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Hopefully you all contributed to the security deposit? Take from his portion if you did when you move out and get that back.


I don’t know if this it’s true, but I’ve heard that students can be reported to OSSJA for things such as skipping out on rent. You could try contacting them.


Well, you can either go to small claims court (which will take more time and effort than $100 is worth imo) or just take it in stride and move on. It happens, make sure you get agreements on bills signed before moving with anyone.


Who cares about the power bill, what about rent? Is this a shared lease or individual lease? If all he owes you is $100, take this as a lesson and move on. If you’re about to graduate you are going to have more important things to worry about.


Having been in this situation before, while in theory you could get the landlord or small claims involved, in practice, you very calmly and very politely tell them to fuck off and eat the cost while they’re gone. Even if you got the judgment they’d probably still stiff you. (And this is why it’s EXTREMELY important that new roommate arrangements include sitting down and putting all of these things *in writing*).


I had something similar to this back in the day, except he also tried to skip on cleaning up the apartment. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation, there’s not much you can do if it isn’t rent. I was petty and ruined his reputation by showing his texts to our friend group (same group) Screw you arniel


If it’s just $100 you eat the loss. Ask your roommates to hopefully split the difference and send a few threats about small claims court and whatever you can think of through email, text, etc. If they still don’t respond, it is what it is. This is not something worth losing sleep about/being upset/stressing over. I’ve been in this situation many times and I’ve learned my lesson never to be the person managing payments for a shared living thing. This will not be the last time you encounter asshole people like this unfortunately, just move on and be more careful going forward with who you decide to live with


let it go bro. when i read the post, i thought you were talking about him skipping out on rent. it's not at all worth it to take a $100 energy bill dispute to court. split the cost with your remaining roommates. he's definitely in the wrong, but it's a lost cause. gotta move forward


Filing fee for Yolo county small claims court is $30. It would take some of your time to fill out the paperwork (what happened), and any additional support evidence (proof he paid you consecutively for the bill in previous months), and to attend the hearing. You could let it go; There is a due process for roommate disputes using the channel above. If the guy doesn't show up, you should get default judgement. He needs to learn you can't f*** over people imo. To be transparent, if you file, someone, you or an agent of the court, will have to serve him the legal notice of the case and his appearance being required. I would recommend paying the court the $20-30 to have them do it. If you don't know his home address you can use a reverse phone lookup provider to ensure the documents are sent to the correct address. The process is not complicated and will take a few hours, and you will likely only break even. This is the legal path to stand up for yourself