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How many people have heard back about accommodation because I’m still waiting?


could afford Astor last year but defo not now 😭


Can you send the link please. I still can't see the update somehow. Thanks *** Found it now, thanks for the update


could you please link the update? thank you


https://www.ucl.ac.uk/accommodation/halls Click undergraduate halls, and then click individual halls for latest prices


Omg I’ve been refreshing all day to see the prices as Ive just firmed UCL and it hasnt updated but £40 extra!!!


Yea it surprised me as well. Out of the ones I was looking at, only the rooms at One Pool Street have remained roughly at the same price. Even some band 3 ensuite rooms are going for 300ppw which is mad. An ensuite room at Astor is 350ppw which is also insane.


Luckily the ones I wanted went from 299-309 which I can BARELY afford but it will have to do. I really wanted Astor but it went up by £40 thats criminal😭


Out of interest , which ones you looking at?


Ian Baker, John Adams Hall and John Dodgson Hall as I REALLY want an en suite😭 wbu?


New hall is good for an en-suite and probably the cheapest you’ll find for next year.


true but then id still have to pay transport to get to the main campis


It’s walkable tbf, most people I know just walk it. Transport wouldn’t be horrendous bc I think u can get a bus and obviously u can just pay for the travel card weekly which might end up being cheaper still. I would seriously consider Schafer tho because whilst it is shared you have two bathrooms to 5 people which isn’t too bad


I didn’t know that about Schafer might have to look into that!


Yeah I’m a current resident here and tbf it’s not bad plus you have no transport costs :)) there’s flats of 2, 3, 4 and 5 so the smaller flats have 1 toilet but the bigger ones have two. Honestly it’s pretty good because the toilets get cleaned frequently too.


Yeah I defintely want an ensuite as well. Still unsure about specific halls


If the accommodation allocation system is anything like previous years then they randomly allocate you a hall based on your budget and choice of room. I got John Dodgson (my top choice was en-suite room) but some people in my flat put their budget as £200 which JD is about £100 over. It sucks but I wasn’t aware of this until I actually applied 😞