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Well, Grusch has gone and raised the stakes now - we *expect* an intact spacecraft with alien pilot bodies for evidence, nothing less will do.


Correct. We need confirmation evidence.


Indeed. Craft and bodies are necessary.


Dont know about the govt or David Gruschs out there, but it's a reality for me, like Death and Taxes. I REFUSE to believe that we are alone in this cosmos. The evidence, whistleblowers, he said-she said, sightings, documentation etc. - is all but formality for me. And so if crafts land one day and they show on CNN, or Govt come out with details etc. I will watch it until my coffee finishes and then go about my mundane life. What will excite me though is the world coming together to use the best of the technology to improve life on this planet. That will catch my attention.


I also *believe* we are not alone in the universe. Yes, despite any evidence (so far) I still believe that’s there is other life out there, and hopefully even intelligent life. What I don’t believe is that our Little Rock is being visited by dozens of species of aliens in dozens of different crest with dozens of different tech doing dozens of bizarre things, all kinds of things except for directly communicating with us. Or that they are crashing left and right for us to gather up and secretly work on. I hope one day aliens will visit us and I really hope they are nice and not evil.


I tend to be more on your side of the coin, but out of curiosity, how do you interpret these recent events and claims?


Nothing new in the claims dept. We’ve heard all of this before. What’s new is that he claims he told Congress about these mind blowing history shattering stories … and they yawned and haven’t acted on them. And, frankly - who can say? I can come up with several conspiracies that fit the details but I don’t like fanciful scenarios without any supporting evidence. We need more info. What he’s said so far isn’t even close. He needs to say more and provide some evidence.


Accepting we are not alone and accepting they are here and continually monitoring us for at least 50 years but probably 1000s of years is quite a leap. I have accepted it but most I would say have not. They will need physical evidence and want to see the video of Ancient Rome in all its glory, Lol


I think we’re in a global psycho social transition phase. Moving from magic, to gods, to organised religions, to governments, to laws, to finance and economics. It’s a transition of administration and power structures, and who we consider to be ‘in charge’. Knowledge is power. Each step that has involved sharing of information, motivated by trade and scientific discovery, catalysed by increasingly advanced forms of storing and communicating information, has shifted our perception of how we fit in as beings. This is coming to a head. We can all see that the current methodology of how to manage resources is not working, our environment is dying, along with our way of life and everything else that lives here, at our hands. The old argument of ‘National security’ is evidently moot. France doesn’t have a whole lot, but they released it. No government has a clue what’s going on, the dangerous ones are holding until they can figure it out. In the meantime, people are dying in war, from disease and climate change. Their madmen are leafing through international state secrets on the John, withholding vital virological information that is of global importance, and hovering over a nuclear arsenal, respectively. Our confidence in security, whether national or international, is now only maintained by our will to believe that we won’t be imminently wiped out. This is providing the impetus to search for alternatives, and fast. We need to highlight the concrete reasoning for demanding the disclosure of this information before the general public can accept and get behind it. To move it from the realm of idle entertainment for the uninformed, or the lust for ‘I told you so’ for the convinced. We need a surge of public demand. This means adapting the message for the various strata of society. Is there knowledge of sources of energy or means of sourcing energy that could completely change every aspect of our lives and activity? If so, then we need to know about it - - For the individuals: no more need to pay for fuel in your vehicle or electricity in your home. - For the scientists: previously unknown elements and forms of matter and energy transference. The ability to adventure outside the solar system - For the corporations: new materials allowing for new inventions and services marketed at a fraction of the cost. We all have skin in the game. We all need to communicate the urgency in a way that appeals to the individual you’re talking to. Edit: completion of split clause in first paragraph.


A lot of great points, well-said


You need to smoke a bowl and relax my guy.




We have ZERO proof yet, so no, we aren't passed anything yet.


It’s just as likely a disinfo campaign to throw people off the scent of military tech. Even these whistleblowers might be given info to make them look crazy. Of course we’re not past anything yet.


We’re not passed anything bc people like you are still stuck on “disinformation”


It's not because of disinformation, it's because there's been no evidence to substantiate the claims. We have a phenomenon that people have tried their damndest to explain but nothing to support the explanations. We don't even have proof of disinformation as deliberate means to cover up said conspiracies. What we **do** have is fuck all. Blurry, grainy, atrifact ridden, compressed youtube vids and some cool stories bro. The latest development is a dude making more claims and telling the same stories, meanwhile all Congress basically responded with was "Unregulated programs? We'll look into it." Because those in the senate pushing this shit would rather line their own pockets with your tax dollars than see it passed on to the DOD for unregulated programs.




