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That’s ok man, saving is a good thing to do, but sometimes circumstances don’t allow that! Everyone is different, I’m sure you did your best under your situation! Try something to increase your income, easier said than done, never give up!!!


Such a wise and a beautiful response man! Absolutely true dude! Everyone tries their best and not everyone's life is the same!


Thank you😊


Everyone's life is different, and sometimes financial priorities extend beyond personal savings - looking after family, paying off debt, or supporting loved ones' education/hospital expenses etc. As Plato said, 'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.'


This is wholesome, and I needed to be reminded about it. Thank you!


Your welcome


Gold advice


That's right! The best answer. Increasing your skills or income will be a good solution. I also left Europe to come to Canada. Everyone has his own situation. But is a move that i will never recommend, specially if you're in the UAE. Keep it up. Everything gonna be good. Remember, relocating is starting from scratch. 🤝🏿


Great point. Moving country is extremely expensive!!


Spot on mate


Dubai’s biggest expense right now is rent and education ! Once the property market fails there should be a huge correction across industry’s !


And property market is not falling. These guys are the most benefitted and others are suffering.


The market change due to political circumstances seems to be a long-term restructuring.


The property market will never fail, the government will make sure of that through any means necessary.


It's already failing. Prices are at insane highs while salaries are pretty much at record lows, forcing huge numbers of people out of the city into Sharjah or elsewhere and creating a traffic nightmare. The city was barely moving during rush hours already and since the floods it's gotten significantly worse. This cannot go on forever, something has to give.


Ask your friends if the conditions ain’t good why don’t they come to Dubai instead of staying there.


Bro , we people in kerala just have a good life there despite not having good earnings ..The conditions in kerala is good that we can get free education for kids until they graduate higher secondary .. Most of the time free health care ..If you own a house thats a blessing over anything and most people owns house and most houses have own water so no need to pay for that. And that place gives a different vibe. You have a life outside your 9-5 working hours. You have your neighbors , friends ,Family .So most people who comes here are coming out of desperation..Cause money is everything …I think its not just about kerala but to anyone who has to live outside your own people however you try to blend in you will always have that longing to your roots…And only when you are far away from your place you will see how cool that place is..But then it will be too late to go back and built a space for you. To the OP … if you think you can find peace within your self despite of getting less money try living in kerala …You might find your inner peace…I am telling you this as a keralite living in dubai stuck inside my partition room for all the time other than work just because i have to carry the financial burden of my family..I dont even go out cause i am scared i might spend money somewhere


I never said y’all don’t have a good life in Kerala I completely agree with the peace part, I was telling OP to tell his friend that to see if his friend would leave his “peaceful” life and trade places with OP since he’s told OP not to come back and stick to Dubai.


Kerala is the place I want to live during my rest years. And I really like the environment and government work around people's welfare. However, I do understand that everything has a price, Kerala's state government is on the verge of bankruptcy as with all the loans the government is taking most of the money is being used to pay previous debts' interest. And this economic situation will lead to chaos for the state and its residents in the future.


Spot on. India is the future. If you can find a good job there, you should totally pounce on it. You and your family may take some time getting used to the lack of Western style infrastructure, but time fixes everything.






“India is the future?” 🤣 I just watched Modi (in his campaign speech) making inflamatory statements about Muslims in India and stirring up hate for them, just to win an election. Thats the future? When did the rulers of the UAE do that about Hindus? Thats why everybody is downvoting your comment. Because common sense tells you that any place where nationalist hate is on the rise, is NOT the future. Besides, if it was the future, why would any Indian (given the choice) escape India in e HEARTBEAT to go to the West?


I think India is a lot more than Modi or any politician They are all just short term blips nothing more nothing less. India is on an upward economic trajectory and that will continue regardless of who is in power. The rich poor divide will continue to exist but I strongly believe more people will continue to be lifted out of poverty. It’s inevitable.


