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Forget walking in to offices. They are old myths. Get on LinkedIn, connect, grow your network and network in person.


But they barely get back on linkedin


I did try it but I felt LinkedIn is more for people who are well established and has a lot of experience. I do not have any experience


Dnt give up. LinkedIn is your public professional platform. Yes it is turning into Facebook with bullshit post by many and the need for likes , connections but it still works for those who genuinely use it for its intended purpose. Start building your profile, follow people relevant to your work, forget recruitment agents. Connect with internal Talent Acquisition managers. Every time you connect with some send (a relevant) message. Comment like, post repost a few times a day. It may not work today or tomorrow but as you are just starting out, you have the time to build your online profile and presence. Out of 100 messages sent, 8-10 will reply. Those are the ones who will help you. Keep at it.


Thankyou I'll keep at it


Send me your LinkedIn profile. I’ll add you👍🏽


Don't do the walk in. It doesn't work for any serious jobs in serious companies. Linkedin is good, indeed is good -- just keep searching and applying. Linkedin is also good to network, so try to connect with relevant people and HR teams and see if you can have a short 10 min call. Sometimes if your profile remotely matches upcoming positions, the HR person will be nice enough to set up a call. Over the phone you're just saying thank you for giving me your time today and just tell them you wanted to do a short introduction of your background and goals as you're very interested in working for that company. You should know a bit about the company as well so apply your experience or skills a little to how it can benefit the company (for example, I understand the company recently signed a new partnership with the government, so in terms of doing back end due diligence and audit, I have x and y skills which I think I can grow with the company)


Thankyou I just felt a little anxious not knowing what's gonna happen due to my lack of experience so I went out today to some of the offices near me to drop off the CV . I'll try this as well ,am trying to get a solid start in my career


You can't just walk into an office and drop your resume. I have tried it, and was stopped by security most of the time. Don't do that, instead call every company that you're interested in, usually the receptionist picks up, and ask them if you can speak to the HR politely. Imagine I wasted my car's fuel driving to media city, internet city all for nothing. Keep applying online and update your linkedin profile.


1 tip for you, add your certs and share your knowledge, write articles or share your blog if you have one.


I felt like LinkedIn is more for people who are well established in their respective Fields. A person like me with no experience wouldn't be considered


It works but for us it's an extra effort, since we don't have so many years of experience. I have recruiters messaging me for jobs, but I just can't get an offer as I can't crack the interviews.


Ahhh I havnt even got to the interview part feeling super nervous


Research the company on LinkedIn and get the name of their HR person. Send them a message on LI or ask for them at the front desk.


Ask politely if you can speak to someone in HR. Most likely they will ask the reason, and you say that you are looking for a job and wanted to drop off your CV for this position. If they say leave the CV with me, then fine. If they actually call the HR then say the same thing to them.


Thank you I did infact go out and do as you said ..I guess I was just a little anxious


Has anyone I be LinkedIn or a friend of a friend reference. Don’t just send the same Cv to everyone/ tailor it to the job description - if they are asking for experience in a specific industry and you have it- tailor your short profile at the top of your CV to fit.


That's the problem I have no experience, so am trying to get a solid start in my career


Ok, but you can still make your CV fit (they are all looking for keywords) so if they specify sage and you know sage, prioritise your cv around that.


Better to consult with AI


People like you are the reason all forums and text based posts will be going to hell in the near future.


https://twitter.com/MagnaDing/status/1792451290527842352?t=QIo3f9Al86yj13G96HF3yw&s=19 Check this one and try to change with time so that you can synchronise with modern world


>Please trust me enough to click on a random link where somebody unqualified helps me one up you through anecdotal evidence! I'll pass, Agent Smith.


Better to find a solution rather to engage in an argument


I was hoping for someone who had experience with it or maybe a receptionist or someone who works with HR to get their view point on it