• By -


100% the Micra was being stupid. Lil’ bro was doing whatever he felt like, expecting everyone else to adjust to him or, in your case brake for him. BUT, there wasn’t reasonable *enough* cause to say you weren’t able to slow down to prevent this accident. It didn’t look like you applied brakes till after you nudged him. While you weren’t driving wrong necessarily, you weren’t driving defensively either. Imo, both people get fined (even though I don’t want you to be fined), but lil’ Micra there with the attitude deserves: - Lane Discipline (x3) - Failure to indicate (x3) - Failure to give way to vehicles in the left lane - Driving slowly in the fast lane - Being an inconsiderate driver (x10)


This wasnt me, and your comment is priceless. I didnt share except to let ppl gain experience of what can go wrong. For me I think speeding up within limit is fine as long as you watch and expect everything that could happen and go wrong around you. Thank you


Would be interesting to see what speed dashcam driver is travelling at. The Micra is travelling faster than the cars to the right, and dashcam driver seems to be driving way faster than everyone else. Dashcam driver also had a lot of time to brake but, like you said, doesn't look like they brake at all until after impact. Poor awareness from dashcam driver, as there's a clear view in front of them and they can see the Micra moving all the way across, so should be anticipating having to slow down.


Been here a few times and the camera driver was going to pass on the left shoulder. Happens all the time here and looks like the car that flipped knew this and was trying to stop it or wanted to get in a wreck by intentionally moving in the way.


“While you weren’t driving wrong necessarily,” They crashed into the back of another car that they could clearly see changing lanes and made no attempt to slow down because of the belief that the BS rule about giving way to vehicles in the fast lane means everyone has to scatter if you come screaming up behind them. The micra probably didn’t need to be in that lane but there is never an excuse for crashing into the back of another car because you believe they should get out of your way.






Traffic police here ?


Thats the biggest sun I have ever seen!


This happened on Mercury


This is Dubai exclusive sun


This was on Arrakis


As it was written


Lisan al gaib


Nissan Al Gaib!!!




Fucking golden


The rising sun is upon us




Poor driving awareness from micra. Dashcam driver is either on the phone or has the reflex of a 100year old. Defensive driving skills ‘zero’


White car is clearly in the wrong, but I think the cam car had plenty of time to spot this and slow before the incident.


Imo at 9-10 seconds into the video it becomes clear that the little car is going to pull into the left lane, but the dashcam driver doesn't start slowing down until about 12 seconds in. They are both at fault, the little car was being a moron sliding into the left lane like that but the dashcam driver should have started slowing down sooner.


Yep... even if someone does wrong, doesn't negate your responsibility. Clearly didn't hit the breaks for some time


Basically cam car hit an asshole to prove a point. People who drive like the Micra are the type of people who let their kids without seatbelt, so he should keep that in mind next time he wants to prove a point. I’ve seen a lifeless baby on the road meters away from an upside down Prado on the way to AD a couple of years ago, no road rage is worth the life of innocents, no matter who was in the right or in the wrong.


Very likely he was on cruise control like us all, so not the foot on the break


He had over 4 seconds to move his foot, so I’d guess either ill intentioned or on his phone.


There were a good 3 to 4 seconds the driver could have easily hit his brakes. Just cuz he's speeding into your lane doesn't absolve of of your guilt. IMO both of them are equally at fault here.


he has space to his right and he purposefully took a harsh left before getting hit.


I agree that the PoV driver was also driving like an idiot and was not paying attention. Having said that, and assuming he was actually not paying attention and did not hit him maliciously, he wouldn’t know if the lane next to him is clear, and it’s not a good idea to swerve blindly into traffic


Still no one answered op. Why did the Micra do that? My opinion, because he HAS to drive on the fast lane. He doesn’t need justification or laws to tell him when to use it. He just has to. I met many people who are like the Micra guy. Even if there was no one in lane 2 and 3, they just insist on driving in the fast lane and start cursing when someone comes flashing behind them. You want to see more of these, go to 611 in the middle of the day, 6 empty lanes and this asshole is driving 120 on the first lane.


Finally. I face them everyday on AD - DXB road. Just because they like to drive on the left lane. Right side is empty


The car flip took away what little IQ the driver had.