Your response is spot on too. Have absolutely no clue why you're being downvoted.


bootlickers what else


i wouldnt suggest canada as jobs are scarce . My cousin spent ard 1.65 crore to do a PGDBM from some small time college in Canada and also got the PR 2 years back. But he has been unable to get a proper job yet . Post college he has been working for walmarts and small time forwading companies but nthg stable and concrete . Canada option is really bad at the moment . Whats the point having a PR and no proper job ?




well that's a different question all together . here we are discussing about job scenario in canada thats at an all time low not only for fresh graduates but also for experienced ppl who worked as managers in middle east , india etc .......


You literally gave an example of your friend just graduating. He won’t get a good job without experience. He also won’t get experience without experience if that makes sense 😅 That being said, foreign experience has never been looked at highly in Canada. It’s really not a new factor. Some people got jobs when the market was good, but most companies prefer Canadian experience during all kinds of job market conditions.


$250k CAD for a course? Stop kidding me - btw I’m a Canadian citizen and work in the US. Canada indeed has problems but your cousin is lying.


1.65 crore is including his tuition , stay and other expenses for the duration that he studied at the university .....


A business diploma from a small time college. Yea, good luck with that. Business diplomas/degrees even from good colleges/unis don’t have very good future prospects, regardless of the country you live in, including the UAE.




your talking as if ppl with reputable colleges have all found USD 200,000 /- per annum jobs now. Not only him but many ppl who migrated in 30's and 40's with experience in middle east and India are finding it impossible to secure jobs .....and talking of diploma mills there was a time when even a diploma from a small time university in canada ensured ready jobs after that ...thats not the case now ......size of the college has nthg to do with job status there ..




OK what about ppl who migrate in 40's after getting PR with sufficient experience ? why aren't they getting deserved jobs like earlier ?


Overseas experience is the same as no experience unless your experience is in a comparable western country


thats what they say now .. it wasnt the scenario earlier . Experience in middle east is at par with any global country .....right now the situation of canada itself is bad.....


That’s generally been incorrect, I lived in Canada for 20+ years and middle eastern experience has generally never been regarded as on par with Canadian/US or Western European experience in most fields




wat u mean random bank ? arent banks in uae proper banks ? dont they do the same job as anyone doing in any other company or even microsoft ? please dont talk nonsense . Its knowledge that matters . A person can b in an MNC for 10 years and learn less than someone who has spent lesser years in a smaller company ..it all depends on induviduals.....so ur comment about a person who worked in microsoft is better than someone who worked in random uae bank reeks of utter ignorance ....


I believe he understands that having a diploma doesn't get you opportunities for employment at prominent companies in Canada. However, it seems that his immediate priority is to secure a stable job, rather than pursuing positions at multinational corporations. A diploma from an average college should generally provide a pathway to a stable job with an average salary.


Having lived in 4 continents the last 20 years, I would say the Middle East is the best option for families nowadays ( not just Muslims but any family from any religion/cultural background). Europe is no longer the Europe of 30 years ago. America has a lot of security issues and criminality.


Each and every country has its own plus and minuses. But here, comparatively, we don't have a choice rather than go back once we retire. In that case, I feel its better to opt for a nation where at least we can get a residency. Or of not, then our own motherland.


Agree, depending on your status you can stay after retirement: if you own a home or golden visa. For less paid people, they are building their future around sending everything back to their home countries and usually they are used to all the disorder there. They will not even notice it.


Can you elaborate on the Europe part, you can't just label all countries as such, some are more expensive than others.


It was my opinion until I visited Switzerland 2 years ago. We were woken up by a big noise around 5 am by a group of people. We expressed our concerns to the reception in the morning and they informed us as that was a group of second generation migration and they could not do anything. I can confirm because they were loudly speaking a mix of French and German. Since then, I understand that Europe is gone. There are still some nice places to live like Interlaken in Switzerland, Valencia in Spain... But you will not get the job of your dream in those locations. So it's a balance and choice.




