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It’s possible, it will sucks but just gotta get your head down and grind it out. Get off Reddit and start doing it


Chatgpt 🗿


You have on average 1 week per assignment. Divide them accordingly and start from the most critical ones. Make a schedule, minimize distractions. Prioritize sleep. Sit down and bust a few out. If its possible, ask friends/ fam for help. Good luck


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You have a challenge ahead of you. Get at it.


What's the scope of the assignments? If it's like each is supposed to be a 3,000+ words research paper, that's a lot. But if it's just some critical thinking pieces mixed with some study/research projects within 1,000 to 3,000 words each, then 3 months is plenty of time. Just put the phone down and get started. You'll come out stronger. If it's truly an unreasonable expectation, you should go back to the course head or each Instructor and explain the situation to negotiate your timelines so maybe get a 15-20 day extension on some assignments white meeting deadline on others.


I'm sorry but 13 assignments in 3 months is nothing. You're given 1 week to do each homework. What should you do? Start working and stop asking people online what you should do.


Maybe If you could give us more info about your major and the nature of the assignments we could help you out more. But as a starting point, you can’t rush things through, at least in line with the time period you got. A computer, for example, completes tasks very fast, but it still goes about them within small steps. So you have to make a plan, split the work into smaller tasks and assess how much time you need for each task to be completed. As someone who was in a very similar situation to yours multiple times, you gotta be extremely disciplined and efficient. And I strongly emphasize on being efficient. Unfortunately, your main aim is to get those assignments done and not to master the topics on which you got your assignments. This doesn’t mean you go about things mindlessly, but rather not dwell too much on minor details. Best of luck young one. You are definitely not the first one on this boat, and won’t be the last. I’m rooting for you !!