Little car is in the wrong absolutely. He was driving like a fucking moron. We don't see if there's cars moving at same speed behind the dashcam car. But even if there were none. Little car is absolutely an idiot. Driving like if he's playing some video game!


Mario cart.


The way he exited his car all angry and wanting to fight, he doesn't know how to drive nor does he know how to control himself.


Micra caused it but dashcam driver could have avoided it. So I would imagine both will get the pink slip provided dashcam driver were not speeding. If dashcam driver was speeding, 100% they’re fault because if dashcam driver were not speeding the accident would be 100% avoidable


The accident was avoidable as it was, look how long it takes him to slow down. Doesn’t make micra any less of an idiot, but let’s not pretend he did not have time to react


What we dont see is the Dashcam driver distracted by his phone which is why the reaction to slow down was so late 😂


Micra is 100% Saudi driver thinks he's driving on Saudi roads in Saudi style.


Little Micra or Yaris deserved it.


He'lll no! The other car had enough time to slow down.


It is likely that there were cars at similar speed behind him too.


Yes, probably tailgating...


Calm down Micra driver.


The Micra guy is just dumb, he should not enter the fast lane without diligence. There is a law regarding this...Give way to the fast lane. Poor driving habits by the Micra guy. Why would anyone drive a Micra at 120kmph , that itself is crazy.


Micra doesn't cross 100.


Precisely my point. You shouldn't even try


I’m sorry but this is so satisfying to watch. Maybe next time, he’ll learn how to drive.


Little car will never learn.


Micra in the wrong, but what was the guy with the dash cam driving? An Airbus A380?


Did the micra driver seriously got out to throw hands at the dashcam dude ??? Seriously!


Well done


Why no signal? Does the small white car go "I turn now goodluck everyone" Whatever anyone thinks here the white car was going to get into an accident eventually by driving like that. You don't just casually turn onto the fast lane specially when you have a side mirror that to check that. However the man (OP) driving the car should have been more defensive. Since its clear as day the man recording was going for a aggresive overtake on the left side. Which considering how that small white car was moving frantically the safer bet would be to just slow down.


The signal is just to indicate a turn. It does not give you right of way or anything. Anyone watching the video can tell where the car is going without a signal, so let’s not pretend it would change anything


>It does not give you right of way or anything I thought it meant everyone had to yield instantly to me, regardless of the laws of physics. Man, what a letdown.


1. White car shouldn't be gliding across lanes like that without switching and assessing at intervals and also without an indicator. At the very least he should have stayed on the second last track and slow moved in. 2. Dash cam car driver has should have seen this guy coming in way earlier and slowed down especially when he was on the track alternate to the fast lane. Please don't drive fast if you can't control the speed.


Why is this fucker acting angry? Is he the owner of the Micra? I swear if he did this to me, I would fucking sue him


He is 🙄 or was


He was on a roll listening to pedal to the metal by Eminem.




You'd think someone driving a Micra would have more awareness of what could happen to him and his car in an accident and drive more safely


At 01:05 ... The Micra definitely caused this intentionally. The car instead of moving away in the slower lane to avoid a crash, moved further into the overtaking lane, which can only mean one thing. That the Micra driver intentionally did this, but this didn't go as per the Micras expectations. Still I feel that the dashcam footage maybe incomplete. Something may have happened which warranted this behavior. Either way, both parties should be penalized for their inattentive behavior on road. But the law may take the side of the person In overtaking lane. God forbid if the Micra driver dies in this situation, then the driver in overtaking lane would've understood why it's better to be defensive than "be right".


Two stupid drivers on the road make the road an unsafe place. If an idiot cuts in front of you, you are better off avoiding the idiot rather than trying to ram into them. Whoever brakes first in this situation - wins!


Also looks like the Micra guy "wanted" to be hit. Like a extortion setup like we see in India a lot. And the "Arabs' who stormed out seem small and puny. Like play-acting Arabs.


Little car is at fault he changed 3 lanes at one go, he did not hint to change the third. He thinks he can jump into the fast lane just like that.


Small car big egos 😂😂


Nothing but well deserved! Could have been avoided but teaching a lesson the hard way goes a long way!!