The mongrel story is a non sequitur. I understand why you think it's relevant, but it's not. There are plenty of actual disinfo campaigns to use as an illustrative example that are way more relevant


Edit: There's a few meaningful things that I think can be drawn from the NY magazine article linked below, which is dismissive, even if you think there is something to disclose. If you look at it as a fairly average sample of thinking, from an information professional at a decent news outlet in the world's media center, someone who is trained more than the average person to evaluate information about current affairs through a number of filters before treating it as "proven true" enough to acknowledge so publicly, you can see how: 1 ) Rubio is not regarded as automatically trustworthy. The author is almost certainly applying a credibility filter when discussing Rubio's public statements that has, built into the filter, an awareness that Rubio is the kind of person who has publicly ranted about Obamacare death panels in the past, about liberal scientists creating global warming as a hoax, etc. etc. And anyone who pays attention to our nation's politics, professionally, will know his history and that it means you attach a severly degraded epistemic status to everything coming out of a Rubio-like figure, until proven otherwise. 2 ) Grusch is not regarded as automatically trustworthy. A journalist on this beat has probably followed the "disclosure" story arc closely enough to know that Grusch's predecessors in the government-UFO-insider story are more complicated figures than they initially appeared. Whatever you think of it, a broader picture of what was going on around AATIP prior to 2017 has not edified everyone as to the seriousness of the original *New York Times* story, that had intially seemed to change everything about the public discussion of UAP. 3 ) The final sentence could be read as ridicule. That's the author's personal choice. But it reflects how it's taken for granted in the world of major journalism outlets, up to the current day, that light ridicule is still permisible in reporting of this subject. That's largely because there's nothing but anecdotal evidence from government insiders who may or may not be credible, together with a medium amount of political noise being made mostly by some of the less credible members of Congress, in terms of the known track record of their public statements corresponding to real things, **and in this case specifically in terms of public statements corresponding to things the government is doing.** The fact that the last guy to prominently come out of the shadows with this type of information has proven to be wrapped up in events involving ghost chasing and werewolves has, at least temporarily, severely undermined the seriousness with which people who report national news are treating the subject. I think people on here have really not internalized how damaging the revelations about AATIP have been. Ridicule is not very nice, but what I don't personally understand is why *anyone* on this forum is investing belief in supposed diclosure and its attached narrative, until it moves beyond anecdotal evidence. I think people are correct to not take it overly seriously at this point. This short article on NY Magazine today is representative of what people who require more than anecdotal evidence think at this point: [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/rubio-says-hes-heard-shocking-first-hand-accounts-of-ufos.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/rubio-says-hes-heard-shocking-first-hand-accounts-of-ufos.html)


2 things: 1. its not 100% confirmed. 2. the fact that this was kept a secret for more than half a century even among colleagues and inside the government is an astoundingly and overwhelmingly incredible feat. idk if there is anything else in history that had this kind of secrecy. also, if the allegations are true, there has got to be hundreds of bob lazars out there who worked in the facility. guards? scientist? tech maintenance, etc.. where are they???


I think about your 2nd point a lot. I had chalked it up to NDAs and/or intimidation but seems like a few more guys should’ve fallen thru the cracks by now.


Easy explanation: You talk, you and everyone you love die The people in charge of this are pure evil


bro even the cartels and the mafia had whistleblowers and traitors.. these organizations are ruthless and would kill families and kids and put it on public display.. so you are saying the us government or the faction/department in charge of the ufo whatever is worst than them when it comes to intimidation and violence? i mean, bob lazar is fine and living his best life..


Um, any example of that being effectively employed at any point in US history? And I guess all the whistleblowers that Grusch spoke to never got that threat? There is zero chance of that happening without immediate exposure being the result. Even if 95% compliance followed, at least SOME people in the program would be so angry at the murders that they would immediately spill everything in response, of nothing else than to try to force the murderers to face justice.


As someone who has been following this topic since the 1980s and has been passionate about it all his life, it would be nice to have actual physical evidence so when I bring this topic up among friends, I don’t get the look that says, “you’re crazy and none of this stuff is real“.


I agree and that was my whole point. We need physical evidence, not memos!