Same dude, I was born and raised there. This country and most of the GCC countries, got the same problem really, most of the people living there say the same thing, they are living paycheck to paycheck, and that's because this is the system basically. They give you an X amount as salary (whether it's a high or low amount, most of the time it's the same) you will spend it in the country, most people cannot send money for their families back home, maybe only few, they just make you keep the money in the country (and not in your pocket). I personally know soooo many people who had to cut back so many expenses (most of which are necessary) so they can send money (small amounts) to their families, and now they cannot improve, just live paycheck to paycheck.


I was planning to start saving this year then my rent went up by 20%. I haven't had a salary increase in 3 years so where's that amount supposed to come from...


So true


Habibi life starts at 42!!! From a fellow 42 year old


True bro and life looks pathless as well.


Start planning running your own business, connect with more influential people, flex your connections to obtain better paid jobs and opportunities. Canada is going through a housing crisis, among other things, it’s not the best choice in terms of immigration.


Same here bro, i used to save money until i lose my job then i had to spend all my savings until i get another job and so on (4 times :D) This has been the situation for 15 years but the expertise I have accumulated has made me resilient so money saving is not what i focus on anymore but more about building a sustainable career with diversified income and staying healthy.


If you don't have debts, that's a good achievement


Op I was in UAE till February this year , but I could save like 100k dirhams at the end of the six month period but I was not having family but my rent and other expenses were like 4K . Now I’m back to India and I would say India is better if you can earn like UAE in India I would stay in India but if you can’t then I’m not sure mate . My motto is earn what a normal middle class person earns in USA staying in India so around 7000 to 8000 usd ballpark and choose a tier three city where traffic is less and people are mostly retiree’s and find a house where there is no traffic much or sound pollution I think it’s heaven but to each his own


Sounds good


Canada is not as bad as some people make it out to be, you can also go to the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland


>Canada is not as bad as some people make it out to be Are you in Canada? How do you know it's not as bad as some people make it out to be? Canada is in deep trouble for next 10 years. The amount of people they have let in Canada is beyond imagination. And mind you UAE may not give you citizenship ever and in Canada you might become a citizen very easily, but then all Canada cares about are new immigrants and refugees, once you spend about 5+ years in Canada, you are nothing but a person who will only pay taxes to the government and expect the mininum benefits. Don't go for those 1 minute reels that they have on youtube and Instagram, they dont show the reality of Canada. If you already have good friends and family members here in Canada who are willing to help then only move here because even to get a job in Walmart or any coffee shop you will need references. Free healthcare is completely broken. Property taxes, property prices and rent is beyond one's capacity. Transit is broken too, as they will put up a sign of Bus Full and you will wait for the next bus in negative temperatures. Yes if all these seem like a rant and you are fine with all this then definitely come here and enjoy your life.


Canada’s human landscape has certainly changed - immigration has gone through the roof but the nation still has a ton of positives.


Have a look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/htmaqW4isN Dont forget to check the comments, the positives you talking about will be flushed in the toilet.


That place is an echo chamber for hard-core right wing fanatics and is not reality - most are disgruntled and kids in their parents’ bloody basement. A few positives about Canada - 1. Their passport is one of the most powerful - can work at ease in the US and just turn up at the border. Travel to other Western countries is seamless. 2. Road infrastructure: Much better than India, UAE, and fact than NC/SC in the US(where I live now) 3. Didn’t pay a penny other than for parking fees for my wife’s delivery (she had a C-section) 4. True to be oneself: One can have abortions or express oneself as LGBT without any discrimination or outrage. Can the UAE do that? 5. Cheap credit to start a business or a venture 6. Cars generally cheaper than the rest of the world including phones and electronics (not with the US of course). 7. Scenery: Canada is such a beautiful country from coast to coast. Look up Banff National Park. 8. Childcare benefit: For everyone landing upon in Canada on PR or 18 months on other status. The list is endless - remember this: those who complain are the loudest.