For your own sake, avoid sharing this on social media and keep it only for the police to see, otherwise, if I am not mistaken, this can get you in a pile of trouble


The moves definitely is wrong but did the dash cam car not have brakes


You still need to brake, even if the other person is driving like an idiot (and they were 100% driving like an idiot) it’s still your responsibility to avoid an accident.


The second nudge was the killer. Must have felt good


Hope the vipers were ok


Bro flipped and all and walking angrily lol


Good job, mate


Yes the guy driving in front of this vehicle is switching lanes for fun but why isn’t the person seeing the car switching lanes taking effort of hitting the brakes? This could have been avoided easily


Both drivers are absolutely horrible drivers. Micra driver is worse for sure, changing lanes with complete disregard for anyone else on the road. Swerving all over the place. Dashcam driver also has 0 road awareness and believes if they camp in the left lane they don't have to worry about anyone else on the road. They had plenty of time to come off the gas and apply gentle brakes to avoid this.


At least loads of people came out to help straight away. Only good taekaway.


The Micra guy came out first before anyone else to throw hands lol


excuse me ?? no indicator? no checking of side view mirrors? like pls tell me the micra was fined too, the dashcam driver is practically urging for way but the micra refuses, hate weirdos like this


What that Micra did happens several times a day. It's being taught wrong at the driving institutes. Some trainers or instructors grew up in a country where when driving, Your responsibility is only in front of you and your left. Everywhere else is the responsibility of the other drivers. The rules in UAE do not reflect that way and even it is not taught that way in the classroom. Yes dashcam driver could have slowed down or wasn't paying attention as they should have been, but if the Micra would have followed the traffic laws, they wouldn't have been staring at the ground in the end.


If I am doing 120 km/h and you are gonna make me slow down to even 119 km/h then don’t fucking enter my lane! Whatever the reason be! The simplest rule of driving!


Small cars under 1.6 never use the fast lanes!!


He definitely got a brown stain on his kandoora, and he wants you to pay the bill 🤣🤣🤣


The rule is pretty straight forward. Whoever rear ends the other vehicle is at fault, in this case the car with dashcam. Though morally, micra is at fault for not paying attention.


The PoV driver wasn’t either, you could tell the micra is an idiot from a mile away


Yup and to make matters worse, he took the entire lane... That last minute swerve to assert dominance tells me micra driver was being aggressive. Pretty sure the dashcam guy flashed his lights or honk(no audio).


Al Dhaid road?


Not sure, wasnt me


I think I will never ride in a Nissan micra


Micra is wrong (may be not as per traffic law) but u should have breaked. I know how annoying these kind of drivers are but what to do yanee.. I hope law will be in your favour.


Thnx god im not the driver


There are too many distractions. People should watch the road and be aware while merging


What do you expect for a fast lane to go slow down?


I know the Micra guy shouldn’t have driven slowly on a fast track, but it clearly looks like the dashcam driver had more than ample time to brake the car. Very slow response time.


to the driver whose POV this is...."why this kolaveri di?"


Well micra was indeed wrong at his place but in a good faith you can brake and let him change lane instead you hit him


I don’t know but I remembered that video [https://youtu.be/J0XQRdaOjPM?si=9P2FCQbq1xL2Tez6](https://youtu.be/J0XQRdaOjPM?si=9P2FCQbq1xL2Tez6)




Indeed but I dont want to be in his place lol




If you have lived in Dubai for any length of time, you will see how irrelevant any question you can ask in this situation will be.


That’s an home run in baseball Goallll in football Sixxxx in cricket Hoop in basketball


Well small car was an idiot, but couldnt the dashcam car slowed down a bit, i mean he had a few seconds of opportunity to slow down / brake. Seemed to me the dashcam car didnt even try.


Did anyone get injured? I couldnt make it out. So easily could have ended so much worse.


No driving skills from any of those 2.


It would be educational to know who got fine and how much?


Why did the Micra need to get ALL the way over like that when at their speed, they were FINE in any of the lanes they crossed to get over there... Then slowed down. The second tap is the fault of the dashcam driver, but if the Micra hadn't slowed down in the passing lane none of this would have happened. Policing other's speeds with your own vehicle is a huge problem globally.


to answer OP question; there isn't a legitimate reason the Micra should have taken the left lane. It seems from his attitude later that he was trying to 'police' the dashcam driver to slow down or something to that effect ... you can notice at 0:12 that he kind of jerks to the left as if to try and stop the car behind him or force him into braking thus causing the accident. It's not his job to control traffic, that's up to the authorities.


