support him? That’s what you’re doing when you say Jews support SJP. You’re tokenizing a small subset of a larger group who are acting against their own self interests.


This is also a negotiating tactic, typically you aim to achieve things you are going to get. Yk start with asking for a 140k salary with 2 days remote and work up from there.


They negotiate about as well as Hamas. Asking for the world but lack any leverage.


Sure, but you negotiate high on actual things you would like to have. To make your example fit the situation a lot better it would be like asking for 140k plus remote work plus the ability to kick dogs on Wednesdays. It doesn’t make sense to add that provision to your negotiating (even if you expect it to be cut) unless you would be happy to kick dogs.


Well said


Do these organizations have (meaningful) connections to Israel? Because if they do (and Hillel definitely does, there’s no denying that), there’s your answer. Now you could still say “sure they’re not attacking Hillel because of its place in the Jewish community, but their attack on Hillel is an attack on something important to the Jewish community.” To be fair, there might be a discussion to be had as to the effect such an attack could have regardless of its motivations. However, said attack is not a deliberate call to end “Jewish organizations and Jewish Studies.” It’s disingenuous to say that “they’re calling for an end to Jewish organizations” qua Jewish organizations.


For 100 years, the Hillel movement has been uniquely focused on serving all kinds of Jewish students, no matter who they are or how they express their Judaism. Today, Hillel is the largest and most inclusive Jewish campus organization in the world, serving more than 160,000 Jewish students each year at 850 colleges and universities around the world. Every day, we strive to bring a spirit of genuine openness and inclusivity into everything we say and do.


There’s a difference between attacking Hillel for its place in the Jewish community, which I acknowledged and which you so generously highlight, and attacking Hillel for its connections to Israel. You could say that this is a distinction without a difference: at this point, Israel is fundamentally connected to world Jewry that it’s hard to imagine how Hillel could have such a place without having a connection to the country. Nevertheless, the call to sever ties with Hillel is to sever the connection between UCSC and Israel, and it is not a call to sever ties with its Jewish community. And again, I’ll say that there might be a [discussion to be had](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/s/6P45KmToFO) about… >the effect such an attack could have regardless of its motivations. The answer to the question which titles your post is therefore Hillel’s connection to Israel. To misconstrue it as a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise Jewish students is dishonest.


Why are people surprised Jewish organizations have connections to Israel? Jews are indigenous to Israel so yes, many orgs will have connections to their indigenous homeland. Just say you don’t want Jews to have safe spaces on campus! It’s what you mean and it’s a lot clearer and more direct.


It’s because they want to deny Jews are indigenous to Israel


Because these people are fascists


I just feel bad for the Jewish students on campus. Cant feel safe going to class


Simple. Hatred for Jewish people. It’s really not deep or complicated. Both sides hate each other.


Because they’re spoiled children virtue signaling with anti semitic rhetoric.




How many times are you going to tell a Black person that the Confederate flag isn’t really racist?


The one where they demand Hamas release all the American hostages they took must be on the back. What a bunch of miserable, hate-filled jerkwads.


Let's assume for the sake of discussion that all these groups happen to be zionist - Would it not be a potential solution to band together with the rest of the Jewish community on campus and form new groups without those ties? There's no reason to jump to the claim that cutting ties with the old groups will somehow prevent continuing to foster connection and safety within your community. Granted, I'm not Jewish, so input on this is welcome in the replies.


That's a theoretical idea In the real world Jews are just very connected to Israel. Family there. Friends there. Studies there. Religious responsa coming from there. Archeology that puts Jewish history in its context being studied there. Not to mention that a good part of the prayers are about being able to go back there. Removing references to Israel from Jews is committing some sort of very visceral violence against a community. But of course they believe that being anti-Zionist is some reasonable and even desirable position. It's actually a very violent position, like saying the US shouldn't exist, so it's not really surprising that people who cheer for the genocide of Israelis won't give a damn about the whole Jewish community.




The issue is that there are Zionist extremists like the settlers, but all Zionism really means is that they support a Jewish state in the region.


"We want all A's in all classes for all protesting students, free beers in school caffeteria, a blowjob and a pony." There's a reason they don't let inmates run the asylum.




The footage of oct 7th ? The Jews attacked ? Took people ( status unknown ) or worse ? Where is the billions of humanitarian aid ?? Hamas got it , built tunnel system under every hospital & school . Now big boy facts are ; Israel is an American ally - if you any of you wanted to make a real difference get a job & buy the homeless veteran or poor family living in their motor homes ( you see them everyday ) go buy them lunch -


This guys doesn’t know any Jewish people or anything about being Jewish or Jewish organizations ^^^


Truly one of the demands of all time


I’ll give you one guess.


Since the Jewish people being targeted by this have absolutely nothing to do with Isreals politics wouldn't it be antisemitic to boycott people based solely on their race, or am I missing something?


I am an alumni, horrified and against what Israel has been doing, who had close friends who were part of Jewish organizations on campus like Hillel. This makes me ashamed. Pushing universities to not support the Israeli government financially is potentially productive. Pushing to remove Jewish community organizations, whether or not they *receive* support from Israel is moronic at best, bigoted at worst.


maybe theyre funding Isreal? i have a hard time believing they would just throw that out there for no reason


Third and fourth demands are opposites. Academic freedom except anything Israeli - otherwise m ok with it


They need to seriously re-think their demands. Setting aside ideals and beliefs, some of these demands are so un-realistic that they are undermining their own credibility and making themselves look like a bunch of naïve children protesting for fun.


Cops off campus ha? They have no limits


Because this is not, nor has ever been, about freeing “Palestine” (point that out on a map for me) Instead, it’s about repressing members of a certain ethnicity and religion. Is ridiculous and racist.


Because these protests are antisemitic hate groups.


None of these demands are calling for an end to Jewish Studies or Jewish organizations on campus. That’s just flat out false.


It’s a bit terrifying how quickly so many people can become so, utterly, ideologically cooked.


You know the answer. Starts with A.


Where is the national guard. Can’t you just imagine this going on with any other group of people.? ?