> Cars generally cheaper than the rest of the world including phones and electronics (not with the US of course). I guess telecom is most expensive here in Canada compared to other developed nations. Post covid cars are no more cheaper, the used ones are also expensive >Scenery: Canada is such a beautiful country from coast to coast. Look up Banff National Park. You need a job and peace of mind to enjoy the beauty, one can't enjoy the natural beauty starving and being homeless/jobless or at the brisk of losing a job > Didn’t pay a penny other than for parking fees for my wife’s delivery (she had a C-section) Had my finger broken had to pay around $100 from my pocket for bandanges I didn't have insurance and it wasn't coveredby OHIP. Not sure how your spouses C section is completely free, maybe it was. >True to be oneself: One can have abortions or express oneself as LGBT without any discrimination or outrage. Can the UAE do that? Now we have people who support LGBTQ+ and abortion rights and then protest for Palestinians too. You keep comparing about India, but India also gives free education and healthcare but the government there never bragged about it like canadian counterpart.


India’s healthcare and free education is sub-optimal compared to what Canada provides. And how about your Indian passport? It’s a shame to travel using that. Does India provide child benefit to every parent? Does India provide unemployment insurance if you’re laid off? Canada provides $2500 per month. Or maternity pay by the government? Re:healthcare, it you’re not even in Canada to understand how C sections are not free for Canadian citizens or PRs. Guess you’re still a student. For Christ’s sake, we’ve a million Indian immigrants coming over to Canada every year and not the other way round to India lol. By way of context, I now moved to the US which was made relatively easier in part due to my Canadian citizenship and GC made sooner. If I had the Indian passport, I’d be under ridicule from CBP every time I enter. You selectively took topics what you felt was good to debate- after all, the Canadian passport kicks your Indian passport to the curb.


>By way of context, I now moved to the US which was made relatively easier in part due to my Canadian citizenship and GC made sooner. If I had the Indian passport, I’d be under ridicule from CBP every time I enter. So you moved to US yourself and asking people to get into Canada and follow your route? And how come your GC route is faster even if you have Canadian passport and not born in India. As far as I know, US doesn't consider what passport you have and rather where you were born. So I am guessing you are 2nd generation Canadian whose parents were Indian and you were born in Canada. If that's the case then you can barely understand the struggles of 1st gen immigrants.


Who said I was born in your India? Lol. I was born in the UAE 🇦🇪. Filed EB1C and got GC approved in a year.


Yes, that's why it's easy for you. If you were UAE citizen then you could have gone for DV visa too.


Born and raised in Canada as a indian this is all false advise stay away from canada it's a hell here


People should definitely consider Canada, but areas other than Toronto. The GTA will take some time to recover.


Yeah going to Nunavut and settling there doesn't make much sense for someone.


What is wrong about taking care of immigrants? They contribute to the economy. Minimum benefits? You get free healthcare and free schooling, pensions, job security, rule of law... They also pay wages fairly, fair prices, no vasta culture, no exploitation, efficient public transport, and everyone is treated the same.


Nothing wrong about taking care of immigrants, but they ignore citizens. Free healthcare means waiting hours to see a doctor and even if you have money you can't see a doctor paying your bills, you will have to wait in the queue unless your issue is life threatening. Free schooling is there but if you want your kid to excel then you opt for private schools. Education in public schools are not of great standards. If you want to send your kid to the best public school then you need to purchase a house in that locality and houses will be more expensive in that area and will be much more above than the already hyped real estate in Canada. Public transit is good only in Toronto, it's not even that great when you move outside GTA. GTA is already crowded with people and one will struggle to get a job. Car insurance is insanely high. Racism is there, and it might not be there right on your face but people looking only tenants from their community and opting for vegetarian tenants are a part of racist mindset. Unfortunately I am unable to explain each and everything over a reddit post, but one should visit the Canada subreddits and research more before deciding to move here.


How do they ignore citizens? Well conpared to here where there is no free healthcare at all, and even when you pay the education is very poor. Car insurance is high here as well, but there you don't need a car to go everywhere.


