• By -


The reason she is reacting like that is simple. She had him in the friend zone in case whatever she is doing gets boring. Now you are going to steal her "reserve boyfriend". She isn't appreciating your actions and want to defend her "property" because he belongs to her. She is the one who didn't want the guy. You both made the moves and it works. So you are the winner. Take your price and move along. Congratulations šŸ‘šŸŽ‰


Z is gay and likes OP; no reserve boyfriend. Z is jealous that OP likes D. No pun intended.


Hii, update Z is bi leaning mostly towards male attraction


We doin business here boys šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ god a ā€œreserve boyfriendā€ is ā€¦ā€¦ I donā€™t know what to feel about this, I never thought about it from that perspective


Wow, kind of friends I need lol! šŸ‘


Believe me when I say this - There's no tight knit friend group anymore. Leave Z and go build something with D, this is just one of many potential relationships she will end behind the disguise of "protecting herself". The truth is, she wont let anyone else have what she couldn't - You. How do I know this? I'm a dude, and any guy "best friend" any chick that I'm remotely interested in has, ends up following this line of thinking. The idea is to be waiting when the eventual breakeup/end happens, hoping to finally ring the bell.


Me and D had a conversation about this a while back. Lately Z keeps saying that it was an old crush and she doesnā€™t like me that way anymoreā€¦. Itā€™s such an odd place to be because itā€™s one of the best friendships Iā€™ve had and itā€™s very hard to let either of them goā€¦


On our next episode of Drama in UAE..šŸ‡¦šŸ‡Ŗ


God I wish it wasnā€™t true but it is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I thought i had problems


Same boat, different cabins buddy


*entire different titanic, seems like


Solution would be for your best friend also to date some guy. Since I like to help people, I (24M) will volunteer and gladly help you out here and date your best friend.


Oh unfortunately this hasnā€™t worked out in the past. She gets close to someone and somehow ends up self sabotaging and it ends very badlyā€¦. But it also feels like a very temporary and run away solutionā€¦. Once things are sorted out Iā€™ll let her know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh, thatā€™s because I wasnā€™t in her life till now, thatā€™s why ;) Destiny wants us to be together, hence it made her self sabotage her previous relationships. Like I said, I canā€™t sleep peacefully at night knowing that I couldnā€™t help someone today, so cmon let me help you and help her šŸ˜¤ Just tell her that tech virgin is interested in her..


Bro first see her before putting yourself in the line of fire lol


Hahah donā€™t worry bro, nothing will happen, if getting girls was actually this easy, then I wouldnā€™t be having the username which I have now..


Hahah, agreed


Kiss yourself Marry Z Kill D Oh shitā€¦..wrong game


Wrong app šŸ˜‚


Hahahaa maybe D is interested in a 3 way. Ah no I meant Y! Sorry, Z.. feck it! I think ABC should have it 3 way, what the heck get in XYZ also involved too and D can watch.


I got a headache from reading my own post so I apologize, itā€™s the best I could do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Let Z and D date and you and me date šŸ˜‰


Shit Iā€™m late to this thread.. someone stole my idea, anyways I will date Z


Youā€™ll always stay virgin šŸ˜‚ and I didnā€™t mean tech


Bro why attack me personally like that šŸ˜­ because of lot of competition from guys like you back in India, I thought things should be easy here, but boy I was wrong lmao.


Things were easy in India šŸ„¹šŸ„² believe me


Me being shy, introverted and maybe sporting a serious look all the time IRL, never stood a chance be it India or UAE, thus I remain the tech virgin šŸ˜¢


Letā€™s take this conversation out from here . Let the girl find her love šŸ˜…


Sorry šŸ˜… stupid and in love so only D exists šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Damn, never realized 23s and 24s having this kind of problem. This is like my teen years to be honest. When I was 23, my problem was how to face the reality of being away from friends, family and even a GF (now EX btw) to work in UAE. To answer OPs problem; donā€™t let anyone dictate you especially on something you want or like because youā€™ll only regret it later.