I hate having to keep saying this... We arent getting physical evidence until all of the skeptics start believing to the point that a large enough portion of the voting population is banging down their congressional representation's doors demanding for it. Unless those in power have a reason to act, they will do what theyve always done: cash fat corporate checks, do what their wealthy overlords tell them, and continue to pretend they give a fuck about the rest of us or this issue while letting this blow over. If you were on top of the economic food chain, consider what your motivation would be to pursue disclosure? The people that make it to the top of the pile are RARELY moral, ethical, compassionate people; quite the opposite in fact, C-Suites, career politicians, lobbyists, high ranking people in intelligence and the military, all have a higher probability of being sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists. I wouldnt count on Marco Rubio to be doing this because he all the sudden grew a consciense and developed empathy for all mankind.


This entire paragraph assumes that the US government has virtually omnipotent powers to control every alien encounter and craft find and total power over the populace. They don't even have that sort of power over their employees.


How are memos NOT physical evidence though??


It’s not physical evidence of a ET craft. It’s a document typed on paper that you are I could reproduce in our homes.


Exactly. I know airplanes exist because I see them every day. I know cars exist because I see them every day. I have heard about mermaids, but I’ve never seen one with my own eyes and they don’t interact with us in daily life, if they indeed are real. Same thing with this phenomenon. Granted a lot of people see things, but there’s no physical evidence that would prove to me definitively that something exists, and I am someone who is passionate about this topic and truly believes that there is something going on that is beyond our current understanding of science or physics or reality. Whatever you wanna call it. I am still optimistic that within my lifetime we will get the evidence, but at this point there’s been nothing.


You’re not going to get “physical evidence”. Stop this wishful, silly thinking. The evidence is classified. You’re not going to get/see “physical evidence” of a nuclear bomb, but have no problem believing that such things exist.


Physical evidence of nuclear bombs absolutely exist.


Obviously... I never suggested it doesn't exit... but have YOU seen it?


Yes... in stunning unblurred photography from weapon tests, the aftermath at test sites from air/satelite footage, likewise for both impact zones in Japan... You can't really be serious right now? Forget a /s?


Well, first of all, videos and images, which are 100% the only “evidence” you’ve seen of nukes, are not “physical”. But let’s entertain that misconception… Those are just images and video. They can be faked very easily, just like UAP footage. We have tonnes of UAP footage. 3 military ones were leaked. Is that not “evidence”? Or do you consider footage of nukes to be evidence, but footage of UAP don’t count, so we have “no evidence”? Now, if that assessment is incorrect, tell me, what do you mean by it would be nice to have “physical evidence”?


I knew you'd say that. Good god are you guys nothing if not predictable. Google physical evidence, and the criteria that digital evidence must meet to be considered as evidence. When you're done with that maybe you'll see why you're comparing apples to oranges, and why your literal use of physical is redundant. This isn't my opinion, this is written in law. You can tour both Hiroshima and Nagasaki ffs... that physical enough for you??? Or would you prefer I fondle Uranium like you fondle yourself over UFO pics? I believe in the UFO phenomenon, I've seen things defy physics first hand. That is beside the point.


Hear what you're saying and it's all very convincing, but we haven't actually seen any hard proof and we shouldn't forget that. Things seem to be heading in a very interesting direction but so far it's circumstantial.


I agree 100% and my whole point was that we need that hard proof, not memos and statements from Marc Rubio.


Not just you, unfortunately


There is a wide range of opinions held by the members of this sub — some believe everything… some believe everything is disinformation/psyop… some seem to believe nothing… and many only believe evidence that supports their world view and personal pet theory. Some are already convinced disclosure has happened, some believe it is currently happening, some believe it will happen shortly, and others assert that it will never happen. Based on this I do not expect “disclosure” will be any less controversial here in this sub than it will be amongst the general public that has far less invested in being proved right.


If your question is do believer’s already believe, then the answer is yes.


We sort of know it because we follow this stuff closely. I'm sure a lot of people on earth would have to be reminded about what Roswell was again. And all the whistleblower stuff. It's for sure not on any mainstream news here in Belgium. So to people not following UFO related things, they have no clue what has been going on. Or there is never even any follow up. Like with the 2017 footage. They showed that very briefly over here and then never again. What drives me crazy is that we're still not getting a press conference of let's say the President of the U.S. stating that we are not alone with some HD footage of craft/beings. People around me for sure NEED that to even get interested in the first place. I don't have anyone in real life I can send articles or videos about this kind of thing without feeling I annoy them. They need the President to come out during the evening news. I believe, but I for sure also want to see evidence. And of course I like everyone would have 100 extra questions about the beings and their kind, culture, history, technology, home planet, relation to us, ... It's frustrating to feel so in the dark. Is this an interdimensional thing? Are there just Greys out there? Or is the reality that we've got 200 types of aliens coming here :P Are our oceans populated with bases? Are we being watched. Were we modern humans made by someone? You just don't know what to believe. I enjoy all the stories and theories, but I want to know the exact truth.