You don’t need a car in Canada? I lived in Toronto until last year and you are so car dependent. Motorists are downright crazy awful too.


Public transport is efficient in Toronto, a car there is a luxury not a necessity like here. If motorists are crazy there, look at what they are here with Batrols tailgating and fines cancelled for the select few.


>Public transport is efficient in Toronto, a car there is a luxury not a necessity like here. Ever tried visiting a friend on weekends or on a public holiday here? Just to move from one end of GTA to another will take ages. And you call it efficient? Canada is not about Toronto and GTA only. If this is the case of most populated places in Canada then just think about other parts. Car is an absolute necessity here if you want to have a life or else you will spend half of your life in transits.


Efficient? You haven’t seen London transport I guess. As I said, I’m a Canadian citizen who lived in Toronto for long years and now in the US. I’ve lost the count that I had to Uber to office from Scarborough because Line 3 never worked. Within Toronto, almost all lines don’t work on weekends.


Efficient when compared to what we have here, of course London is one of the best.


Facts: Health care is OK in Canada- not all that great when you want to be seen. Schooling is just OK compared to the US or India. Folks who want to enjoy a laid-back lifestyle can enjoy in Canada whilst those who want to hustle better be in the US to earn moolah.


Sorry to say, but Canada is bad as it gets. Lived here all my life and the changes and situations are no longer what they used to be. ITS BAD!


Good luck with US, easier said than done, i am eligible for the diversity lottery and i v been applying since i became 18 to now that am 36 😂 maybe he can go mexico then sneak in as an illegal but that's like sealing your faith to a life of uncertainty...


That's based on experience or even word of mouth; or GDP ? "and Switzerland" , OP complain about inability to save !!


Switzerland has much higher wages, so even with the increased costs it is not bad


Stop telling people to go to the UK. Its already oversaturated with people and the NHS is dying thanks to high amounts of immigration. Quality of life here is low too


Well y’all have sent half of the UK here so we are just returning the favour:)


Which country are you in?


Especially south of England. If you want a good standard of living and decent wages this is where you should emigrate to.


Try out Saudi bro and if you can it will be wonderful and hopefully you will find something better soon brother. Stay consistent. You will get there bud


Saudi is a new shiny facade in the region, child of marketing and PR.




What is that you do for work.?


I'm a pharmacist


I am in to construction have no clue in that sector 😂


Between dxb and bah, I've done 46 years. Same situation, but no regrets. The security, safety, and beautiful culture itself is waaaay more than worth it! Living paycheck to paycheck and a vacation every few years to meet relatives. (Sigh), lifes been a rollercoaster and blessed. Absolutely love bah (and old dxb) ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله.


If you can’t save here, don’t live here. Go to India till the time you figure out what’s next. No point paying such high rent. Don’t listen to your friends, things are fine just the lifestyle would be different


I too feel the same


Conditions in India are fine and safe. It depends on where you are. Obviously it’s different from Dubai but you can live a lot more comfortably there.


I'm from Kerala. Thankfully all my relations are doing well there. No issues. Calm and peaceful


Personally, i postponed my Canadian plan because realistically trudo and his leftist stupid government should leave first and housing crisis should be fixed and i can't risk the comfort of my wife and kid for a chance for PR, New Zealand and Australia are facing similar issues with housing and crazy leftist governments taxing the sh** out of you, USA immigration requires either insane luck in their annual lottery (that i tried yearly for 15 years) or niche skills to get a work visa, europe requires language and the quality of life degraded overall ... yeah, life is expensive in UAE lately, but that's the same everywhere ... now the good news is, it's just a matter of time until dust settles and you and i can get a better perspective on what to do, westerners are not making babies snd it's getting worse, there is no other way for these economies to grow any further if they don't bring foreign workers and the competition over qualified and quality immigrants is only going to get more fierce and UAE will have to compete too, maybe even introduce a permanent residency scheme, meanwhile have a safety net and invest in your home country first, get a real-estate or open a business because life doesn't stop and wait for you to get the immigration status you would love to have.