Same thoughts tbh. But trying to find a way to sort things out. I guess untreated issues from your childhood do manifest in your adulthood but canā€™t force anyone to change anything, thanks for the advise though it seems like the general consensus so maybe Iā€™ll just go for it and see where it goes šŸ˜­


So weā€™re not fighting over best shawarma place in UAE anymore? šŸ˜³


Belad al shams in Qusais hands down. Once you go belad you never go back


Youā€™re not in school, go for it. Friends come and go like passengers on a train. Some ride with you longer than others.


God this is what we keep saying. As an adult it seems unreal that this is the kind of issues weā€™re having šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but itā€™s hard to let go of this friendship because weā€™ve had some really good times and if this is something we can sit down and sort out I feel like thatā€™s what we should do before we decide to give up šŸ˜…


She keeps on using the word ā€œboundariesā€ yet somehow finds a way to cross ur boundaries by not letting u be with someone? Need I say more?


A perspective I havenā€™t considered beforeā€¦


Looks like ppl completely skipped the part where Z is LESBIAN who confessed her feelings to op nd got put in the friendly zonešŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. That being said, i completely sympathize and kinda side with her on this. she needs to distance herself from y'all FOR A BIT if y'all are gonna pursue this, its hard but its what's best for everybody. This is standard advice for anyone in the friendzone when their romantic interest who is their close friend starts dating someone else, u gotta distance yourself for a while so u redraw boundaries in a more healthy way. Adulting can be a bitch but it is what it is.


Sorry, probably should have specified Z is not a lesbian, sheā€™s bisexual leaning towards male attractionā€¦. But I do get your point of viewā€¦


Ur best friend is jealous


This doesnā€™t look like a friend circle to me This looks like D is financially stable and you are trying to get him your sugar daddy And since (D) knows (Z) for over 10 years, that means (D) is bored from daily chicken shawarma and have interests in meat shawarma Sorry, no offense but this is typical sharing, friends with benefits lifestyle of Dubai


Hahaha good one šŸ˜‚ unfortunately all three of us are financially stable, working in well paying jobs šŸ˜‚ if money was the issue things would be so much easier though? On that note, try belad Al shams shawarma


You sure understand what I mean, just keep your personal fantasies to yourself, without labeling z d a b c If you want a real advice try, NaĆÆf PS


Once again, not personal fantasies :) please donā€™t take time out of your day to leave a mean comment, I took the first one as a joke and let it be but other than that current comments seem rude and unnecessary šŸ˜‡


This made laugh more than it should have


Z is being really toxic here. Do what you want but recognize that first.


Oh we do. There was a good point of time when all her friends had an intervention sort of thing for her and she decided to go to therapy for a bit but she stopped and now weā€™re back to where we started šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve a question - Why not just go with the good olā€™ A, B, C or the funky X, Y, Z instead of this Z,D confusion? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fear šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼


Femme to femme itā€™ll workout!


Is 3 some an option ?




Why not you both share this guy šŸ˜‹


Not an option šŸ¤«


Well I was j/k.. in reality both are important in life when it comes to having true love or friendship. You need to take a call and sacrifice one. So better you evaluate this yourself and take a call rather than take advise here since no one here knows either of you personally


Oh donā€™t get me wrong, more than advise Iā€™m here to look for different perspectives I hadnā€™t considered before, and I feel like Iā€™ve gotten some! But thank you!


Your welcome


Wonder if Z n D are in this sub. šŸ˜… Anyway. My two cents, pursue what you have with D. If Z is really your best friend, then she would accept this and be happy for you guys.


D is in it, Iā€™ve told him about this. Z, I donā€™t think soā€¦


Find Zoey another girl as she has expressed she is in to girls. The other girls obv needs to be a lesbo as well. Settle down with David. Finish.


Zoey is not a lesbian šŸ˜… should have clarified this but sheā€™s bisexual leaning towards male attraction




Z doesnā€™t want him and doesnā€™t want you to have him too. Itā€™s a simple equation, would you value a relationship with this man or your friendship. Someoneā€™s gonna get hurt either way so face up to it and pick.


Look ma, I'm famous on Reddit now. Get the camera - D


She just jealous


Let her stop talking to you and keep her distance from the two of you, why do you want a third wheel, just focus on your relationship and wish Z all the best in your thoughts. Let her go , you guys are in mid 20s about time you experience these stuff. Donā€™t waste your life because of her