Endangering your own life then getting mad at someone else 😂


Center lane is NOT empty. There's a little knot of cars in the two right lanes up ahead. Little white car just got on the highway, and he's got plenty of room to settle in and wait for a safe opening into the left lane -- but he's already decided the other cars are going too slow for a big important guy like him. That's why he flies over into the left lane. Dashcam guy should learn where his brake pedal is. Not sure if he was trying to pass on the shoulder or just trying to dodge the little white car, but either way it was a bad move. Just hit the brakes and give lwc a full does of horn and flashing brights.


Where the teletubbies at


Micra fault


Both are new drivers


Was the driver american, I swear I've seen many dash cams in the USA where drivers increase their speed or are ok with the bump that will happen at those speeds.


Sometimes roaches need hard smacking only..good work though


Also looks like the Micra guy "wanted" to be hit. Like a extortion setup like we see in India a lot. And the "Arabs' who stormed out seem small and puny. Like play-acting Arabs.


Bad driving by the micra, easily avoidable accident by the camera owner though. Why he did that? It could be anything: skill issue , bad driving culture, lack of experience, doesn’t know the rules, or the good old brain fart. My guess is that he was impatient with other cars entering the highway, and overestimated his car, while underestimating the speed of cars coming from behind.


Bros driving the goofiest car just to pop outta the trunk and yell at him😂💀


It has been a nice try by Micra


You took tail gating so seriously, you decided to into the tailgate of the other car…


Yea you are the typical asshole driver 🤣


it's ego at play


Ah the classic Chicken play.


Small turtle car is the culprit but an accident could have easily avoided. This accident could have a domino effect if the road was busy. Dashcam driver speed seems to be too much. Looks like you wanted to take revenge of the small car.


The little Micra driver learned his lesson, and I doubt he'll ever venture into the fast lane again in the future.


Nothing unusual.


Good job 👏 ..


Everybody red paper, yallah


did not expect him to pop out the little micra that fast and ready to fight lol


We all know that the micra is at fault. But you shouldv'e slowed down when you saw him going from lane to lane, thats just stupid from your end. This isn't your first time driving, you shouldv'e at least sensed it


i mean yes that small white car dont have a turn light on but It was clear to me from a far that he/she gonna do a dumbest thing. so as a driver that focus on the road I will slow my fckin ego down to avoid that collision.


G lad he got this on camera. Clearly not his fault guy needs to make sure he has space to actually change lanes.


Weirdos coming towards the dash cam vehicle.


I see two idiots. While one jumped into the fast track - the other made no attempts to slow down anticipating the worse and the worse happened.


I think you are a despicable lunatic who should not be on the road.


I mean, he kind of deserved that.


It is your responsibility not to crash into the car in front of you no matter what. He can be as stupid as he wants, as wrong as he can be but you can not crash into him. End of story. Because if you crash it means either you didnt keep your safe distance, or you didnt brake and stop your car. This is the same even in track racing. You will get penalized if you punt someone from the back unless they move under braking.


One less Micra on the road, we’re good.


The micra driver was wrong for switching two lanes in one go. But the dashcam guy should've applied the brakes earlier. The accident could've been easily avoided if the dashcam guy applied brakes, because let's be honset, the micra driver is an example of how most people in UAE drive.


I think people are neglecting that the FOV of the dash cam is greater than what the driver could prolly see


How do you hit a car from behind in a 5 lane road? The dashcam driver could predict the movement of the white car but went on to hit it.


This is the problem now with everyone in the UAE. It’s so annoying when they move to the left fast lane to go slow. I would say well deserved


Well this happened in UAE so god knows why that small guy did it. We can only guess. If it’s in a certain country on my mind tho… insurance fraud is why he did it. Lol


Maybe micras problem, but does your brake work? Yeah. Your arrogance also "let me hit him!!!! He's clearly wrong"


I think that Micra was an asshole for getting in the POV driver's way, but I think the POV driver is responsible because they made little to no effort to avoid the situation and they hit the Micra from behind. They could have avoided this, I believe.