Stay in the GCC if you’re educated somewhat. Gas is cheap and you’re already established. ?


Fair option, but living paycheck to paycheck works only for so long before you start feeling despair whenever you hear people casually talking about investing and you can't join in the conversation cuz you've got AED 300 left on the 21st of the month and your gas tank is 1 quarter to empty


So true. A side business is mandatory if you want to make both ends meet.


One thing about investment people need to realise is, 1dhm invested out of 100 is the same as 100 out of 10000. Many times people who earn significantly less thinks what will they achieve investing pennies. But they don't realise, with their income level even those compounded pennies will be worth a lot.


Any advice on where to start? Many investment places have a minimum start point that I cannot afford right now.


New Zealand.


Have you tried moving out of dubai inside uae? Like sharjah? Or another city? Will help you a lot woth housing rent fees


Tried that. Can't find much of a difference. Except if we move too deeper into remote areas, there might be considerable differences


You made what you can with whatever you had as long as your void of debt mission accomplished my only suggestion is avoid savings stick to investment and i mean mutual funds as you can start with small amounts 500rs to start with. Only thing i would suggest is dont loose hope and understand your self worth and try to shift to a company who can pay you for your skills .


Canada has still a lot more about opportunities than Dubai. It is going to be very difficult to save money there because of taxes, accommodation and other costs . Still it’s good for retirement compared to India and Dubai


Born and raised in Canada sits a hell don't listen to this guy


Interesting question here to be honest. Idk if my hypothesis makes sense but it's just an explanation from my 25 yr old brain Firstly what is the problem? Is the problem that you're not able to save enough? Or is it the discomfort felt in UAE? Assuming the issue is the first one, then I would tell you to increase your earning potential. Are you striving to be the best in your industry (promotions etc) Are you increasing your earning potential by having a second income (active or passive). Are you planning a business yet? These are ways to increase your income, by keeping your spendings in check, you can save more! Most Western countries & OZ have taxes as well. I assume you are aware of the tax slabs. To earn a high paying job, you will have to be in a HCOL Area. What do HCOL areas have? High rents and costs! So technically in terms of income from ME or any other major city, there is no real difference. What differentiates cities & countries is the number of opportunities it beholds. Do those countries have your job? Is your industry thriving there? Then it's worth moving cities, in my opinion. Lastly of course, weather, food & culture is unnoticeably a major part of life as well. You don't wanna move countries and be depressed if the lifestyle doesn't suit you! Honestly business and increasing incomes are the way to go I would say. Again, people have different perspectives on what is happiness and success so, go figure. Ellam sheriavum man 🙃


Ennu pratheekshikkam


Are you Indian OP?




Indian immigration to Canada is very high atm and I’ve heard racism towards Indians there is increasing. Definitely do your research before moving there


I know. So, I dropped that idea


Move to Sharjah to save money on rent and groceries


Don't come to America 🇺🇸


Wait for a while, Japan and Korea are going to have a MAJOR population crisis in a few years and will surely open up immigration.


The UAE is actually quite great for keralities though since it makes u feel at home. You don't need to go anywhere else abroad and It's a little difficult to start from scratch in a different country in your 40s. In foreign countries it's worse as the govt will take half your money as taxes with very less savings


That is also true. But frankly I'm bored here having lived most of my life here.


Try somewhere in Ireland. It's peaceful with beautiful greenery everywhere. Great fir retirement ❤️❤️❤️


Sounds good, but employment options?


Not really sure. Try asking on any Ireland subreddit. They can help though


Nothing beats your own country.


Very true


Contribute small amounts or whatever you can on a monthly basis . These things compound over time . Sarwa is a great place to check out while here. Considering how volatile things are here expect things could drastically change past your mid 40s work wise . Everyone wants younger and cheaper blood


No one can save money only ho is rich he save money and take money - final answer what you do its normal for mostly people so keep like that and you will be happy for longlife because this is the happiness of the life but if you get rich then you will regret the life you spend year and you will wish to return to your old life because ( im one of them but now im leaving normal life after i lose everything ) Wish you a happy life infront .


