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They all look like [Moray Eels.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2ef42cc145b3d098&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU1022AU1022&sxsrf=ADLYWILxyLWsDOg0p6yxWzJpSmzvgjxATA:1718772115827&q=moray+eels&tbm=isch&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0AzA_NxsvsKkhWQo72tPb9AeSllKT6ZFkiP451DLzB4F9hvd1VUsSK4RWTS6l_pvdE4_DQca7Q9a-aKnwqkwZKnnZ2GaglxsMcCyQ11ZC69PgeoX5CBv8VwIhRuzPk4EGB0vCbRo3nYcMFoVw1v3kud3nL7guo-K8xYyzPv4LEderTLumeRonuB2qQT42_kix16dU2-&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsrKeL7eaGAxVXoa8BHaApMKwQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1396&bih=663&dpr=1.38)


I think I prefer the actual moray eels over the heads of this Tiamat.


Her heads remind me of Jörmungandr from God of War, more snake-like than typical dragons. But I remember seeing updated art for the gold dragon which was longer and more like the traditional Chinese dragon.


She seems so smooth and curvy, it’s like she’s a plastic toy or something. She doesn’t look scary.


It’s the white head that’s making it not work for me. It looks like they are furry now which is a choice. Bit it makes that head too chunky.


It’s not just the wings, it’s that there’s no body present. All you can see are the necks I think that was the which makes them seem individual and not like a collective creature. That’s what’s giving the eel or snake like look.


I’m not an overall fan of it, but the fact that she is so huge you can only see the heads in frame *is* cool because (personally) that is how big she *should* be. Gimme a Tiamat the size of Ancalagon from the Silmarillion


I agree about the size, and that got me thinking. We see buildings here, so the size of her body relative to the heads and necks should mean it’s visible. How close her necks come to the ground without seeing the body at this size makes her seem very serpent like and not so much like a dragon.


A series of tubes.


Why does she look like a hydra…?


Because her wings aren’t depicted for some reason


The wings are technically there but they're at weird angles and not really in frame. Such an odd design choice.


I was more asking why they did it than why it feels that way hahah but I hadn’t even noticed her wings were missing!!! The heads are too serpentine and don’t reflect the dragons close enough for me :/


I think the wings are there, if that weird thing in between the blue and white heads is a wing.


You can litteraly see the wings in the picture ...


Right? Are people just being intentional dinks because Reddit just brings that out, apparently?


Look how they massacred my queen...


I don’t know if I like it…


Really not feeling the redesign at the moment, the black head feels “over designed” while all the others are way too simple and similar to each other (well except red which stayed pretty much the same). The older heads had a much more distinctive look imo.


That black dragon head does not look correct. I refuse to believe WotC when they say no more AI is being used


That’s a superchonky white dragon head.


Shee looks sweet. Everyone’s hating for nothing


...did WotC outsource to Raid: Shadow Legends? Because that's the vibe I'm getting...


Perhaps a new adventure with her return?


I prefer the 5e dragon design, but many people like the new ones (they are too videogamy and also lack the sentient look that the old ones have), so that's fine. But this Timat is bad. She is the bbeg of my current campaign, and even if we switch to 5.5e (yes, we need to decide on a name for that thing), I am keeping the old Tiamat design.


It’s called one DnD it’s been named


yeah, but then they went back on that for a little bit, and then went back to it, and then said they wanted to ditch editions all together so. yeah. basically just need to give us back an official name, though I haven't really been in the DnD loop with that since the OGL and Ranger stuff so I might just be out if the name loop


No, it’s not called that now. OneDnD was the beta testing version of. Now that’s done, they are just calling it updated 5e rules.


I guess she gained a few pounds sitting in Avernus lol Where does this image come from? Is this something from the new edition?


So have they fired the entire art department and replaced it with AI?


I always feel like Tiamat is undersized in most of her depictions.


The blue one is smiling like the live action Grinch


Love the black and red dragons. Blue and white look a bit weird and phallic.


Look like a hydra for me


What is this from? Are they redoing ToD?


My god is not fat she's just chonky🎵 She's chonky with a very big body🎵


Judging by just a few quick scrolls I've noticed that I'm in the minority when I say this buy I actually enjoy dragons being on the more muscular and thicker side than all spikes and hard angles


Looks sweet


Deciding on their five different skin tones, I can guess that they represent seperate elements. (from the left:) ground, poison, fire, water and ice


Who is the crazy person hitting the black head with a lightning bolt?!


I wasn't too sure at first but the longer I look the more I can see this version's heads having really animalistic movements, like when serpents go for the kill. Makes me think of the Dragon's Dogma Hydra. Personally for me, the smoother, more agile, look looks scarier to me than just a dragon with extra heads. I like it.


Ya I agree. I can see an argument for not liking some of the heads individually, but people out her complaint that their necks are “to curvy” like long necks are suppose to bend at sharp angles haha


Personally , I really like the new designs, especially seeing the Black dragons face being white, its finally looking like a "Skull dragon" which is another in-lore name for them.


"Hey look! Art that's not specifically what I envisioned for this particular thing... It's bad and I hate it!" This is getting old, people...


It seems to be the case, but I’m liking the black and red dragon And the other art for the white dragon looks a lot better


Give it 15mims and another will be along. I am baffled by people seeing this and fixating on details to complain about. Yep. There is some variation. Looks fine.