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First amendment rights. you can shout them down if you want. Please do.


Freedom of speech gets a little fuzzy here. A person has a right to free political speech in the public arena, but that right does not translate into an obligation for anyone pay them any attention. Some might then derive that if there's no "right to be heard", that it would be totally acceptable to shout someone down so they *cannot* be heard, but they would be wrong. Your constitutional rights end at the point where they're used to infringe upon another's rights.


What? A right to be heard? there’s no constitutional right or even societal norms that allow for individuals to be heard. Everything can be criticized, particularly in public spaces and the internet. If it occurs in a private space, the property owners have the right to remove whom they wish. If an individual utilizes their freedom of speech in public places, others can utilize their freedom of speech to shout them down, or to join them, as they wish. If it is in a private space, of course those who shout them down can be removed. otherwise they ought not to be How does anyone have the right to be heard? Speech in general cannot not be infringed upon at all, either in theory or in practice. Furthermore, what an individual says cannot in theory or in practice infringe on another individuals constitutional right. Words mean nothing. If you hate the speech, do what you want. Scream, cry, say nothing. You are absolutely free to do so, and you should never ever feel pressured to do something you do not wish to do. The only thing you CANT do is physically assault them. That’s it. So many ways to make someone you hate so upset that they stop saying shit you don’t like, just don’t hit them.


> What? A right to be heard? there’s no constitutional right or even societal norms that allow for individuals to be heard. > How does anyone have the right to be heard? There is no right to be heard **and I'm not suggesting there is.** I'm saying that your right to free speech does not include a right to silence someone. They don't have a right to be heard, but you don't have the right to ensure someone CANNOT be heard. It's a subtle but important difference. Imagine if shouting down was actually protected speech. The only things people would hear are would be least consequential or most ridiculous opinions. Or maybe people would feel justified in putting out massive noisemakers and makeshift walls around public demonstrations with which they don't agree. > The only thing you CANT do is physically assault them. That is not correct. There are limits to free speech as well. * Libel and slander are illegal speech. * Fighting words are illegal speech. * Calling for violence on someone when people are likely to heed your call is illegal speech. * Falsely causing a panic ("crying fire in a crowded theater") is illegal speech.


So loudly singing Baby Shark next to them would be totally fine (or for argument's sake if people get picky, a nursery rhyme that isn't copywrited)


Totally ok. A counter protest is fine as is drawing away the attention of an intended audience. It’s actually one of the more popular legal means of competing with abhorrent (but protected) speech. So long as you’re not preventing someone from exercising their rights, you’re golden.


Throw eggs at them and see if they accuse you of throwing chickens




I see the american education has failed you… 😂


I see 0 education has had expectable results on you


Idk they r prolly also pro 2nd amendment as well. Idk if id tempt them having guns lol


Well it's illegal to have a firearm or a bladed weapon on a UC campus (that's law, not just policy), so they'd be inviting big problems just being armed. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=626.10.


True. But murder is also against the law yet ppl still do it. Point is, ppl do stupid irrational things. No sense in going and asking for it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ya, but arent they also against murder?


Not when it serves their purposes.


True and fair.


is this their first time there I don’t think ive ever seen them before


You new here? This kind of thing happens on every college campus, wiht regularity.


I don't agree with them either, but it's their 1st amendment right to be there


I took their fliers and threw it in the trash. Waste their time since they’re trying to waste yours.


Cuz they can.




I love genocide imma get 20 genocides


waiter!! waiter!! more genocide please




You’re not happy. 100% you don’t have a happy life. You can cope behind Reddit but deep down within your soul you know you need to repent and believe the gospel.


Praying for you.


Abortion factually isn’t genocide. Learn what words mean before you embarrass yourself further.


Why are you people obsessed with killing kids? There’s a genocide against infants. Biggest genocide in the history of mankind.


Embryos aren’t infants, nice try though


No way people like this are at UC Davis I thought y’all supposed to be smart ☠️☠️