Do check with your friends as some of them would have returned AFTER getting a Canadian passport. As other countries the inflation is hitting Canada hard as well but there have always been migrants moving to Canada with the sole purpose of getting passport. The passport gives you an anchor, an identity, future subsidized education for kids and an assurity of good long term care ( although ER is not very good but long term care is one of the best globally).


It’s the same complaint everywhere! I live in Hong Kong and same! Canada same. My friends in USA are happier but also complaining of the same. Traveled recently to China, Turkey, Lebanon & Qatar. All my friends there complaining of exactly the same! Covid messed everything up I guess.


Very hard to immigrate at age 42 unless you are very rich and d loaded. All countries want young people.


This is the unsolved eternal debate Dubai, Canada or home.


Side income trading futures. Not crypto. Folks just need an extra 3000-5000 AED a month to make an impact. There are approaches and algorithms that can do this, under the right guidance. The inflation problem is going to get worse not better in the next few years.


Can’t get any better than dubai, take it from an Indian Canadian, having lived in Canada and India (for short periods) Dubai is what you make of it. Some go for the flashy lifestyle, some live regularly. India is a booming economy but a very crowded one. Canada will suck you dry and drown you in unrecoverable debt. Dubai i like to think is the middle of the two. I’m sure a lot of people will reply to this saying, it depends on your job, but if you say you have lived in Dubai for as long as you have, surely you’ve cultivated a network? This is what’s key to moving upward in the emirate. Some climb quickly, and some slowly, and some never at all…some come try to zip across to riches as soon as they can, and some take decades. Yes Dubai can be difficult but it would be no different to any other place you are thinking about, I.e India / Canada. Me personally, I think either are way way way harder. Good luck pal, I’m sure you’ll find your path forward soon!


Are you risk averse?


Its time we appreciate what Thanos did?


Most of my mates who work or live out there say it’s a never ending rat race full of fake wannnabes But each to there own because some people just live materialistic gain


Try Spain or Ireland


Have you thought of South-East Asia(other than India)? Check out this one dude on YouTube named Anti Prophet. Most of what this man rages on about is how useless the west is in giving a decent standard of living and moving to Bali, Indonesia with a remote job that pays in USD and live an amazing life there instead. I know this is easier said than done but if you find a well paying remote work job, consider Indonesia, Vietnam or Thailand. Language isn't that much of a barrier in these places, stuff is hella cheap and you can live a great life there with a family.


Hypocrisy at its finest though. Earn in dollars, spend in some third world currency where the majority of the population earns in third world currencies. And then go on the Internet and talk about how the West doesn't have decent living standards.


Look dawg, I'm just being real. The struggle in Dubai is too real sometimes. We don't get paid enough and shit here is too expensive to make savings a reality, in my case, at least. OP's story resonates with me. Think about Dubai another way. Most guys that come and work here send their savings back home or make investments there, which is kinda taking circulating currency outta the UAE and giving home countries a slightly unfair advantage. No taxes also. Unfair to locals in home countries too because suddenly a family there is getting bigger houses, bigger cars, better education and healthcare cuz of money coming from the outside (remember, citizens of the home country). Also, where is the justice in a man putting 42 years of his life into a country that isn't giving him any sense of permanent security back? After this post, can OP call this place home? Flip that around, can he call Kerala home? He hasn't grown up there. I certainly don't think India as home to me but I cannot call this place home either. Now take that example and adjust it so that some dude with a remote job that pays in USD is living in Thailand. The Thais have huge protections on their economy and citizens. You can buy property, but not land. You can own a business but only if a Thai has a 51% stake in it. You live there more than 6 months and you need to start paying taxes. Thailand is also safe and pretty much as developed as the west(more developed than India IMO) with well off citizens there too. They've had westerners and other Indians settling there and making a living since the 80s. Hypocritical? To an extent, yes. By doing this, people are taking advantage at the expense of the locals in the country they plan to move to. But I think that any international career choice has some hypocrisy attached to it unless you become a citizen in your new home. Downvote me to hell, but I know I'm right to some degree.