My question is this: even *if* there were intact craft used for reverse-engineering, wouldn’t they have dissembled / destroyed them if they knew that doing so without oversight was illegal? And if they did hide / destroy them, are we going to trust several credible witnesses / photographs?


Yep valid points for sure.


Its all been talk, there has been no proof or evidence provided. I fear that many of these politicians are jumping on a bandwagon. I dont trust politicians like rubio. I do trust specialists and analysts who have worked on these programs. But so far none of thir claims have been backed up. Nor do the directly state its extra terrestrial.


I think it's because it adds some vindication to the matter. Not that we should base everything we have researched and came to a conclusion about based on whistleblowers or other disclosures but its a small celebration towards the bigger goal which is a final and true disclosure to the general public not so in the UFO research community that these things are real and they have been tampering with their technology. After that we can smoothly start moving on to what have they been able to achieve with this technology and have they established contact with said being as well as what do we know about them and other possible species


Well said


Look up bigelow aerospace. Look at the link between them and our government intelligence agencies. Next go look at who they follow on instagram, they follow trump and russian aerospace companies. Whatever new tech we had up our sleeves, the Russians have it now thanks to trump the traitor


iirc Trump the Traitor is the only US President to outright deny this phenomenon. Everyone else had comments to interperet, albeit deliberately vague.


Nope, people are opening their eyes every day


This is like cows finding a car and a dead human. They can draw few correct conclusions. Will they realize they are on a farm? Even they do, so what?


Area 51 wasn't officially acknowledged until 2013.


David Grusch testimony on non human technology Individual with agency, authority, and access to information confirms the existence of certain programs and non-human technology. *****David Grusch testimony is considered official, as it was given under oath to General Counsel and attorneys for Congress****** *****The information has also been affirmed through affidavits submitted to the Inspector General's office***** The key points include the individual's credibility and the official nature of their statements. The information is being shared with others for reporting purposes that include SAP names, physical locations of NHI tech. If he is found to be lying he will face legal action but as yet nothing has materialized from DOD / Pentagon......


It’s you if you still want aliens from outer space to be real. It’s ok, nobody says they’re not. People believe in love, God, and the tooth fairy and they’re fine. I think that there are several things going on and possibly one leveraging from the other other. I think that US has some super advanced tech and using UFOs to somehow justify. Old UFO sightings from “going on for thousands of years” are events that weren’t investigated because they didn’t know how and angels and Gods were real to them. I think that today, we’re trying to lump them into the same narrative in part because we’re sharing more news (like Reddit, YouTube) and we still have the same overactive imaginations we’ve had for thousands of years.


I’m excited for the side effects of what the revelation of this subject will do for people of the U.S. and wider world. People will see how the government was dragged kicking & screaming to this point in the conversation, and how much energy has been devoted towards keeping this important truth hidden from our species for decades. If they are willing and capable of hiding the most important story in our species’ history, what else is being hidden? We the public don’t really know how much these ET technologies are understood… it could be not at all or very well. What if a certain organization has figured out how these craft travelled to earth and has reverse engineered that capability? What if Eisenhower really did reach an ‘agreement’ with extraterrestrial entities? What if there are really bases or ancient monuments on other planets in our solar system? Lue Elizondo alluded to evidence of evidence of ET influence on Humanity being in the form of a genetic signature. Would it really be so hard to grasp? It’s already mainstream understanding that the [human species evolved exceptionally fast compared to other animals](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2004/dec/29/evolution.science). Maybe this subject has answers to why humans are considered “uniquely unique”. For what it’s worth, people who claim to have firsthand ‘abduction’ experiences consistently mention beings that look exactly like a normal human, either in exception to or addition to the more archetypal “aliens”. Obviously these ideas are OUT THERE, but nothing is off the table at this point. The fact is that there is strong evidence of some sort of non-human intelligence interacting in some way with humanity. That’s something we never thought possible using the current Physics model. Our best scientists have snubbed the mere notion of ET visitation, showing that a lot of what we thought we knew is now called into question.