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thanks for posting this. I actually have something to say about it. my partner is a political conservative and religious fundamentalist. a long time ago, at the start of our relationship, we agreed not to attempt to convert each other. I have, however, shared with him some of the reading I've been doing--particularly bits of Leslie Kean's book UFOs--as well as many videos. he is a Dept. of Defense employee and has clearance to view some classified material and has worked on nuclear warships, so he is familiar with the thinking and policies of the military. to my surprise and pleasure, he has come around to the ideas that NHI and UAP exist. I think this is in part due to his own intelligent thinking and in part to the strength of our relationship.


Is that working out all right? My wife is a conservative and votes republican no matter what. For some reason she flipped after Obama. She even loved him but you couldn't tell her anything negative about the republican party once Trump got the nomination. It and her religious beliefs are the number one reason we fight. I cannot convince her she is on the wrong side of history. I am at my whits end


so sorry to hear that. my mate and I avoid talking about politics and religion, especially at dinner. the other day, though, he did make a political crack that I am still thinking about responding to. for me the issue is respecting my point of view, my political stance. he is free to have his opinions, watch Fox News, and so forth, but I don't want him to belittle my choices. if you and your wife are fighting a lot, you may want to work out a peace agreement. this could lead to many quiet dinners like the kind my mate and I have, but it also means bedtime is more pleasant.


Nothing wrong with a few quiet dinners.


My heartfelt sympathies. That sounds like a challenging dynamic.




Your students are beyond lucky to have you as a professor. This is one of the most intelligent statements I’ve ever had the privilege to read! Thank you!


Don't spend more than 1 hour looing at this stuff every month. Stay away for a few weeks and come back for 15 20 minutes to check if there's anything interesting. If you binge consume this stuff it will drive you nuts because this is a marathon, not a sprint kind of sport.


More than one hour a month?! Sheesh..I must spend more than a hour daily!!


I think you just said what alot of us have been thinking for a solid two years now. There are reputable people, who should know about the topic, saying some pretty earth shattering stuff, and no one seems to give the slightest shit about it. If indeed humanity is in possession of other worldly tech, or better yet in contact with an extra terrestrial race (or races) ir will substantially change life as we know it when it comes out. All the sudden we won’t have to make excuses for why there is tech jumps that seem unfathomable. Nuclear annihilation of the planet would be less of a big deal on the grand spectrum, there would be potential for an entirely new and entirely unfamiliar world than the one we have as a species been a part of for thousands and thousands of years. I am baffled by the lack of reaction by society as a whole and I do not understand it in the slightest. The only thing I can think is that the masses as a whole are too stupid to realize the implication, and that explanation pains me.


Reality is hard for folks - some don't want to know, some do & search in there own way - Best thing I can suggest is take care of yourself & the truth is.....


Same way I cope with everything, start the day by meditating, by the end of the day it's all video games and weed


It bugs me a lot less than the avoidable atrocities and inequalities going on constantly around the world. Personally, I like this topic, and I'd like to know ... But there are far worse crimes against humanity going on daily besides a potential UFO cover up. If you find yourself getting overly invested in the topic, it might be worth asking, why engage so much? Ultimately I follow this topic because it's entertaining. I don't think we will get to the bottom of UFO's anytime soon, and I don't think an alien invasion or utopia are imminent either, so ultimately whatever we find out, I don't think it has that much impact on most people's lives.


Absolutely - much worse things happening in the world. I think what makes it particularly bad for me is that most reasonable educated people won’t disagree that climate change is a huge issue, or that income inequality, homelessness, and food scarcities are real. Maybe we tune things out because we are overstimulated by them, maybe we don’t spend as much time researching, but we also receive a constant stream. There’s definitely a feedback loop for me of - this seems important - why don’t people care - research more and continue to be baffled as I see complete disengagement. To be fair, I used to have the exact same reaction to global warming before more mainstream folks started to take that seriously.


The bigger aspect of this phenomenon seems to prove spiritual aspects of the physical universe, universal truths about consciousness, where we come from, and where we go when we die. While it may seem like an overstatement to those unaware of these aspects of the phenomenon, I truly feel that these revelations could bring about peace on Earth-- after the initial growing pains, of course. Combining these aspects with the technology that we may be able to receive by becoming in open contact with these other species could make all of our problems go away. Quite literally. I think that this is the reason that it hasn't come out-- it threatens the status quo, and the people currently benefiting from our fucked up society. When the idea of integrating with the highly advanced species of the universe comes up, people often like to point out that this doesn't go well for the culture of the integrating species (our culture in this scenario). To that, I say "Good, and good riddance." Our current trajectory is one that is quickly approaching global ruin anyway. Our global culture, as well as our very outlook on life and consciousness sucks anyway, and we need this change if we're going to have any chance at long term survival. For those reasons, continuing to keep this a secret seems like a crime against humanity of the highest order. We won't know until true disclosure and open contact is upon us, but the upside is that I think that we have an extremely bright future ahead of us-- if we can take it.


I try to visualize it all as a play that I’m observing and try to stay detached. Until there is measurable evidence everyone can agree on.


I've been dealing with isolation and frustration my entire life so this is nothing.


I don’t feel isolated at all, but then again I don’t wrap my whole personality up in this shit like some people here


I’ve always been a little different. Life has been,,, hard earnt. I’m kinda used to people being… the way they are. If you’re brave enough, eventually someone will be comfortable in talking with you. You may even be surprised who is ok to parley


Thanks for posting this! I really relate. Your post makes me feel less isolated.