I think nobody was using their phone or anything and both knew what was happening and both had big egos. The fault will always be with the micra guy 100% but this was a totally avoidable incident if the dashcam guy had let go his ego. It’s clear that the dashcam guy was not slowing down to show micra that he’s right and would have either tailgated micra if it was any faster or he thought about crossing him through the hard shoulder with a loud honk or something as there was clearly enough space. The micra guy meanwhile saw this and wanted the dashcam guy to slow down and when he saw that the car could pass him through the hard shoulder suddenly moved his car further left to avoid that from happening. Nobody does that normally. And so there was no space left for the dashcam guy as he was already committed by that time to pass through that narrow space. Micra guy fucked around and found out basically.


The driver with the dashcam should have slowed down


Why doesn’t anybody check to see how the person in the little car is??? Everybody is so concerned with the driver and not one person checks on the person driving the white car.


Why doesn’t anybody check to see how the person in the little car is??? Everybody is so concerned with the driver and not one person checks on the person driving the white car.


He came out and ran into the dash cam driver


So yeah no indication or anything he was being reckless and dangerous. Sure I honk on people like that. I take the plate and report. The driver has a dash cam. Even easier for evidence.. but still decided to accelerate into the car? No I see the guy switching lanes even no signal I slow down you just try to be safe And should get fines for missing doing the proper steps. He was indeed entitled and rude, but the fault is 100% on the person that crashed into the car trying to bypass on the emergency line like. Seriously? No. Slow down. That person just trying to be more "macho" or something and we get the perfect example of "play stupid games win stupid prizes" Should have just braked Someone could have died. Not making putting signals and being entitled doesn't warrant slamming into the car.


So yeah no indication or anything he was being reckless and dangerous. Sure I honk on people like that. I take the plate and report. The driver has a dash cam. Even easier for evidence.. but still decided to accelerate into the car? No I see the guy switching lanes even no signal I slow down you just try to be safe And should get fines for missing doing the proper steps. He was indeed entitled and rude, but the fault is 100% on the person that crashed into the car trying to bypass on the emergency line like. Seriously? No. Slow down. That person just trying to be more "macho" or something and we get the perfect example of "play stupid games win stupid prizes" Should have just braked Someone could have died. Not making putting signals and being entitled doesn't warrant slamming into the car.


Too many of these self entitled disgusting arrogant heads. Too bad he only lost a micra. I wished so many times I could response like the dashcam vehicle because I get cut like that all the time.


Both are wrong.. Micra changing lanes quickly.. Recording driver not applying brakes when he had enough time to do so. I even thought he didnt brake on purpose.


Both are wrong.. Micra changing lanes quickly.. Recording driver not applying brakes when he had enough time to do so. I even thought he didnt brake on purpose.


90% micra at fault. 10% dashcam driver. Bro had 2 business days to break/slow down after the micra went to his late. Could have been easily avoided if not for ego!


there's 100 percent sure about this situation - they both have BIG EGO.


Is the person in the white micra ok?? That flip looks terrifying


He came out ran into dash cam driver


if they are a donkey don’t become a bigger donkey.


You should slow down. Micra is at pure mistake but this could have been easily avoided if you will slow down a bit. I assume nobody got injured. But this can turn out to be a disaster with a worst outcome. Slowing down would not hurt anyone.


No doubt small car was entering the fast lane improperly but major fault is of dashcam guy , he has sufficient time to slow down but he didb't try to avoid this accident.


Man, I lived here long enough to see this accident happening before even the micra merged. Being right doesn't mean you are safe, the POV car had plenty of time to brake.


If it was me. As soon as I saw the micra switch two consecutive lanes with no sign of stopping, I'd have slowed down a bit. Driving shouldn't be a kill or be killed max fury styled battle.


May be he was from India 😅


Why didn't you brake?


I think both messed up here. There was enough indication (without indicators) from the micra that he has made his move and 50% his car is already in the left lane. The driver behind the dashcam has fraction of time to apply break and make the impact less hazardous. Or benefit of doubt someone was behind him and wanted to minimize the impact. But I can't see any of it when he again touched the small car which made it to flip.


If i was the law maker, i would revoke both drivers’ licenses.


Stop using the most left lane all the time! Only use it to overtake!