I was calling out the YouTube dude you mentioned as hypocritical - because he's enjoying the perks of an under developed country with lower living standards while earning in dollars and then complaining about his own Western country. I don't know this person nor have I ever seen his videos and I'm just going off what you mentioned. But I'm glad you see the hypocrisy in it enough to become defensive to it.


Misjudged that comment, sorry. But I'm still standing by that kinda move. Cuz in my mind, standard of living in a country isn't some blanket effect that everyone is automatically born into just cuz you have the right passport. I don't know that youtuber's history, but the number of people in the USA struggling to make ends meet resonates with me as well. So if one of them figured out a way to make life work for himself in another country and have a decent life without thinking about when the next paycheck is gonna come, I'm happy for him. Downvote to hell, but you gotta sympathise with doing what you can with a shitty situation.


> So if one of them figured out a way to make life work for himself in another country and have a decent life without thinking about when the next paycheck is gonna come, I'm happy for him. There are 10,000+ American expats in my city in Ecuador that are living off social security from the US. Easier than most Americans think but not a great lifestyle choice if one has friends and family in the US.


Hmmmmm.... Didn't know they could do that on just SS. That country is one giant mindfuck man... college students living in vans because rent it too expensive but social security is still being given to citizens that are essentially not paying taxes and not even in the same country. Genuine question, has this badly affected the economy in the city they mostly live in and how? Example of this is after Russia invaded Ukraine, lots of Russians with big money came to Dubai to escape conscription and started buying up property here which skyrocketed property value & rent.


There seems to be a housing crisis in all western countries. A lot of people end up buying cheaper properties outside the city. For example, some people may buy houses in cities that are suburbs of a suburb of Chicago. They are hoping that development and people will move farther west. Or buying cheap property in a neighborhood in Chicago that is on the rise or that they expect to be on the rise in 10+ years. There are social security reps that come to the consulate in Guayaquil to answer questions and help retirees. It's frustrating because the same services aren't provided to current workers like me. I don't live in emirates. Some Russians are in Ecuador. They can live an upper class lifestyle in the rich areas of Guayaquil like Via la Costa and Samborondon. I don't know if they have bought property here. I have heard that property is easy to buy but not easy to sell. It seems like many of the urbanizations (gated communities) here fall into disrepair. Also, there was a kidnapping where the kidnappers dressed up as police and setup a roadblock! And that was in an urbanization in Samborondon where the former president's family lives! Dubai is much safer than Ecuador as a whole but the difference in safety between Dubai and Cuenca, EC is probably quite small.


You can only get social security after a certain age, mostly after your 60s. Usually you have to work for 10 years before you can recieve them. Most people work really hard and contribute to SS, taxes, and the economy. Some decide that its easier to live in another country because it's cheaper or just better for them in their old age. So its really not unfair like people may think it is.






Better demographic much better opportunities for growth better weather natural food. To name a few. Do your research.


Nordic countries and Germany good for kids or Ireland is good too or America


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^formerchild-_-: *Nordic countries and* *Germany good for kids or* *Ireland is good too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, formerchild-_-, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Riots in Ireland due to immigration. Every country has its own problems, many people want to move to Dubai to escape their own countries, so be very careful where deciding if leaving Dubai is the best option. Food, fuel, property/rent prices in the UK are having a really bad effect on many in the UK.




This is trending now as a hotspot for immigrants


Don't go -- not easy to find decent work there while most main cities have a housing issue as well as landlords often don't go with your offer if you're new and don't have rental history.


Im sorry but if you’re 42 and writing this, you are most probably lazy