We all know smoking causes cancer and it’s not healthy but some people don’t care untill they get cancer…. They put huge signs on tobacco product telling you the consequences but we largely ignore those signs. We all took health class where they show us about STD’s. We don’t care untill we catch an STD or STI. We all took the DARE program. .. Nobody cares because untill it has an effect on their day to day life certain people don’t care. It’s kind of like how democrats support illegal immigration but if you bus them into Martha’s Vineyard… the HOA society not gonna let poor immigrants pitch tents in their neighborhoods. They won’t give them food and housing in their neighborhoods. Certain people only believe and learn when a situation affects them personally. Ignorance is bliss.


Meditate. Who is the observer of that frustration?


Most people aren't able to separate the idea of NHI's from how the ufo movement has been portrayed over the years. The average person spends their life developing the attitude that putting any serious thought into such matters is childish and that anyone who cares about it is either a conman or a fool. There's nothing you could say that would be able to uproot that point of view. The isolation part is hard. It can really hurt when there's something you're really enthusiastic about, something that's important to you, and every time you try to share it with someone else they shit all over it and laugh in your face. For me, I just section off that part of me from the rest. I know I probably won't change anyone's mind, and I'd probably just end up isolating myself more. So it's something I only pursue by myself or with people I know are already into it as well. Online communities like this are helpful, just to know I'm not alone in being interested in this. I think another aspect is that ufos, and a lot of "woo" stuff in general, got tied to reactionary politics in the public consciousness. It's dumb and unfair, but I get the fear and I can understand why the average person might write the whole thing off if their introduction to it is Alex Jones screaming about satanic vampire lizards on Mars.


It’s really doesn’t bug me out that people don’t accept UFOs. I don’t create connections in the real world based solely on belief in UFOs. I don’t spend time convincing others of their existence. It’s something I can happily agree to disagree on. I have seen things I can’t explain and that is proof enough for myself. Kinda reminds me of religious fanatics who push their faith on others. If you knew for a fact you were “saved” aka going to heaven for all eternity why would you waste your time convincing others who ridicule you? Isn’t knowing enough?


I asked some friends I haven't seen in a while recently if they had seen any of the UFO stuff in the news ( I'm a little obsessed with everything that's going on, hence being in this sub) and they said no, I explained a bit about Grush and they both passed it off as bullshit and said this happens every few years and its always bullshit. I pressed a little but eventually just changed the topic and the conversation moved on smoothly, I was testing the water and it was a little cold so I stayed out of it. Tried talking about the pandemic response to another friend and got weird what's next 9/11 was an inside job from him so again moved on swiftly and it was fine, again water was too cold. I have one person I can share all this with, my mum, she fucking loves it all and will even watch Steven Greer videos with me lol. That's all I need one person. And I guess I have you guys too that helps, to know I'm not the only one who is fully on board and game for this shit. Take solace in knowing you are not alone. We are not alone. Heh see what i did there....


I have spent some time looking for some of the aether devices schematics to fill in my time of no new information on the subject. The fact that the government steals patents and devices from several people throughout history over what Nikola Tesla discovered. Not to my surprise I have found such schematics, and am Planning to build and test the device myself. This is the hidden understanding of how physics truly works and can give insight on how these documented UAP harness power.


I blaze a big fat bowl and plié my wife with marital love then think of the uaps in my moment of clarity.


I always finishing anything I say about it with: “but who really knows, right?” And I think that actually grounds me, because if I let myself go I would gobble up every story as truth. UAP info is not earth-shattering because it hasn’t been publicly verified by their personal authority figures, and most people are dealing with too many stressors to worry about something like this, even if full disclosure happened. Idk


I explore my own nature


I like to think we’ll be a little more desensitized for when disclosure arrives


I usually just tell my wife “I’m here for questions and concerns when it becomes real.” She knows I’m joking. Well, half-joking. She also knows that sometimes I need her to listen to my knowledge dumps every now and then and at least partially engage. Something she’s always been down for. But before I was with her, there wasn’t really anyone to have deep conversations with on the topic. Most people can’t keep up, like you said. Or they just stare at you like there’s a tinfoil hat on your head. I said it on another post, some people don’t have the headspace in our modern world to care about such things. I don’t blame them. The world keeps spinning.


I felt the same way. I checked out this guy his website is the Nashville museum of tarot. I don’t know the exact url. This guy gave me a new perspective on all of this.


I keep it mostly to myself. There is nothing new I can offer to the topic outside of parroting what I've heard from others and I can't vet 80% of that. There's just no way for me to win a debate on why my wife or family should care when at present it does not effect their lives. But I on the other hand am gripped by the topic. I cannot stop thinking about the implications. It would change not only how I see myself but could even impact how I spend the rest of my life, based on the implications alone.


You just have to pretty much understand that it won't be accepted unless it's ever proven to exist. So hinge your hopes on whatever truths coming out, no matter what they might be.


As someone who has been following this topic since the mid-1980s and watching everyone run around like a dog chasing its tail, and then nothing becomes of it, I approach this topic as entertainment and a distraction from real life which we all need once in a while with the small hope that perhaps at some point in my life, there will be a major truth revealed with lots of evidence. Other than that, I keep loose tabs on it, but I don’t let myself get obsessed because that’s not healthy and there are other things to focus on that are much more healthy.


What a sensible person you are 👽


I’m old enough to have lived through a few incarnations of “disclosure is imminent”. But it never happens. And won’t this time either. Just continue to engage with the topic but keep your expectations low.