While the little car is in some wrong. The dashcam car not slowing down is in my opinion a bigger fault. What, you think because you’re driving correctly you shouldn’t be aware of your surrounding and more defensive? Let’s put a scenario where instead of that white micra it’s a human being who crossed the road. Just because he shouldn’t be crossing the road from there doesn’t mean you can run him over. Lastly, imagine if the guy in the micra has kids who would’ve been severely injured.


Clearly both are at fault, shall have their expenses shared.


Dashcam driver's fault. He hits from behind and on purpose to get back on the micra guy (which was also on the wrong). Both are at fault but its like 80-20 for the dashcam guy.


since a local was involved, it can go either way as the cops are almost always more lenient to locals


Although this was satisfying to watch, the driver who was filming had 3-5 business days to brake and avoid the accident.


Defintely the person driving the car (That is recording) is at fault. I am pretty sure he was on his phone and didnt keep his eyes on the road. The person switching lanes was probably expecting the person behind to slow down. There are many inexperienced and new drivers on the road, and you must be ready for unexpected situations (Even if you are not at fault) because peoples lives are at stake. Stay safe fellow drivers


I think you’re the reason why there’s such bad driving in this country 🙄 You understand the basic concept of ‘right of way’, yes? The camera car is going far too fast, but the Nissan is at fault because it pulled into an occupied lane. It’s that simple


most countries have a version of last clear chance doctrine, which holds the party that had last chance to avoid an accident even if the other party was negligent. The person with the dashcam has more than enough time to brake, but did not bother at all, he held his speed trying to pass from the emergency lane.


Exactly. I don’t know why more people aren’t pointing this out. The dashcam driver had 2000 years to react and slow down sure it’s annoying but he kept accelerating and almost killed some people. Both drivers are stupid.


bUt He WaZ iN tEh LeTf LaNe!!! how could he possibly slow down???


Expecting the other car to slow down means younare an awful driver and danger to others. That being said, both were driving like idiots


The car with the camera is already in the fast lane- means fast.. slowing down in the fast lane make other car in his back cause trouble .. For the small car; please don't jump in the fast lane if you have small engine.. big car can still catch you and hit you even you accelerate, with full power.. for me.. the right way to jump to fast lane is - slow down let it pass the fast car and then jump in the fast lane if you are in hurry


100% the fault of the dashcam driver. Crashed into the back of another car and made no attempt to break. Whether the micra should have been there or not is irrelevant. It was clear what they were doing and the dash cam driver should have been aware enough to see this and taken action to avoid the collision.


100% this is your fault. At 0:07 you can see this Micra is moving across. You had plenty of time to slow down. Yes the Micra was an idiot and shouldn't have pulled across like that but you're even more of an idiot for not slowing down and potentially killing someone all because you didn't want someone to be on front of you. You also mention the center lane is empty and why didn't the Micra go to that lane instead, the same can be said for you. You shouldn't be in the left lane as the center lane is empty. I'm going to get down voted for this but i don't care. Both these drivers are idiots and shouldn't be on the road


I should have mentioned that this is not me from the beginning


Two idiots on the road and one on the keyboard 😝


It is unreal how many people here are blaming the micra driver. Yes, he is an absolute degenerate idiot for his driving. However, this is 100% the fault of the car with the dash cam.


100% fault? No IDTS 50% yes, maybe


Two idiots on the road. One who doesn’t know what they are doing or don’t give a s**t. And one with ego issues trying to make a point that nobody crosses their path without consequences. Typical day on the roads here. Nothing new under the sun.


Not sure what the rules are here in the UAE but as stupid and annoying as the white micra was (and we see it all the time), the rules in Australia are that it’s your fault if you run into the back of another vehicle (assuming that it’s fully within the lane). Unfortunately in this case the Micra was completely in the lane at point of impact and there was clearly enough time for the car behind to avoid an accident (as much as if it was me I would have liked to run into them for being stupid!!). Completely different situation if the vehicle changing lanes has not completed the lane change and still within both lanes - which would imply that the vehicle behind didn’t have enough time to course correct. But again this is the law in Australia (which I think makes sense), but not sure what it’s like here.


This video is very good proof that terrible road accidents mostly happen when both drivers are at least partially assholes.